Podcast E1 Intro: What is The Magdalene Effect?

In this introductory episode, we discuss the origins of The Magdalene Effect, why Mette Miriam Sloth left her previous company, Human Emotions, and how Sune Sloth contributes to this new venture. We touch on Mette's continued work with children, Sune's role, and our vision for the future. This episode was recorded at the beginning of our journey, and much has evolved since. Our concept has become more refined, but we still find this episode a fun and valuable glimpse into our early stages.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

    Welcome to this short video where we discuss The Magdalene Effect. Uh, so, what is The Magdalene Effect?

    Yes, what is it? I spent many years with Harmonic Kids, which evolved into Human Emotions, and now it’s become The Magdalene Effect, a name you actually came up with. We'll get back to how you chose that name. The way I see it, The Magdalene Effect encompasses all the work I’ve done, and what we’ve done together, much of which hasn’t been public until now. Essentially, it's about connection. Connection has been central to my work all these years. Initially, the focus was on children and their ability to form connections as adults. But I realized these connection dynamics apply universally, whether it's connecting to yourself, the universe, the earth, your children, your partner. There are fundamental structures to connection, and disconnection is profoundly painful. Mary Magdalene is an archetypal figure, a historical person we don't know much about. I've been deeply inspired by Jungian archetypes because I believe evolution works through our psyches. She's fascinating because she represents the last vestige of the goddess archetype, largely erased from Christian mythology. Regardless of your religious beliefs, our mythological narratives shape us. There's a beautiful resurgence of the feminine happening, and its significance is woven into The Magdalene Effect. The feminine is connection itself—connecting to yourself, your emotions, and others. This is where we've become somewhat… depleted, as humans. This is what our time calls for. As we connect, things surface: fear, pain, and all sorts of emotions. The feminine can hold these without judgment, without running away. This is crucial right now—being present with what arises until it recedes. The Magdalene Effect symbolizes the feminine returning from self-imposed exile, unfolding both mythologically and practically, within our nervous systems and psyches. That’s a broad overview.

    You’ve focused on children and their development for years. Is that still the case?

    Yes. I started with children because connection and its associated pain were so evident. I realized, if we want to help children connect to themselves, we need secure attachment. For that, parents need self-connection to mirror their children. It’s like interconnected fluids. By discussing children, I could also address the importance of parental self-connection and relationships. It all ties together. It’s still important. Many followers might have assumed my work was solely about children. People sometimes see child development and their own challenges as separate. I’d say it’s shifted more toward connection itself. When I speak about children, it always relates back to you: What are you projecting onto your children? Because their struggles often reflect our own baggage. It’s about understanding child development and what it means to be a small human growing up. There are universal aspects, but much depends on our own baggage. I’ll continue working with children, but with an emphasis on the connection between us and the projections we impose on each other. So, it’s part of the bigger picture, but not the sole focus. Connection is the central theme.

    You've started working with energy healing. What's that about?

    Yes, what is that? It’s funny; some people think I’ve become “super alternative,” abandoning academia and evidence-based practices. Actually, the spiritual, the energetic, has been primary for me since my early twenties. It’s simply how I live. I haven’t talked much about it because all levels are important—our nervous system, cognitive development, emotional intelligence, self-regulation. And connection to the universe, whether you call it spiritual or not, is essential. How we understand it is individual. I haven't found the perfect words to describe my energy work. "Healing" can be misinterpreted as fixing something broken. That’s not how I work. It’s about re-establishing connection to the feminine within, to your self-healing potential, a place of self-regulation. When something triggers fear in relation to your children or the world, we get shaken. We carry a lot of fear. Behind that fear lies the potential to remain calm in chaos, to return to center quickly after being overwhelmed. This potential is inherent within us. My work invites you to access that. Through what I call "energy vision," I understand that potential in others. I can sense it and see when it's blocked. I help people see that their anxiety is understandable, but the focus isn't on me fixing them. It's about empowering you to handle challenges independently. Life constantly throws curveballs. Developing an active meditation practice, turning inward, noticing where the disturbance sits in the body, breathing through it, surrendering to it until it releases—that's the key. That's the future. This is how we navigate increasing chaos. It's about reconnecting to something you already possess, something you haven't learned or have forgotten. I’m a bridge until you can stand on your own.

    You got married! Your "giraffe husband" is involved, too. Tell us about that.

    Yes, I did! And it’s wonderful. I’ve been self-employed for 10 years, handling everything myself. It's been both empowering and lonely. Then this amazing man appears, sharing similar interests and working with similar concepts, but differently. He has a passion for structure and technology, my biggest challenges. I crave working with people, but my old website was held together with Velcro. Collaborating with someone who finds this exciting is fantastic. Also, you came up with the name! It speaks to our journey, which is personal, but also universal. We’re both passionate about exploring the relational realm, the pain, how we close down, how we reopen our hearts. We've been on the same path, in opposite polarities. It's unique finding someone equally curious, especially at 44, after meeting countless men. I’ve never encountered this before. You’re even braver, always holding steady while I sometimes flee. It’s been wonderful. Some of this is just for us, but much is universal—what's possible in a relationship. We can share this with the world, working with individuals and groups, sometimes separately, sometimes together. The Magdalene Effect represents the dance between masculine and feminine. While we embody both within ourselves, there's something beautiful in that dance between genders when it works. There are so many variations, making it more enjoyable, more challenging. So, welcome, and thank you for the name—it’s beautiful. You’re part of this now, whether you intended to be or not.

    I'm happy to be involved. I don't recall who suggested the name, but we reached a point where we both realized… I, too, have a sense for perceiving energy fields, what happens between and within people. I’ve been on my own journey and want to share my gifts. What else do you think I can contribute besides technology and structure?

    You quickly analyze where structures falter, where responsibility isn’t taken, where fault lines exist. Having surrendered to… what I've observed is the darkest aspect of the masculine, whether in a man or a woman strongly identified with the masculine. The trickiest part is when your masculine structure—your beliefs about the world—collapses. Sometimes it must collapse because it's based on childhood beliefs, the world has changed, or it’s no longer relevant. This feels like a death process. Because of your experience exploring the masculine and its sharp edges, you quickly pinpoint where someone's hitting their head against the wall. You offer solutions to bring them back to the light, out of the mud. Neither of us "rescues" anyone, but being human is overwhelming; so much confuses and frightens us. Getting support when feeling stuck in the mud, unable to see where to loosen the knot, is invaluable. You're incredibly perceptive, even in group dynamics. You perform a risk assessment: "If you do this, it might go south." Learning from experience is fine, but it might not be the path you want. In our time, recognizing patterns in chaos is essential. When lost, we need those skilled at pattern recognition who can ask insightful questions and see: "Ah, it seems to be this." These are powerful masculine qualities, incredibly valuable.

    I'm thrilled to be invited in. You’ve built a beautiful platform. I don't want to intrude or take over, but rather support and enhance the technical quality and contribute my intuitive abilities and understanding of structure, especially guiding men (and sometimes women) through their challenges, sharing my experiences.


    It'll be exciting to see how it unfolds.

    I have no idea.

    We'll create it together.

    The idea behind choosing a name that wasn’t yours or mine was to avoid personality worship. The old concept was Mette Carendi, later Mette Miriam Sloth. It was all about personal branding, which you weren’t comfortable with.


    This isn’t about us; in principle, the concept could expand someday.


    That’s why we’re .org, not .com. Because this isn’t about us. It’s about bringing something through.


    Something possible in our time, for those willing to take the journey, take responsibility, take the steps. It’s painful and difficult. We don’t offer easy solutions.

    No. We don't have all the answers, but we can help each other find the way.


    Thank you for joining us for this intro video/podcast. Follow us; we’ll be sharing lots of information on YouTube and other platforms. We have Danish and English YouTube channels and podcasts. Some will feature Mette's older work, which is high quality and worth sharing with some technical polishing. The idea is to put it out there, so you can take what resonates.


    And get direct support instead of… it’s taking the educational work…

    Yes, the sharing I’ve been doing for 10 years, online talks, etc., and making it readily available. Take in the knowledge and use it as you wish. And if you need more, we offer more hands-on help to address deeper issues. So, my knowledge-sharing isn't ending, but it's shifting towards more hands-on work: "What's happening inside, and how can we empower you?" It’s an exciting time.

    Yes! You can find out more about us and what we offer on the website under our names. Thanks for listening. See you around! Bye.


Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Podcast E2: Keypoints: Women’s Longing for Connection