Podcast E34: The Angelic Realm and the Development of Earth
Podcast E34 explores the role of the angelic realm in human development and Earth's evolution. Through an in-depth conversation between Mette Miriam Sloth and Sune Sloth, complex spiritual concepts are illuminated, giving listeners insight into the unseen forces shaping our world.
The Role of Angels in Human Development:
Angels are described as powerful, loving beings who serve the whole without self-interest. Their primary function is to support human and collective development, and they do this by shaping archetypes and structures that guide our behavior. These archetypes can be seen as energetic templates that, although invisible, influence our choices and actions.
According to the podcast, it is the archangels who are responsible for creating and maintaining these archetypes. They are chosen for this task because they possess a purity in their intentions that enables them to work for the good of the whole without being influenced by selfish motives.
Limitations as a Necessity:
The podcast argues that the limitations imposed by archetypes are necessary to create structure and stability in the earthly world. In a world without limitations, chaos would reign, and human development would be unpredictable. It is the angels' task to ensure that these limitations serve a higher purpose and do not hinder human growth in the long term.
Dissolution of Old Archetypes:
As humanity evolves, old archetypes lose their relevance and begin to dissolve. This process can be perceived as confusing and challenging, but it paves the way for a new era where humans have greater freedom to create their own reality.
Souls and Incarnation:
The podcast also touches on the topic of souls and incarnation, presenting two types of souls:
Earthbound Souls: These souls follow Earth's evolutionary cycle and incarnate repeatedly on Earth to learn and grow.
Angel Souls or Interplanetary Souls: These souls come from elsewhere in the cosmos and have fewer incarnations on Earth. Their purpose is to bring new frequencies and energies to Earth and accelerate human development.
Earth's Development as a Delicate Process:
The podcast emphasizes that Earth's development is a delicate process that requires a balance between light and darkness. Too rapid an influx of consciousness can be harmful if not handled correctly. This is why angels work to regulate this process and ensure that human development occurs at a pace that is sustainable for both Earth and humanity.
The Role of Angels in Earth's Transformation:
Angels play a crucial role in Earth's transformation by helping to integrate higher frequencies of light and consciousness. They support humanity in navigating this challenging time and freeing themselves from old patterns that no longer serve us.
The Podcast's Message:
E34 presents a complex and fascinating picture of the role of angels in human development and Earth's evolution. It encourages listeners to reflect on the unseen forces shaping our world and to view current challenges as an opportunity for growth and transformation.
Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast
Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth
Mette Miriam Sloth: The angelic realm, or for lack of a better word, and why it makes no sense to talk about it.
Sune Sloth: I was with it, so what should we talk about today? You're the one who asked for the topic.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I wouldn't have thought so. I would never in my wildest imagination have thought that I would end up sitting and talking about what we call angels. But we do. I do. I think I touched on why it's actually important or interesting to most people. Not because something needs to be pushed down someone's throat, but. Firstly, when we talk about angels and the angelic realm, I'd like to invite you to try to keep out the pictures you have of angels. It can be the little chubby ones on the Christmas tree or the fact that you kind of keep yourself open to the fact that what you understand about angels, that you can go somewhere else and be open to understanding it on a slightly deeper level and maybe feel into it more than having those conceptual things that are laid down in Christian mythologies etc. Angels have appeared in much of our culture throughout the world or through evolution you could say. And what I really want us to do is actually move away from that a little bit. I would like to have some other words for them. I don't. Reason. It's quite important that I've become more and more aware that because what we call whether you're religious and call it longing for God or belief in God or. Or if you're spiritual is another word, where you have a sense of being connected to the cosmos connected to sorts, whatever we use for what we call divine, the way, what we are towards what we don't understand.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You also have to be scientific and not use any of those words, but that you still have one. An ecstatic shiver runs through your whole body, and the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up in shuddering pleasure. When you look at the starry sky or when you experience something that seems miraculous or beyond your own understanding, you know it's connected to what is called finitude. So the planet is basically the earth and really in co-operation with angels, our mythology rides our whole line of what is divine or whatever we should call it, is connected to what we call angels. So. The way I've got it, and the way it makes sense in relation to how the hell does this work with evolution on earth? And that's my own interpretation of it. I don't think I'm finished with it by any means. So there are caveats to that, things might change, I might get a lot more in, so it's tied to where I am right now. I'll always recommend taking what makes sense or the rest doesn't. And that's then interpreted through my field. But the way I've got it in, the way the planet is irradiated and animated.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Is actually of. A gigantic being, an entity if you like, and an entity is a soul that has been. Soul When you look at it from the point of view of the Cosmos, it's outside of time and space, but a soul that has been floating for so long or has experienced so much, unfolded so much, contains so many frequencies that it is enormously powerful and is a conscious creative being. So it is one. It's a being that has reached a point in its evolution that it can create consciously. So it knows it's part of it. Divine. It has recalled that. And from there it can create universes. It can create planets. So the way I see it, it's actually when you have souls that have followed evolution here on earth. There are a certain number of souls that follow the evolution of the earth that have incarnated memories of being here on earth. An insane number of lives. 50,000 lives. 20,000 lives. The outcasts are actually the entity as such, as I see it. So like magnetism. You have this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, insane entity that in co-creation with Matter attracts, like it's like that planet. Or Matter that wants to be animated. And then there's an idea first for you philosophers who have an idea that something needs to be created, and in it, the entity will then say Well hey, let's try to create something. We can know how life can arise.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I wonder how aspects of life can spot each other and create something new that we haven't seen before? I wonder how that can happen? So this entity, which knows that it contains all of this, will collaborate with something with herbs, which could be a planet. Let itself split itself into chunks of tiny little bits of soul, so there's just a frequency of that. It becomes a soul here. There is a group here, which then animates in co-operation with Mother Earth, which then animates people. So when we talk about finding our way back to John in the religions of Christianity, it's actually because these individuals and in general believe that they originate from the same entity as a gigantic Bering, which never feels separate at all. So you could say, is that the end of the line? It isn't. So that's the mythology we have right now in Christianity and finding back to the one God. The one God is the antithesis. Mum and Dad is the God of the human souls that incarnate and have followed the explosion of the earth. So you have the irradiation of the spiritual? And then I have the vertical and then you have the evolution, which is the horizontal evolution, which is the theory of evolution and then the animals evolve. The biology evolves. And the two things dance together. So there are a lot of people now who have different aspects of this and then feel separate from others and start to recognise the differences and go to war with and yearn to feel connected to each other, so it all plays out.
Mette Miriam Sloth: What can happen out of it? What is created out of it? Two other souls who have followed, who have been through this in their own way. It could be galaxies on other planets. It could be angels that belong to the angelic ride that then come in and say hey, they're like they see this. This entity that irradiated the planet, where x number of people carry a frequency from the antithesis, it says. We want some new things we have to have and new frequencies we have to have. We need to have something that is beyond what I have inside me. We need to get something new in so that something new can be created that we haven't seen before, because basically this life. It's about creation. What can we create? What can from two different aspects create something third. It tasted wonderful, so that's why it sends out like that, sends out vibrations and invites to come in and play to other entities. Because it's not the only entity of you. There are other powerful beings out there who have done something weird in another galaxy. Or what the hell have you come up with? They don't come and play, and then we see what we can create.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So that means that there will be other entities coming in where it tries to take an incredible amount of its soul, entity, soul and squeeze it into a single body. And the more powerful you are, the more. The longer the better block, the more frequencies you have, and the harder it can be to land in your physical body. So that means that if you're an angel, or if you're what's called an iPad interplanetary, then you will have had other evolutionary debates, where if you've followed the primate experience from earth and have followed the inflation rate here, then you can be a very advanced boss, because you've been here a lot, but you don't have that much experience. That's what you have experience with. It's like from when you were born as a soul, which is a mystery I don't understand yet, where souls are born. I'm so excited that I'm kind of figuring that out by being in dialogue with God. I haven't cracked any God yet. There's something magical there. It's hugely exciting. I don't understand it. But that is to say, someone who we've done something really weird over here, so I can just take a loan, then that, and then I can sprinkle it in here and incarnate and live that frequency. So there's a kick, an extra little spice and then we'll see what happens.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So, here on Earth it's a huge creation process, which is basically about what happens when we create in unconsciousness? Then we can create a lot of ugliness, a lot of vulnerability. And then there's a lot of suffering. And it's kind of a by-product side effect of that, because we're starting to get a call to become more conscious, and those who are assisting this. The ones that are like there are different councils or. There are some kind of loose plans for this. Creation must be allowed to have room to manoeuvre until something can happen that no one could foresee, so it's not kept on a tight rein. But, at certain times, because life, when it first starts, is quite fragile. Just like when the foetus is in the mother's womb and is born. If it doesn't get the right loved ones, it dies, and it's actually the same macrocosm. When life unfolds on a planet, there are certain stages where it has to be run quite tightly. The angelic that stands for that has to be beings, because what it basically means is that there is someone who can look at a creation project in planet Earth? A creation project and see if you can entity you just as you have divided yourself up and then everything happens down here, and then they have to try to find their way back to it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: If they are part of an entity and then the creations they have created make that entity become bigger and more powerful and get more frequencies. It's enormously beautiful. Then they stay. Then they make a little bit so that an entity is just called an entity. I've had a few people come along as Rob as a counsellor and say, ‘Can you just look at this creation process project and finally see the potential for life, for beauty, for truth and unfolding for all of you. To find your way back to knowing that you are creation the divine to be in, in excitement and in. Puzzling love as they contribute that part of the plan. It comes no mix, because the path towards becoming aware that you are creation, you have to learn to manage that. Free will Respect for the other not just aunty one where boundaries be me be not me, it is norm. Mastery and control your frequency and control your power. We can see this on the earth around us. That's because we are relative and the earth is a relative life on earth. In terms of humans, we are a relatively young species. So it's a bit like teenagers messing around with guns. It also goes a bit wrong, so it's a relatively protected atmosphere where we can only do so much pain because as you mature in it, there has to be room for destruction as well, because it's a natural part of it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's not something anyone can remove. Then life cannot unfold. But it also means that there actually has to be quite tight planning to control the development of life or consciousness, if you like, at some point in Earth's evolution. So that it doesn't get too crazy and someone doesn't press a nuclear bomb or it doesn't get too crazy, because the moment there starts to be a little more consciousness than just being animals, then you also start to get there yourself again. Then you start to be able to become calculating. But basically you develop psychopathic traits. But you still haven't reached the point where you've matured in your heart. You have to show if you can still master your strength. And you're still in a place where you can only think about your own needs. Because you can't put your own needs aside. It takes many, many, many lives. It takes a lot of wisdom and a lot of experience in Skills to build. So that's why you know today on all levels that no matter what it looks like, there are certain fragile phases where it can go wrong, and then you start over or do something else. It's the same with projects on the ground.
Mette Miriam Sloth: If a bridge collapses or something like that, there's actually something about getting help to tow this creation process through some difficult hoops, where quantum leaps happen and requests have to be made. But there is also the possibility of the adults killing each other and going into psychosis or going completely crazy. And then there has to be someone who sets limits and has to be someone who actually in some way supports the power that lies in being a creative being. Because even though you are a human being, you have a soul, you are one. You are part of creation, you are not separate. It feels that way, but that's because you are limited. You're being limited in the possibility of your creation because if it was just set free from day one, then you were all too. I have no idea what you're doing. It's like your baby is a hand grenade. It's not going to work. So that means that some of the suffering that's on earth is due to limitations, which are actually very intense. Archetypes and Archetypes are basically templates that are put in that help to control behaviour. So you're not allowed as an individual to be completely free in your own soul in unique expressions. You're still very much governed by archetypes. So if there is a lot of behaviour that is similar.
Sune Sloth: Can we give some examples right now? Not everyone knows that expression. Jung is not.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, it can. It can be Jung, who is also called that if I use archetypes. I say things like archetypes have been mentioned for a very, very long time in different directions, and Junge is one of them. So the way you can say an archetype, well, you can also say it in the rat and then archetype. So it could be the king or the queen. It could be. It could be. It could also be death. It's basically. There is someone. There are some structures and some frames. That are imprinted in the consciousness. So that is to say. Death. Death is an archetype. In your relationships. When you look at tarot cards. You see images of death. It's an archetype. That is, quite early on, the child or young person starts to become aware of God. At some point I'm going to die. We don't know anything about death. Death is really just death and being transformed into something else, but it's an archetype we relate to and we have all sorts of traditions around marriage like the climate crisis or it's also an archetype. The king is an archetype and every heroic hero is an archetype and they kind of lie there.
Sune Sloth: All the tarot symbols are expressions of archetypes. What about something like symbols?
Mette Miriam Sloth: Are they too? Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes.
Sune Sloth: Then there is some symbolism deep down.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So you could say that symbolism stems from archetypes? So that means that it means that you. You could say that there are some very, very competent wise beings who, with their energy knowledge, are basically magicians forming archetypes. That is, they take different aspects frequencies of consciousness and forms, crazy mastery and forms in a way that these archetypes. They create forms where the consciousness forms the shapes and radiates the earth, so that the human psyche takes it almost as the imprint they lean into it all. Paintings, so it's kind of passed on. It's out there. Before the first house was there, I started drawing.
Sune Sloth: So there's something about consciousness moulding itself into this as it grows. Like what some people call form.
Mette Miriam Sloth: They form in a specific, but different way.
Sune Sloth: So the early form of psychology? You could also say that. Or the understanding of it lies behind psychology.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's also behind religion, so you can actually see it. Some forms that the human psyche's mind picks up and dreams you can download. Hallucinating about seeing sheep when they take herbal medicine or something else and are thus in contact with. They can't see the archetype directly. That's what Jung found out to say. You can see that too powerfully. You'll be able to do that at some point when it dissolves. But right now they're still malleable because there's such a high intensity of energy. So if you get too close to the sun, you will burn up. So it's a very powerful tool to form those archetypes. So, in that sense, a lot of human behaviour is governed by archetypes now. It won't always be, but it's been necessary. Basically to make sure that you actually see how you act out drama. Humans live out drama, death, love and longing and violence and obsession. And it's Is it guided by archetypes that you actually go out? And like The Hobbit you go out and do something?
Sune Sloth: Do you experience something being developed? I'm thinking of the superheroes, for example, where the hero has evolved a lot. Sune Sloth.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, they have.
Sune Sloth: Or has it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: That? The basic form doesn't have the expressions, so they've been a little bit in development. They've become that, as if you've seen if they had. They had such a potential frequency band, so you have them all the way down to what we see as primitive cave paintings, and then they have up to such a frequency can. Where they have these, that's as far as they can get in and and bring down over the years through and the females and become more and more advanced in understanding how does the psyche work dream material you know what comes in working with intuition, imagery and there it has become. Many schools of thought have scrutinised this, so it's art in a way, so it's all variations of this. How close can you get to see the archetype in its purest form? You can't get very close, but even that edge we've hit. So within the next couple of hundred years, these archetypes will dissolve and there will be a whole new era of being human down here that we don't even know what the hell it's going to look like. It's a crazy exciting time we're living in now, but it basically means that you're limited. So now you have limits. You can say why do something sooner? Why length and why go down that hole? And why do I feel money to do this? It's because the archetypes are pinging you. You can't step down when you incarnate, so you are affected by the power of the archetypes.
Mette Miriam Sloth: The ones who make the archetypes are probably the archangels. The angels and the reason why they are recruited for it. It's because they have to be beings that are so pure in their intention that they have zero interest. There is not a single frequency in them that has any desire to make, dominate, exploit, violate, guide. And the only thing that is so pure in that is really the angels. And then there are some angels. Training to build that purity. Wrong words, the competence if you like, then they have to have extremely powerful wild beings to do that work, to actually limit somehow exceeded free free will to limit human development and can the whole can see when to let it go. Now it's safe enough and now release it safe enough to open a restriction. Now we can let Knud, who has worked with self-development and everything else, that I have actually taken care of a lot of his shit. Now he can have a breakthrough on this, because right now it's there all the time. You're not. Then we're really just popped. There will be the whole. Yes, no, not only are we, we also have a room. But you're not allowed to do crazy amounts of destruction. You're not allowed to jeopardise the whole thing, and it has to be angels who control it, because they can't. They always work for the whole.
Sune Sloth: But do these archetypal forms of energy that unfold in the different dynamics between each other work? So what if I was the avenger? The counter hero or bad guy? Or do I just think there is someone? So if you sit down and look at the rat and see it as the tree of life. Then there are a lot of connections you can see here. Think of them as things, but there's also a process in it and complementary and things that interact and masculine feminine as principles and stuff like that. So there must be many of them. But are there any. Are there any overarching ones or is it a big one. It sounds very well constructed, but is there a system to it? You don't have to come up with it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I don't know the system at all, because that would be the case if there is a right. Right. If there is one. It's actually more like there's an organic moving blueprint. It's more like there's a wealth of possibilities. Or you could say that. There are so many archetypes shaped in frequencies and in it, just like in computer science or maths, that there will be a huge number of variations, and it can continue. It can go on and on, so it's not like there's an end to it. How do you combine these archetypes? In how many forms can they play out? And this is where you and this, where you look from the outside and beings in awe can watch, what happens? We can't predict how these archetypes come into play when they pass through people. What happens? How do they happen? There are some fairly fixed structures that are consciously held in fixed forms when they meet each other, even in the subconscious. And this creates friction and tension. What happens then? So there are many outcomes.
Sune Sloth: There are, because it seems to me that through. I think there's something about reading, because 300 new cases are made every year. It sounds crazy. But it's like that. When are there no more stories to tell? It's like.
Mette Miriam Sloth: With. Can you feel the fatigue? Can you feel the fatigue in any of them? Yes, exactly. You can feel the archetype is wearing out.
Sune Sloth: It's like if you take the Marvel universe, you know. So there is. It's not that, but it must be difficult to come up with something at some point. And come up with a new story, so it becomes more and more combinations of old stories that are remixed with a bit.
Mette Miriam Sloth: New twist you can put on it. And it actually is. So you'll actually be able to have fun. You can actually feel it. You can feel when an archetype is burning out, a bit like a sun. Say again, Angels don't want to keep anybody enslaved, but they go in and say okay, we need to make sure in this period of time that life endures and doesn't perish. Because that, that jackpot, that's where there's the most, there's consciousness. So there is a kind of intelligence that is strong, deep, deep, deep, deep, unconscious of its own behaviour. So in relation to the fact that there is still only one primary in the collective consciousness, there is only one. I only focus on my own needs, so that's where you can quickly slaughter others. So there are certain critical times in a planet's evolution where life on a planet's evolution is in danger of destroying itself. And that's when they kind of step in and say we need to get some constraints in, and they become quite rigid, so they're still not there. Friction is the allowed friction, then nothing happens, so that's why things come up that are painful and violent and everything else. It's inevitable, but it can't be so violent that life destroys itself. A very, very delicate balance. But it also means that the archetypes that they kind of make the wheel last and that there is a life death rebirth cycle built into that form. At some point, that form must also be allowed to die and reinvent itself and come back to its entity or where it was brought in from, where it is, as it is in service to contribute here.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And then it has to go back to its entity, its Shell, its Black, its Mars to be allowed to become well integrated and feel right at home, until it goes out on an adventure again like a hobbit. So in that way, what you're saying is that it's like you've seen it before, as the hero has to be destroyed. Then there's the dragon, and then all those are created. Then back again. It's like it's getting a bit tired. That's because it's done its military service, the mythology of the Trinity and everything else. It's been there, it's served us. For as long as it was meant to, it served us. Now something else is starting to happen. So the archetypes are changing and it's really exciting. It also contributes to the fact that there can. So there's all kinds of things. It's quite violent when this happens, and the thing that controls this is the angels. That's my angel, the Basses. It's because they're the only ones who can stand in it. They are the only ones who can manage such a complex project. So when you work with yourself in depth, how you do it and feel something release, then you have some energy. Ethical constraints that let go. Here you are always in contact with Ingrid. There is always an angel assisting it. Whether you feel it or not.
Sune Sloth: So. Does it require being allowed to let go of a limitation that has been laid down?
Mette Miriam Sloth: That's one. And then there's like being on that group or your counsellors. That's what we now call it, and that's how many people experience it, supporting you in your incarnational journey and cheering you on and helping you. There is a labelling in yours. It's about your maturity. It's basically about. Can you handle the power that comes up when the limitation is released? So the restriction isn't put in to get in your way? It's put in because if you. If you become too powerful, if too much your frequency. Soul frequencies are higher frequencies that are experienced extremely powerfully. If you get too much of that breaking through inside you, prepare your DNA now that it's put in there so you. You're actually carrying gemstones within yourself that can break through from within, so you have frequencies from within that can break through. And that is also being irradiated, not already irradiated. Also, new frequencies are coming in that were extremely coordinated about Now they are here. That's what's being experienced here right now. Also further. You get light in because light helps to assist development. So just like plants absorb light, so do we. We humans also absorb light, and that's because we are moving towards becoming lighter light beings. A very heavy human being.
Sune Sloth: You could say that. A kind of graduation in small steps in relation to being responsible for the power and vigour that you carry with you. Exactly because otherwise you would have to do.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You can go crazy, you can kill. You can. You can end up. You can end up being so grandiose and disturbed that you do something that goes wrong. So it's something that has to stay. It has to be like that a little bit, graduate everything.
Sune Sloth: Unpacked.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And also that. You can be tempted. You can get sick in the lowest copy of your body, and then you get a heart attack. It can be extremely violent.
Sune Sloth: So there's also something about bringing in light for more consciousness. It's a powerful process that is actually delicate. It can do a lot. It can be very tightly controlled.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, it can, and that's why it's tightly controlled up to a certain point where you realise that you need to be able to handle it better.
Sune Sloth: Will it be painful to hit an edge or a limitation, whatever you want to call it archetype and then. Does it start to let go and feel? And how does it feel then?
Mette Miriam Sloth: It can be very physically painful. And secondly, what happens is that when some light is released, some power is released, it means that it's also more the total consciousness, so the consciousness is there. But what you can and are able to hold of the frequencies in consciousness is what increases. In other words, you can hold more. But accommodating more typically also means that you realise that the way you viewed yourself and others and life was very limited. So when you bring in more awareness, as we call it, which is not quite correct, because it actually means that your awareness opens up so that you can handle more sensory input, more input and put it together in a more holistic way. Compounded so that you can accommodate multiple aspects at the same time, where you're much more transparent black and white so it's good evil and very dualistic. The more you open up that it doesn't work, just so you can hold what seem to be opposing things in the same bandwidth. It's quite complex, and that means that where a lot of people go nuts or choose to shut down again or maybe commit suicide. Or the transition from suddenly realising that everything I thought was true. It doesn't make sense anymore. Who I thought I was, I'm not. What I thought about others was so easy, that the neighbour was an asshole just because I contribute to the conflict or know or I thought I got together with this partner, you know in love. And then we had a child and then you realise it was an empty bond. You start to see things as they are because you see more and more and you understand more and more.
Sune Sloth: You can't do that violently. I talked about there being something multidimensional in it, and here I'm thinking that the experience is each chakra, each energy body that is inside each other, if you like, on their own frequency band, like if you have octaves on each one and they can be harmonised or they can play out of tune and each one harmonious and they and there's something here, so there's also something about getting deeper into the body and aligning this. Like the piano being tuned all the way through. Isn't that right?
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, it is.
Sune Sloth: Then there's something about getting the body involved and getting the emotional body and the mental body. What can you say about the high dimensions?
Mette Miriam Sloth: Monarchs and the political level. It's easy to get.
Sune Sloth: What can you say about the astral body or what should we call it, which is attached to the heart? Yes, in the terminology we use. But there is also a layer above it that goes upwards. So in other words, we actually live in different bodies. At the same time. Is it your experience that consciousness is located? Does it focus on a certain frequency range in different people? For example, some people live very few lives or can switch, for example, emotionally or physically or speech or from the heart upwards.
Mette Miriam Sloth: What I experience is with those who approach the people I help. I don't think if people have got to the point where they are the knowing ones, if they completely say I'm only mental, I relate to my feeling, or I'm only feeling. I don't relate to my cognitive if that dies. They don't really come to me. They start somewhere else. They start with therapy or something else because it would be too violent to come to me because that's what my field does. It goes and it zooms in on where the imbalance is and then it harmonises in all the fields where the imbalance goes through. So what I can see is that if someone comes and says but you know what, or they're having a hard time, because a relationship can do that. Whatever it is or it can be something that feels connected to the cosmos, whatever it is that's bothering them as recurring themes or a deep longing to connect more deeply with themselves. Then when I work with them, the field will go in and see exactly where things are bouncing and they will feel it. They'll feel the discomfort and then it will start. And then, like exposure therapy, I'll actually also ask them to go into what's difficult and would normally use meditation and step out of it. But here it's actually the other way round.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Meditation goes into the place you're most afraid to go into, because you're afraid you'll be pulled down, that you can't get out of it yourself, if what I do helps move you through the cycle, which can sometimes take several lifetimes to go through. It will move, but it can take many lifetimes and I can fall into meaninglessness or whatever, so there can be different themes, so help you move through it as well, and then you will feel some rising up. Then there can be an imbalance in all the bodies. Then there's an enormous amount of mind clutter. Or in other words, a mental lockdown. And then it's as if their thoughts come to them, and then all of a sudden they can feel a blockage in the heart, and as it's closed down on the blockage that was also in the solar plexus. So they can kind of feel energetically they move around and there I work in the very energy and do it so cleverly that I didn't see the energy crash. It knows exactly I know exactly what kind of locking such dominoes are connected to. So if you're working here, no, there's a closure in the heart and then there's something with the third eye, how do you know and then it jumps around and they can feel different things coming loose, and I can see it enormously beautiful and witness it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's really beautiful to see the energy working. And I've also experienced it a few times, and it's huge. It's so fucking weird. Do you get up? I come up to a level where I see the soul, which is a bit like in Avatar. I think Peter Jackson has got it in and actually almost sees them lying in the snow. It's almost as if our lives have been a simulation. So it's like the soul is in this avatar that's in Avatar, where it is now. Then we can see Potts, and then I can see that the avatar or the seal is jumping around like an epileptic seizure, and then I'm guided on what to do. It's almost as if something needs to be adjusted up there before it adjusts down here. So it's this, this, what we call life the spacy and refers to the super magical. And we're living in a time where the veils or the weave that you would talk about in the Buddhist traditions between the dimensions is getting thinner and thinner for those who are open to explore this. There is someone who is not there, someone who is not there. It's fine, and it's hugely exciting, fascinating and you can also feel fucking wack.
Sune Sloth: But there's something I'd like to say or ask, because you don't need to know about any of these things to get there, you just need to have heard something exciting and good or have heard a podcast and come along. I have something in my relationships or it hurts somewhere. Or I have. I think my ex is a narcissist or. You know, we want to open up together in a relationship. I don't know if it should be this guy. I have longing. So it's typically everyday, and then there are some who also come in with that angle.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Many everyday things. Most people have everyday things. This is what I'm stuck with.
Sune Sloth: And you can do that. You don't have to. You have to feel where it's happening and stuff like that. I've sat in on workshops about 15 times now, and I have my angle. It gives a good picture of what it is that you are capable of. To understand what it is you do. I see that process unfold over and over again, and it's unique to each person. Although I can see some structures in it. But I think it's just important to say that you don't have to have a conceptualisation of consciousness or chakra or have meditated, so you don't have to do that to get a benefit from it. But it could be interesting to have a context of what kind of process you go through over time here. What is it that happens over a longer period of time? Yes, if.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You kind of choose to say I can come along, take me until I know them. I can feel that this can do something for me, so I come to it. It becomes my primary therapy room. I call it going over a long period of time and noticing changes myself. It's going to be a two-way street. It doesn't matter if you know the chakra or the head you believe in. It doesn't matter. What really matters is your experience of what's happening. I had a young man who came and I asked if we had anything painful. He was stuck. I can try and see if I should get it down. It doesn't matter, but we can do it, and either you don't feel a thing, so nothing happened, or something happens in you, and then we can see if it moves, and then we can, and then you know if it works or not, and then we can always just talk exclusively. That's fine, that's fine. He feels like shit, so he will. He completely felt what it was moving around. It tightens where something let go. He felt everything. Every time. So yeah, all the slack was there. He saw how something contracted in the energy and in that moment I could see it. And it was nice. What the hell is happening? So that means he had a crazy energy sensation. He just had no idea. He had no idea. He was kind of like, but I never picked up on that energy. I basically don't believe in it, but it works. It doesn't matter how much you don't believe in it. He could feel it, and he went out into the world more impressed and dared to take the next steps in the things he needed to take steps in life.
Sune Sloth: Yes, because it's kind of interesting because some of the people who come to me are also looking to open up and find some deeper layers. There are also many who are looking to be in relationships in a different way, right? Or what is life in a different way or a little more indefinable?
Mette Miriam Sloth: I want the thing about stepping out of suffering to actually be done with suffering, so there's after.
Sune Sloth: To find yourself waking up in repetitions of the same things relationships or they're going to do the same things and so on, then that's how the young man then sees. As an example, over time you can see that some of the things he struggled with got stuck in a new place for him.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It was pretty wild, in a very, very short time he left. I would say that I almost went from saying that he just wanted to go out and hang me. I don't want to be here to about now I can handle it. This is the last time I want to hang myself right now, so it's a hassle, I'm leaving. Shut up, I don't want to. But I try not to hang myself. Okay, a lot has happened and now there's almost courage in life, so it can only go fast. Other times I have someone who has taken on a huge amount of weight, so little and who has perhaps reached a place where they feel like I've gone through so much, that I'm so destroyed while they think they have enormous strength. It's a very strange paradox to feel broken and feel. My life is not my own. It's like. I don't have to go through. Through a lot of suffering, a lot of trauma that I have to go through. I feel enormously strong, but also enormously weak. It's a strange place for me to be. Seeing the other person start to work with them and see how much capacity they have. The more capacity you have, the more responsibility. The more responsibility, the more. They don't take on suffering, but they'll take on a lot of limitations and say willingly.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I actually encapsulate my body, my power, and then I take some memories with me. I take some trauma material from the earth, some vibrations and some friction that is unresolved. And then I bring it into my field, so that these things are lived out in some form and you know that this is going to happen. And I don't punish myself in that way. There is no punishment on the other side. There is no one. There is no God who punishes at all. There is no punishment in anything. There is only love. And it's done in love, and it's done in love for the evolution of the earth. I take this on because I have the capacity to go through it. And then you unpack it so that I can actually go there and realise God, I have so much capacity. And yes, I've put it on. Of course, there is a human part that hates the pain, and it goes through us too. But my own pissed off soul has taken that shit. Even though my soul and I are a very funny little person and that's fine. It's okay and you're allowed to rage until you're allowed to be super good, but there's nothing there. It's a profession, a word.
Sune Sloth: Or what?
Mette Miriam Sloth: God is a word in mythology. But, but, but, but, but, but, but on the other hand.
Sune Sloth: It's the first time I've heard that word used. Or God.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's more than all the sum of vibrating life, all-encompassing consciousness that can be lost in. And there is something. There's also something here that I don't understand either. As if there's something quite magical in it. God. God the Word. I think maybe more some of the other names, for what once could be, is. I think the way they're pronounced, I think the sound of it would be better. I think God has been watered down the Danish term for it. So I think there will be some words I want. My body would resonate more if I were to research what is called God in other languages. But God points back to something that is so magical that we don't understand it and that we are not separate from. That's probably the closest I can get to it.
Sune Sloth: Do you have to be a believer? No, you don't. It has nothing to do with the triad.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Religion, religion, religion and is also just to keep something in place. When you approach a religion as we know it would disappear.
Sune Sloth: Then religions are often a way of approaching it, but with a price.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You don't have.
Sune Sloth: That price, you also have to give up a lot. What is it called? Because you can't hold it. You can't hold that light. You can hold it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You can't? Yes, it's complete. As long as there are very tight archetypes, it's religion and doctrines. The two things are connected, so when the archetypes dissolve, religion exists and religion as we know it no longer dissolves because someone gets their head cut off. It's no longer necessary. There is no demand for it. That's not the way it operates anymore.
Sune Sloth: So what if you say.
Mette Miriam Sloth: The phone box is where you.
Sune Sloth: Praying to Allan five times a day, or going to church, or meditating in some other way, or having a third way. To access, I have a temporary approach to something.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You have to be baptised. You have to see it in the way that whatever you choose, whether it's prayer or going to church, that you have a ritual, you have, you have a ritual, and then you have a form of you You lean into a form of approaching what we call the divine.
Sune Sloth: You get a taste of something sweet when you do these practices or religious practices or in groups. Or you get a taste of something that is real.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, yes, definitely.
Sune Sloth: And that's the attraction of religion. Maybe that's the attraction.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and you can just as much do what's in religion. It's basically that you choose that there is something. There's a passive security in the fact that someone can make a garden. You know if you've done something not so good. If you give some money or say these prayers, all is well. In other words, you give up your own power of concentration in exchange for that peace of mind.
Sune Sloth: So it's a defence against anxiety, fear and unpredictability. So it's a way to have resilience, but at a high price. Because now you could say there's something supernatural. For example, there is one. Are you afraid of the devil? Because then you have a place to go and you can follow these precepts and get help from an exorcist or by saying the right prayers or something like that.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So you hold back. You need something that's a bit square to deal with something you don't understand. So it has its. It has its. It has its function at a certain level in development and for some people it's just really important. What's actually really important is that at some point your soul, your your frequency, the frequency that's coming that's beyond your human personality and your mental biology, will monetise you in terms of say the form you're training right now. Is dying. It can't do it anymore. It's used up right there. It's beautiful to lean into shapes. It supports you and it can enrich you. And then at some point, when you've grown into it, it will limit you. So the trick is to know when that mould I've stepped into. When does it become a prison? And do I allow it to be a prison and I start preaching to others that they should go to prison? Or do I have the balls and good sense to step out of it and see what happens next? So all forms must eventually dissolve and return to source or inside or wherever they belong. And here res is forged via magic into something else, i.e. alchemy.
Sune Sloth: Well, it's interesting in all religions, I think. I'm not that well-read, but I've heard religious scholars talk about it in all religions, including Asian religions.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, I actually know that. I think I do. I think it's a pretty universal phenomenon on earth.
Sune Sloth: As a kind of messenger or messenger, but also as a kind of cancer that is not insanely powerful.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And maybe we should talk a bit about what it's like to be no soul on earth.
Sune Sloth: Well, I think now we have. We can kind of say that we can kind of round this one off. And then I think the next one could be about how if you have an angelic soul, you know it. And how do you know? What problems do you experience and what can you do? How can you be with it and live with it and work with it? So I think in general you can say that the overview of here in the next 10 minutes, if there is more to add.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, because it can be a little teaser for what comes next. Yes, in relation to incarnated souls or incarnated angelic souls.
Sune Sloth: And we'll probably come back to IPs later.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And there I would say mine. What I sense is that when we look at it, the person we call Jesus. If we had to lean were thus incarnated angels soul. Our mythology is carried forward by angels because that's where it was moulded. They are the archetypes that like us. It's the mythology that helps guide you back to remembering that you belong to the same entity and you are creating something that contributes to that entity.
Sune Sloth: So what is it called? We've talked about it. We can also previously called earth-like souls, which are born out of the fact that they are born out of a combination of guiding us through evolution. And then when I say How is it?
Mette Miriam Sloth: I think with the way I see it, I see more that intimacy is what we have. We have. You have a huge, huge magical cosmic sprouting that longs and longs to create something and can sow money. And then you have a planet where you might be something. You don't actually know what your life will be like, although it never says. I'm not sharp enough for that. And then you have a planet that also has its own vibration, and that also wants to create wants to have it by. I want to have something that goes beyond the horizontal. Evolution that planet can offer.
Sune Sloth: So there will be variation, and here comes variation.
Mette Miriam Sloth: From a planet where something emerges.
Sune Sloth: Some plant life, plankton, emerges. Yes, at some point some ape-like creatures or something arise.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So it's as if what we can do, we can do. Can we take this further? Can we create more? Can we create more forms?
Sune Sloth: There is a consciousness, a...
Mette Miriam Sloth: Consciousness comes into this. And then there's an entity that says I'd like to help with that every week. Exciting project. And then they find each other. And then they kind of lure them in. And then that entity will say Find out about me as an entity. I can split out some frequencies and animate a centre, and it will be souls that follow the development of evolution.
Sune Sloth: You know that consciousness, and it's been an extremely slow process. When you look at the human species, you will.
Speaker3: Yes, because one.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Share again until now. Now it's accelerated over the last 30 years, just.
Sune Sloth: You can homo. Is that what it's called at the time? That was found in South Africa? I think we can link to a very interesting archaeological, you could say. Study of what is a very, very early human species with a relatively small brain. And there you find some caves where they seem to have buried their dead down a very, very deep shaft that's very narrow, long, deep in the back of a cave that was very difficult to get to. There seems to be something engraved that could be symbols in this cave as well. Which suggests that here comes a human species as the first to have an awareness of some kind of care or something to do with death.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Like something.
Sune Sloth: To be retrofitted. If it's given back to Mother Earth and it is, then there's some consciousness that goes beyond and runs around on two legs and. And then you can say and eat and gather food, fuck. Wherever it is in social. And that consciousness. Of course, it's controversial. There's always someone who thinks it can't be right, but there is. If you take that interpretation, there's also a kind of caring in it. There will be a child skeleton, which is laid out very neatly, obviously. So it. It must be dead and laid neatly.
Mette Miriam Sloth: When the child goes into that cave.
Sune Sloth: It's a very long way. It's very, very dangerous. You have to go through a shaft that's very narrow, so you can almost get stuck.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I almost get the feeling that you must have been paid by something to do this. It's important that you do this.
Sune Sloth: And it's not the first time when you see this. I can't remember seeing this or that train, and it's been a very long time, so if you look at the programmes you can find on the internet, there are a huge number of homo, you could say. Human species where you can see examples of consciousness. There are rumours about something that's enough. For example, something about burying your dead or something that has some cultural significance.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Or decorating something that you don't just need to survive.
Sune Sloth: That goes beyond what the speaker has had. Some of this is meant. But the point is this. If you fast forward to now, we have a relatively short time. It's a relatively short time since we started to form something cultural or something to do with death, which then develops into something more meaningful. So from that perspective, it makes sense that these beings have something to open their consciousness into. That there are these archetypes, these limitations that they can open up into and play out roles. Which they then play out to a point where you can sit down on Netflix and try to.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Chewing through relatively fast frequencies. Maybe it's the start of that archetype that the assets start to slowly soften up because it's time for a shift.
Sune Sloth: So there is a saturation here. But there's also an exploration of all sorts of nice variants of the superhero role. Or it knows it now. If you know that a narcissist or a psychopath or the lying narcissist. Which type is this? Here comes a 3 now. Where the period where these signs start to come up. You know. Immediately following World War II, then Captain America and there was a little bit before, but there was Superman and so incredibly simple. His psychology is that he's coming. He is in a way too. He's clearly an IPA and we see. Superman Try to notice he's an alien. There he comes down and looks like a human. He's a very good allegory of being interplanetary himself, and he's taking on so much that he's so burdened that he doesn't know what to do, because there's always something he can do to kind of correct the imbalances and the suffering. But he comes in as the human counterpart they invent. It's Batman, who is the man who takes on the role in his suffering based on his trauma and with Bad Cage, where he falls in as a child and tries in every possible way through the human presence to find his power and do something about what has happened. He's also busy. He's also a grandmother.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Death and love, and it doesn't work. And then the dyke and everything dies.
Sune Sloth: And then the two of them. And then you have that. Then you have, of course. And then you have Hulk, who is just raw rage, who switches between being a sensitive, soft man who gets furious, and he has a good heart. But when people are mean to him, he drops everything.
Mette Miriam Sloth: He can't control them.
Sune Sloth: And of course there are many. But today and there will be. The universe is extremely evolving, and it's especially so. There are all kinds of characters. But what I see is this one. From when I sat and read the folktale The Brothers Grimm to now, it's unfolded in an incredible amount of nuances, enormously.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Nuanced and very. You also watch. Game of Thrones. You start to see that the warrior has to fight the dragon to be right. When she drags the mum, because she likes the dragon. And how do you do that? It's put together in all sorts of marvellous new ways.
Sune Sloth: One of the things that has also happened in the last. I don't know how long, but it's not a very long time that women are starting to become powerful. So one of the things that's really exciting to feel is the creation of Wonder Woman, which has now become very poppy, but still. Wonder Woman was one of the first powerful ones. You can contest that if you don't agree. But one of the first powerful heroines to cause men to fall in love, a human man coming out of a woman's woman's universe of power is amazing, and today they are much more so. Feminine, powerful, full of types.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, that was investigated. What is it to be feminine, powerful, because it has been misunderstood as being masculine or what does it mean?
Sune Sloth: But my point is that if you have the feeling that things are moving very slowly, nothing is happening. And Trump, he ends up with a drama, another way of looking at it. You know, where it all comes crashing down. A different way of looking at it. You can see it as if there is a resilience. Humanity survives another narcissist, narcissist or what can you say? A Putin, as such a psychopathic flab now hopes, no one will come and see. Another way, and the system can, it has the resilience to withstand it. Another way of looking at it is the anti-fragile approach, which means that the system can go through it and be strengthened so that it becomes stronger afterwards. And that's actually what it can be held, and that's also in relation to your own life. Can you just withstand the resistance, or can you take the resistance and get to a place where you become stronger? Where you can handle more things, where you can handle more stress, more unpredictability?
Mette Miriam Sloth: What I see is working energetically, and that consciousness is insanely efficient and works in amazing ways that my brain could never figure out. What I see is when you reach a certain point in terms of what you dare and when you start to surrender to surrender, to own your power and own your vulnerability, everything here, then stones, like you start to say you You're a pressure situation in your life and your exes are after you and want to take your child and your mother father. Don't you feel like you're in a situation where you're being pressurised to take a piece of coal? You're being pressured from all sides to try to become that man. If instead, if you can stand in that pressure without collapsing, without killing someone, or someone going wrong, and you're standing now, I can see how to use it. I dare to stand with it. So the energy does that, it starts to use all that friction in all that pressure to lift some limitations in you, so that your own powerfulness unfolds. And that's where you and your concept you were talking about, What you become doesn't just go back. You actually get stronger.
Sune Sloth: Because that's the difference between if you strike, it strikes up in psychology. Resilience versus anti fragility fertility because there's a lot of therapy that's about resilience. You you become.
Mette Miriam Sloth: If you get knocked down, you just have to get up again.
Sune Sloth: Yes, and you have to. And of course there will be some therapeutic directions where you try, but we actually work towards you not just getting out, but in the hope that you can have greater freedom of action afterwards, so that you don't just avoid falling into another narcissistic relationship. No, I can also share with it, with humour.
Mette Miriam Sloth: With lightness and such that you.
Sune Sloth: In the end, I play with the pain of unpredictability and actually create something out of it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's the start of conscious creation, that you can use what is, and also what is wreckage. We'll figure it out here.
Sune Sloth: Another love with the heart is in a way where you don't give out to someone who is not conscious.
Mette Miriam Sloth: But not hurting others.
Sune Sloth: I'll come back to that in the next section in relation to this. Is there anything else we need to cover? I think it's an important thing we've brought in, and that's where we kind of started with our creature Kvist. That's what we call Regine Kvist. And asked, ‘Why are we here? Then something surprising happened, because when you go into normal terms of what do you need, it's always like this: you shoot the danger and the world, and you have to do something. But that's not necessarily the deeper meaning. It can also be being here in a certain way that creates an energy path somewhere and a state somewhere and living from, which can be and be a mum in a very special way, but present to your children or your partner. Or simply being able to be calm in your workplace under stress in a way that paves the way in energy. Guessed in the system, so it's easier for others to follow that path. Even if you don't communicate it out loud and don't do a podcast or go out and do something, which is because we're very performance orientated that you have to go out and show yourself. But do you have to go out and do something? You have to make a name for yourself so that a biography can be written and you can have made your mark on the world and all that. It's such a masculine achievement mindset.
Sune Sloth: But I would just say that you do your work from time to time, if you walk on the edge, if you do pioneering work here. We see this in many, many of the people we work with. They're working on the edge, and that's why they can feel lonely and lack someone to connect with and emotions at times. And then they get to a place where they realise okay, it's because many of the people who come to us are working on the very edge of what's possible, and they are co-creating something new. So when we sit in our workshops, there are women and we work with power. It comes out in different ways. There are common denominators, but there are also different variations in standing in your powerfulness and standing in it and living. It's a huge autism where you move something too. You're paving a path in the wilderness that somebody finds through, working with themselves or working with energy somewhere else on the planet. So the work that you do every trial, for example, standing open to your child kicking you and raging at you and saying I hate you to daddy because you're a lousy parent. Stand with an open heart and meet the child there. It's a funny but huge thing.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's a butterfly effect. A huge one.
Sune Sloth: Yes. It creates a lasting one. A bit like Robert Shelley Raab, where he talks about these. Yes, he calls them fish. Yes, that the fields reason on each other. So the meaningful thing can also be acting from the heart or doing. We shouldn't define what the meaningful is and what works, but.
Mette Miriam Sloth: We can help you find it.
Sune Sloth: For example I say what the meaning of it makes it not sure he even understands it is conscious, but one angle an anti fragile approach is that he. He educates the Americans in. So what is sexism now? Has for some years played it out by playing it out, and those who come as his foremost critics. These are people like his former Vice President Mike Pence, for example, or his former lawyers or people who have been close to the labour movement. The union bosses in the US, as I said last time, have made deals. Now there's going to be a huge road project and everyone should have a job, who now comes and says. He's a fortress. He only thinks about himself. It's like this cult he's created. It's so powerful that you have to hit it and realise that it's an illusion, that you're giving up your power to the other person that you blindly trust and can't trust your inner understanding. To feel what people want from you. So one angle is that he is destroying America. The justice system is under pressure and is falling apart. Another could be, it would be. Then you could be worried. Can then correct itself afterwards, or can Europe correct itself if Putin starts reaching into the country that the US is not part of, and NATO they don't know, don't bother coming. Do we have enough budgets for that? My anti-fragile angle would be. Yes, but the American legal system is undergoing a potential reformation of the idea that there is someone who is above the law for the simply impossible.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Actually, it needs to make a quantum leap in its development because it says that they are being pushed out of their ranks. So it takes some friction for us to evolve.
Sune Sloth: And then, for example, in relation to Putin, a huge number of countries recently held a conference where they all agreed that the bullshit about just going in is valid. Not that you can't just do that.
Mette Miriam Sloth: No, and then threaten nuclear war.
Sune Sloth: It doesn't hold up. And it's actually a huge step for countries to stand together and stand firm. So what's your angle? What is your angle and your angle on your own system? What you participate in, that you just have to stand up and then life was good as it was before. Or is it okay to feel there was a meaninglessness in it, a pain in it and then start repairing it in a way where it arises in a completely different and stronger form where you can move in a new direction or create something new or just be in a different way. And that's actually what we work with. That's the angle we have on it. So, with that, I think we'll end this section. Bye for now.