Podcast E35: A Guide to Angel Souls

This podcast serves as a guide to what we call "angel souls." Mette discusses the angelic hierarchy, the function and mission of angels, and the unique challenges faced by incarnated angels. Along the way, she offers tips for navigating the darkness.

  • The Angelic Hierarchy and Training:

    • Angelic capacity expands through experience and service.

    • The hierarchy functions without competition or pressure.

    The Function of Angels in Dark Periods:

    • Angels hold the light during dark periods of the planet's development.

    • They offer their light to help others survive and evolve.

    Incarnated Angels and Their Mission:

    • Angels who incarnate on Earth bring new frequencies and energies.

    • They help lift collective limitations and bring light to dark places.

    Challenges for Incarnated Angels:

    • Navigating the darkness and avoiding being taken advantage of.

    • Holding their light without becoming exhausted or depleted.

    Relationships and Boundary Setting:

    • The importance of setting boundaries to preserve energy and light.

    • How incarnated angels are often drained in relationships where they give too much.

    Personal Development and Spiritual Growth:

    • How angels learn to integrate darkness and light.

    • Growing through challenges and using experiences to help others.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

    Sune Sloth: Welcome to episode 35 of the Magdalene Effect podcast, which this time is a guide to angelic souls. Expert.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes. Firebrand. And this is again with the proviso that this is what I have experienced, learnt and taken in so far, that it can change and there can be more than that and also that it has come through this system. And that of course it is. Feel if it makes sense for you to throw out everything that you can't use, because of course it's my interpretation. And in the last section, we talked more about what we could call actual riding or for lack of a better word. And the way I experience it. I haven't quite painted it now. If she can paint, then I can also be, it's magical. It's what we call angelic rides actually works is quite hierarchical, Iraqi, but not Iraqi in the way that you would associate it in a human system where there's competition and someone is holding. Someone wants to keep you down or you have to move up. And you kind of have to get up to someone else in a way. It's not like that. It should be seen more like it is. Naturally Iraqi like that. You can be. No training. That's what I once got one. I usually say to people. You have no dust with you. And that's a little different than if you. incarnated angels soul.

    Sune Sloth: With angelic souls, what is that?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Well, I just want to share this because it's important to understand this. That in what we call no riding, you will. No training or you want to expand your capacity in your field with frequencies. So the more brilliant you become, the more experience you get and the more. You're assisting planetary evolution and so on. Then you kind of graduate in this hierarchy. But as opposed to someone whipping you forward or it's competition, so you're really more like the phoenix cave you live, you, you, you, you, you, you're there, you do it, you do what you have to do and you're breeding. Learning if you will and the shape you're in. Then you undergo a management process and then you rise to another level in this hierarchy. And you will as an angel or typically in per, so be it. And you may well be experienced earth life, because I have experienced some people where I sense that you are an experienced social and social educator who does not want to become an angel. Angels learn angel training and start at the bottom. Nothing can sound wrong. It sounds like you're at rock bottom. You're not. It really just means I don't have experience with this. I would like to.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I want to learn everything there is. And as you do that, you absorb more of the frequencies that are angelic. The more you absorb them, the more you are like me. Then you stay in this hierarchy. Where are the angels? No one supports how arch angels they are on your on top if you will. You get every angelic soul, and I don't know if some souls have always been angels or if most souls have been something else or have been in the angelic realm. But when that is, I don't understand yet. At the moment. But what I can see is that at some point, when I see this pyramid thing, right. At some point. If you're a mermaid, then it's like you're more. It's like your evolutionary memory of other planets, systems and the drama that has played out. It's like the drama that's playing out on earth and the mythology and the suffering and the infatuation and the passion on stage as it's being transcended more and more as you, so you voluntarily release it and refine your frequencies, if you will. So here as you transition into becoming more angelic, or whatever we're going to call it, the frequencies are what they are.

    Sune Sloth: But can't we agree to ride? There are also beings from there that incarnate here who have not been or tried incarnations. Yes, and it is.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That's why I say that when angels reach halfway up this hierarchy, and this is where I would say that you are called an angelic soul, so if you, if I, if I work with someone, and I sense that it is an angelic soul, is it a soul that has angelic dust? No, no, a soul that has angel dust with it. It's just a differentiation. It will typically be a helper who actually started the training, so it's quite fine where they are in relation to what is it? What are the things they've taken on and dealt with? Because there's a difference in how much you've put on, what you have to do depending on where you are in the skills hierarchy, which is not a punishment. It's just where. Now I can crawl, now I can walk. It's really just where it is. Like it's a framework for understanding how I can best guide and help this person.

    Sune Sloth: The human ability to differentiate experiences here.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, it's easy. There is a deep differentiation, and something also arises. There is also something about knowing.

    Sune Sloth: Could it be, for example, the differentiation in what happens between people in a relationship and what, for example, utilises the better to distinguish? I mean, the more advanced it is, the better to distinguish between these. Both how and when do they give themselves in a way that creates some light consciousness? And when do they give themselves away in a way that doesn't? Where they are actually being utilised somewhere?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Passionate people are at high risk of being exploited, and they are. If you have an iPad, there is no training. You can suffer on the individual dust because you really want to now. I want to explore the post a little bit, so starting there is a lot of experience from other planets, but now it starts here, then you will have the same as soon as you get English dust with you. It's like it's like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, where everyone is trying to take hers.

    Sune Sloth: Voice and shake.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Her and using her dust are the same.

    Sune Sloth: Because there's probably someone sitting out there thinking what I saw. Because you start differentiating between actually three things now, just to have that one. The advanced ground layer that has gone through a lot of levels and is starting to experience more and more charity and has come to an advanced level in terms of understanding the human being.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You have to be advanced and social before you enter into it.

    Sune Sloth: Then it can be the situation you start to get into, when you come from another planetary system. It can also be a higher frequency system that comes in and makes some lives, and then you can get into angelic training. The third is you come directly from the angelic realm. You could have had more lives here. Or maybe you don't know.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You may also have taken some memory, so you've got some imprint into what you're doing down here. Just go down. Well, you're going out again, so if you're there no problem. No, it's very difficult, and the higher you are in the hierarchy, the more so. The more your field is far away from this dust, and the more no dust you have with you, the more breeding frequencies you have built into your field. Because the longer you've been in and thought the whole thing out from that, the harder the widows, so there's not. I think it was going to be more than it's getting easier now. I light down then. And what's important to understand, whether you're with, you know an IP or experience with English or English incarnate, you've always told the whole picture.

    Sune Sloth: You could say that. It's a question of having so much light with you that you find it difficult to see the contrasts in the darkness.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, you could say that. Yes, and it's a paradox because.

    Sune Sloth: You're overexposed. Like if you have a lamp that shines very brightly. Where if you turn it down, you can suddenly see the nuances in the shadows.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: When you incarnate. Yes, when you're not in incarnation, you can see everything as one that becomes so powerful. So it's actually more about the fact that you have so much light and you actually have to be quite limited by it. Quite difficult to get light into the lower chakras so you can navigate the darkness. So there's something to that. And then it should also be said that one of the reasons why angels experience it is very hard not to feel abused and give your light away. One of the reasons for that is also that it has been the function of angels. Get down here! Angels have taken their place in the dark media, which is basically what we don't like in the middle ages. Working in actual terms is the period when development on a planet is where it is most unstable. How can there be so much darkness, so much unconsciousness that the lights go out? So that means that the life forms that are there for them to live on in creation can be so overwhelmed by darkness or unconsciousness that the fire goes out. In that period. In that period, we need to have someone to hold the light in the darkness. And that means that it does nothing. And give it away. So that means that angels have actually been coded to say okay for a period of time, then we'll come down.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: We give our light away, take the darkness of others, a deep exhaustion. It burns, but it's in the cards. And for so long, it is. It's been necessary to say okay, we're doing this because we can go faster. Nobody can go faster, as long as you're in the afterlife, where what we call purgatory is basically the sum of the horror that is when a soul goes through its purification in death and goes through everything that all the suffering that person was exposed to and came to expose others to. When you surrender to it and are in it, you come again. There is never any punishment, but you can get to some souls. When they're at a stage of development, they can linger. It's like they can't let go. They can surrender to the discomfort or to what they see they're fighting against, and that's basically purgatory. So it's kind of that image of being trapped there. No, they can't. But they were trapped there for a long time. So it can feel endless. At some point they move on or get some kind of help, so there's no one there looking for can't be trapped in hell. But you can experience something that is.

    Sune Sloth: Around and help those who are trapped there and are people or. Souls we have met. I've met some who were stuck and what are called. Yes, beauties of life.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Mornings. And mornings I.

    Sune Sloth: Talking about what we have as well. We realised that if we were going to do that, we couldn't do anything else. When there is someone who takes care of helping those who are stuck, but there is someone who is stuck. In other words, there are people who don't have their bodies, who are trapped in one kind of work or another.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And they will get help at some point, and that's it.

    Sune Sloth: We call ghosts.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, yes and yes. And that, that's some of it. And you could say it's actually the angelic realm that takes care of just that. It's the frequencies that ring that do that. You go through the cleansing, where there is something. But you know, there's not. There is no hell, but the light makes you see everything you couldn't see when you were incarnated, the blind spots you had when you were incarnated in relation to the suffering you inflicted on others in unconsciousness. You see it there, and that's what's powerful. So you may have alienated a person in your life that you suddenly didn't understand. Was actually someone you were deeply attached to in the soul world and who was supposed to play that role, so you saw everyone doing good. You are forgiven. Forgiven what you forgive yourself. You reinvent yourself. There is no external God punishing you, but religions focus on this because it can be experienced. Purgatory is basically the soul going through that cleansing process and then you enter. And it's the angelic energy that helps with that. It also means that because it's not all said and done, at those times when it's quite unstable. Then we have to be very, very, very bright. Powerfully luminous beings that go down, give our light away, take the darkness in, take from here. Goes lightning fast too, because angels don't get caught in purgatory. They are so used to it.

    Sune Sloth: To donate to excel, but.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They don't do that anymore. But they did, and here comes a group, a group because there have not been relatively few, but because they are so powerful, even if they don't know they have been.

    Sune Sloth: Through this. Almost everyone who has a soul that comes from the angelic realm.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Everyone who has.

    Sune Sloth: Not a sprinkling, but who have gotten to the point where they've come down to create that vision, have been caught in relationships where it has been a problem that they are caring and giving and understanding right up to the point where they wear themselves out completely. And it's as if it's hard for them to pull themselves out of it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: So no Do you see the light in the other person, no matter how messed up that person is?

    Sune Sloth: Yes. And some of that light is also what you yourself contribute. That's what it is.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You hope you.

    Sune Sloth: Will experience that when you give it and you withdraw from the person, they collapse, and then they don't carry it to the same degree. But because you see through your own field and see them with that light and then unfold it when you're dealing with them.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And because it has been until now, it has the relatively small group inside you. Some of them have known they were. Many don't know. So that is, you also don't know that you have an extremely powerful field that teaches a lot of people. You don't realise it, but a lot of people unconsciously come to kind of suck on you.

    Sune Sloth: You get sucked off like that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You will be.

    Sune Sloth: Who everyone calls and talks to. And the girlfriends are so cosy. And if you then start to hold and start to be a little selective and withdraw a little, then they start to get weird.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Because what happens is that your field as an angel absorbs the darkness of others. You've been coded to do that. So people are used to feeling really good and that you're such an empathetic person that you don't pick on them. Well, you have. You were so understanding that you. For people to feel like they're being judged, that's very rare. Of course, you also have to go through your human development. You have teenagers. You may well experience you know have periods where but if you're single, have no one standing with you, then it's actually something. The hardest part is going through the different stages of human development, because that's one of the hardest things. The darkness of others is one thing, it's also scary for you. But the most shameful thing is your own darkness, which is your own anger if you realise that you're jealous in a situation. It's tremendously difficult for you, and you have to find and recognise something in yourself. God, do I contain it? It can lick down with doing something. It's something of.

    Sune Sloth: You can be very surprised by their own rage, and if they feel like sticking a wrench down the throat of some customer.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Because it's that, that, that, that sits in the human parts of you and the unknown to you.

    Sune Sloth: Scared of this, it doesn't last.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You don't have that when you are not incarnated and are the human part of your mental part of your person. So then share it when.

    Sune Sloth: When you want the body consciousness, as for the earth here for sensations and what we bring down there.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And everything.

    Sune Sloth: You can be very surprised by what lies in the body and what lies there.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And there's actually something really important here, because in order to be down here as the one frequency you are here, you actually had to go through that initiation. And own your own darkness, because this is where the angelic power can be allowed to unfold. Actually, the power has been suppressed in the past because it was so bright and it would burn people, so it was too dangerous for people. So there has been. It both has been and we have to. Some people swallow some darkness, because then the evolution of the planet and the evolution of mankind will no longer happen. Then it takes hold of me quite briefly, then I live until I'm 30, and then I die. Then it picks up, goes through lightning fast just because I can do it very, very quickly. Arne remembers that he's done it well, so it's not much fun to do.

    Sune Sloth: Food all the time. Just contact a feeling from the inside.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, they have a feeling, and that's also why they see the beauty they have. They have the connection upwards, but they see how isolated people are. Feeling themselves about your illusion and they see where they feel very intensely how other people haven't got back to being unclean with their intimacy and so it's super lonely. Being single is a very special feeling of loneliness. At the same time, you feel connected.

    Sune Sloth: If that's their mission, they don't get on well with each other. And they even think we meet angels who hook up with a do. Have you experienced that?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, I have. I have experienced it. It doesn't happen very often. Jesus came to life, so it happens. It can happen. Often it might be that it depends on why the angel is there. I've always been in favour.

    Sune Sloth: Hell appeared with a ground wire, for example. Or something else.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: May have some other frequencies. So if you.

    Sune Sloth: Makes something fill something here.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And there, just as they often need to have some IPs who have taken quite a few lives down here, or who know about the darkness from other planets, because then they don't have to spend too much time in the dark. They have to learn to take care of the darkness in themselves, because they can put their own power and.

    Sune Sloth: Timing on that. I always think it's simple souls that show up between people with narcissistic defences or psychopathy.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's coming to an end.

    Sune Sloth: There have been quite a few.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: But it's been part of taking the darkness. It's to make sure that the darkness doesn't become too much. Because if you have. If you see a couple with two narcissists, unless they have opposing narcissistic traits, they will kill each other. They're going to be hugely abusive and if they have kids, those kids, it's complete. So it's not just 50% of children in relationships that develop narcissism, it's 100%. If you have two narcissist parents to get out of the claw that what in swimming, so you actually have to have to have to balance a right survival.

    Sune Sloth: Like the old mission here was attracted to, and also get to keep young people in check.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They have basically taken on and ended up in dysfunctional relationships in order to have the light to try to lift. Yes, the leadership has that mission, as it's not necessary anymore, so it's being rounded off, because the epoch we're entering now, in Earth's evolution, is that individuals, i.e. souls that have come to it, gather the collective unconscious where they have come to, which roughly corresponds to the prestige. So you'll see that there will be some souls who have come a long way and some who haven't come so far. But that's the average.

    Sune Sloth: And how is it going?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Are you still quite observed? You're still not very aware of your own needs. So when you look at Hollywood and you look at pop culture, you can see that the majority kind of loses an idea, and it's still kind of important to have a barbecue and a carport, and it's still something of the exterior, and you measure yourself against each other, so it's still a pretty nice look.

    Sune Sloth: Then the helmet is still us. Competition in still.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Competition and.

    Sune Sloth: Likewise in the relationship.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And we go in groups saying I'm more like you. And then we're the ones who think we're a bit rubbish and there are still groupings. So you can say there. But what's crucial is that there's a call for personal responsibility, and that's still appropriate.

    Sune Sloth: In some cases, we've gone beyond the individual and also into the group, at least at these levels. Immediate levels Where are we at in this? But basically the first place, you start with What about everything, and then you just start having needs.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Sure, we come, we go, we.

    Sune Sloth: So you're selfish, you're focused on yourself. Then there are moments when you realise that there's another child, and it can hurt the other child, and you start to have some empathy for it, and then you kind of go in. At some point you come in, and then it's the family. Then it can become its own group. So it's the ethics spreading to the point where you have empathy in larger parts. The next thing is that you can say. But maybe humanity has been wronged, and so it's not your own culture, for example, but you can also see that you can travel in a country, and then you can see here is a different way of living, and you can.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Feeling strong.

    Speaker3: Connected.

    Sune Sloth: With. But still the connection can be connected, even though we are different, and then it becomes world publication, and then it becomes like the universe, that there can be beings, you could say in other dimensions, other planets. So where are we in that? I think we are.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's easiest to see Stephen, then I can better remember one or more than I have. I've read several where it's more about the archetypes that are kind of directed where we go from. For mass consciousness, we've gone from the fact that what the majority were looking for was success. External success like many families that just need to pressurise the body for a good education. You know. That has been what has been driving us to now that that magical consistency entered into relationships. So that's why you still have to have an education, but it's like How am I doing at work? How am I doing with my kids? How am I doing with my family? How do I feel? How do I feel about God, the universe and nature? That is, the relational you become money on the relational. And then there is a frequency band? Some are extremely competent, some are seasoned. Some are just starting to realise that there's something that I have to take as a relationship.

    Sune Sloth: That I have to take care of someone who doesn't work. Works, and I start. I feel connected to a man. He said so happy on his phone. Or he doesn't think he's open, and he comes home and has been working all day. He misses her or whatever. Now it's like God.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: But we got married and we were doing very well, and now we have these two jobs and we have two children. And there's something wrong.

    Sune Sloth: Is that the point?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: If you want to wake up so you can say you become money, everyone wants to become money, it's like relationships become first place, and then it comes with success. Our success has been in first place, and then relationships down here. They're swapped around, so that's the new threshold that we stepped into, that that's what it is and that means us being forced to where it hurts and maturing. And if you don't start maturing, then it hurts or it creates masks.

    Speaker3: And.

    Sune Sloth: You can't. What you can say, which I think research also supports, is that women are. Women take precedence in empathising and understanding this. And those who are lagging far behind. It's across the board. Then there are overlaps and people who fall into both categories. But that we see a much higher degree of men who are lonely endeavours. Men who are divorced, divorced men as suicide rates in men and divorced men in women and men who are not being chosen in relationships is a bigger group now. Then there's a crisis in men of loneliness and disconnectedness and things like that, which we don't talk about at all, but then you can say don't link to anything, there's research being done on it. But it's not something we talk about, because maybe they're the ones who get their act together, and you're used to whinging if you tell them you're having a hard time. But she has often been the gateway to his social network. And it's also a defence against loneliness. So even if he's closed off and a bit awkward in social situations, she organises it and he gets an experience. And then he was there anyway. But if he's on his own with that task, then. That's one of the things men struggle with. How the hell do you make a friend? So we have a colossal crisis for men here in relation to that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Roughly speaking, you could say that part of. The archetype that pings the masks in business, which thus pings the individuals, talks about money relationally. So that is to say I want you, please feel, why don't I have enough friends, or why do I feel lonely, or why do we constantly argue in different ways? It's very crude and a bit overly dominant, but still statistically speaking. Men have to find their way through how they relate to relationships that women no longer provide for them. And the women, of course, also have to relate to those they actually have to figure out. How do I make sure that I can pay my bills and take care of structure and build a business and things like that at the same time? Relationships because there's been this thing of them keeping each other in check with that. And in that process there would be a lot of confusion. And until many women buy a dog and get divorced and only have one and don't give anything back and then bark. So right now this is messing around and causing pain. So right now you will also experience the most difficult relationship and intimate relationship because this is pressure. What creates that change comes out in the interaction with the other person. And you don't find a relationship. There are two relationships that pressurise the most and arouse the most because there can be contagion transmission to your partner to your children, and that's why right now many people will find that they feel like it could explode. But that's the point.

    Sune Sloth: You realise that there's a problem that they didn't notice before. They notice.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They start to notice it.

    Sune Sloth: You can search for Reese, for example, until you're one of those who has talked a lot about it, and you have this guy with braces. Yes, his name is.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Gregus, but then there's Aguero. And the institute writes a lot about it. It's really good that he refers you with pieces that I don't know right now.

    Sune Sloth: And that's one we like around. One of the things that is the biggest problem is actually the dissolution of the relationship with something that was culturally imposed.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: An institution.

    Sune Sloth: And it was expected that most men found one because it was kind of expected. But women are no longer there. And it's not just because those women are fishing in a sea where their selection takes a small group of men who get selected. A relatively large group of men who don't get selected. And who don't have children either. And that means that there are some men out there who are affected by this. And there are some women out there who are affected by men who haven't started looking into it. And then there's the violent thing.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: A very violent thing, and that's because we're right. It's relatively recent. We've entered a situation where the masks in business become money, where the relational is the most important thing. And that means that it hits where it hurts.

    Sune Sloth: And there are some banal things about that. Women becoming more independent and being able to pay for things themselves. This means that these things where she's dependent on him to stay together financially and so on. It starts to dissolve. And we see a lot of women, but also a few men, that's true. Especially women who are hugely frustrated that there are no men out there who can match them where they are and they've gone beyond that level and fend for themselves, most of them and gone beyond the level where they started and they start to see and not just give endlessly. And they start to see that now they want to go back to actually having been very giving themselves, and that when they don't feel like it, they fall apart, so what they see in him, the openness that they saw in him especially in the beginning, and that sometimes comes up, they have been. They've been the fuel for it. They've been full of it, and that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Will hold them.

    Sune Sloth: See angels even do. And he can, because if he's just got a touch of therapy and self-development language, he can talk about how he wants to do some things, but he doesn't have the drive to pursue it. So one of the things we looked at recently was research on emotional availability, that is, availability and openness. The ability to be present when talking to another person. The ability to express your needs, to express your feelings and to stand by yourself in a way where you show yourself. Is something that you can get much, much better at. And it's proof that you can, because I've worked my way from being hopeless to having a vocabulary, and if I can do it, so can others. Simply by training myself to do it and keep trying and figuring out ways to do it so you're out there and them and I have some of those memories too, where sometimes we start by giving them a list and they start writing down what they feel and start trying to communicate it. What do they need and what is happening in them? Fortunately, I can see it's happening faster with them than it did in me. It took me a long time to figure this out, and we can also see in the boys that they start to become quite sharp at it over time, without them getting a course, but simply because it's in the atmosphere that we talk about how you feel without us pushing it through.

    Sune Sloth: It's only natural that you just round it off if you're somewhere. So there's something about accessibility here. Which is part of the solution. But it's not the only part of the solution. To be a good cat, you also need to keep track of your stuff. It's no good if you have a mess of relationships and you can't figure out how to manage your life. And clean up room, as Petersen would say, or clean up house. So these layers are in one in the frequencies on top of each other. So that's what's needed next. There is also a need for a man who is in control of his life and gets his things in order and closes the gaps and I can do that. It can be done, so let me know. Those who are sitting out there, which is that you can also be a woman who stands. But now we're looking at men. It's rare that we meet women who don't have some kind of language for what's going on inside them.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And if they don't, they won't start with us. They'll start somewhere else.

    Sune Sloth: So to round it off, we're working on a guide for an enthusiast here. Yes, I think it was important anyway, because when you stand as yourself and have chosen a man, and you try to insist that it should be you, then there is a long journey for a man to be able to meet you. Like. Sometimes he agrees to something out of desperation, and sometimes there's actually a drive in him. But you need to be super aware of whether that drive comes from within. Whether you are his teacher who teaches him to speak emotions, language and needs and pinpoints him and stands up for him and gets angry and demands that he must now tell you how he feels. There's a huge evolutionary journey for men who have been brought up to be warlike and closed off, and you're a wimp. If you're being bullied at school, you don't sit there and point and say and gossip to someone. You become aggressive, and there's a Winnie the Pooh emotion, as Britta Riis explains, called anger, which you know. It can cover all sorts of emotions, but it's okay for you among boys.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You have to dare to feel it to get down and feel what lies beneath it.

    Sune Sloth: So when you meet a man who doesn't have a vocabulary, who doesn't know what's going on, and he gets angry, you feel he's offended because he's angry. It's because he starts. He doesn't know anything else. And then you meet equality, and you can't be angry, because then you are. Then you can be abusive, and she can be completely furious and crazy and go to the Family Court and smear you, while there's a woman on the other side and he gets angry. Then he has an abuser who is a psychopath. So if there's an inequality in society right now, where he's severely behind on points in relation to these things. And then she stays.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: In relationships, because she can't show anger towards him in relationships. He can't handle it.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, but he does it anyway, and he sticks around because it's his network. He's afraid of being alone and down. So he's in a dilemma, because he can't freak out too much, because then she won't want him either. But that's the gateway to him, to work on can be his, his anger. That's what I want.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Absolutely.

    Sune Sloth: Probably nuance.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It can actually be if you're curious and don't dare to feel your anger such a longer journey.

    Sune Sloth: That's because we've been told culturally since the 70s that you have to wear trumpet trousers and long hair and never wear red. And you mustn't be angry, because it's a knee-jerk reaction to matriarchy without balance in relation to going under.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Or for one because mentally philosophical. You always just have to be rational. It's also straightforward.

    Sune Sloth: On the emotions and being able to explain sitting with a turtleneck sweater and pointing with a pipe and being smarter academically or having some kind of therapeutic language. There are many.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Ways to shut down anger.

    Sune Sloth: So these self-development men typically have a lot of armour plating that they don't have control over. That's for sure.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: But so do philosophers.

    Sune Sloth: So when did it become passive aggression, where you sit and talk and then I have my feelings and you know. But in reality, he's trying to get somewhere with her. You say it openly whether it's on you in the box, or you get her to open up with something or other. Or just get her to stop demanding something, or you know, matching her, but she's still trying to try to do something. But underneath there is his archaic layer, which of course she's afraid of, because you know she's been raped and used and abused and oppressed.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And this is all women. It's not just angels themselves, this, this in general, this is what it's about.

    Sune Sloth: All men who are interested in women with real souls when they stand there. What is it that they encounter?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: The problem? You have to go through some intentions as angels, because I would say if you are an angel incarnate or in PM angel dust, then you will find you. It's not certain that in the future is where you are right now. You will find yourself giving and giving to. The last one will stand for exhaustion, and here it's like champagne glasses, you know. In the old days you have this hierarchy, you pour from the top and then it fills the others. There are some angels incarnating now that are so powerful that they have to go down and change it. The old mission if you like, it has to be changed. There is a limitation that needs to be lifted in a physical body that has angelic energy in it, which then creates a vibration and almost creates a ritual effect in the field. And this releases other angels, souls or angels empowering souls to say Okay, I have an opportunity to step out of the mission that I just have to receive and give without saying no. And here we're going to see the next step in how an angel expresses in a human body because there's more light down here now. So now angels can also shine, and they can turn it up, and they sweat other people, so angels have not become such weak people who always stand and talk like this. They walk around in closed-off spaces because otherwise their light would just blow people backwards and burn up.

    Sune Sloth: So what we sometimes experience is that the women I talk to are typically women. They start blowing up, turning up. We take They don't come up. I. Come by sometimes to be seen and then get to unfold, and then they go back, and then he comes and can't stand it at all.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They blow him backwards. And then they go through a phase where he or she is ashamed of that.

    Sune Sloth: I feel left behind. What about listening? And you know, then they go back. Well, we also had good times, and he can too. He can also be really sweet, and we. Sometimes we have a wonderful connection when we have sex. So we've gone round that cycle endlessly, and it's like it's clear to see from the outside that it's coming. So all the analysis we do of him doesn't show that he's there, but he keeps going. Why does he do that?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's very, very difficult for a passionate person to step out of a relationship. It's actually rare that they actually have to. It's the second initiation that is something to figure out. I'm giving everything away. I need to stop giving everything away, because then I end up wearing myself out and my nervous system freaks out, and I don't want that. I get really tired and then no more money because they'll take my friends or whatever it is different things can give away. Are you always giving some ideas or listening to them or giving them money? Or how you can help with that one thing? The other thing is that when you do that you're like. It's not because you're here to personally learn something about relationships, which of course you need the human part to develop. That's the horizontal development as a human being, but basically you have to remember who you are, and you do that by meeting some edges. And when you suddenly find yourself in a relationship where you think and instinctively know that this is not loving for any of us, or it's more intuitive actually, and you live it out the first time.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's very difficult because you feel very deeply. It's berries, angels, dust. It also means that you feel very, very deeply. So that means you also feel his or her heart you are with. And you are here. You are in. You are the release of pain. You are not here to release it. You are the release of pain, the pain, because you are light. Therefore, light goes light redeems. You harmonise. You then redeem. So when you see a person breaking down because you want to walk out of the relationship, that's doing it. Hold on to this, it's the loving thing to do. You also have your own human trauma, and you have to work through that too. You just need to know that. As angels, you have as angels. You are insanely self-healing, because the frequencies you have as an angel are what is used in the bardo to go through the purified human up to go through that purification. Fire is what you have. This means that when you become aware of who you are, you can cleanse your own trauma. It's constantly working in you, but of course you have to learn not to take in other people's shit all the time.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: There. If you go and work on that too, you'll never notice the difference. You'll just get weighed down and tired. So it's hugely important for you to learn and learn to delimit your field. You have to learn because you're so natural that it's so counterintuitive not to give. So if you meet someone who wants to ask you something, you will answer. But sometimes you don't want to because you're tired. You don't want to talk to anyone. So you can practice sometimes saying no, you don't feel like it. It's extremely difficult. You have to practice a whole boundary exercise, so you find out where should I give my light and where should I not give it? Because you incarnate a human body when you're not incarnated, it's no problem, but you you you you're down here, you actually have to see this exercise for you, and it's very difficult. It is. It's a bit like saying you have to learn a trick now. Don't swim right now. I'm, I'm water, I'm in water and I'm swimming. Hero. What are you talking about? That's why it feels so weird.

    Sune Sloth: Can you get over it?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, I know. I've done it myself.

    Sune Sloth: Have you experienced others? Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I experience others along the way and can go back again. They're so angry, and they typically leave, so it's very typical that no soul wants to experience a relationship and sometimes a collection of relationships where they've been pissed on for years. And they were so understanding. Oh yeah, and then in the end it's just such a fucking and off. Fucking off is what you can do as angels. It really is. You can go and be that. Not because you can contain your own power, and I can see that as a limit. Then you don't go out and shuffle like an angel. The universal law is to respect the other person's free will, and like it. The pattern of virtue lies.

    Sune Sloth: Do you reach out all the time. Then yes.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: But, but but but but because but but it's because it's the human part of it. And then there's the old mission in relation to you having to be something for someone to take in their darkness. But you'll constantly wonder if you've violated someone's free will. It will be underneath all that, it will always be there. If you consider were I now. And that's what could be now. Too much should have done something else. Have I not seen their light? That as a firebrand you will be extremely aware of what are my own shadows? What my own grief I play them out extremely aware because they and you. But because you are aware of it not because you have done more shit than others there we have not.

    Sune Sloth: Mindful of keeping your own darkness mark and learn. It can give.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Chew and thicken your way through it, and at some point there is an opportunity to come to a gentleness with yourself and actually actually be you know. You reach something like I said to a friend who definitely has a single piece with her, and it was hugely frightened that she had been with an abusive partner like that. She had.

    Speaker3: Want to.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Throwing stones at his head, and it was just excellent. Fucking great you know and you can only laugh about it, because it's fucking great. You get to the point where he also got that arse, that he was unconscious and he offended you. It's only natural that you're going to quietly get out of him. Luckily you didn't, so you went to jail, which was a pain in the arse, but that's fine. That's a damn good place to stand there. It's actually seeing how you use your power to just make a boundary. Because when you do that, you just make a bang, which also awakens other angelic souls to wake up in their powerfulness, because this is now going down. And there can be a lot of differences, and I can't dictate what anybody should finally do. But the main mission you go from before was this. We're going to make sure that we assist the earth by bringing up a lot of dark internals, just you clean out. Nu er det sådan lidt Nu er det nu er det den den er omkodet til at skulle stå selv søde skat, når du vil patte på mig, så englen nu når du når du som ingen mærker. Okay, my mum is trying to get me to come home to a social street boy, because she wants to make fun of the fact that she has a daughter, a son who can do something. You can feel the manipulation in that set. No, I guess I'll just have to say yes, because now she needs it. It's good that you can feel it. She's not doing it lovingly. She needs resistance to mature. If I don't do it, she'll think it's not yours. It's your feelings. So it changes from before that you just had to take everything in to bring it up. It's now that every time someone tries to transgressively take your light and use it without maturing from it evolving from it, you have to say no. You have to give.

    Speaker3: Them.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It, it just comes. You can't get it, and you will feel it as angels, and it will confuse you because it feels in you as such a little cold. Not rewarding. But every time you feel, I'm not sure I should give my light right here. Then it's like that. And why shouldn't I? And I can see it because you always want to see the good in people, and that means you can also see where they are, where they have that development potential. You can see where they're messing around. That is, so you can. I'm not going to give my light. I'm not going to feel sorry for you here, because this is the fourth time you've fallen into a destructive relationship where you don't have the energy for your children because you're lying around, you can't pay your bills. I'm not going to sit here and feel sorry for you and make you soup, because you actually have to feel the pain of having to step out of your dependence on men or women and take your fucking responsibility. It's not a judgement, it's just a very sobering one. There lies a giant, as there also lies Putin. You have to reach up and take the light in and get the insight and take control of the life you have to take from others. It's not a power struggle anymore. On resources, so there. Right now, there is an emerging one. The reaching up. Connecting to the higher dimensions, whatever you call it, and understanding that you are connected to a greater degree of a being that is greater than yourself and thus get inspiration and light and courage to live your life from there.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And there we are right at the beginning, so no one wants to. So if you're out there reasoning about this and saying God yes, this is how I'm wired. And you can start to feel that I don't want to call a friend back and call her. And you become horrible, so you always listen to what she's struggling with, because she's using you if she doesn't move, if she's facing the same problem over and over again, and she calls you and you listen. Just that listening is like balm on the wound because your field is so delicious. So she got used to it, so she thinks it's nice and then she goes back and does the same fuck up she always does and you're completely drained. You've given your light away for free, so it's actually something like when you give your light away, do they take it? It's not that anyone is ever tired of it. It drains you and it makes you exhausted. Okay, but the fact that you can see that they take it and turn it into something where they are stronger themselves. And that should be your children as well. So as the angels say, you're at high risk to look after your children and you can't stand their pain, so you do everything? Yes, you do everything to make sure they don't feel pain. You can't bear it. It hurts you.

    Sune Sloth: You actually have to be able to bear watching other people slip into darkness. You have to be able to.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Be able to see them in the dark. You have to be able to bear to see it. That's a pain that you have to be exposed to in order to mature. I'll stand over here and not interfere, and you can reach out and I'll help you, and then you have to be able to take care of yourself. You actually have to have it. That ability is in you like angels, but you have to wake up in it. Start to own it. That you actually. Angels are not soft at all. They can be both interpreters, staying put because they were programmed wrong, or they have taken limitations in their field to be able to make sure that they very uncritically took in the darkness of others, because that was what was needed at the time. They could do that because they were so powerful. They said yes to that. That's what's needed. That's what we do. That's no longer what's needed. Now they need to show how fucking badass they are, because they've opened up their power more. And you have to unpack that yourself as a little soul down here.

    Sune Sloth: Then you can unfold this thing of being able to see when they use it to connect and to transform their own lives. Can you give an example of that? Or in other ways?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That's actually where they.

    Sune Sloth: End up taking responsibility for their own lives. It's something about.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That if what I say, they come and ask for some advice, then it's worth listening to. Typically, when you're inside yourself, people will love talking to you and spouting off about their lives and their pain.

    Sune Sloth: What they don't tell.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's that they open up when they're there because your field is so inviting to it. So those when you can see it's where they ask for some advice and And they come, and they might not know what to do with this, or I'm in doubt or something, and they come and you listen to them and you are with them, and you accommodate them, and you give them compassion, and you lift them for the good energy. Do all this, it makes them feel better, it soothes and it eases them. They feel good and you can see that they go back out into life. And then something is not because you've said it, but that ping pong has taken you to a new place. They've taken in some reflections, so they actually go back and use that light and turn it into courage to change something in their life. Maybe leave a relationship. Daring to tell someone I love you. Both of these can be hard to approach because they are afraid of being rejected or taken out of a relationship. Reconnect with someone briefly. Going back and if we don't talk about what happened, whether it's control.

    Sune Sloth: On their health.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Getting a handle on their finances or whatever it should be and you can see that they use it, they move.

    Sune Sloth: It's something that can be translated into another being. Human being as consciousness of something, that consciousness if translated into a new place to be, a new action, someone they find the courage to do something. So it's actually a matter of paying a little attention to whether they move.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And not because you have a demand for it. But you do. You don't. But because it gladdens your heart to see it's enormously beautiful for you and to see that that person begins to stand stronger, because their essence begins to shine through.

    Sune Sloth: Then you contribute to the development of humanity, because there is another person who takes some steps that pave the way for others and must take some steps out of all those they have to deal with and experience the effect of it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And you also make sure that as a soul, you will be very aware that people don't build an addiction to your field.

    Sune Sloth: And what can be a withdrawal phase. When you discover this, where there will be a network that becomes like you react.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And when it's there. You will experience that when you wake up to this and realise that if I don't start to hold back my own field, which is a critical time in the development of an angelic soul and down in relation to actually surrendering more and more to its serving function. Because the wholeness, as it is living it, is because nobody serves the whole. They are the whole, so they don't do it for the whole. They don't sacrifice themselves. They are the whole. They have to remind themselves that that's what they're here for. They do that by being who they are. And by being who they are, they are not just giving their light, because there is a universal law of two parties giving something together, taking their frequencies and making them available to each other. It creates something that it.

    Sune Sloth: Promises, and that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Lifts it. It gives something new.

    Sune Sloth: It's something about being aware of permanent lifts, however small they may be. So let's say you have a boyfriend who has some health problems or has problems with an ex-wife who takes advantage of him. And that's what he's complaining about. And you can see that he can do some things, he could do some things. But he doesn't. He keeps coming back. So you really just have to choose to say tractor.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Or you can choose what you can actually say you. There may be some intermediate steps. It's actually the thing to figure out in an actual system and especially now, because the mission has changed. It's no longer necessary to take people in. So you will start to get violent. You will experience in your nervous system as incredibly annoying and it's new to you. It's incredibly annoying that people come to you and unload the same issues. You will, and you may be startled and want to slap your forehead. And it's bloody good. And it's basically because this is what you have, right? You haven't taken responsibility for it. Yes, you have. We've talked about it four times, and you've done nothing about it. It's actually a misuse of my energy. You want to use my mental faculty. You want to use my understanding, my compassion. But something that we have talked about so many times. You've just forgotten about us and think it's nice again because it soothes you. It doesn't work.

    Sune Sloth: So the irritation here or the anger or it's justified Swedish you down people's throats. It's excellent. A brick is something, just especially the irritation at their lack of responsibility. And this is where you have to listen to this in practice.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And this is actually where you then. Then you can choose to say I don't want to be with you. I guess you could do that. You could also choose to say. You can choose to say Okay, this is the fourth time you've talked about this. And it's quite draining for me because I'm going through something. We've talked about it, but you don't have to do anything about it. It's yours. An angel's self. Again, you don't want to transcend one. Whether the person does something about something, because it's your soul's journey, whether you have to mess around. You have to do something. You can't.

    Sune Sloth: Just say I don't really want to talk about this anymore. Well, that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You don't want to. But as an angel you don't, because you're someone else. You other being, because.

    Sune Sloth: I agree.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, exactly. But as angels, you will be like that a little bit. It may well be your soul and your soul's journey and mess around in that, so you have someone you respect. And it may actually be that you have to clear around that tree right now, I don't know. Well, if you can just jump out of incarnation, you'll be able to see it. But right there you're right. You can and you can.

    Speaker3: I'm not going to.

    Sune Sloth: Interfere.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And I have it. I'm not going to get involved in messing around with it, so you have a huge amount of respect for. I don't know what you're doing, if you're going into the dark. You have to. But what you can do, you can do it. I say okay. I can feel it frustrating me. I can feel myself. I'm getting tired of it, and I don't really have anything more to offer here. So either you ask others or you do something about it. And if you do something about it, then we can try sparring together again, and then you'll see what the person does to the person who gets angry. Then you've actually moved on from the relationship. Because then that person won't respect your boundaries, but believes that they have the right to expect you to deliver something without taking responsibility for anything. That's it.

    Sune Sloth: Well a very good test of whether that person appreciates your attention and gets angry and feels entitled or leaves.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: On you. And you're also cold and you've become selfish and you're not a giving person and you care. I also think that going down to basics, then that's what you should just do as such. Okay, that's better. It actually is. It's actually harmful to the person too, because the person becomes, if you constantly give something without the requirement that You don't need what I do, but with this thing you keep talking about, you have to actually act on it, so we don't have to keep talking about your suffering. Then you'll be enormously drained, and the person will stay because it's soothing to talk to you. Then the person will just forget about the pain until the next time it piles up, so the person is stuck in immaturity, subconscious and unconsciousness. If you don't demand that the person either stop talking about it with you or the person now, then do everything else about it, as you need to assess whether you need to do something about it.

    Sune Sloth: Otherwise, you have to choose to go and stick to the old mission and say irritation is mine to own. That's my problem.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You can choose that too. Then you stay. Then you'll probably get pretty worn out, and you can also say that irritation. Yes, you can do that, so then you'll probably start to get body aches, and you may get some signs that I don't think you can keep going. There may well be someone there.

    Sune Sloth: I haven't seen anyone driving around in it, but when I ask them, they don't know.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They're not. It's as if they're right on the edge of this. It's still quite unfamiliar, because they've only recognised the ringing of the old mission, that I have to constantly stretch myself to make sure I understand them.

    Sune Sloth: But it can have some pretty powerful effects in the social networks.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It may well be that you only have the cat left at the end, not daring to go through. I would invite you if you feel the cat doesn't see you where you're standing. You will be eaten up by the other. Then I invite you to dare to do it. Even if you only have the cat left and deep trust in it. Then you're in a period where you're refining your field. It can feel lonely. It can feel lonely. It can also feel huge. A huge relief. Just the experience. God this is what it feels like when I don't have ticks on my field all the time and then over time. Then all of a sudden you'll start to feel like you're open to exchange, but maybe some completely different people. But there are some people who are actually grateful for it and actually say sorry. Now we've talked about this again. I'm in a slightly different place in relation to it. Do you have the time? Time to listen to this or that Too annoying, you know, and then you can choose.

    Sune Sloth: An exercise we recommended that we discovered. It was actually that exchange. The moment we reach out to someone, there is an exchange of plasma energy exchange. So there are a lot of people who come here who need to be cleansed of something there. For others, it's because you've grown up as a single person. And I was going to say it as if it's only women. You're not. The example I have in mind here. It's a single male soul who had a narcissistic mother. Who lived in his system. The first thing I was able to clear up was that he could suddenly see clearly. Well, I'm not going to have anything to do with her. I'm not going to be part of that exchange at all. So you can be hugely confused and have feelings of heaviness. If we can clear that up first. It's as if angels come first. You might also be able to ask your frequencies to work with it. The problem is you think it's your own mind.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You can openly see that. So that's where I was as a child when that happened.

    Sune Sloth: Typically, your lower chakra is down in your stomach and in the solar plexus area. It gets filled up enormously by others. So an important thing to be able to distinguish at all is actually to be able to draw the field to you. It's actually a matter of making a choice. Feel what's out there and then choose to pull it home. And then you'll discover that when you pull it home, there's something for them too sometimes. It needs to be transformed up or out of the system for you to get the clarity to be able to stand in it. It helps to draw the energy home, so to speak, and label into the other person. Labelling What have I put in them? It can be thoughts, feelings, ideas, anger, joy, love, hope, longing and all sorts of emotions. And then grab them one by one and then ask for and just go home again. And that's not something you do. It's something that happens when it gets pulled home and you get cleaned up. Then it's much, much easier to deal with it, because you're not wrapped up in them in the same way. You can see much more clearly. Isn't that right? Yes, you can.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That's very true, and you can be right.

    Sune Sloth: A lot in our workshops, or we do in our workshops, is about drawing the energy home.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and I would say here you return home with an English soul. So energy work as a starting point is really, really phenomenal for you, because they themselves are so responsive, so open and you typically don't know it.

    Sune Sloth: You could say that they get to a point where they start to be able to work. Even when they've been cleaned out and straightened up.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Then they start.

    Speaker3: They.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Actually, there is a God who is God himself. So you just need a little starting help, because it, and they will be. God, we've taken everything in like my mum and my dad and relatives, and I can't cope so heavily, it's just. But you also just have a field that just has so much power in it. It can get burned off so and so, so that's why.

    Sune Sloth: The realisations just come very clearly. Exactly.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: So I can actually. We can ask you to go in and think about if you've had something with your mum. Think about your mum and so on. Then all sorts of things will come up. Then you can clean up, and then you can almost get your mum out of your system in a couple of times the realisation comes.

    Sune Sloth: Guuud, it's like this, and then there are memories of something and then and then.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Something you think you saw 10 And in therapy you can get inspiration and well that theme, which I actually well now you're pretty much parked, then we move on. So yes, it's true, you've taken in a lot, and you may feel weighed down, and you may feel that it's enormously difficult, and you may be stuck there.

    Sune Sloth: Therapy and feeling guilty. And I feel ashamed, and I should too. And all this stuff. This way we can quickly flick through it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and you will be attracted typically to psychology, but there's also some of it where you feel that you didn't understand and that can be directly negative effect for you because it. The psychological understanding is a wonderful tool, but it can't go that high.

    Sune Sloth: But there's so much of it in couples counselling too, which is about sitting and exchanging and sharing.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And that's good for you as someone you should be. Yes, it's good that you have to be aware of it consciously. How will your body react if you don't want to sit and take pitiful crap for your partner, who is going to use you all the time here, and you've taught him or her how to boot and you get trained, and you will have to take responsibility for stepping out of it. So it's actually something about you bringing your partner, your field home and getting to know you. That's what it is.

    Sune Sloth: That's why it's important that you start with a couple session, then you and I go together individually sometimes and I also help them and then.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: See what happens.

    Sune Sloth: Through them when they land in their system time after time? How do they relate to each other? How do they find each other? Do they have to go together sometimes, some.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Sometimes it's the double intention and then the individual themselves, and then they split up. Then we help them there, and sometimes they find each other in a slightly new way, and then they move on from there. It can take many forms.

    Sune Sloth: But another thing that's perhaps important to say is that it's implicit, as with psychologists, that you have to become functional in society in a different way and get back to work, or whatever the hell it is to be a good citizen of society, which is a bit gross actually, and it's right at the bottom of couples therapy that we have to save the relationship, and we do everything possible. But when you get there, you say yes to opening up and seeing what happens. And only then can the choice be made again. And the point is that you choose each other again. So it's not a choice that this man has in the church. Then you've chosen each other forever, and it's also for the sake of the children and society and God and country. No, no, no. You choose each other again in the new place or deselect each other if it doesn't work out. And that can also happen. It can also happen in love, so there is something about being able to stand in and dare to say. The transformation is what happens. It knows what's coming. The next step will only show itself there. So if you walk in the door and see that we need to save the relationship or the sex life, or you know, and then you come to a traditional one, and then you have to. Then you go to a sexologist, and then you're going to try to put on kinky clothes or do some stuff. Or sit together? And do you do that? Yes, you do that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: If it was too easy, you wouldn't need another 90 minutes.

    Sune Sloth: A relationship, and if you could just repair a car like that, then yes. But when you relate and the other person unfolds, you see each other in new ways, and that's there. It's actually there. Instead of us trying to model how you meet each other, that's where it happens. If there are differences out there, we don't have a model for how to meet each other, but we think it can be really exciting. We've seen people who have split up, who can meet in a completely new way, even though they don't have sex together and the children are separated, can meet each other in some amazing ways. Actually doing energy work together and seeing each other energetically. And nobody feels like it's a loss. They've been imprinted with this Christian, you shall be together till death do us part, there, there, there. And it's like this. Either there's an expiry date or there isn't. And it stands as a threat that everything will fall apart. But it's a hero. That's not how we work at all. So with us, couples counselling is. Well, it's really two people who are considering whether they should. What they should do together. Who unfold and find out what they should or shouldn't do. Or. Because here the transformation is at the centre. But it knows.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Transformation knows best, and it happens in you, so we can't do that. Neither can we nor should we. You can create it.

    Sune Sloth: Together afterwards and by each other or lifting each other, or can you just keep a friendly relationship?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: We just help you find the answers, myself and unpack you. We don't have the answers, because nobody does.

    Sune Sloth: So that's the choice. And that's also often what we see, that one party. They keep each other in check by waiting for the other, making the choice to opt in.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Or opt out.

    Sune Sloth: So I just go and wait. I'm tired of him not bothering to develop. Now he's a woman. I could do that now too. I'm a woman and I keep waiting for him to make the choice to start working on himself. Sometimes he's there. Now I have put it on him and have a choice. My choice to go with him. I haven't taken it home, so it's actually going in and deciding to say yes. I choose to take the choice home. When you land your energy system, you can see that I choose to try for a while now and see what happens. But if I go in and interfere with this one, I'll never get to see if it comes out, because I'm always busy interfering with whether he's doing this or that. And when you get out of there, you can. You can't use it for shit, because he'll get it from you.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, you don't know. Is it because he's afraid that you'll leave him and then he does just that? You have no idea that he even wants that. But it can also be the other way round.

    Sune Sloth: Give a man that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Absolutely.

    Sune Sloth: Faced with his wife and they don't know what to do. He works with himself, he becomes more and more energy sensitive, and then he has this experience of God. She may be energy sensitive and see clearly most of the time, but she has closed herself off from me. Even though she opens up and works with herself. It doesn't really do anything for her with our exchange despite her opening up. So what we had together at some earlier stages is not really there anymore. So even though he can feel us longing for her to open up, and he wants to touch her and turns her on or just wants to be close to her. So because he has learnt to draw the field to him and stand in it and own his longing to meet a woman who wants this with him. Yes, she does. But she doesn't do it. She doesn't offer it to him. Then he gets it. And we've seen it many times. He gets this experience of God. It must be possible. I have to be able to do this with a woman. So what I help him with is to go out into the world with this energy and see what happens to someone who really wants you. Because what's the difference between someone who is so lukewarm about it and that? Going back and forth and someone who really wants it. And then he's like that. I can see that. If we both know it, we know it. We both know it very much because it takes something. It takes a lot, and that means that we can both open up. So we can have this thing where one of us doesn't do shit. We can see that. Then it's a bit of a given, but we can also easily have some where they both open up, and then they realise that they need a partner.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They open up. Even if they open up separately. That's not the thread.

    Sune Sloth: But on the other hand, we see that there are far fewer conflicts when it comes to dealing with children and agreeing on things like that. So when you take your relationship to heart here.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: There is far greater understanding of the other person. And a possible break-up will be much easier to deal with and that's the bigger one. God, I see you and I could see why we got together. I also see and can see why you need something else.

    Sune Sloth: I can see you're in pain when you're alone with the children and don't know what to do and feel powerless. But I can also see that if I go in and support you here and don't let you figure it out yourself, it won't go well either. So I have to step back and allow you to deal with it, even though it's difficult and it's a different kind of contact, if you like, where the other person is. So, in the case I'm thinking of here, keep working with you and be present where she starts and eventually gets through these things and then finds strength in finding a different way to approach it. It didn't match his, so their dynamic. It didn't play together in a place where she could open up and find responsibility in it. Then there's more we wanted to say about the Angel Soul path. She covered a lot of ground.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I think some of the last thing I say may sound a bit abstract, but it is. My experience of the mythology that is ours, the part of the world where that is central to our culture, which is the Christian mythology, which is based on Jesus, which actually usually had to look a bit like that cut out. You dance between the feminine and masculine and actually the Christ energy incarnate basically. Taking on the suffering of humanity on the cross is actually what angels have done it. The mythology angels what the mythology angels have incarnated down to do. I take on the suffering of humanity because right now they can't do it themselves. And if we don't take on the darkness of man, take it up into the bardo, then we won't get any further. That mythology no longer holds, so my hypothesis is actually that there's at least one powerful angel who incarnates with another angel in another powerful being and actually lives a relationship down here that is different, that actually lives in a relationship in a family. Living ordinary people, but breaking through the destructive dynamics of relationships with children and actually living in unconditional love. What it means in a family constellation and actually cleaning all that up and releasing it into the groundwater and actually living in the power to say no to it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Actually, it's like, Hey, now you're getting on my nerves. Now you're trying to manipulate me. Just say no to that. Also against narcissism and everything else. So there's actually, when you talk about some spiritual circles, even though it's true about Jesus returning I down yeah no, I see it more like the archetype, the one that's there, is the next season on the archetype, coming now next year as it's a new release, that the archetypes are changing. And that actually means that someone is actually human. Not very many. Two, four maybe that incarnate down and live it out, do a reboot effect. Maybe they become visible, maybe they just do it without being visible to the masses. And that's what the Rebel Effect does, helping a kind soul to release the old mission because it's so insanely powerful. Angels that incarnate down work through it so fiercely. That it creates cracks the energy field that rises up above the groundwater, the dirty groundwater and can be down here like Jesus walked on water. It's basically an allegory that you don't get pulled down by the group field. You have so much light with you that you can rise above it.

    Sune Sloth: And then you can feel it, it's as quiet as possible.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Exactly. And that they are here I am my animals. We they are here right now and living it, and they are living it right now and are already making the Weber effect into the groundwater. And the reason I say this is because for those of you who have no soul and no soul or even no dust, you can be very hard on yourself when you're in the awakening, you're allowing yourself to be used and it's so hard to step out of that because some of it is not your own. It's not just something I'm insecurely attached to, it's also because it's busy with something. It's basically there because it's the old mission, it was meant to be.

    Sune Sloth: Can you.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Hitting the edge? You know, there's a huge reprogramming going on, and it's like this champagne glass at the very top is about to be filled, so it can overflow and make it easier for you, because there's like an archangel that's incarnated to fix it. But it has to happen in a chain, because that's how it is. So in a way, Mary Magdalene has come back. She meets her. Well, time will tell.

    Sune Sloth: But you don't need to be able to do that either. No, it's actually not necessary.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's not important. It's important that she incarnates in physical form, but it's not important that she's hailed by the masses. It's an energetic thing.

    Sune Sloth: It's a path that is being paved without any limitations that can be released. And it will be a crisis when you let go of that limitation and she.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Letting go and she goes through. And now I say she can also be in another form, but the energy is because the feminine, the higher frequencies are because they embrace the feminine men, and it can also be channelled into more, but it's quite few. So that is to say these are a single or very very powerful angels that incarnated down deep. They take exclusively. They simply go down and work so deep that the locks that have been put there have been put down to make sure that angels took down on them. That's where they have the key to unlock the shit. I think that was them.

    Speaker3: Closing.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Words.

    Sune Sloth: I think I'll just finish by saying that we've been asked before Are there couples doing any of the things we've talked about before, and we'll probably do a new one about couples and living, because that's how it should be. Update We see couples starting to do what we do, but in their own way. Yes, it can be done. It certainly can. And it's not always happy, in the sense that things can come up, but they can meet each other in a completely different way and see each other more clearly and stuff. It has also been said before that some of them choose not to live together and some of them choose to live together, and it's really cool to see that it can be done so beautifully. And it's true that fewer men are interested, but there are some who have followed.

    Speaker3: And.

    Sune Sloth: Is ready for this. And one of the reasons why they're not in it is because they're lagging behind in everything we've talked about before.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That we've just started to monetise the relational. We're relatively new to it. We have.

    Sune Sloth: Found out that they need to get their shit together to be attractive partners at all. Down to a basic level, which is about more than. Acquiring different stability and being trained and some things, but also on a human level. So there is a statistical imbalance, which makes women frustrated because there are men out there. We have met some of them. So yes, there are some out there, and it looks good too. It can.

    Speaker3: Seems.

    Sune Sloth: I'm some likes, and that's just to say that I think is important. There is an imbalance in the number. It could be them seeking us out. It could be men who think it's too cheesy or something else. What we do or don't fit into it. But I see a trend and I also see a trend among men. Male podcasters are starting to take an interest in this. I see some signs that it's starting to grow. On the one hand, it's getting more attention. Robert Green, for example, who has written about these laws and his new book, which I haven't read because it's not out yet. But he talked about it in a podcast, and I'm quoting roughly from memory, that standing and giving your heart to someone because you love them, no matter how painful it is to stand in the pain. In love, it's the most powerful thing you can seek out and the hardest. I haven't heard any men say that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I think we're starting to hit the soup out there.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, and that's just one example. But I also see this in other podcasters who are starting to take an interest in these things. I see it in. You follow some different ones on Instagram with a guy who talks about narcissistic relationships, who doesn't have a therapeutic education, but who obviously has been through the whole shit himself and can be a guide for others. We see different really interesting ones that spread like where there's quality and also a lot of bullshit. But it shows us that there's a huge quality of emotional intelligence as part of seeing the connection as something that they value and that a quality that has to be built on top of everything else. So there are some movements happening in this. Which have happened lately within the last few months. It may be my a I that selects something for me when I'm on YouTube or Insta. But they are out there. Not even this year, where none of our bullshit detector on such a spiritual day, which is running some vegetarian food, running vegan shamans, standing and eating parsley on a video and saying that he is liberated and then doing 6 workshops because we have deep connection, but where in reality underlying it is the good old. There's access to 100 that you don't know anything about deeper. The depth of connection and it's not about being with one or more. It's about the depth of connection and that and it's also about the depth of connection with others, with your children, and whoever else you want to be close to. Then there's an exciting movement, where a video from 10 years ago said that women had to find someone, and the bowling man who had brought them along wasn't really going anywhere. Some of us have started doing it, but we also realise that when they hit some edges that hurt like crazy, they're not sure what to do next. You can get through it, but it's there, so it will.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You hit someone in a deep connection and still hit the evolutionary pressure through you as a concept. It's beautifully described because it's as if everything that lies, wounds, things where it pushes out, and the deeper you go, the more it will come up, because there is the possibility of it, the more responsibility you take on, so you will hit some violent edges in your intimate relationships.

    Sune Sloth: And he has to have the will to go through it without making you wrong about anything. And you have to be able to call you when you have the courage.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You have to have the courage to stay in it, even if it hurts and you want to close.

    Speaker3: And close and close.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That.

    Sune Sloth: It's a very, very hard thing for a woman to go through with everything in between. But to the women who are out there thinking what the fuck should I do? Keep working, keep working because your sensory system to pick up when there's a man there, instead of just giving it all away and letting him sit and sleep around and stay on the illusion that we had a great time. The ability to discern here, it gets better the more you work with and open things up. It sounds counterintuitive, but try to put it at a distance and start working on it. Because then you can pick up a lot easier. When there is such a hand nearby. Then you can actually see much easier and you can recognise each other in a different way. So that's the advice from here. So we'll end now. Thank you for this time.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Podcast E36: Children, Parenting, and Energy Work


Podcast E34: The Angelic Realm and the Development of Earth