Navigating Painful Experiences
The wound wasn't your fault, but healing is your responsibility. Sharing pain with those who caused it rarely brings lasting healing - take charge of your journey, even if others don’t.
Her Choice, His Worth: Earning Deeper Connection
Connection falters? It takes two. She leads the way to opening, he proves his worthiness. You can't force intimacy - it's earned through trust and responsibility. But sometimes you’ll have to wait.
Beyond Nice: A Man's Guide to Responsible Love
Choose her wholeheartedly, or be honest. Embrace the journey, support her growth, but don't accept abuse. Gift her your focus & be wary of relational irresponsibility.
The Intentional Man: Mastering Relationships Through Focus
3 keys for men: Focus on one woman, master your emotions & clear distractions. Take responsibility for your triggers & nurture her heart with presence, not empty words.
Navigating the Darkness: When A Man Shuts Down
What happens when a man retreats emotionally? What does it mean for the woman? Exploring the man's inner barriers, the woman's longing, and the path to supporting his journey.
The Power of Presence: A Journey to Relational Depth
After equality, men lag in relational maturity. Many women feel unseen, longing for deeper connection. Men's potential lies in focused attention, honesty & heartfelt presence.
When Men Shut Down: Understanding Your Emotional Withdrawal
Sune Sloth explores the challenges men face in opening their hearts & minds in relationships. Unveils inner barriers, the fear of vulnerability, & how a woman's love can trigger both pain & transformation.
Longing for Love: More Than Just A Hunger
Mette Miriam Sloth explores the complex nature of feminine longing for love, urging women to balance vulnerability with strength, avoid manipulation, and embody love from within.
The Angelic Realm and the Connection to the Divine
Mette Miriam Sloth explores the nature of angels, the divine connection, and our role in creation. Discusses soul evolution, interdimensional influences, and the journey to conscious creation.
How My Son Awakened Me
How motherhood became a catalyst for emotional healing. Transforming reactive patterns, integrating trauma, and discovering the power of energy work in personal growth for Mette Miriam Sloth.
Psychological Violence and Complex PTSD
This article differentiates PTSD from complex PTSD, explaining how long-term emotional abuse can lead to complex PTSD & how it impacts relationships. Understanding is the first step to healing.
Energy Work in Parenthood
This article explores how energy work can revolutionize parenting. It addresses the common struggle of reactive patterns, offering a path to understand triggers, recode the nervous system, and respond with greater calm and connection.
Is He Relationally Mature?
Is he emotionally mature? Does he prioritize the relationship with himself and others? Is he truly invested? Look for genuine self-awareness, not just words. See him for who he is, not who he could be.
Who Should Be the Father of My Children?
Choosing a father for your children? Emotional maturity, communication, and honesty are key! Avoid the 'yes man' and cultural pressures. Love, not convenience, should be the foundation for parenthood.
Should You Have More Children?
Before having more kids, reflect! Motherhood isn't always rosy. Don't fall for the 'more children = more happiness' trap. Kids need guidance, not just to fill a void. Let go of perfect family fantasies and embrace the beautiful reality.
9 Tips for a Masculine-Oriented Man
This article offers nine guiding principles for men seeking to embody their masculine essence. It emphasizes the importance of purpose, discipline, resilience, emotional openness, and finding balance between strength and vulnerability for a fulfilling life.
Introduction to the Concept of the Soul
This article offers an introduction to the concept of the soul and its integration into everyday life. It discusses the soul's connection to the physical body, the challenges and benefits of working with the soul, and the importance of a gradual and balanced approach to spiritual growth.
The Soul's Calling
This article explores the concept of the soul's calling, a deep inner longing for a more meaningful and purposeful life. It discusses various ways this calling might manifest and emphasizes the importance of trusting one's intuition and making authentic choices aligned with the soul's guidance.
The Soul's Journey - What You May Encounter
This article explores various aspects of the soul's journey, including past lives, epigenetics, karma, soul contracts, and life purpose. It discusses how these elements can influence our current experiences and offers insights into navigating these complex dynamics through energy work.
The Soul's Impulse
This article explores the concept of the soul's calling, a deep inner longing for a more meaningful and purposeful life. It discusses various ways this calling might manifest and emphasizes the importance of trusting one's intuition and making authentic choices aligned with the soul's guidance.