Consciousness and Inner Transformation Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth Consciousness and Inner Transformation Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Podcast E40: Soul Descent and New Abilities

This podcast explores the transformative process of soul descent, where higher consciousness gradually integrates with everyday human consciousness. This overwhelming process challenges our understanding of self and the world, often accompanied by physical and emotional reactions like resistance, grief, fear, pain, and a sense of dying.

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Consciousness and Inner Transformation Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth Consciousness and Inner Transformation Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Podcast E39: A Transforming Light in the Darkness

This podcast explores hope amidst challenging times. It addresses the personal and global turbulence we've faced, emphasizing the transformative potential of these struggles. The podcast discusses the division between those clinging to the old and those embracing change, the strain on relationships, the importance of personal responsibility, and the power of compassion over empathy. It concludes with a message of hope for the future through raising resilient children.

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Consciousness and Inner Transformation Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth Consciousness and Inner Transformation Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Podcast E30: New Year Deep Dive

This New Year's special reflects on 2023, focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the spiritual journey. Hosts Mette Miriam Sloth and Sune Sloth share insights and experiences, offering inspiration for navigating a time of great transformation. They discuss the importance of integrating the body in spiritual development, the changing nature of relationships, and revisit key themes from the year.

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Podcast E22: Human Sexuality in Transformation

Podcast E22 discusses how human sexuality is changing and its likely drastic transformation in the coming centuries. Mette Miriam Sloth explores sexuality's role in evolution, its potential for stagnation and suffering, and its power for transformation and conscious growth.

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