Podcast E40: Soul Descent and New Abilities
This podcast explores the transformative process of soul descent, where higher consciousness gradually integrates with everyday human consciousness. This overwhelming process challenges our understanding of self and the world, often accompanied by physical and emotional reactions like resistance, grief, fear, pain, and a sense of dying.
Podcast E39: A Transforming Light in the Darkness
This podcast explores hope amidst challenging times. It addresses the personal and global turbulence we've faced, emphasizing the transformative potential of these struggles. The podcast discusses the division between those clinging to the old and those embracing change, the strain on relationships, the importance of personal responsibility, and the power of compassion over empathy. It concludes with a message of hope for the future through raising resilient children.
Podcast E35: A Guide to Angel Souls
This podcast is a guide to "angel souls," discussing the angelic hierarchy, angels' function and mission, and specific challenges for incarnated angels. It offers tips for navigating darkness, emphasizing boundaries, managing energy, and personal/spiritual growth through integrating light and shadow.
Podcast E34: The Angelic Realm and the Development of Earth
This podcast explores the role of the angelic realm in human development and Earth's evolution. Hosts discuss how angels shape archetypes that guide our behavior, the necessity of limitations for growth, the evolution of archetypes, and the different types of souls. They examine Earth's delicate balance and the angelic role in its transformation.
Podcast E32: Manifestation and Co-Creation
This podcast explores manifestation and co-creation, emphasizing their importance in conscious creation. The hosts differentiate between unconscious and conscious creation, highlighting the importance of understanding one's role in co-creating with others. They critique superficial interpretations of manifestation and emphasize the need for awareness, self-responsibility, and connection to one's soul and cosmic consciousness.
Podcast E31: Pitfalls on the Spiritual Journey
This podcast explores potential pitfalls on the spiritual journey. It cautions against misconceptions and deviations often found in spiritual and self-help circles, providing listeners with tools to navigate these complex landscapes. The hosts discuss self-importance, spiritual bypass, abuse of spirituality, over-focus on experiences, dependence on external systems, and traps related to manifestation.
Podcast E30: New Year Deep Dive
This New Year's special reflects on 2023, focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the spiritual journey. Hosts Mette Miriam Sloth and Sune Sloth share insights and experiences, offering inspiration for navigating a time of great transformation. They discuss the importance of integrating the body in spiritual development, the changing nature of relationships, and revisit key themes from the year.
Podcast E27: The Masculine Path to Opening the Heart
This podcast explores men's emotional closedness, its underlying reasons, and how to address it. Sune Sloth shares his journey into masculine consciousness, examining the blockages within the male energy system. The conversation also explores the role of women in supporting men's emotional opening, and the importance of honesty and freedom in relationships.
Podcast E26: Where Do Souls Come From?
In this podcast, Mette and Sune delve into the mysteries of the soul, exploring its origin, development, and influence on our lives. They discuss the soul's source, the purpose of incarnation, the veil of forgetfulness, and different soul types. They also touch upon the challenges of living in alignment with the soul and the importance of integrating soul energy into everyday life.
Podcast E23: Feminine Power
Podcast E23 explores the concept of feminine power and how it has been misunderstood and suppressed throughout history. It argues that feminine power is an inner energy available to both women and men, and encourages women to reclaim their power and embrace all aspects of the feminine.
Podcast E22: Human Sexuality in Transformation
Podcast E22 discusses how human sexuality is changing and its likely drastic transformation in the coming centuries. Mette Miriam Sloth explores sexuality's role in evolution, its potential for stagnation and suffering, and its power for transformation and conscious growth.
Podcast E19: Past Lives and Energy Work
The podcast explores the path to finding inner peace and freedom, especially for people experiencing a deep longing for inner peace. Explore the connection between past lives, energy work, and finding inner peace. This podcast discusses balancing masculine control and feminine surrender for greater freedom and deeper wisdom.
Podcast E14: The Soul's Journey and Energy Work
Podcast E14 explores the nature of the soul and its integration with the physical body. Mette Miriam Sloth shares her insights on the soul's journey, its connection to body consciousness, energy work, and epigenetic residues.
Podcast E8: Woman's Creative Power
Podcast E8 explores feminine and masculine energies and their interplay within individuals and relationships in women. It posits that these energies are universal qualities, not tied to gender. Learn to understand and balance these energies for well-being, personal growth, and navigating relationships, stress, work, and sexuality.