Podcast E30: New Year Deep Dive

E30 is a New Year's special reflecting on the year 2023, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities that have characterized the spiritual journey. Hosts Mette Miriam Sloth and Sune Sloth share their insights and experiences from the year, providing listeners with inspiration for navigating a time of great transformation and change.

  • The Importance of the Body in Spiritual Development:

    The podcast emphasizes the importance of integrating the body into spiritual development. For many, 2023 has been a year where the body has demanded attention, and the hosts encourage listeners to listen to their bodies' signals and give them the nourishment and care they need. They highlight that the body is a tool for spiritual growth and that it can give us valuable insight into our inner state.

    The Changing Nature of Relationships:

    E30 also touches on the dynamics and changes that have characterized relationships in 2023. The hosts acknowledge that many have experienced loss and change in their relationships and use a humorous meme to illustrate this: In 2020 there were 20 friends, in 2021 there were 7 left, and in 2023 there's only the cat left. This anecdote points to a tendency for relationships to become more fleeting and changeable in a time marked by individualism and rapid change.

    Rounding Up the Year's Themes:

    This New Year's special summarizes the various themes that have been discussed in the podcast throughout the year. These include topics such as manifestation, energy work, shadows, trauma, spiritual bypass, and polarity. The hosts share their reflections on these themes and give listeners inspiration to continue working on their own spiritual development in the coming year.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

    Yes, we welcome you to episode 30. Well, first of all, happy new year to you all. And as you can see, we have regular memes on every day in our stories. And we also made a post saying Happy New Year to you. It was some wonderful greetings we got back from many of you. Thank you so much for that. It's been a hell of a year coming home for us.

    It has been.

    With process, but it was meaningful all the way. Through


    One of the thoughts I've had has been the difference between meaningful and meaningless pain. In the sense that pain that I know is meaningful in some sense and takes me somewhere. Um it could be an unpleasant one, but I know that it takes me and the person somewhere where we find out to go our separate ways for example. It could be. It's meaningful to go through to get to that place where we can let each other go. We're not talking about the two of us here, but that could be an example.


    Let's change pain. The things that come up when it's mucking around inside our systems. Yes, because it might sound like we don't have a process going on, but we do have

    a period of it all the time.

    Yeah. Erm. Some of it is very, very little of it is personal now, but there can be some of it is like different levels of consciousness coming in. And some of it collective, some of it Yeah, it's hard to say.

    some of it is not even put into words.

    There's been some very bodily

    Can't you explain that? No, no.

    It was fun.

    Yes, there have been a huge number of physical symptoms.

    Yes, there have been

    this year also

    a lot with the stomach, I think.

    Yes, I've also had a lot with my head.

    Yes, I don't

    I don't usually have headaches. There have been some violent ones and jaws.

    Our body has been bloated.

    And then they have subsided again. Such a long period where I couldn't wear any of my clothes. I felt like a whale, and I couldn't squeeze, and I couldn't press anywhere. It was also as if my body was being completely transformed from the inside out.

    Mm. We've also had a huge need to eat heavy things, lasagne and stuff like that.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Burgers, but that has completely changed.

    Yes, it has. It's as if it, it's really almost as if to make yourself heavy in order to really go deep down.


    It like you were a calling to go incredibly deep in 23.

    Yeah. Then it just soothed you sometimes when it wasn't nice in your body to eat something really heavy with double bcamel sauce and parmesan cheese.


    The funnier thing is that it's changed to where we're more light, more green in the food and stuff like that.

    It's like, yeah. It's like we can't even, like, phew, just the thought of even if lasagne is delicious right now it's just too heavy.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    I've made an interesting discovery about food intake and nutrition and body and stuff like that in 23.


    And I've made many realisations throughout my life. I've been super tired of my body, I've been very tired of my body, and I've overeaten and I've been addicted to sugar and I know when I was when I was younger.


    Um. So I've kind of been through some phases there and appetite regulation and eating on my own feelings, eating on other people's feelings. So it was chaos to figure that out.


    So I've kind of taken layer upon layer upon layer and off the vein. And that's why I've also experimented with different, I think almost all dietary forms, whether it's been keto or it's been we no v weekend I haven't but then vegetarian and raw and so the whole package. Paleo I've been through it all.


    And also in terms of being very keen to eat a lot of you know gluten free there without milk. And I've been really keen on this thing about when the body reacts. How do I try to support it as non-toxic as possible and stuff like that? But I reached a point where something really, really nice came out of it. That's when I got to try out some things, and I also realised that there's no definitive truth. And I've picked up some really good habits with lots of greens and

    just sitting on my back, lots of water and stuff like that,

    which is just going. I've also got my amitri, it's very very rare that I overeat. I almost never do. Oh, and I can easily eat sweets now without going crazy with it. I can eat cake without bingeing on it. So the thing about food being such a big deal, it doesn't bother me at all anymore. But the layer I've been working on, which has come up here in ‘23, has been a completely different layer. And at first I was a little scared to go any further, because I thought, oh, there's no dishwasher. I thought I'd fallen back into something old that I'd been working on throughout my 20s and early 30s, with my whole body and diet and everything wrong with my body and stuff like that. Because I started to feel insanely bad in my own body. I mean extremely bad. Um, and when I worked with it, it wasn't about that at all. It wasn't about my own discomfort of being in my body. It was much more archetypal and much more collective. So some collective energies I took in and transformed. Um, and what I was constantly struggling with was, well, there's something in this frequency that says you have to eat in a certain way in the time we live in right now. Or something like that. Or, of course, we must have clean ingredients. We need to eat less meat, and when we eat meat, we need to treat the animals properly. So it's a no-brainer that we're moving in the direction of creating a planet where this is how things are connected. So I'm still a very strong advocate for all those things. The thing that's just also in it is that we're living through this time is very, very strange because it's an extreme transition period. It's just so transformative. We're almost being blown up from the inside out in transformation.

    I could see when I labelled into different frequencies, labelled into different foods. Yes, it's true that organic, locally grown vegetables are more alive than something that's been sprayed with all sorts of things.

    But there is actually, if you go down to the very core, and this is where I panicked a bit at one point, it was that in one way or another, everything is actually grown in some kind of fear frequency. Even the organic stuff, it's the fear of pesticides and what it can do to the body. And it's not that we shouldn't do it. So everything that we do, the evolution that we're moving on will evolve our society and evolve our relationship with food and so on. So everything is as it should be.

    But basically, I could see the point of spending so much. I spent so much time trying to make sure I was eating without gluten and stuff like that. Of course, if you're gluten intolerant, you shouldn't eat it. But I've really I've really been studying this whole thing about is diet when we react to our journey? I think a lot of you would recognise that on such a journey into your shadows and opening up and heart space and stuff like that. You will typically go through a time when you realise that there are certain foods that you react violently to. Sometimes I don't even know if you react to some foods, but you react, and then there are some explanations about whether it could be gluten or it could be something else. And that's not to say that there can't be anything, but what I've just experienced, and this is also what we can look at when we work with Sune who eats gluten-free and because he simply had so many stomach problems. But the moment we started working on everything that was in the system, so all the foods that Sun couldn't tolerate. Can he actually eat with the exception of like garlic and raw onions and cow peas? Well, he doesn't even get a stomach ache. It just gets uncomfortable. So it's as if there was this experience that yes, we have to relate to the food we eat and we have to go through it. But there may also be some of you out there who have been on some kind of diet or have been on a specific diet and have felt like this. I have to eat like this. In order to feel good. And maybe some of you are in a place where you're kind of wondering if that's true. To start to know if there are other layers underneath this. There is no doubt that when you eat in a specific way, you can relieve something. Many people find that if you go off the wagon and eat just a little bit of what they think or know they can't tolerate, it goes completely wrong again.


    So it could indicate that there's a strain in the system. At least that's my hypothesis, that there's some strain in the system that you can't provoke, or certain foods could be used as blockers. Um, and I just have to say that my own hypothesis that I couldn't do that and stuff like that is simply not true. I can do that. And I wasn't allergic to gluten. Um, I don't have celiac disease or anything, but I got used to it. And it may well be that when I ate something with gluten, I got really bloated. But what I can see now is that throughout my life I've had many different times when my body has undergone wild transformations. And it did that this year too. And every time I'm asked like okay, should I I you know I live off of f****** burgers and for free and lasagne and stuff like that. Why do I want to eat heavy food? I've never eaten as much lasagne as I've eaten in my life as I've eaten in a 2023. And that and I just got such a surprising answer just like it's not that important what you eat right now. Yes, go for some good ingredients and spice it up a bit and stuff like that. But it's actually not that important for the time that we have right now. There's somebody down here who has to put this thing of fighting for or whatever and visionary about creating food down here and high quality nutrition and in ways that are much more sustainable than what we have today.

    So that track is also correct.

    And the transformation we're going through right now is so demanding. It's very much about the emotional, so there might just be a little trap in that you're going to bypass what's happening in you by saying: ‘Well, it's because I ate something.

    It's something with the diet.

    It's something with the diet.’ Yeah. So it can become that. It can become a kind of bypass, and it can actually become a prison. You can end up putting yourself in a prison in relation to what's going to be that, that's dangerous, that, that's not dangerous. And it's basically fear-driven. So there seems to be an opportunity to actually be able to be with the body that naturally says, now I feel like it, and now I feel like it, without there actually being any frequency that is dangerous as such. But of course, it requires that if you're out on the road and have to eat McDonald's, you actually eat it with as much gratitude as if you were eating some rubber meal with organic food. And you can't think about it, because you can't make up your mind about it. Because if you have something in your system like, oh no, I'm going to get fat, or oh no, I can't, or oh no, I stabbed the cows or all this stuff, right? So as soon as that happens, there's a fear response to it. So there is one, and it's not that I have the answer to it, but I can feel there is something here that is very very profound and very very beautiful and very magical. Um, and I've really had to go through deep deep deep deep deep of such fear tracks also to be rolled over, because then I was just kind of curved up, and then it disappeared again. Also in relation to the fact that I can't, well, I don't eat more food, but I eat radically different food than I had done for a long time, right? I wouldn't normally eat much more meat either. So it was really a year where I just had to say, I can't, I can only bear to wear such huge dresses, because there can't be any pressure anywhere. I kind of wondered if I'd have to feel like that for the rest of my life.

    It seems to have

    stabilised more. And I would say it was a violent, it was a violent year physically. Um, it almost drove me to the Brink of Insanity sometimes.


    So deep down, and we were down and messing around on a cellular level or DNA level or whatever the hell we were, right? And what I also experienced was that there's actually something about the more light you get, there's something about when this chronic hunger, if someone experiences that they're hungry all the time, there's also something about hunger regulation in relation to light. Because if you're not like, if you're not connected to the crown, and if there's no flow through, and you don't really get any light from above, then you'll have to primarily get nourishment horizontally via food, via development, energy,

    whether it's food or whatever the hell it's sitcoms or whatever the hell it is. But the more it's like the more transparent your system becomes, the more the more energy that flows through it, it's also like this is this constant struggle and food that fills your consciousness all the time.


    It's like it's just pulling away. It's as if it's just saying, now I want to eat it. But I can also not do that. You know, it's just hunger and the body needs something. It becomes much more, it comes out when it needs some nourishment, and then it withdraws again.

    Yes, that's right.

    So not that noisy constant monitoring of, is there food, is there not food? Can I eat it? Can I not eat it? Which is unbelievable. So there's an enormous amount of energy spent on it.


    Which of course is also linked to a survival impulse, and is there enough food. So there are so many layers to it.


    So it's more, if any of you have can't recognise it, I think, someone can't recognise it. And there are so, there are so many I've discovered, there are many beautiful ways to understand this.


    In relation to food without getting into self-criticism in a much deeper way. And I've also realised that the more you clean up your system, the more you can actually just convert whatever ends up available, because right now there's a lot of crap out there, because we've kind of reached a place where there's a lot of pollution, there's a lot of everything. And if you get scared shitless of it, you're going to go down the drain all the time. You can't escape because it's in the groundwater. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything about it. It just means during the period when we realise it and start standing in it up to our ears. What's actually the task while we're in this transformation period to do something else as a species, treat animals properly, you know, feed ourselves properly or whatever you make so much junk food.

    It's actually that we have to live with the new way of acting here in the old. And that uh and so we just eat, you have to eat what is without fear. And it's easy to say oh, but that's something else, there are many exciting frequencies to dive into in relation to this

    with the body and nutrition. And I would say that it really pushed itself in 23. So if there's anyone sitting out there thinking, well, I've also had a body that has behaved in many strange ways, then we've been totally in the same boat. Mm.

    Well, there have been some buildups, where my body has almost become very big, especially my stomach.


    And then I just go through some things, and then I almost wake up the next morning and my stomach is flat again. So it's very weird.

    Yes, it's been very weird.

    Um... Yes, it has. So there's been a lot of accordion on it.

    Yes, it has. So this is the year where you could say or here for the last six months, that's one of the things that has perhaps been what we started with the line effect and then we were wondering if there are any men who are interested in going the way of opening up in the relational and such things. I knew there were some who wanted therapy and men's groups and all that. Were they willing to work in depth in a way where the close, intimate relationship actually became a carrier wave, and was it possible for them to be in a relationship where they did what we did

    in their own way.

    In their own way.


    And it's been a bit surprising that we've actually seen quite a few, I think many, not many, but we've seen some men who are on board.


    What are we up to?

    10 or so, is that right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah,

    that's way more than we expected.

    Mm. Um, we know it's hard for some of you, especially for women who are longing to meet a man who wants this and wants to open up and things like that. Um, but there are some men who are starting out. We also have a men's workshop here in March. There are also a few who are on the m

    in addition to the 10 or so we talked about before. And in your longing for them to open up, but also your critical sense and kicking them if they fail or in different ways collapse in it and can't figure out how to take responsibility or whatever the heck happens. Your longing for it helps create a path for it to be possible. And there are a number of women who come to us. Especially Mette, who is a bit like, is there something wrong with me, should I go to therapy and so on? And she doesn't want to, she's afraid to work with what comes up, because if you know Srøinger's cat, it's in a box. You don't actually know if it's dead or alive. It's only in a moment when you look down into the box. That's when you know. But whenever she has doubts about whether she can start working with the things that are there, because maybe if you then look into the box and the relationship is dead.


    It may also be alive, but the point is, and this also applies to men, because we have to say that with Gelling, it's better to take the journey yourself and then see if the other person starts to react by opening up and getting curious rather than imposing something.

    That's the way to go. And if you're not in a relationship, it's that you work on especially what your longing is and intention for a relationship and also know where your closures are. You start working with that. Then you will be more ready in relation to the men or women you meet. And that actually takes some courage, because if you stand by who you are, someone will obviously reject you very quickly. And so it's actually about being able to deal with it and not take it personally or work with it if you do. Personally. Um, but it will make it a lot um easier. I mean, it'll make it

    It will make it easier for you to see who's ready.

    Yes, it will.

    And then it can be a bit of a desert walk, and it can be a bit sad, but

    feminine vigour comes up as a positive side effect of longing for this.

    Yes, it does.

    Um, there's something more universal about the feminine gone and the masculine in terms of it slumping here.

    Yes, there is.

    And you can also live on without having a partner. It can be done.


    So it's not end all and be all

    not at all.

    But it's easy for us to say something now that we're so lucky. But I would tell myself three years ago that no matter what happens, it's worth the journey to open up and work with what comes up.

    It's worth it.

    If only because what's difficult becomes meaningful and more and more clear what you've come here for, what you're doing and why you're here. The sense of meaning of what's happening. Not the big meaning, I can get that too.


    But it is, it's meaningful to go through life because you know from your heart what you're supposed to or that you're on the right track. Even though it might not be 100% clear, you know that you're moving. It's not like you're moving in a direction where it's meaningful to struggle. And not because it's not always struggled, but it's very important.

    Yes, it is.

    So the things like Mette has a huge number of clients now and so those of you who need to book I would recommend in good time. You actually make a programme, because there can be up to a month's wait, where I have my other job, but I also have a few people who come to me.


    And some women, we work mostly with soul purposes to go in and work energetically on their system, talk to guides. We also talk about their longing. Go into their longing. And I allow myself, we allow myself to be used as a masculine counterpoint. So it can also be things like that, and women come and talk to me about whether they want more children or what they want in a man. And I can easily deal with it without getting into it and having to deal with it. So it can end up with them talking about where she is textually and what she can do. Um, we might also go in and look at where your soul originates, where your soul comes from, and what's the point of you being here. But with the men, I find the theme is that they kind of wake up, look at their partner and are like, yes, they would like more sex, but they would also like to feel more love with their partner. Or maybe they don't quite have a sense of, and that's what we didn't know, whether there would be some kind of call in some men's hearts for something deeper. And it has surprised me that men come to us and want to do that.


    So the concern for women has been a little different, you could say, right? It's been more like, well, you can feel it, but is it a naive, naive longing, or are they ready to let it mature?

    Yes, they are. And it can be both if it's naive and it's being passed on to a man who isn't even there, you don't even have, you don't even dare to ask. You just think, well, you really need him, so now we're just there together, right? And then you have two kids later, and then it's all a blur, right?

    Um, although it also has its own friction. So friction has, you know, also conflict friction, it forces us to be on the dubs, right? Erm. And yes, it's also one way in it. So there can be such a naivety, which is really more about the fact that we use the distinction between what is my field and what is someone else's field, and then you can squeeze something into the other that isn't there. Then you get extremely frustrated that the person suddenly lives up to it.


    And it can also be that many women have a longing to go deeper, but they close themselves off

    so they entrench themselves. Mm. And here and they know it. They don't know how to get back to him or back to themselves.


    um and that's actually what we did in our last podcast or previous podcast I think it was.

    Yeah it was the last one where we talked about the woman's way of working on episode 29.

    Exactly. Exactly, which was a bit of a tough one, I think.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Er, tough diet.

    Vig, important broom. It's really, it's really broccoli for dinner, right?

    Er, tough, but important.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    That's the part he can't or shouldn't do for you. So we have to look into that ourselves, just like he has his own to look into.

    Yes, he does.

    Other things like, and I've known this for a long time, but it's only now that I've actually written more about soul in this year than I have done in my own private life has soul


    Or I'm not so crazy about our spirituality, but for lack of better spirituality it's not hard to explain, but our cosmic connection has had a huge impact on my life. I've just kind of kept it a bit separate from my working life.


    I was kind of like, well, it's not like people either, so there are many different variants, you know, in terms of how you experience that the universe is put together. But I don't see how I can avoid talking about soul knowing that it can have so many different meanings.

    But it can also be part of the craftsmanship to nail it down or include that part in the understanding of

    Yes, of course. Because it was missing, I put it in a bit here and there in my previous work, but it was more like a little spice and stuff. And now it's almost to say, well, you know, and it's okay if you're not into it, but I can just see that having the higher frequencies, we call it soul frequency or your connection to the cosmos, however I shouldn't dictate what it looks like for you, because we can't.


    But it's actually going in and being with it and having it with you and actually being hugely responsive to when the soul is speaking through a person. And the reason why it's so important to experience this dimension is that if we only have the psychological glasses, we can end up doing something pathological that is actually beautiful, like there was a woman who wrote that she had a deep longing to surrender herself to a man, and when she saw that she had a deep longing to a man and when she saw that she had read my bonfire and heard this podcast about the feminine and the masculine as where there is a beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful uh uh uh longing to open up and surrender and indulge in the feminine also in her sexual pole in the feminine.


    But we had she had no language for it. So in all her therapy, it had actually been written off as a father complex. And where she herself said: ‘Yes, yes, but there was also a bit of a fad, we all have a father complex, so it's not that it can't also be there, because there are just so many pieces of the puzzle, so you can have something that needs to mature in relation to your relationship to the masculine and to men. At the same time, you can have a deep longing to give yourself that is not pathological, that is just beautiful.


    Um. And I can see that there's such a, there's such a thing for people, and I see it more and more, that we doubt our own voice a lot. And it's been, it's a side effect of, it's been such an expert world, you know, you go to a psychologist or you go to a doctor, and then like authority telling you how you feel, right? And I just see that world, or that way of being in the world, is falling apart. And of course that also makes us more confused because there are so many directions, there are so many answers, so we get very confused. But the good thing about steering in gravel is that you start listening more to your own inner voice in relation to what's going on inside you. Because the only one who can ever know that is you. So the only thing those of us who work with people, our finest work, is to learn to spot and listen and see where you are, how you speak, your observation of yourself and your own sense of who you are. The things that you try in speech sets, but are harder when you say them out loud, you're afraid of being misunderstood or done wrong or done crazy or air in the cyk. So that's when we really have to put our ears to the ground.

    There are so many people here and what I've realised in this year is that it was my inner work, my inner entrance, my inner reflection and my inner connection to my own soul and to the universe, so I'll tell you how I got there, it doesn't mean that it's a definitive truth at all, so you can take it as a beautiful story or resonate or throw it away, it's up to you, but what I've seen in this year that's really beautiful is that souls are insanely unique. Every single soul has its own unique flavour, which also develops over time, souls mature. Um, and when that soul characteristic comes through, which typically happens in connection with, it's kind of like the phoenix, you know, it gets a bit flabby and then it burns up, and then it becomes fresh and new, right? So that's actually what we call death on earth. It's honoured, clapped and celebrated. So when some souls get a little wobbly around the edges and go up in smoke and are renewed. That's when hides are clapped because something new is emerging. But nobody knows what it is. The soul doesn't know either. So you look at each other as souls and say like this: ‘No, see, it's also, something is being created before our eyes that is completely magical. We can't know because every single soul is completely unique.’ And that unique characteristic, the more the soul matures, the more it stands out to be admired by others and applauded. And so new, so there is extreme variation in soul, there can sometimes be some interpretation that souls are like that. But there's one in it, because every soul has its own, but you don't have the feeling of being separate, so there's an enormous transparency. And what I experience there is a longing for, if I can say, what is the meaning, what is some of the meaning of this? It's actually the soul witnessing what it is to be human through all the senses.

    And that kind of uniqueness comes through the human body. It comes from the inside out. And it's not something you can learn. You can't go to school and learn it. It doesn't matter. That's why it can be smart to go to school and learn maths and reading. That's super nice. But it can't, it just can't teach you anything about what your soul is. It has to come through in other ways. So it really just needs to be supported in the idea that, hey, that's not, that doesn't sound crazy or pathological. It almost sounds like it's your soul frequency coming through. Then it hits a little hard, and then it can feel like you're more depressed or you have anxiety or something else. But let's just give it a look and get it landed so we can see the beauty in it.


    So it's been a uh at the same time as my body has hurt and been in transformation and there's been so much physical pain that I almost don't know. Lots of relationships that have disappeared, or I would say 23 also a year where either relationships became deeper for the relationships you had. There was friction, conflicts, you landed them and went deeper or relationships broke down. I would say it was just fast on that account.


    Um, and it was almost as if even if you wanted to keep some relationships because it was feeling too painful and stepping out of them, there was just like, you couldn't do that. Things were left unsaid, if it wasn't possible to bring things to light in a relationship it was as if it couldn't be very painful to be in.

    Yes, it is very, very painful to be in.

    We've also talked to a lot of people, haven't you also had a number of clients who are in something like that?

    Yes, yes. And that's also why we sometimes try to make it a little bit easier with the memes we put on, which is also something we ourselves, you know, resonate deeply with. And there was this one, there was this very funny meme, like you know, friends, friends over the years, like 2020, there's like 20 friends, and then 2021, then drop down to seven and stuff like that. Then in 2023 there's only the cat left.

    Well, I don't know how others feel about this, because it's very, very easy to judge and assess and point fingers. You know, just being an introvert, quote and enquote is looked down on, you have to be judged on the fact that you have relationships. Yes, that's right.

    Erm. Those who are extroverts, they say something like I have so many friends and I've had them since such and such. So there's also a reckoning with the importance of it.

    Yes, that's right.

    And start to become qualitatively orientated in relation to what can we be together? Can we reason together or do we drag each other down in a way that's annoying in the long run?

    Yes, yes, yes. Um..,

    he can actually have such a strong soul impulse with that the more soul impulse that comes in, then you can very quickly feel if you need to create something together with a person, because it

    you can really say that creating together in the period when you have to create something and then setting each other free when you have to, that's actually love.

    Yes, it really is. It's actually closely related to this beloved free will concept that I have, which is But it's really that you don't try to control the other person what they should do.


    It's really that you let go of the intention that you have to do something with others that they don't realise they have to do.

    Yes, it is.

    That you have some kind of plan with them, if you will. That's okay. You know, when you go to the bank advisor and get a loan. Of course you have a plan with that. Or when you're at work and have to, erm...

    But it's still transparent. That's actually not what we're talking about here.

    We're actually talking about the same kind of relationships with your family, with your friends actually also being transparent and

    Yeah, yeah, yeah,

    not contractually like with a bank goat, where it's so formal and stuff like that, but there's actually a lot of manipulation in relationships. And it's not because you necessarily want it, but because there's so much, you know, when you know we have to look after each other or if I have to invite someone to my birthday party, I get lonely. Everything like that. So everyone wants some of that. But it's just that a hair starts to grow. Do we use each other, and how do we use each other, and what is love really, and what is freedom in relationships? What are friendships really? What is love? I mean, I

    I think many people will feel called to be studious about this, so they've just taken it for granted that they knew what it meant to say, what about friendships? Are we really just going to sit and share suffering and get stuck in stories? So if we don't do that, what's left? Well, m

    So there may have been many questions like that.

    And I think that will continue for a long time to come. If you haven't had those questions running, they may very well pop up

    this year or the next few years. You could say that many of our, I would say all of our old systems, including what we consider family constellations and friendships and acquaintances and things like that, are being thoroughly shaken up. Well and thoroughly in relation to what is this? Is there a flexibility in it? Is there a freedom in it? Is there a love in it? Has it become rusty? What can it do? And for many, it can feel very speedy. And you can also see that there are many more people seeking help via private insurance about being stressed out and such. There is no doubt that we all feel that the rug has been pulled out from under us in relation to having fixed points of reference. So, it's actually more about how you deal with it in your own life. How do you deal with the friction that there is so much uncertainty and maybe a similar, maybe not a loneliness, but there might even be a loneliness with people you're not normally lonely with. That doesn't mean it's their fault. It's not about guilt at all. It's just about the fact that we are in transformation. And our whole way of being human and being together is in transformation, and it's happening from the inside out, and it can be scary as f***. Mm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been It's beautiful. Now we've done, I think we've done an eight 10 workshop together, not with that.

    Yes, we have.

    And, um...

    and lots to set up this year as well.

    Yes, we have. And we've set we've also practised everyday.


    Slightly shorter workshops, where you go to the energy work, go through a short break and then out again. Where the ones we have on weekends we typically go deeper into the explanations and questions. But we have a number of repeat attendees, and then there are some who have asked if they could join a so-called practised class, where you go straight to it and where you have an open agenda, an open, uh, you can bring what you're playing poker with.


    So we've created that, and you can go in and book it.


    Our website.

    But one of the things that struck me was the variety of beautiful journeys that are in all the people we work with.


    The biggest problem that we've identified is that people look up to someone and idolise them or you can't find the impulse from within. It's great to have someone to look up to, but you can also give away your power in the process.

    That's right. Your own unique way of doing things.

    Yes. And it can't really be avoided that we get a bit of a role or some kind of status when we post things and do a podcast and stuff like that. But it's really our opinion that it's something about finding your own way in things like this.

    Yes, that's what it is. And it's really about helping you land in the realisations that feel, okay, this is my next step.

    Yeah, this is my next step.

    So it's not about that and it's about that and it's about clearing up the doubts and things that are unclear or that feel ambivalent and then helping to harmonise it so that there is no longer such a


    Now there's clarity about what the next step is, what was the point of this

    Yes, and perhaps greater peace with the fact that there are still many mysterious things inside you that haven't been answered yet, but that it's completely okay.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So all these beautiful ways in which women are currently unfolding either in the power of womanhood, which has been an enormously exciting challenge for my system to be able to work with 11 women unpacking themselves.

    Hm. at full blast. I've had to upgrade my system many times to be able to stand in it and not be blown away. But it's been a wonderful challenge. And women's powerfulness is so different and looks so different and can be anything from such a roaring lion to such a delicate hotness that has a huge intensity or a caring or an AG. So there can also be an aggression in it, which has a raw strength or there are so many beautiful variants. And part of it is actually also to be seen in the frequency that penetrates it. To be met in it.

    Yes, that's what it is.

    Actually my most important task. Of course, you are too, but being seen by a

    male and female who see you.

    Mm. Um, and we can't guarantee that you'll be seen, but when it happens, it's magical. And that's something we see a lot of people take home with them.

    Yeah, that's right.

    And build on it and become like that. Of course, we have to be careful not to put anything down on other people. So it's in a cautious way that we go in and read and feel it.

    Right. Facilitating the space so that there is room for the theme being worked on to come up in its own unique way without it having to look in any specific way.

    It doesn't.

    Because it doesn't. There are simply so many variants.

    Yes, there are.

    And there's supposed to be so many variants.

    That doesn't mean it's pure chaos. It isn't. Um. When we work with it. There's a structure to how we do it.

    Yes, there is.

    And that's where we both go in, when someone brings something up, we can actually compare notes. You want to say and talk, what's happening here and compare with what the person is experiencing?

    Yes, that's right.

    And when new people arrive, they sit and look at us strangely and are very excited to see what's going on. But when we're a couple of hours in, when we've been sitting and working, it's like this, and there's someone who just needs some astral knife in their eye fixed, and someone who has an early life for something or other, and someone who's just in pain, and someone who is extremely sad in their heart about some relationships that have disappeared or a man who won't open up and so on and so forth. It could be anything.


    We don't know what's coming up.

    We don't. It becomes the cup of the day and it always lands.

    And I can see when you others are watching that it can look a bit dramatic sometimes, but we land it. Yes, we do.

    Because we, uh, people are like, what should we do? Should we sit and do, should we draw something? What do I want? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Should we walk on fire? Should we do breath? What are you doing on?

    What the f*** are you doing on that? Don't understand it.

    No, we don't.

    And it's kind of like, uh But we can see over time, when you've been there a few times, you're like: ‘Well, okay, can we get started? So now we don't have to do all the talking.’

    No, no. Then they settle down or settle into the pose that works for them, and then the energy goes, right?

    Yes, that's right. Some nice women who typically feel that way if there's someone who wants to sit in exactly the same place every time and make their seat the same way. And

    it's very s***. And um, and that's why it has touched my heart very deeply to see what people get out of it. So like okay we'll do some more of that.


    Yeah, yeah. It may sound strange that you actually have both a group energy you're in and you some women will sometimes say like no I also felt that theme when God that came up in you. I felt that too. I resonated with something like that. Then you realise how they feel in relation to the group and sometimes you can also see that God theme that I know well. It's as if you have that theme with a slightly different angle or something. So there's a lot for the group dynamic. A lot of wisdom, a lot of sharing, a lot of resonance and a lot of hard experiences as well as you can have your very own and you have your very own individual track so it's both running. And I realised that it was possible. And on the face of it, it may sound like you're in a group or you were in. Well, you can't. But it's both.

    It's very mysterious, but it can be done.

    Yes, it can be done.

    And what's really weird is that they reinforce each other.

    Yes, they do.

    So where you might think, well, isn't it better to get a one-on-one session with Mette than that? And I would say, no, it's actually, I actually think you get through a lot more syllabus here or things that are a hassle uh for 1500 kr. uh for four, three, four, five hours depending on if it is,

    you can get a lot of layers off because the group field is so strong,

    because those who come, and everyone has in one way or another, we don't require you to have listened to podcasts or anything like that, because this is not a cult. Well, it's not a cult, it's a tribal community. Erm. Well, no. M But we find that the women who come to our workshops have a really good sense of what they are attracted to and what works for them. And many, many have also listened to the podcast.

    Yes, they have.

    Erm. And we actually made it to say, instead of sitting and explaining, you were like, phew, now I have to explain your this and that, right, over and over again with that.


    So we put it out there, and then we don't have to talk so much about those things, because then we can simply refer to a section.

    Yes, that's right. Yes, exactly.

    But we find that there is a resonance in this way of working. There are a few, maybe a few not quite like it, but the vast, vast, vast majority are somehow tuned in when they land and get started. Our concern has been about the men, how it will work with men in groups. When you do energy work on men, they just kind of lie there like a master craftsman sometimes and squirm. But let's see what happens in a group. Er, exciting.

    This is the first one for March. Well, it

    it could also be that some men come and they don't think they get anything out of it. We can't know that.

    We can't know that.


    But we've also kind of announced that it's an experiment.

    Yes, because we've been much more scrupulous about which men we wanted to include. And we've done that on our websites. So we didn't need to make tough requirements for women, because it's like they're ready to take the steps when they arrive. You've been in doubt whether the men were

    Well, it's also that thing about

    ready to take responsibility for taking the journey in whatever form they choose.

    Yes, they are. Then, of course, it's also about the form of work, because I've only been approached by women, so I also have the most experience of working with energy, energy work, and after all, it's only,

    well, it's really only a year and a half, but it's only been about a year and a half since I started doing energy work in my job. No, so I had done, I had done it with you and I had done it like that, but not my professional work. And you had practised for a long time.

    I practised for an incredibly long time, but it wasn't until a year and a half ago, just over a year and a half ago, that I started to

    suggest it to some of them who were like, we can also try this and that, you know, if you want to talk more, right?


    And then after doing it for six months, I almost changed everything. Yes, I also have dialogue, that's part of it, but I do 90% 95% of all my stations are now energy work or have energy work in them.

    But haven't they been surprised that many parties still come and get help? I think we've talked about that, that it was a bit surprising,


    Where you actually take them individually, so we actually split them up, right?

    Yes, exactly. Exactly. Because...

    and then they each work on that, like where they shut down and where they're struggling.

    Yeah, exactly. Exactly, exactly.

    Also some where you take them at the same time. But not everyone is ready for that.

    No, they're not. Because that and that and that, I have to say, because that's a hypothesis I might have, that it might be a bit true or if I've actually both done work. It's not about me working on them. It's really more about whether their system

    accepts the way that they can feel what's going on.


    Because if they can do that, then it can move them incredibly far.


    And if I have a couple where both he and I have benefited from it so god it loosens something I can feel it there then it comes up. And you know release and and and and whatever happens. And she has felt it. So it's actually possible to do a session where I work on both or where we work on both.

    Yeah, yeah. And where one of us observes or the other observes the process like exactly where it can be and I've experienced that a few times with couples and it can be really beautiful.

    But it's not something you're really into. You've actually been a bit cautious about offering it, right?

    Yes, but the reason for that is because I haven't had enough men in between, for example, that I've done energy work on because that way of working, if you can't really feel when I'm working on you, well then you can't really, then that approach is just not good for you. So I haven't had enough people, couples, where I've worked on both him and her to know if it made sense for them that way, if it resonates with the way of working, and resonates with them, right?

    Do you think it has something to do with the fact that women are quite good at recognising subtle changes in their body, but also their emotions?

    Yeah, I think so.

    Like men are almost trained not to feel it.

    Exactly. Right on those points, but on the other hand, you have to be wise to be able to observe changes in your consciousness, how it works.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um, where what's happening? And then it's definitely a strength if you also start working with feeling your emotions and body and all that. But there are many men who are in a place where they're like, well, I have a problem and it needs to be solved. You know, I'm dealing with something and she doesn't want to have sex with me and I love her with all my heart, but I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do, right? So that's how some people can come to us.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And then we start a little bit from Adam and Eve. And how does the dynamic work? And you know, is she at all interested in opening up deeper?

    Yeah, she is. And is he at all

    and he's interested at all? What's his motivation underneath this? Is it to get more hot sex? There's nothing wrong with that. But you just can't go down this path if you're not just what you want.

    No, you can't.

    Um... There's a desire to reach beyond ourselves in love. And it's not something we can ask people about, but we've been more strict, more blunt about whether men are bullshitting about this, so to speak.


    And use the therapeutic space for her to work on herself and, you know.

    Yes, exactly.

    And we've had a number of situations where you've experienced someone bullshitting someone, right?

    Yes, that and that's also the other thing, because this way of working isn't like you can't get involved because you have to open up yourself and you can also open up as a couple to realise that you shouldn't be together. That's an option.

    Yes, that's actually one of the things they're most afraid of. It's this thing about wondering what that cute little cat is.

    Yeah, well...

    you dare to open the box and see if it's alive or dead. And the sickest thing is that the consciousness looking into the box has influenced what it is.


    And one person can be so committed to wanting to go deeper and further and stuff like that. And it kind of enlivens the cat from one person's perspective, while the other sees that the cat is stone dead.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um. But it's a huge realisation to say, well, maybe it shouldn't be us in the next step. Maybe it should, we don't know.

    Yes, we don't know.

    Um. And then make the decision that no matter where it leads, I'll continue working on things myself. Regardless of whether the other person is involved or not, because the drive is so strong in that.

    Yeah, exactly.

    I almost seem to be one of the most difficult

    Yeah, yeah.

    places to stand.

    It is

    not. All the less there are both men and women standing right there.


    Because you can also go backwards and think, but I adapt my pace to the other person, and we talk together, and then we take a course, and then we learn to talk emotions or you know what. Go to therapy together. But it's characterised by trying to follow each other's process so as not to open up too quickly. And there's some underlying control in that. The wildness that lies underneath is tamed by too much.

    Yes, that's right.

    That is to say, it's a sexual, horny, delicious meeting of two souls who open up and have no idea what's going on. It gets stifled by all this. Now you're going to do polarity exercises, now you're going to look each other in the eye, and now you're both going to do something, and now we're going to talk about what you're feeling, and then you're going to listen and repeat what you've heard and stuff, because I have a problem. The whole starting point for this kind of therapy is that you have a problem. We don't go into it like that, we have a problem. We go into it with the idea that there is an opportunity to open up.

    Yes, there is. It's like, what do you want and what are you, and if it's dead, are you willing to wake it up and bear all the consequences?

    We see some, you've seen some, where they actually bring it to life, haven't you?

    A case in point, right? Well, yes. Yes, I've seen, well, I've tried all the variants. Um, at one point I think I had quite a high divorce rate.

    You're The Widow Maker.

    Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Erm. And yes, I've also seen where they've found each other in new ways. So they're actually on their way apart and then they actually end up finding each other in deeper ways

    because they got to see each other in a different light.


    And it's not again, it's not something I do. I mean, I can't.

    Yeah, I can't. There are some of the women you're talking about who are completely, they want to look sexual, but they're completely dead almost, they

    Yes, they are.

    And they get aroused, and then they're sent home to their husbands, and then suddenly there's a party.

    Well, that's what it is. And there can be all sorts there, because it's kind of like, I really want him, but I just can't feel my body, I can't feel my sexuality.

    I can't feel my sexuality.

    Um, and you can actually work with that, not because I'm awakening it, but sexuality is also basically about the energy flowing in the body. The sand in the hair and root. So sometimes it's something you can easily do

    work with your own lust for life and sexuality and let it flow and then find out what you want, where you want to share it with a man or not.

    M I actually see it more as classic couples counselling, that is, if you get something out of it, you should just do it.

    Um, but I actually see it more that you have an individual journey as a soul that incarnates deeper in a person. And putting that into play in a relationship with someone else is insanely magical and scary and difficult and you know you're bumping into all the closures and

    trauma and human stuff, right? But that's why it's so insanely transformative, and of course that's also where there's the potential for it to be insanely traumatic.

    This concludes episode 30, part one, and we'll be back in a moment for part two. Um, see you in a moment.

    Welcome back to episode 30 part 2, which is a bit of a New Year's special, a round up on the past year and we've talked food, body, relationships, sexuality. Where are the men? Where are the women? What happens when people open up to our both with you and with me and in theirs when we do workshops? And yes,

    some of the things that I think have been insanely beautiful. Now we talked a lot about a lot of the things that I think have been really hard.


    23 22 and 23 in particular, let's say since 2017 at least and up until now, has been kind of turned up in intensity. I would say the 22 232 trophy for the most violent years. So I have a feeling that 24 will also be violent, but in a different way. It's like we've come through a hurtle. So if you've been hanging on by your fingernails out there and thinking, I don't know if I'm going to survive this, something tells me that it's going to be intense, but in a different way.

    One of the things that I think has been there are a lot of things I think it's been a lot of these memes that we put in the story.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And that's just for those of you who don't know that when you're on Instagram or Facebook. Google, we like to share two memes a day, and it can't be about those transformations where you think you're going crazy, or where it

    Yeah, yeah, yeah,

    you know, you think it's the worst bullshit in the world that you have to transform things for humanity and you have a role in this shit and stuff, right? You can be like Pingo who doesn't want to be involved, or Thomas Train who thinks it's the worst bullshit in the world.

    Yes, exactly.

    And um, a lot of our posts are pretty serious, you could say. So we soften it up a bit with some humour.


    Erm. And it's something we think is cool that we just want to share with you

    and crazy and quirky.

    Crazy and offbeat and insane. And, um...

    So you can be pretty sure that if there's something in the story, it's something we've laughed at ourselves.

    We've laughed at it. And then we've kind of gone back and forth. Is it too much or not too much? You know, there have been a few that have been, I don't want to say censored, but yes. Yes, there have been. And it's great to get that lighter in.

    Yeah, yeah.


    Something else that I've been made aware of, which I'm very grateful for, is that it's actually only been about a year and a half since I started introducing energy work in such a professional context. Um, but after we went all in, from the beginning of last year, we actually did everything I did before, where I did supervision and lectures on children and stuff like that. Well, that has actually stopped. I can still do it, so there are still people who call about children, and that's fine too. Um, but that's not what I'm talking about anymore. But those who, over the course of this year, have realised that okay, there are many who have taken the intro time and have tried it and got a fun ride out of it, and then they come back once in a while and stuff like that. But there are also some who have really taken longer programmes.


    You know, who are now up to, you know, and have bought 10 cards maybe three or four times, right?


    That is, so I've really been allowed to hold them, them and their energy field in my hands many times.


    And it's really a beautiful gift to be able to witness their transformation, which is not caused by me. I'm just supporting the help and you know and so it's definitely doing something for them, but seeing it over time, because it works the energy system can seem to be kind of subtle. Completely but when you look over it, get to look into into into an energy system multiple times and just it's completely magical how it works out for and I can't know. I never know when I start. I have no idea when I go in, what the hell is going to happen today? I don't know when I stop, you know, it's the energy that controls it.

    Um. And there's something really beautiful and something really magical in it. And I've been allowed to fully follow people. And I just have to say that it's great. So I've also followed destinies. People who have had a really, really hard time.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Erm. But who unfortunately also seem to find a greater strength or peace in it or something like that.


    mature in it or land in it or, you know, act on difficult decisions and get through it with less fear. It's been very, very beautiful.

    Yeah, it has been. Can't you say that it's the flow to stand in life?

    Yes, you could.

    However much fear or anxiety there is in their system, it releases.


    A lot of the pain that may be there, that also goes away, right?

    Yes, they do.

    And these difficult decisions that you fear about having to deal with a relationship that you're worried about, it can become less... Yes, what happens?

    Yes, it takes up less space. It's as if it becomes and you become simpler, what they have to do becomes much simpler. It becomes simpler, what needs to be done. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And they don't get so hung up on what happens next and what does the other person think and how will the other person react it's like they get a clarity here, right?

    Yes, exactly. And then there have also been a lot of what we call karmic encounters. That is, if you meet a person who you are strangely drawn to in a magnetic way. It doesn't always mean that it's necessarily very appropriate for you to do something with that person. But it can feel like an obsession if you meet a person with whom you have some karmic memory connected. Erm. And it's not so important what we call it. And you may be familiar with the concept of karma. It doesn't matter that much either. But if you're feeling all messed up about an encounter with a person who might have opened you up or you've fallen in love or and sometimes you might have been an appropriately. You're a relationship you're not going to do anything with that person or you've had a shortcut you know relationship with the person. But that you just don't like the person almost gets under your skin and can't let go. You feel almost obsessed. I've also had several where we've worked on letting go of that first under What's in it? Well, because you can become and if you're a rational adult, you can be like, I feel completely obsessed, I don't understand it. And it can be almost a bit shameful to talk about. Um, and this is just to say that it can and does happen that you meet people where something arises where you feel attracted in a way, and it's not certain that you need to do something with the person, or that the person can be really important to you. You may also need to do something with the person, but the idea of getting help to harmonise that almost obsessive constant thinking about the person or longing or experiencing a deep pain or something towards a person you may not even know. You know, historically in this life, right?

    Yes, that's right. You could say that there may also be a soul impulse to do something together or a soul agreement.

    Yes, that's true.

    So that's why you need to untangle the threads and find out what's been going on and loosen it up. It can help you figure out what you need to do with that person.

    Question. Whether to keep that deal or not to keep that deal. Exactly.

    Yeah. That we do see someone who has a soul deal. And it's possible to actually go up and s*** that soul agreement, but who wear each other down completely playing some roles here.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    On the ground, where one might be there to support the other, who comes from the outside, and the other is more grounded, and they keep driving around and longing. And you can go in and get hold of that at a soul level and ask if it's possible to change that contact if it doesn't really contribute anything anymore.

    Yes, that's right.

    Are we living in an age where this is possible? It's not just setting a stone.

    It's not. It's

    what you come here with and for.

    No, no, no.

    You can actually go in and negotiate it and figure out, what do I need it for? What is my mission? You can actually end a mission and get a new one here.


    If you've moaned your way through everything that was in the old one.

    Yes, you can.

    We see a few cases of that as well.

    Yes, we do. So we live in a time where it's possible to end many lives in one lifetime.


    Er, and thicken through and actually change your soul mission. And you know that from home, my dear.

    What do you say?

    You know that. Why don't you tell them your experience with it?

    Yes, I'll do that. Well, my own vision has changed.

    Yes, it has.

    But it took a lot of work to finalise the ends and the impulsive. you that were in my system, like I used to do.

    Yes, because you had a very strong soul. You have a very strong soul impulse.

    Yes, exactly. But there came a time when that impulse could no longer be used.

    Or you felt finished, or

    Yes, but it wasn't just like that, I had to go up and ask if it was possible.


    It was also that there were a lot of energy traces in my system that needed to be cleaned up and changed.


    Because there were many of the things that others would call personality that were actually just the result of a soul impulse to investigate extremely many frequencies down here.

    And taking them into your own system.

    And taking them into your own system. And that, I realised, was not super stressful. But it was nonetheless that Kamikat's mission was to pull the frequencies up by deaths up in the Bardo. And then those who work on the right level with how the hell can we help people up? Especially men.


    because why the f*** is it, what the hell is it that makes men not long for something more or something deeper or stop and say, why the hell am I raping someone or shooting people down? So it's completely insane how it's really a riddle that I've been sent down with, why the hell is it that men can be so fascinated by fighting and playing knight and that there is no impulse in them to connect deeper and drop the sword and say: ‘Well, what am I really doing down here?’ And, uh, but in terms of soul-switching, there was a lot of impulsive tendencies to investigate and delve into such topics from all sorts of angles to find out what the hell is going on. But yeah, so there has been a shift here for my case.


    And one of those shifts has also been that it was enough actually that we made the shift that we started working in living life with raising the frequency and clearing my system. It wasn't actually the intention at all that they should just be taken up at death. And that's what we spent so very, very long on. So, um...

    And you had been very thorough.

    I had been very, very thorough. And the next problem was that...

    I couldn't manage to go out and start talking about these things and go out in public, because I think it's been so exhausting.


    But when we went in and worked with it, I realised that I could go out with some things. And communicate some things.


    And then I said yes to start doing that as well. It's just my own journey. Maybe it will, so I don't want to put it at the centre of anything here, because

    No, but it is, but it's just an interesting example of that.

    It's an interesting example of that. What can you use it for? Yes, it's actually possible to work with. You've fought with someone or you've had to do something in life, and then at some point you've struggled so much that you can find another purpose in life.

    Yeah, that's what it is. So that and then there is sometimes something about being a little careful about whether you feel like you're at the end of the road with something, but you keep on working almost in such an exhausted tiredness.


    You can pay a little attention to how you're feeling here, not because you have to,

    but that's the thing about it, it's a wild time, but there are also opportunities to create something completely new. It's not a plan that's set in stone.

    No, you are a co-creator of it.

    You are a co-creator.

    And that's when you come to Mette and when I work with you, it arises in the situation, how and how you should do and work with it.

    Yes, that's right. It comes up in you.

    It comes up in you.

    Yes, it does. Because we don't have the answers.

    But we can validate whether it energetically looks


    right and if it makes sense.


    So it might be a bit surprising that we can have a chat about where you are and feel a great clarity about what you're actually doing. And then it will often be like, what was it you said? You said something. Can't you just write down what I said? And I'm like, well, we were just your flow, but okay.

    So there's a clarity that arises, which someone then takes with them and then works on expanding the clarity. So I realised that it should be called the Magdalene effect, and I don't know why.

    Is that right?

    And then I made this logo that you know, and I didn't realise it was angel wings with gold, but I think it feels right. And then I worked with all the images you see, um, and started using my journey and stuff, but I'm spending time trying to make them really nice, so that they have the feeling, the energy that's in it as a background for the texts that we make.


    Um, the purpose of the lyrics is to bring some consciousness into something here now. But it's not, it's not the way you make a permanent change by reading a text, but you can make an opening that you can work with.

    Yes, exactly.

    An old-fashioned way, reading a book and then opening it up. There's nothing wrong with that, but we no longer find that it works for us.

    No, it doesn't. I've used, I'm so grateful for books. I mean, I have

    I have.

    devoured so many books. I've actually just got rid of a lot of books, because it had become more like, I get the answers from the inside out.


    But I've allowed myself so much knowledge that I can still draw on. Um, but it's as if my quest to gain knowledge through books, and therefore also right now to write books, I don't have any impulse either.

    I don't,

    it's like right now at least, it may well change again, but right now it's as if the written medium is too slow for me. We do podcast things so quickly, so it's as if it's a more living medium.


    compared to writing a book, for example. I think if I wrote a book now and then had to publish it, then if six months or three quarters of a year goes by, then yes, the energy will still be there, but I'll already be somewhere else in three quarters of a year.

    Mm. So it's actually stale, right? Well, it can be a bit stale compared to,

    well, and it will look different when the time comes.

    Yes, that's it. That's what it is. So right now I don't have a pulse on writing books, and I'm happy with the ones I've written, and they still don't do anything. That's not it at all. But um...

    but that's where this medium feels more alive.


    That's also what I love about energy work is that it's huge, you have no idea. I mean, I have no idea.

    I can't know either,

    so it's really, um...


    I've been surprised so many times that a person who comes in and has an initial session, who I've never met before and stuff like that, doesn't, who doesn't feel things that they didn't feel at all, which amazes both them and me.

    Not because I have a prejudice, an expectation that people feel, but

    It's just that some of them come in, you know, who have their own story about I'm just such ordinary people who just think that I have a bit of this I felt resonance, and then you just open up, and then it just pours in with soul frequency or something, you know, you can never know.

    Yeah, you never know. Well, one of the things we've done is to keep it down to earth in some sense.

    Yes, but definitely.

    Um, we tried to avoid the idea that what you know is that you're spiritual and then you're not spiritual and in other words you know more than others or are more insightful. Um, so these digitomic opposites that divide people into I don't work. Um, what we've tried to do is try to use everyday language and talk about what's happening rather than making a template and then you have to fit into it.


    What an old-fashioned way of thinking about development.

    Yes, it is.

    But master, so you see what they say, they say something wise. And then you have to sit and listen. And it's kind of understood in the group that that person has a higher status, and so what they say should be taken more seriously, or you should take it in.


    Remember not to take it in if it doesn't resonate.

    I don't.

    It doesn't f****** matter if the person is the emperor of China or is wearing a silly little follower vessel on some Instagram or if it's us or someone selling quantum healing. water or whatever the f*** it might be. Erm.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we shouldn't, if it doesn't resonate with what we have, then we should take it in.

    Yes, that's right. And we get a good laugh out of some of those, I have to say, quantum healing stuff.

    There are a lot of people who are very excited

    There are a lot of people who want to bid on these

    where you stand in a field with a bare torso and do all sorts of strange movements or women with tight dresses that at the same time sway in the wind and then they have some product that you can buy and right now it's 50% off to be on their list or and I almost have to say that one of them that many Danes follow is also a psychologist where her husband is involved and he and she write that if he can stay focused on you for 30 seconds during a day, then it's completely normal. Don't get upset about it. Oh my god. We don't comment on that kind of thing. But if that's the level, we can do better, guys and gals. It's completely hopeless. And another one who is such a celebrity uh coach/clavoyant, who now charges 30,000 for five stations, I think it is. You have to book two years in advance, because all those people from The Lion's Den are in there and it's banalities when you see the adverts, banalities and you have to be able to decide what you want to take in. And I'm not going to rule out that you can get some pleasure from that person's readings. But it can also be too fancy. And too expensive and too fancy.

    Yes, it can. It definitely can.

    Erm. Yes, we very rarely put ourselves on our posts, because we don't want you to mirror us and think, we want a life like that too, you know. And we also see some of those well-known psychologists who show their life, which is so glamorous, where they seem to think that if we agree with what they do or the book they have, or the course or something like that, then you get the impression that it's all monkey see, monkey do. That's why we actually keep ourselves pretty much out of focus, because the life you can create for yourself doesn't have to look anything like what we have or do or

    No, it's completely your own unique

    Yes. So there is something beautiful that we humans can inspire each other.

    So the way we have a relationship may not be right for you. It may simply be too much.

    It's not that it's not necessarily an ideal model. It can be for inspiration maybe, but yes. Is there anything else we want to talk about?

    Well, I think if we start to make a little towards the end of this, I think one of the things that I've actually been saying for several years, erm, also to my colleague, whoever is doing it, whether it's psychologists or therapists or whatever. It's that the way of working with people is also being phased out. So we won't need psychologists in the future, because you become your own, what can I say, you can be mirrored by others, but you have the answers. So we'll master self-regulation, we'll master feeling connected to our soul, whatever you want to call it. It's not even if you use the word soul. I mean, it's not even that you need to have one, so some of the most spiritual people I know never use spiritual concepts or don't consider themselves to be spiritual. But you know with that, it's just having a big curiosity and openness and re towards life.


    Being open to the fact that you shouldn't always have it figured out, and magical things can happen or weird things or wild things or difficult things. So it's all part of the experience, right?

    Erm. So I think the thing that I also say to people who are in a programme or who seek my support on the journey is that you can easily get adjusted and get help. And it may also be that it makes sense to go regularly for a longer period of time, but at some point you'll realise that I don't need her there anymore. Now I can do it myself.

    Or now I'm so much better and I've got, you know, so I've become so curious about my own how I land things and my own energy level. And you know my own, you know now, now I'm getting now I'm chatting so much with my own soul that now I don't, now I don't really need a dog walker anymore, or I need just an annual checkup or just need or or I go to the workshop because I love sitting in that field at an open field. It's a great field, it's a great field when people

    are there with that intuition to work, and we and the field are held, right?

    So it's not this kind of realisation that you have to see a psychologist for years to be healed and how many people get healed from that and there are all kinds of things in psychology that are fantastic But there's also something there where the conversation can't go any further. Quite simply, it can only go so far. So it's more about this whole exploration of yourself moving into everyday life. So it's actually more about what happens from when you hang up with me to the next time you talk to me about your insights. You you observe okay what did it do that session how so am I able to see myself more from the outside understand myself more deeply by understanding others more deeply new insights land something new emerges that is difficult you know then I dare to have the courage for help to mirror bring it home, so out into everyday life again, right? So it's actually everything that happens in the in-between periods. That's where you grow. I'm just helping you land it or shine a light on it or you know correct it so that it's easier for you to dive into it, to use your everyday life

    to see the beautiful and the difficult and the crazy and the quirky in life and thus also in yourself, because you are life. There is no separation. And the beautiful thing is that when people come back, because I can't the way I work, I see the energy. I see where it bulges. I see where there's frequency clutter. I see where there are blockages. I see where there are tears. And then I work with it.


    And then I see that the person goes out more harmonised than when they came in.


    And I can also sometimes have a strong feeling that this is what I think is going to be important, that we have

    some of them have something with them that goes into the groundwater, right?

    Yes, exactly, and it's like this, it's going to be track-bound or the person here prepared for so long that the layers just rattled off, right?


    or work so well for that type of energy work it just rattled off or whatever it might be

    also some of them start to get a sense of seeing energy or yes they see them themselves and they become like uh what is it and then I can sit and we can feel it how many per cent do you think it's 10 more I think. Yes, it's damn hard to say, because you can say that it also requires that I have them for longer, but I'm starting to get more and more who are there for longer, because when they return, because I can have one of those, but when I can see that all sorts of energy has happened. I can also say this, I think you'll notice a change with this. But whether you'll feel it tomorrow, or you'll feel it in a year, or you'll feel it in three years, I can't know.

    I can't know, that's what's magical, because it's not for anyone to know, because it's up to the individual to go out and experience it through their own consciousness. But you know, when I have people on a programme, I get to get a sneak peek into how they're doing and how they're feeling.


    experienced that it is for God. That relationship that was difficult, but it's not anymore, or you know, no, but I don't have anxiety anymore, or you know that man I was so obsessed with, it's completely gone, or whatever it may be.

    That person I had all those conflicts with, it's like

    Yes, but I just don't have to see that person anymore. It doesn't take up any more space at all.

    No, it doesn't,

    you know, it's just like that,

    it's long gone. And that, when you talk to them,

    and they themselves, well, they're there somewhere else, and then you think, or can you see that there has been? I can see that too, I can see the people I'm talking to, wow, so much has happened, but they're busy with what's happening right now, so they don't really notice it and so

    No, that's the thing

    If I do that, I make them aware, remember when we started we were there


    you just wanted to lie down and die and take yours it was only because you had children and then you thought I can't kill myself just like that god yes it doesn't have it anymore it's a hassle but I don't have I don't have myself something completely different

    and that's it, but it doesn't seem that people's, erm, it's part of the development process to bump into something that's unpleasant down here.


    Which has annoyed me a bit, because I'm kind of like, should it really be that we have to go through pain to listen, but there is a stupidity or a stupidity in people that makes them, uh

    a kind of heaviness, including yours truly, that sometimes makes you have to bang into a wall to understand it. It's especially a male thing with women, especially in relationships, where they constantly overlook the things that hurt.

    Yes, that's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes, they do.

    But where we men, we do it like this

    knock into solutions and keep doing it in stupid ways and stuff like that. Expecting a new result to come out of it.

    E, we can

    keep meditating in the same way for 10 years without a f***ing result, because some stupid leader, Tibetan monk sits and says, this, you just have to keep going long enough. Now it stops. Well, stop yourselves with your team. Years of yoga. I've been there myself. Stop it now. No, no, no, no.

    If you love diving yoorga, go for it. But do you find it annoying or don't.

    Don't listen to that sensai that says when you've got third dan in something and or you have, it will happen. There's no time to wait.

    No, it isn't.

    If it's so slow, then it's some old tradition that's holding you back. This also applies to shamanism, and it could actually also apply to shamanism.

    Yes, of course. Yes, of course. Oh, stay away for weekend shamans for f***. You could criticise me for also being a self-studied robber. In principle, I am. And yet I'm not.

    No, still not.

    But go for quality, for crying out loud.


    Go for something that works, that makes deep, deep sense to you. Regardless of who you seek out and whether you do things yourself.



    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And I just wanted to say, did you see the documentary about this guy with all these ice baths, what's his name?



    Wimhof. Yes.

    Dear friends, he developed this technique because he lost his wife and was in deep pain. And every time he feels deep pain emotionally, he goes under ice water. We could help him. We can help people who are standing there so they don't have to go down and ice bath and shock their body all the time because there's something they can't stand to be in. A sad city pack has that real man thing, right? That there's no fat in ice baths. It can be cool, but that pain underneath, that's what we need to address.


    That that's it, if you've if you've hurt your leg and sting and and and and really it f****** hurts, try to stick that ice water and I can guarantee you that you'll forget it hurts your leg for a while, right? But it gives, it just helps, it doesn't solve shit.

    I mean, it, it can't put a broken leg back together again. It just can't.

    It just can't. No.

    And that's what we can sometimes attribute to both breathwork and ice baths. As if it's the new golden calf, but it's not. Or you know, if you breathe in a relaxed way you get rid of all the traumas or if you just get into ice water you never get sick and stuff like that. And there's something cool about breath med, it's a tool there. And you may find your body longing to jump into ice cold water. But it can actually also be enormously not wanting it but being forced into it because you like the effect that came. coming out of it afterwards.


    And become addicted and you can also become addicted to it. If you don't get your ice bath, you can't stand to be around it. Or if you don't meditate for two hours a day, you can't, you'll become edgy.

    But then there's something b slave to your method, then there's something wrong.

    Yes, there is. Just be or at least just be aware of your pitfalls.

    Then there's an interesting thing that's going on that I wanted to talk about, and it's about aliens and different countries in the US. We've really held back on talking about it because we think it's so wag, and we thought f*** it, what are people going to do with it? But there's legislation that's been up in Congress recently that's about, like the JFK thing, releasing what we know about nonhuman intelligence, which is basically aliens and their spacecraft. Um, and during this year, there's been a whistle blower called David Gross, who is a former major and special ops dude, who has been in a hearing along with two uh with Your Fra and Lanian Graves, who all three have experience seeing unidentified flying objects. And I was even when the year started, I was about to throw up and was foolish to think those things were, but you would also just say that as time goes on and data comes in, it looks like 2024 might be a year of revelations for some very deep sources in the US defence. Um, and the claim is that the Americans have actually since the 50s had UFOs, whatever you want to call them, or UAPs as they call them now. Undidentified areal aerial phenona, um, which now also turns out that they can go underwater. Sitting your Uso. That's cute.

    But why is this interesting? It's interesting because I see men taking an interest in it. And what happens when they mess around with it and different kinds of evidence starts to come up. It's their consciousness cracking and it cracks open in a way I haven't seen before.

    And it's wonderful isn't it

    It's actually that that's actually the most interesting thing. It's what does it do to them the deeper they live into it. It could be Shak Valé for example. There's also quite a number of other classical people who work with this. They always end up saying that it's some kind of consciousness phenomenon. Gary Nolan from Stanford, who has had firsthand experiences three times in his life. You can search Gary Nolan and Rush Colehard interviews for example. But I've kept my mouth shut about it because I think it's weird enough what we're doing already, but the reason I want to share it is that I see a tendency for the masculine consciousness system to start having some openings that you can't close the door to say: ‘Well, that's just the way it is because I'm an authority.’ So you as a scientist um there's a fight also from Avil Lope from He's from Oxford, I think it is. an astronomer. Um, they have The Galileo Project, which is a number of scientists who are investigating what's in the atmosphere here on Earth, of nonhuman intelligent life. Um, of what's flying around. NASA is conducting their own investigation into what is flying around because they recognise there is something flying around that they cannot explain. In 2017, the US government came out and said, the Pentagon said, yes, we have under identified aerial phenon. So dear friends, I think we need to prepare ourselves that this could be the year where the news comes out that we are not alone.

    You are not alone.

    And we haven't been for a long time. And once you can't close that box, once you can close that Pandora's box, you have to have some kind of open mind on what the hell else is out there, and what does that mean?

    Well, yes,

    I've familiarised myself with some of the classic literature around that in here for the last year. And it's very typical when people have encounters that they experience a direct telepathic connection with these beings. And it can be quite shocking. Erm, what do you do? The biggest realisation for me in everything was, okay, if we have energy sense and we can basically travel with our consciousness, like astral travel wherever we want, then uh, if telepathy is possible, which I find it is, then you stand in a place with your energy field where you have to figure out how the hell do I avoid connecting with someone I don't want to connect with, you start figuring out how you can stand in your field. And it's a scary realisation that there are beings out there, both in the astral and from other planes, that you don't want to have anything to do with. And if you become afraid of them, you attract them. That's, that's where I've been myself. I'm not afraid of them anymore. Um, and finding that in the right constellation in the energy field, those beings are just floating around and have nothing to do with me. But I can contact them if I want some information. And there are some of them that I don't benefit from contacting with others there. So part of my energy sense has actually developed as a result of these encounters as a child with these beings. And the shock of meeting them and experiencing what happened in that connection. And then getting through all that trauma to get to where I am today. So yeah, it was all of you who stuck it out, that's how long you got to have it.

    Yeah, exactly.

    But it helps a little when Gary Noland, a Stanford professor, says that, yes, he also experienced beings standing around his bed when he was telepathically contacted as a boy. So you can say it out loud. Um, but I'm probably not going to talk openly about our site, but for those of you who are messing around, I went way back into our podcast and

    Yeah. number 30 so completely to the s*** of two hours of r

    stuffed like that all the way in the back. Yeah.

    I really don't want to be seen as some kind of wago and a what's in it, it's actually that it turns out that there are different species and breeds and blah blah blah which is also confirmed by the sources we have. But let's see what there is

    Well, the stage is set for an exciting 2024, right?

    Yes, it is. And the exciting thing is to see those men. It's almost all men. There's also an island sociologist of religion called Pasulka, who has written some cool books about this, which you can also go on Netflix and watch. I think it's called Close Encounters. It's Steven Spielberg. There's a series about Close Encounters. It's really cool too. Um... Yes, there are some interesting films about this that take the subject seriously, but it's also a rapped hole that I see some men go down and disappear into, where you ask yourself, what's the point of going deep into this? Well, if it's a revolution of consciousness or revolution we're going through, and the main problem seems to be that men are extremely closed, then it's not uninteresting if there's an impulse that says, I can't shut down and just say, I know there's no X. I have to accept that I don't know what it is.

    Well, it's not just the fact that there are things that if they have this thing called antigravity or they can, that is, our entire physics, our entire understanding, which is also where men can be very, we've worked it out, and it doesn't work. And it's like that, it's kind of like that it affects our understanding so much

    in relation to what we've actually figured out at all and keep some of it.

    Yes, it does. Because if those things, if you take Stepen Greer, who is a bit fringe in this.


    What they call the five observables, which NASA also describes and which Arrow with Sonrick describes as him, that's the office of Ariel Phenony in the US. The five observables in a UFO is actually that it can accelerate, de-accelerate very quickly. It can stand still. It can, it has no exhaust. That is, there's no, if you send a jet, then you have an out, then there's an energy source after it.


    Um. It can disappear and reappear. Um. And then it can manoeuvre in a way where it changes direction maybe 45 degrees. So when I sat down I was like, what the f*** is going on? Then you get to go down a rabbit hole where you realise. They have to have some kind of antigravity and some kind of energy source where they can draw some kind of energy out of the void or out of space in some form. And if you think that thought through to the end and say, okay, the technology where physicists say, well we can't, or we basically don't understand gravity, but we know that you can pull energy out of quantum space, because they've done that at Harvard. There have been some experiments with it there and there have been a lot of experiments with it. But try to imagine yourself on earth with an energy source the size of a shoebox. You put in a car that runs endlessly and doesn't pollute.



    f***. The consequence of having an aeroplane that can fly to the other side of the world just as fast as one of those uncompensated ones where you don't have to talk so much about climate impact and stuff like that. So, all of a sudden, we could release some energy for the big problems we are constantly struggling with, which are real problems.

    That's what Stepen, which you can also look up. New films are all about. It's okay, if these technologies actually exist, they would change the way we live. I mean, we could actually ditch all the coal and

    all this stuff. And we want to democratise energy. So if you have a house, you can put in one of those shot saws, they're saying, or a smaller sized quantum energy source, and then it can run, so you don't need power stations and wires running around and stuff like that. All of this is science fiction in a way, and in another way, it could be just around the corner.

    So it's kind of the same way that it's just before the light bulb, right?

    Yes, it is. And when I look at technological development, there are many people who say no, we've come so far. But then you go to the Technology Museum in Elsinore, and we can see that we've come a long way, but if you look at the potential, we haven't come very far.

    So there is a lot of magical potential to live in a completely different way.

    Yes, there is. And at the same time, there are some enormous forces that may not be interested in getting it out there.

    No, they don't. Because then there is

    there's the oil industry, and

    there's an entire capitalist system that can also be undermined, right? Which would also be beautiful, but not everyone will agree with that.

    Yeah, yeah. So that was one of the things that I think 24 will be some more revelations. And like I said, I've mentioned some of the sources, so you can go and look it up yourself. Uh, Senator Chuck Schuma and Mark Rubio, they made a proposal here. It was slightly modified. Um, along with Steve with Budget is his name. Um, they made a memo that there needs to be a release of information about what the US defence and government knows about UAPs and NHI, nonhuman intelligence. But it can't just be in the US, these things are going on. It is


    China has their own programme for this, which is officially Argentina and Canada has a programme on this. Erm, there are a number of countries that have it, as does Belgium. There are simply a number of countries that have official programmes in this area. Russia also has a programme, and then there are those who say, yes, but couldn't it be our enemy? It could be China or Russia. But if Russia had access to this, they would have swept the Ukrainians off the

    the table in a jiffy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So, um...

    it's a...

    it's a pretty wild time we're entering.

    It's a wild time we're living in.

    Also because if the story is that someone actually tried to weaponise these technologies, and if you have a device that can fly directly to Kremmel and drop a bomb and then return with a P and out of phase, maybe so you can't see it. So we're also talking about very potent technology in relation to warfare

    which of course we can't land until we have some kind of group consciousness that we've just got our arse out into the light rather than messing around in the darkness of war.

    Yes, we have. And so it's it's it's it's dangerous. I mean, we were close to Brink of Disaster with two weapons, right?

    Yes, we were.

    And there's also a connection with being seen all over these different sites. So it's Go and watch Close Encounters with Speedbergs on Netflix. And then write to us if you'd like us to elaborate on some recommendations for films and sources. But let's see what happens. It may be that not much happens, but it may also be that a lot happens. And the interesting thing is not whether they land at the White House, because they actually have. They've flown around over the White House 54 in which he didn't know what to do. But that's not so important. What's interesting here is the opening of consciousness, where the man goes from being, he knows everything, and it can't be like that, to him having to say, okay, there's something here I don't understand. I can't explain it, but we have to stay curious and open to what we don't understand. That's a fundamental shift.

    Exactly. So hearing it from a man. That

    And look at Neil de Grass Tyson, he's insanely arrogant. Our physicist, who is very popular. He's very much the annoying uncle who always knows best. He's been pushed so hard on this topic and now he's gone into retreat and said okay I don't really know what's going on either. Maybe we need to keep our minds open to such research. But it wasn't his starting point that he's under so much pressure

    He's not down in the dumps.

    He's under pressure, man. He's like a grandfather and has to explain to all the Americans what physics is and makes himself wise about everything. But uh But he's a very good example N Grush Tyson of being on the defensive that you don't have that masculine attitude of knowing everything and having to explain everything and having answers to everything which is basically f****** cracking and I love it.

    It's wonderful

    Isn't it?

    Yes, but it's beautiful. It's beautiful to become the man who is the authority because he knows something. Not because women can't do it, but it's like men have cultivated that way of having power.


    It's also falling apart with AI, where you can look things up and his place in the world is, if he's built on being the smartest person in the room, sitting and barking, and then everyone has to sit and energise him on that, it's falling apart,


    So it's very beautiful. Is there anything else we need here in our New Year's table or whatever I want to call it?

    I think those are the words for this time.


    It was also very good to end with aliens. It wasn't too wag.

    Well, then we're completely out of it.

    But, um...

    Oh, that's fantastic.

    Yeah, it is.


    thank you for listening.

    Yes, it's great that you're listening, and we actually really like it when you write to us and say what you're up to and your input and stuff like that. Um, we want you to know that. We read everything you all your comments and


    It's not about whether you write something positive or negative or But we don't see the things we do as a debate. Not because you can't discuss this from your own point of view, but you're probably more curious about what it does to you and where it sparks something in you.


    those cracks in your consciousness.

    Yes, those cracks in consciousness. When does light penetrate? It's like it's both of us. I'm very particularly interested in what happens to it?

    Yeah, me too.

    And when does it turn into something permanent that starts to take root, right?


    So we really enjoy making posts for you and seeing you put hearts on them. It might sound silly, but it actually means something to us.


    Uh, that you print a heart and And there are some of you also share things with each other and stuff like that.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you think it's worth it.

    Yes, if you think it's worth it. If you think it's good.


    Erm. Yes, it is. It actually makes it worth doing more. It makes us want to do more. So we get some exciting feedback on a lot of these podcasts. And especially when we talk to people who are going to our workshops. And they've got a lot out of it. And that has meant that we are now up to 30 of them in a year. So something where most of them are over two hours long, right?


    And some of that we've bottled some of your old lectures.


    Which also deserved it.


    Yeah, yeah, yeah. To wrap up and say thank you for this time.

    Hi, guys.

    That was episode 30, part two of the podcast. We'll be in touch.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Podcast E31: Pitfalls on the Spiritual Journey


Podcast E29: How to Work with Difficult Emotions