The Angelic Realm and the Connection to the Divine

A Surprising Journey with Angels

I would never in my wildest imagination have thought that I would end up writing and talking about what we call angels. It surprises me because I previously had no particular interest in these specific spiritual topics, but now I feel a strong connection to them.

Angels and Mythologies: Beyond Traditional Images

When we talk about angels and the angelic realm, I would like to invite you to try to keep out the images you have of angels. It could be the small chubby figures on the Christmas tree or other ideas. Instead, we can remain open to the fact that what we understand by angels can be experienced on another level - perhaps on a deeper level, where we can feel into it more than just relate to the conceptual things that are laid down in mythologies and religions. Angels have appeared in many different cultures throughout world history. What I really want is to move away from the traditional images of angels.

The Divine Connection: A Longing for Something More

It is quite important to me because I have become more and more aware of the longing that many have - whether you are religious and call it the longing for God, or spirituality, or talk about a sense of being connected to the cosmos or something bigger. It's about that connection to the divine, the things we don't understand.

Infinity and Earth as an Animated Planet

You can also be scientific and not use any of the spiritual words, but still experience an ecstasy in the body when you look at the starry sky, or when something seems miraculous and extends beyond your own understanding. It is related to what we call infinity. So, the planet - the earth - is basically in collaboration with what we call angels, and our mythology, our longing for the divine, is connected to this. As I have received it, it makes sense in relation to how development on earth works. It is my own interpretation, and I am not finished understanding it yet. I would always recommend taking what makes sense and leaving the rest. This is my interpretation, which I have received through my energy field and higher self, and it is the way I see the planet being irradiated and animated, which I just want to share with those who may want it.

Angels as Entities: Powerful Beings of Creation

It is a gigantic being, an entity, if you will. An entity is a being that has experienced so much, unfolded so much and contains so many frequencies that it is enormously powerful and a consciously creative being. It is a being that has reached a point in its development where it can create consciously. It knows that it is part of the divine, and from that realization it can create universes and planets.

Souls and the Evolution of Earth

As I see it, there are souls who have followed evolution here on earth. There are a certain number of souls who follow the earth's development and have incarnated here countless times - perhaps 50,000 or 20,000 lives. These souls are, as I see it, part of the entity that is involved in the earth's development. We have this beautiful, powerful being who, in co-creation with matter, attracts and animates the planet. Matter wants to be animated, and a divine idea arises that something must be created. This entity then says: 'Let's try to create something. Let's see how life can arise.'

Creation and Connections Between Souls

I wonder how aspects of life can spot each other and create something new that we have not seen before? I wonder how it can happen? So, this means that this entity, which knows that it contains all this, will, in collaboration with something "else" - perhaps a planet - allow itself to be divided into small bits of souls, so that different frequencies arise. These souls will then animate people in collaboration with Mother Earth. When we in religions such as Christianity talk about finding our way back to unity, it is actually about people waking up in the realization that they originate from the same entity - this gigantic being that never feels separated from creation.

Beyond Mythology: The Dance of Evolution

Is that the end station then? It is not. It means that the mythology we have now, as in Christianity, where you seek back to the one God, is part of this development. There is the irradiation of the soulish and the vertical development, and then there is the horizontal development, which evolution represents - the animals and biology, which develop. These two aspects dance together. Many people today have different aspects of this entity, and they feel separated from others and see the differences, which leads to conflicts and the longing for connection, but which still creates - often, however, unconscious creation.

New Creations and Consciousness Development

What can happen out of this? What can be created? Two other souls who have been through their own experiences may come from galaxies on other planets, or they may be angels from the angelic realm who see what is going on here. They see this entity, which irradiates the planet, where a number of people carry a frequency from this, and they want to create something new that they do not themselves contain. They want to bring new frequencies in and create something we have not seen before, because basically life is about creation. What can we create? What can arise when two different aspects create something third? This creates joy and enthusiasm, and therefore vibrations are sent out to invite other entities to participate in the creation process.

The Mystery of Souls and the Call to Consciousness

There are other powerful beings out there who have created something in another galaxy, and they can also come and participate in this game. Then we see what we can create together. There will be other entities that come in and try to manifest their soul in a single body. The more powerful a soul is, the more challenging it can be to land in the physical body. If you are an angel or an interplanetary soul, you may have had other evolutionary experiences. If you have primarily followed the earth's development, you may be an advanced soul, but still without experience from other galaxies.

It is a mystery how souls are born, and I look forward to finding out. I have not cracked the code to God yet, but there is something magical and exciting about it. We can take experiences from other galaxies and sprinkle them in here by incarnating and living them out, which creates an extra spice in creation. The earth is a huge creation process, which is about what happens when we create in unconsciousness. It can lead to ugliness and suffering, which is a by-product of our unconsciousness, but now we are called to become more conscious.

The Balance of Destructive Forces and Protection

There are councils and plans that help with creation, but there is also room for things to develop unpredictably. Life is fragile, especially in its beginning, and there are times when life on a planet must be protected and managed tightly to ensure that it can unfold. The angels stand for this process, and there are beings who can look at creation projects and ensure that it all unfolds beautifully. It is beautiful how the entities grow and become more nuanced and powerful through creation.

The Fragility of Life and the Limitations of Creation

We are like a young species on earth, a bit like teenagers playing with forces we do not yet understand. The atmosphere on earth is relatively protected, so we cannot cause too much damage, but it also means that we are still learning. There are destructive forces, but they are a natural part of creation. There needs to be tight planning to develop life and consciousness. When we begin to become more conscious, we also become more calculating in relation to survival strategies, but we still lack the wisdom of the heart.

There are many fragile phases where life can go wrong, and then we start over. It is like projects on earth, where something can collapse, but we try again. There is help to navigate through difficult phases, and creation on earth is about how we can create consciously instead of unconsciously. There are still limitations, because even though we have souls, we are not completely free. Archetypes play a large role in our development and control behavior until we are ready to unfold fully as unique souls.

For more information: Listen to podcast E34

Mette Miriam Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth (former Mette Carendi) holds a master's degree in psychology, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation. She has written three books on attachment and close relationships and has practiced as a therapist since 2012.


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