Mette Miriam Sloth portrait

Mette Miriam Sloth (Mette Carendi) holds a master's degree in psychology, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation. She has written three books on attachment and close relationships and has practiced as a therapist since 2012.

Her working method is energy work combined with talk therapy and counseling.

Through her work at Magdalene Effekten, Mette explores in particular:

  • Relational dynamics and emotional regulation

  • The many challenges of parenthood

  • Traditional and blended family constellations

  • Love relationships and their complexity

  • Spiritual and psychological development

  • The significance of the feminine journey towards increased maturity

Mette offers a unique combination of:

  • Individual therapy and energy work

  • Couples therapy and relational guidance

  • Workshops and lectures

  • Podcast, books, and articles

  • Mette Miriam Sloth (formerly Mette Carendi) holds a Master's degree in Psychology and Philosophy and has worked with counseling, therapy, supervision, teaching, and lecturing in her own business since 2012. She has published three books: "Conversations with My Imaginary Daughter" (2021), "Ignite the Connection - Understanding the Art of Attachment" (2019), and "Harmonious Children - With Love and Presence" (2015). The books cover child psychology, relationship building, and in the last book, she describes women's journey towards deeper connection in their romantic relationships, and shares her experiences and advice on how to unfold their sexual potential and achieve greater emotional maturity in the relationship with themselves and their partner.

    In 2023, she launched a podcast and a YouTube channel with Sune Sloth, where they regularly publish new material, including a selection of the 100 online lectures she has given over the years.

    Mette has a deep interest in Gene Keys (by Richard Rudd) and has studied trauma research, emotional development, and attachment throughout her life. She has studied David Deida extensively, and he has had a significant influence on her thinking about polarity and romantic relationships. Mette also has a solid understanding of shamanic practices through years of studying the work of Alberto Villoldo and Lena & Jose Stevens.

    Mette was certified as an Aware Parenting instructor through The Aware Parenting Institute in 2012 and studied at CIIS in San Francisco with a focus on East-West psychology & consciousness studies. In 2006, Mette was certified as a facilitator in meditation and transpersonal psychology by Kenneth Sørensen. And in 2004, she took a channeling course with Ilse Johannesen, where she remembered her connection to energy, the cosmos, and the soul.

    Back in 2009, Mette wrote her thesis on the missing feminine motive in Western mythology and its negative impact on human development. In many ways, that focus and interest is the foundation for Magdalene Effekten, which was created with Sune 14 years later.

  • Mette Miriam Sloth (formerly Mette Carendi) holds a Master's degree in Psychology and Philosophy and has worked with counseling, therapy, supervision, teaching, and lecturing in her own business since 2012. She combines her extensive experience in therapy and counseling with in-depth energy work.

    Her knowledge of relationships and emotional regulation is not only rooted in her therapeutic practice but also in her publications. She has authored three books that delve into the complexities of relationships and emotional regulation, as well as explore the stages of opening in romantic relationships and the challenges that arise when opening the heart into sexuality. In addition to the books, Mette regularly shares her thoughts and experiences through the podcast "Magdalene Effekten," often in the company of Sune Sloth.

    In her practice, Mette has a particular focus on supporting people in navigating the challenges often associated with relationships - with partners, children, and themselves. She works especially with topics such as women's empowerment, the ability to maintain boundaries and feel oneself, as well as the hidden paradoxes and traumas that can prevent women from standing in their own power.

    Mette offers energy work combined with therapy as well as couples therapy. Mette also holds workshops together with Sune Sloth. Here, traditional therapeutic methods are combined with energy work and psychological and spiritual guidance. Mette also offers supervision to professionals and regularly gives lectures.

    Together with Sune Sloth, Mette has created "Magdalene Effekten," which combines their unique skills, poles, and methods, offering an approach that combines therapy, coaching, and energy work. Based on their explorative investigation of people's energy field and studies in how energy exchange takes place between people, they offer a method towards increased openness and deeper connection that extends beyond traditional talk therapy, meditation, and 'self-development'.

Sune Sloth portrait

Sune Sloth holds a master's degree in social science and communication and is also a trained coach. He has personally worked with personal development, exploration of consciousness, energy, and relationships since 1980 and has worked with clients since 2023.

His primary working method is energy work combined with coaching. He works with individuals, couples, and in groups.

Through his work at Magdalene Effekten, Sune explores in particular:

  • Love relationships and their deep complexity

  • The masculine maturation journey towards inner peace and freedom

  • Deep perspectives on inner transformation in relationships and groups

Sune offers a combination of:

  • Individual coaching and energy work

  • Relational and spiritual guidance

  • Workshops

  • As a young adult, I studied philosophy at the University of Copenhagen. At the same time, I came across The Celestine Prophecy, a then-popular New Age book that, in simple terms, describes concepts such as energy between people and the struggle for energy.

    When I compared the concept of energy with Western philosophies and theories of science, especially Kant, Descartes, Kuhn, and Feyerabend, and my experiences as a boy, an insight became clear: If there really is such an "energy" phenomenon for humans, animals, plants, and the earth, Western philosophies have overlooked something central, and they rest on a flawed foundation about the fundamental nature of reality. Is there a meaning behind it all that we have overlooked in Western society?

    In-depth Practice in Eastern Traditions

    My journey, therefore, continued into Eastern philosophy such as yoga, meditation, and Buddhism, and later also years of self-study in shamanism. I dedicated up to 4 hours of daily practice and study for many years. My investigations and practices on my own body culminated in a peak experience where I experienced seeing energy around people and plants so overwhelming that I finally decided to abandon my search and simply live a "normal life." While I sought the "spiritual," my practical life floundered, and my quest was devastating for getting all the practical aspects of family life to work. I then chose to withdraw completely from anything "spiritual" and metaphysical for many years and dedicate myself to an idea that Western science based on observable empiricism was the only thing I could relate to.

    The Struggle with Physical and Mental Pain

    The "normal" life that followed, however, contained large amounts of physical and mental pain, which I suffered with, medicated myself out of, and received a long series of therapies for. It ultimately ended with admission to a psychiatric hospital with depression and anxiety in 2008. For years I couldn't hold a job because I was so burdened by pain.

    When the psychiatrist couldn't figure out what was wrong, and wondered how I could be conscious while being in such violent physical and mental pain and describe them without being overwhelmed, he "offered" to give me a more "serious" diagnosis - this so that I could get help through the hospital system. He made it clear to me that it was the only way to get more help in the system.

    I accepted the diagnosis and took the stigma that later came with it, as it would later be used against me as a weapon, but at the time to receive treatment in a hospital setting in the form of psychotherapy. I then received two years of intensive treatment in the system and got rid of my mental symptoms.

    But the physical pain persisted and plagued me right up until I met Mette in 2021. In particular, there were neck and shoulder pain, and severe abdominal pain, which were diagnosed as IBS and had to live on a special highly restricted diet for years to keep the pain down. At the same time, my asthma and allergies became so severe that I had to have adrenal cortex hormone injections every year and experienced violent side effects - but the alternative was not being able to breathe.

    The Attempt at Normality and the Search for Meaning

    My journey into "normality" meant steady work, house building, having more children, and trying to forget all the impressions and inspirations I had previously received in life and have them scrapped as illusions. To soothe the pain and find meaning in the secular, I embarked on exploring the sexual with other people with acceptance from my then-partner (consensual non-monogamy). With violent abdominal pain and no higher purpose in life than to bring children into the world and provide home and food on the table, there wasn't much else left in life to explore than the sexual.

    Exploration of Human Sexuality

    This led to a wild period of adventure for over 10 years, where on the one hand I was a "normal consultant" and at the same time had a secret identity, traveling around the world and investigating on my own body how human sexuality worked in practice when it was taken out of the bounds of monogamy and into the universe of the "monkey cage".

    It was both a relief of pain and meaninglessness, as well as an attempt to get feminine energy through flirtation, sexuality, and being desired and feeling wanted, as well as an investigation of how women's and men's sexuality actually works when social norms are more or less abolished, and we surrender to our instincts in fellowship. It was a learning period, and a period where I read up thoroughly on evolutionary psychology.

    Recognition and Decision for Change

    Eventually, I came up against a wall where variation in the sexual felt empty and directly painful; the lack of connection to my changing partners was so glaring in my heart that I couldn't do it against myself anymore and therefore decided to stop and seek new paths in life.

    The relationship with my then-partner ended, and I spent a period researching the dating market and developing methods of contact based on my knowledge of evolutionary psychological research coupled with PUA (pick-up artist) methods to attract potential partners.

    Contrary to what most people would probably think, it wasn't driven by a sexual need, as sex with attractive and varied partners without deeper connection had already been well covered and didn't have the desired meaning. In short, I was saturated and sought something deeper and more meaningful. The goal was to meet new people, and maybe, if there was someone who was exciting enough, it could turn into more.

    Search for Deeper Connection

    The intention was therefore pure in the sense that I was open about my intentions to those I met, and it was a possible long-term relationship. It came to a point where I had several dates a day and had to make schedules to keep track of the women's names, their children's names, and their background stories. One purpose was to meet people and get to know their stories, another purpose was to bare myself about who I was and risk rejection and to find out if I had any value as an aging male with two marriages behind me, to the opposite sex as a potential partner.

    Meeting with an Open Heart

    In 2020, I met a sweet younger woman who gave me a taste of opening my heart - something I actually had no idea existed or that one even could. Before this experience, opening the heart was something I laughed at and considered New Age bullshit. I knew what love was, but I became wiser.

    During the same period, I read up on David Deida and his ideas about stages in the relationship and polarity. It dawned on me that I need to "open my heart" with a woman, and she needs to do the same, in order for us to go deeper together. But the exercises he taught didn't work as intended.

    I realized that the relationship would end like all other relationships in a meaningless everyday life with a focus on children and coordination of common tasks and eventually without passion in bed. I had already tried being a "sperm donor" for two women who ultimately only needed me to fulfill their dollhouse fantasies of a family with children. The experience was that once the children came, the relationship was at the bottom of her priority list when her need for family was fulfilled.

    That was what I was trying to find a solution to with my previous sexual adventures, by spicing up the relationship and bringing new life into it, but it didn't work as intended. The sexual was active, and it brought adventure and life into the relationship, but the desire to nurture the relationship and open the heart together genuine presence was absent, and it worked more as a substitute.

    The woman I met, with her beautiful heart, was not ready to try openness and honesty, and I therefore broke off the relationship after a year, as despite deep feelings for each other, we could not open up together.

    My inner pains from other relationships welled up in the meeting with her, and she could not handle what the closeness awakened of deep inner pains in her either. She withdrew when I opened up, and it was a very painful realization that without a common intention to "go the way" together and open up consciously together, and receive help for what came up, that way was not possible. At the same time, her need to get a house and more children and a dog suddenly pressed, and I sensed that I would end up in the same place as before. There was no other way than to end the relationship.

    I took this experience with me and realized that both the woman and the man need to take their own maturity journey and an inner challenging world upon themselves and work with the inner so that it can be done. Disillusioned and without hope for love, as I had never heard or met a woman who wanted just that, I decided to go celibate, look inward, and drop women for a whole year.

    Meeting Mette

    In the meantime, I explored different approaches to polarity and teachers, and in a closed Facebook group, I was struck by the portrait of a beautiful Danish woman that I just had to write to. She answered me luckily, and we talked on the phone the same evening for two hours; the next day it repeated itself. We met the week after, and before that, we had talked on the phone every night for hours. I felt that there was something important and particularly subtle at play that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Despite all my experiences with women, I was anxious and afraid that this would go down the drain. It was as if there was something important here that needed to succeed without me knowing what it was. I had to meet her. I had never felt that way before.

    A Powerful Connection

    Mette and I met physically, and violent sparks struck; it was as if we had met each other before, and we both had an experience of being able to recognize each other. We didn't believe in that kind of silly New Age bullshit with "soul-mates," and I didn't believe in "past lives." But the feeling of recognition was still so strong that we couldn't get around it. We loved like obsessed and found each other endlessly exciting. New topics constantly came up that we could discuss and explore, but deep layers of pain also emerged when we were together. We were both stuck and deeply frustrated in life and had lost faith in the meaning of life and that people want deeper connection in openness and honesty; yet we lived on with the feeling that there was something we should be here on earth that we couldn't get hold of, and that we might be each other's key and lock. We awakened it in each other in any case.

    The Revelation Under "Plant Medicine"

    It was in this context and during a joint trip on "plant medicine" that Mette was guided by me to be able to work directly in my energy field - an inspiration I suddenly received and did not even understand myself but still said out loud. Mette was skeptical and didn't want to at first but tried anyway, and what she did with her hands without touching me worked on my neck and shoulder pain, which I had suffered with for over 20 years; they disappeared and were gone and have not come back since, here 4 years after.

    I could suddenly see the cause energetically and suddenly understood why the pain had come, and saw how the field was repaired when Mette "went in" and worked. It was a revelation for both of us, but we were skeptical afterward and initially laughed at it afterward because of the context. Despite our shared skepticism, Mette tried again with other problems that I suffered with, including abdominal pain, and I was impressed with what came out of it. However, it turned out that not all problems could be solved with a session, and certain problems were violently much deeper than the neck pain and required work for a number of years.

    In-depth Work with the Energy Field

    For a long period, Mette therefore went in and worked in my energy field daily for hours, and more and more layers came up. I experienced being able to "keep up" and could see energetically what was going on and found the deeper meaning in the pain that again and again landed and new insights appeared.

    I was guided to see what is happening on an energetic level when Mette works with my energy field. I was contacted by a "spiritual guide" who suddenly appeared in the room as an energetic being that I could only sense, and asked to read all the Barbara Brennan books from start to finish, as a curriculum at university that should be memorized in detail. I was trained to "see" in the way described in the books. Mette leaned into her own guidance, which had nothing to do with Brennan's approach and is her own.

    Exploration of Polarity - The Masculine/Feminine

    In the journey with Mette, I discovered that I had only gotten a taste of what it meant to open the heart and what polarity actually was before I met her. Our relationship offered a deep exploration of polarity, the masculine and feminine, and how these energies play out in everyday life and in sex life. We began to understand how the balance between the masculine and feminine both within ourselves and between us, is crucial for a deep connection and sex life in a long-term relationship. Today 4 years later, those insights still hold, and therefore we have written a guide based on our own experiences.

    Opening the heart turned out to be a lengthy process with deep pain in both the biological heart and in the heart chakra. The deeper we went with the energy work, the deeper was the pain, and the harder it became, but it opened up for a deeper connection to Mette in deeper and deeper love. Over time, love also grew greater for life, the children, and humanity. Love went from being person-borne to being of a more universal character and my pain became less and less.

    Through our joint exploration, we learned how the masculine and feminine manifest in our daily lives and relationships. We discovered that understanding and integrating these polarities not only enriched our emotional bonds but also our interaction as a blended family. At the same time, we saw how that interaction affected the children in a very beautiful way. By recognizing and honoring each other's energy, we could create a deeper and more meaningful connection both to ourselves, our soul, cosmos, and our loved ones.

    In the same period, Mette and I also discovered that boundary setting — verbally, physically, and energetically — towards people who did not act from the heart was essential for us to find peace in our own consciousness and have peace from energetic disturbances. It was in that period that we discovered narcissism and how we had both stood close to people with these violent defense mechanisms, and how much damage it had done in our energy fields to have to do with them. The period, therefore, also offered learning about how we are affected by other people's energies and how we could handle these problems. We took this with us in our work with people.

    Mapping of Energy and Consciousness

    In this two-year phase, I mapped the energy structures, the energy bodies, the different layers in consciousness, including the astral, past lives, other universes and planets, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, chakras, and made contact with higher vibrating dimensions, guides, and higher selves. It turned out that Barbara Brennan's map was good but not complete, and in some places needed a revision.

    From the higher dimensions' guides, I was taught about the effect of the energy bodies, as they are reflected in the human experience of the body's pains and ecstasy, feelings, sexuality, self-esteem, and how ideas lie as structures in the energy field that shape emotions and decisions. All this was mapped from the inside out with my own life as an example, while Mette worked her way through the energy layers in me; during the work, more and more clarity and consciousness slowly came into my system. Mette went through her own process and teaching in relation to how she could work further and become more skilled. In that period, Mette suggested that I try to work with people, and I tentatively started. Initially, I had a lot of resistance to it as I have no formal education in that kind of thing. Mette insisted, however, as she felt that I had something to offer through my life experience.

    A Complex Journey to Give Hope to Others

    It turned out over time that I was a "complicated" case who had taken violently much into my own system, precisely so that we could work it through and get the insights about how it is experienced to take the steps from within.

    In that way, we could share them with others and give some people who resonate both a little hope and perhaps some of the answers we ourselves had missed. This led to a series of podcasts and articles, and not least a series of posts on social media, where I discovered that there were actually people who could use what I had realized for something.

    The goal turned out much later: To create an "energy path" up towards higher consciousness that could be lived out in everyday life in a form out of many life paths.

    I was the origin for variants of human suffering and masculine closedness. My willingness to "go the way" thus paves the way for others, without my way for that reason being seen as the only or the "true way."

    I had the choice of whether I wanted to share the journey with others or keep it to myself. I chose, despite my reservations about standing forward, to share it, and therefore I share my story with you today. As a hope and a promise that other men can also open up in a way that means deeper connection in everyday life, closer relationships, and the ability to set energetic boundaries in a chaotic world.

    In the process, my "abilities" have opened up further, and Mette challenged me to participate in her workshops and work with people to see if I could use them with others than her. At first, I was very reserved as I didn't think I had anything special to contribute. Mette insisted, however, and it turned out that I could do something that other people could benefit from and that my experiences could be used by others, but not everyone.

    Today we stand here, and the "abilities" and insights that have come in the process, we decided to share with the world, in a form we ourselves would have been able to use back then when we stood somewhere else in life.

    That is the background for why we made "Magdalene Effekten" together. We are the answer to what we ourselves needed back then, and we know well that we do not appeal to everyone, but for the few who find it useful. This is therefore also a message I send back in time to my former Self, who was filled with despondency, sadness, resignation, and the desire to leave. Today I stand somewhere else. The road is hard and long and requires difficult decisions and courage, but it is possible.

  • Our Journey with Energy Work: A Blend of Science, Intuition, and Partnership

    We have both experienced massive pain and adversity in our lives and have spent our lives looking for methods to manage and transform pain into insight that could help us somewhere else, which we both longed for deeply, but didn't know if it existed.

    When we met, the focal point was a shared interest in polarity and love and a vision that the relationship could be something more beautiful and the transformation point that could catalyze something greater.

    We had the inspiration, the hope, and the longing, but just didn't know how. Despite painful experiences in the past, we tried anyway. We both longed and sensed that something else had to be possible between people, but we couldn't see anyone living it in practice.

    Over the years, we had experienced that therapeutic conversation, Eastern and Western philosophies, body therapies, various spiritual practices, and plant medicine could only get us so far. Although we got something out of it, we always hit a wall.

    It was for lack of tools to move forward that Mette was guided by Sune to be able to work directly in people's energy field, as an inspiration Sune got in and didn't even understand at the time. Mette was skeptical but tried anyway, and it worked on neck pain that Sune had suffered with for 20 years, which went away. Sune could see the cause and why the pain was there, and how the field was repaired when Mette "went in" and worked. It was a revelation for both of us. Despite our own skepticism, Mette tried again with other problems that Sune suffered with. Sune suffered from several diseases, including IBS (chronic stomach problems), asthma, and allergies. We have been working since 2021 to test and refine the abilities in mutual interaction and critical feedback to each other. We use each other as the first stop for a peer review to investigate what the effects actually are and keep it together with clients' feedback to constantly become sharper and better at creating transformation as well as investigate the effects and understand what is actually happening. At one time, we feel that we understand it, and at the same time, we feel that we understand less and less, while the effects become stronger and more profound.

    That being said, we were just as skeptical about the things we take for granted today as when we were presented with them "from above" by our guides, accumulated through life after life, and from what we call our "entity". We saw all that as New Age bullshit when we started, and we were both skeptical of that kind of thing in relation to a real effect. Still, we had to realize that in our journey there was much we had shut down because the methods and approaches, despite all having their place, also all had clear limitations when you got to the bottom of them.

    Sune was "patient zero," whom Mette worked on for 2 years before she tried to help others. The effects on Sune were so overwhelming and transformative for him that Sune encouraged Mette to try it out as a supplement to conversation and counseling to parents who sought advice on handling their children.

    Mette was skeptical but still tried it out cautiously with few clients. Mette had had her therapy and counseling practice for 10 years at that time. What Mette "got in" and saw when she worked on others than Sune worked in many cases and moved people on the spot where they had been stuck for years.

    We worked internally further, and Sune's ability to "see," which is in constant development, became more and more clear. Mette therefore encouraged Sune to try with clients and was therefore "foal" on Mette's workshops until he also gained confidence that he also had something to contribute.

    Here we are now, ready to help you and your loved ones (if they wish).