This podcast, hosted by Mette Miriam Sloth, is about feminine power and how it has been misunderstood and suppressed throughout history. It argues that the feminine has nothing to do with appearance or outer expression, but is instead an inner form of energy that is available to both women and men.

  • The podcast criticizes Christian mythology for having reduced the goddess archetype to the Virgin Mary, who represents self-sacrificing motherhood. This has led many women to only see their worth in the role of mother and caregiver.

    The podcast emphasizes that the feminine encompasses much more than caregiving, and that women have access to enormous power that they must reclaim.

    Feminine power is described as a force that can create and destroy, and which is connected to the cycle of life.

    Women are encouraged to explore all aspects of the feminine, including power and darkness, to achieve wholeness and ecstasy.

    The podcast warns against female dominance behavior in groups, which it believes is based on fear and survival mechanisms. Instead, women are encouraged to support each other and tell the truth to each other in order to break these patterns.

    The podcast ends with a call for women to reclaim their power, as it believes that the future depends on powerful women.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Host: Mette Miriam Sloth

    I want to talk a little bit about the feminine, which can be a bit difficult to relate to. And I also want to talk a bit about the journey of understanding the depths of the feminine that unfolds through our evolutionary journey as humans. And some of the short-circuiting that has happened in that we have come to interpret the feminine as if it has anything to do with long nails and make-up and clothes and lengths and hairstyles. The feminine has nothing to do with your outward expression, like nothing at all. And the fact that we come to reduce and understand the feminine as that is a huge stumbling block. So that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with getting your nails done or getting your hair done or however you choose to groom yourself. yourself and whatever expression you have. But it's femininity. It has to do with how you look as a woman. It has nothing to do with the feminine. Femininity is a state of being. Being with what is. And when you use your expression, your bodily expression has a certain intention that it should have an impact in the world. It has to do something with the world that can give you something. It can create a partner. It can get recognised. It can do, it can do something. It's not a feminine quality as such. It's really about the fact that what you can say is actually very masculine. It's actually a masculine quality to have an intention or a thought about how I declare myself and present myself in the world. It has an impact, so I get something out of it. And the reason I'm talking about this is not to interfere with what you do with your body. How, what clothes you wear, how you colour your hair. If you don't do something like that because it's for you to figure out interfere with me. The reason we're talking about this is because it's insanely important that we break the illusion that the feminine has anything to do with your expression, because we've captured the feminine. We've simply boxed her in with a capital H and imprisoned her in an unbelievably sad way. So I just want to separate the two things. I think the two things have nothing to do with each other. You can choose colours. You can choose clothes that are nice to wear, that support your being in your body and being in the world. But it's the other way round. Um, and having said that, is that why we're about to dive into what the hell does feminine mean? And why has it been linked to female expression in the first place? And it's actually more about being locked into the female expression. And some of it is actually related to how our mythology has been amputated. The way that you could say our mythology in the part of the world we live in is the Christian one. Whether you're Christian or not, Christianity has helped shape the way we behave. Er, the way we interact between people and the way we have shamed our society. And if you go a little deeper or higher and just scratch the surface of the Christian religion, you'll see that the archetypal images that are part of the religion are much, much older. There are archetypal layers on top of a religious interpretation of it. And in Christianity, you could say that the goddess archetype has been severely amputated, like severely severely severely amputated monkeys, and it can give a long lecture on why that is, and why it was actually necessary or had its purpose that it happened. And now we can't really use it for anything else. I'll leave that for another time. Instead, I want to talk about the fact that what happened was that the entire frequency band, all the expressions that lie in the feminine, which can be my manifested body, were reduced to basically Mother Mary, basically Jumf Maria, which is very much the sacrificial mother archetype. And yes, it's part of the feminine to care for others and to create children, to bring children into the world. It's part of the feminine. But if you have the feminine, it's so let the feminine take up so much, then the caring part and bringing children into the world will take up so much here. So it's just to say, it's a tiny little point of reference of what the feminine is, which has been taken out, and which has been said, this is equal to being the feminine. It's f****** bullshit. The problem is that that mythology has also come to perpetuate the woman, because the feminine has unfortunately been interpreted as if she is just the woman. That's not true either. The feminine. No gender can claim either the masculine or the feminine because it has nothing to do with gender. They are energies that shine through. If you look at physical bodies, you can say that the female body is a feminine manifestation. That's true enough. But being a woman with your mind and with your thoughts, you don't only have access to the feminine. You also have access to the masculine. It's insanely important to balance the two in you. And exactly the same for men. You could say the male body is a manifestation of masculine energy. And that's true. But he also has access to the feminine. He must have that. It's deeply necessary. If you don't have access to the feminine. You can't process emotions? You can't just be present in life. The feminine equals being. So ergo, it's not something we women can patent. The feminine. And we can't claim that it's all about our outward expression, because the feminine has been moulded into something very flat. So you could say that the feminine expression was kind of cut up and reduced to just caring and motherhood has also been a way to keep women in check, to say that for a long period of human history, the only thing she had value for was as a mother and in the caring role. And it's basically been forced by social pressure because it has nothing to do with divinity. It doesn't have anything to do with religion, it doesn't have anything to do with divinity. It has nothing to do with creation. It has nothing to do with life. It has something to do with social norms at a given time throughout human history, which have been about control. So you could say that what it comes down to is that we have a long period where women only see their worth, excuse me, she sees her worth as a mother and as a carer. And it's that she's been pushed into that stereotype. There's nothing wrong if she loves being a mum and loves being a caregiver. That's great because those are frequencies, those are expressions she can live out, but she just has so many other expressions. There's also Carly, so she can absolutely slaughter someone. So it's possible in the feminine. And destroy without a shadow of guilt or shame. Because the feminine also includes life, death and the cycle of rebirth. So the feminine knows when something must die for something new to be born. And there is no guilt or shame about it. It's a universal law. So there is a lot of power in the feminine. A tremendous amount of power in the feminine. And you don't get access to that by only identifying with the mother and caring part. Because what that actually does is that there is a great risk of you and your sisters becoming oxyina-dependent, because it's as if we're saying, well, as a woman, you must constantly seek and feel good via oxycin secretion. In other words, you must constantly feel connected to others. And that's nice and wonderful. But right here, it's not nice and cosy when you're like a tsunami wave smashing something that needs to be destroyed. So if you don't dare to use that power because you're constantly making sure you have a nice time with someone, it becomes complacent. In other words, you become subordinate. Under a group. You become super anxious and terrified that someone won't speak nicely about you or that they don't want to. You get all sorts of anxieties. So the woman, because she was equated with the feminine, which is a mistake, but that's what happened. And she and the feminine was reduced to the Mother Mary archetype. That is to say, it's kind of what is. It has directly contributed to why so many women today are super anxious. They have a super need for control because they don't want anything to go wrong. And have a super perfectionist desire to be overly responsible for their children and at the same time perform at work. So the idea that archetypes affect us is not some fluffy concept. And the fact that archetypes have been interpreted through a rather rigid religious view that utilised doctrines that have had their place in human development, but which now actually lack an incredible amount of flexibility because they are so incredibly unified. This has a direct impact on your everyday life as a woman. Recognising this and feeling it also gives you the power to begin to break free in the ways that you are called to break free. And that is, the way you can break free is by looking at, well, you have access to the feminine, but the feminine is not as narrow-minded as you've been told. Everything is a lie, it's not true. So you actually have the opportunity to start experimenting with all the aspects of the feminine that have nothing to do with motherhood. And it's also for you as a woman, you're listening to this and you've had this feeling of I feel really connected to the feminine but I've never wanted to bring children into the world. I wonder if there's something wrong with my connection with the feminine. Not at all. You can be fully in touch with the feminine. And feel a calling to what you need to create that has nothing to do with children. Giving birth is just a way of creating in the feminine. So you can give birth to universes, you can give birth to anything. It doesn't have to be a physical child. So yes, there is beauty in giving birth to a physical child, but there is no beauty in reproducing and giving birth to children if you're not actually called to it, because then it will cause pain. And yes, I have met women and continue to meet women who open up and tell me that if they were to go back a few years ago when they made the choice to have children, that they would have actually chosen not to have children, that they felt pressurised by a social norm plus a biology. That's what everyone does, that it's just what you have to do. It becomes such an unconscious act, right? In other words, now the children have arrived and they love the children. Yes, they do. But they still would have decided otherwise. And it can be extremely taboo to say, it's almost as if a woman shouldn't go near that at all, because phew, she's not going to spread her legs and produce these kids. And don't get me wrong, being a mum, as I am, and bringing children into the world can be and is insanely beautiful. But if it's some kind of unconscious thing that's just shoved down your throat, like when you hear some politicians say you have to have two and a half children per family because otherwise we won't exist. So putting creation into a spreadsheet, no way. It's not your duty to deliver children because another politician says so. It's not your duty to deliver children because some whoever says it, some fictional god that someone has dictated has said, it's actually about you finding out who you are and why you're here? How are you going to use your feminine creative power? And if you don't have access to it, if you feel powerless, and you have the courage to dare to start diving into it, because all women and men also, but I'm talking to women today, have access to the feminine power. So there will be women out there where you don't feel like you have access to power and you're either afraid of your own power or actually even more terrified that you just got passed over. That it's not your fault. That it's not something you have access to. That it's taken away from you. And that's not true. All women can reconnect with their power. And all women have the opportunity to face their fears with their own power. And all women have the opportunity to face their fear that they don't have access to power. And this is truly a place where we women can help each other. Unfortunately, it's also a place where we can get in each other's way. Because for one thing, men can find a powerful woman very intimidating. Another problem is that we women can find it very difficult to handle our own power and that of others. And that we can misunderstand the alpha instincts that women can also display. Acting as if she is powerful. Dominance behaviour never has anything to do with feminine power in either a woman or a man. Nor does it have anything to do with masculine power. Now it's feminine power I'm talking about today. So in a group of women, there may well be an alpha dog who dominates and dominates with his behaviour, which is all about if you don't submit, you will be slandered. If you don't comply, you'll be ostracised. Not with direct word conflict, just more with the fact that suddenly you're not invited. All of a sudden you're kicked out of a group or you just don't get invited to something. Nothing is said, but suddenly your messages aren't answered or the person doesn't call you anymore. Feminine uh it's not even feminine it's feminine. It has nothing to do with feminine. Feminine uh behaviours and maintaining structures and maintaining dominance and maintaining influence is very toxic. It comes out of the sidebones and nonverbal. So it's not very often that there's a direct concentration when some of that occurs in women's groups or friendships. What it does occur is deep silence and coldness. There's just no response. All of a sudden you just don't hear from that friend anymore. Or you see pictures of a group you used to be a part of that met without anyone saying anything to you. And you'll realise that in these situations you can also lose other friendships or other women in a group. Because what happens is that if there are a lot of women, they would be afraid of the same thing happening to them, so they would have to adjust. In relation to whoever is the leader. And this is where women, all women, myself included, all women will have experienced at one time or another that they have slandered a fellow sister in the longing to feel more connected to the person and the people they sit with. And that's actually where we get into our oxycontin addiction. Um, oxycin is a wonder bonding hormone, but we can also become so addicted to it that we can come to abuse it in gross ways when we act unconsciously. And that would be seeking and symbiosis with someone. Um, and you seek so-and-so, and to sort of energise by excluding someone else. It's a classic female phenomenon, and we've come so far in our evolution that it casts long, long shadows over and reconnects us with our powerfulness. Because it's a huge barrier, because there's no power in it. It's old survival mechanisms that can't do anything, that are dying, that are really dying, that need to die, but they only die when women stop feeding them. So that is, the way of socialising in women's groups, where we hold each other in place, only stops when each individual woman stops interacting like that. And it's really, really important that we take this to heart because there is an insane potential for women in groups to heal each other and to heal the earth. Nothing less. Women have access. So do men. Men have just forgotten it to a greater extent than women have. Women have access to extreme self-healing potential, but it can only unfold if you bring your power home. Because you have to be able to delineate yourself. You need to be able to set boundaries and say no if someone tries to pull you down into that kind of unconscious malaise where we sit around and talk back, or we don't stand up for ourselves, or we apologise to each other for being unclean, or we don't actually get it together to go out in life and put ourselves out there. So we need deep compassion, but we also simply need to dare and have the courage to tell each other the truth. We women friends, women in friendships, in women's groups, we are all too good at counting each other's blessings and thus also holding ourselves in victimhood, because we basically try to keep the power down because we are afraid of it in ourselves and in the other. So what I'm encouraging you to do here, woman, is for the sake of God, I should say, but I don't know, God doesn't really make any sense to me. For the sake of the highest or whatever the hell you put the highest. For the sake of that, bring your power home. Turn your gaze to what lies as layers because you have access. There will be things that block the way, but then we can look at it. Then we can take care of it. Then you can face it layer by layer by layer. Because the power is there and it can be integrated. So whatever you do, I invite you to encourage you to embark on that journey. And it f*****g hurts. And you will be overwhelmed and you will feel very lonely at times. But you will also experience extreme heart opening, joy, strength and ecstasy. So when you dare the pain, when you dare to explore the darkness with your consciousness or your attention directed towards it, then you also have the ability and begin to be able to be in ecstasy. Because it's the same pathways in your nervous system that carry the intensity of what is dark and uncomfortable that carry the intense ecstasy. If you can't do one, you can't do the other? So if you shut down to avoid the uncomfortable, you also cut it off from the ecstasy. So that's my little request, my little prayer, my little inspiration to bring your power home. That whatever you do, bring your power home. I have no doubt at all that the next phase in the evolution of earth and humanity is deeply dependent on powerful women, because you are the ones who are going to drive it through. So, as I see it, there is nothing more important right now than that we rediscover our power and that we understand that power has nothing to do with alpha and dominance and survival and fear and slaver vigilance and freezing cold. It's something completely different.

Mette Miriam Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth (former Mette Carendi) holds a master's degree in psychology, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation. She has written three books on attachment and close relationships and has practiced as a therapist since 2012.


Podcast E24: Epigenetic Trauma


Podcast E22: Human Sexuality in Transformation