Podcast E31: Pitfalls on the Spiritual Journey

This episode focuses on identifying and analyzing potential pitfalls one may encounter during their spiritual development. The podcast cautions against misunderstandings and deviations often found in spiritual and self-help circles, providing listeners with tools to navigate these often complex and sometimes confusing landscapes.

  • Self-Importance and Spiritual Bypass:

    One of the primary traps highlighted in the podcast is self-importance. Mette and Sune warn against spiritual teachers and gurus who present themselves as elevated beings with all the answers. Often, these individuals have not processed their own traumas and shadows, and they risk creating an environment marked by false spirituality and ego-centric behavior.

    Another pitfall is spiritual bypass, where one uses spiritual practices and concepts to avoid confronting difficult emotions and traumas. This can manifest as an excessive focus on "higher vibrations" and a rejection of everything perceived as "low" or "negative." Mette and Sune point out that true spiritual growth requires a confrontation with all aspects of oneself, including the dark sides.

    Abuse of Spirituality:

    E31 also warns against the abuse of spirituality, particularly in areas like tantra, where sexual exploitation and manipulation can occur under the guise of spiritual practices. The podcast encourages listeners to be critical and set healthy boundaries in spiritual environments where power dynamics and group pressure can make it difficult to say no.

    Focus on Experiences Rather Than Integration:

    Another pitfall is an excessive focus on spiritual experiences and ecstasies while neglecting the integration of these experiences into everyday life. Mette and Sune emphasize that true spiritual transformation is about integrating the insights and wisdom gained through spiritual practices into all aspects of one's life. Chasing ecstasies can lead to dependence on spiritual experiences and an escape from reality.

    Dependence on External Systems:

    E31 also cautions against becoming dependent on external systems and dogmas, such as astrology, numerology, and other forms of divination. The podcast encourages listeners to develop their own intuition and inner wisdom rather than blindly following others' interpretations.

    Traps Related to Manifestation:

    In line with E32 (presumably a related episode), E31 also discusses traps related to manifestation. It warns against the superficial "New Age" approach, where one believes they can attract everything they desire simply by thinking positively. Mette and Sune emphasize the importance of understanding one's own role in co-creation with other beings and recognizing that one does not have complete control over everything that happens in life.

    E31's Message:

    E31 encourages listeners to be critical and reflective in their spiritual seeking. The podcast offers a nuanced perspective on spirituality, warning against potential traps and deviations. The message is to be aware of one's own role in the creation process, to integrate spiritual insights into everyday life, and to develop one's own inner wisdom rather than blindly following external authorities.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

    Sune Sloth: Welcome to the Magdalene Effect podcast. Today we're going to spend a good hour talking about misunderstandings and misconceptions and things like that. In so-called spiritual and self-help circles, new age, both as it refers to in Denmark, but also elsewhere as shown on. This is not to denigrate any environment or put anyone on the spot or expose anyone, but more a kind of guide to traps in those places. You can kind of fall into different ones. Yes, you can fall into some different traps that make you think you're moving forward, but you're actually not. So let's get started. So the first thing we wanted to do. The first topic we wanted to talk about is that it's very common to introduce alternatives. You lump yourself together with others like you. And it's completely natural. You seek community with someone who is just like you, and you can quickly have this thing about so-and-so is spiritual and so-and-so is not and so-and-so has an ego and stuff, and so-and-so has a problem, and I don't want to deal with that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, what can actually happen, so you have to be extremely aware of, is that once you've felt alone and felt misunderstood, felt different, and then you meet someone who has the same differentness in a way that you feel seen and met, so someone has the same values as me, which I don't experience many others have. It can feel like the rush of falling in love, and it's lovely and wonderful, and it's definitely cool and nice to have people in your life where you have common values and shared values. There are some things that become easier. The thing that can develop about it is that when you've clumped together, the common ground is the houses have gone over. Then it can become a way to actually make a split. So you actually get to say that you live in something spiritual, which is about opening up and acting and is about compassion for others. Compassion for diversity. So that's what you say you do. But in practice, it's actually almost sectarian, it can have such a sectarian undertone that unless you eat vegan, or unless you drink oat milk, or unless you do yoga in this way, or it can become it can become it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It can actually be very sharp in terms of how you see others, so you can come to see yourself as being better than or more something or other than someone else. And I would actually say I don't think you avoid this place on your path when you start to open up. I would say it's more of a step on the journey, so take it with a little bit of gentleness and humour more to yourself that you will end up in one of those, and you will sometimes look at people if only they were as woke as me. And you'll write annoying posts on Facebook where you learn I'm old wise. So at some point, you'll typically start to get a bit fed up with yourself, you'll start to. At some point, you'll realise that there's an opportunity for you to realise that, and it's a really cool place where you can make a Buddha laugh at yourself. That you use spirituality to glorify yourself, which actually started with it just being really nice to feel seen and met.

    Sune Sloth: You can have a phase where you've discovered meditation, you've been on some kind of retreat, and you need to hear about everything. And then you realise to your horror that other people are trying to be polite and listen. And you just realise that it's not you, and they're not getting what you hoped for out of it. They don't wake up and do what you suggest.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You force them into some kind of meditation practice that they don't want to do. And I've been there too. I've been unbearable. I've been there.

    Sune Sloth: And then you can get into another phase where you become like that. And that's what can lead you to seek out those circles. You feel isolated because you suddenly discover some things that are extremely beautiful and exciting and start to have a vision. How could you live here on earth in a new time and see some things, which is also a potential. And then you meet someone who has that vision too. The problem is that it's shaped in a certain way, typically, and there's typically some direction, some teachings. Or it's a mishmash of everything, where there are some lemmings following along. Now it's published a newsletter, and then there's this and now this energy has come in. Or you know. And what's underneath is that there's actually some Iraqi stuff going on, where there's someone who's going to be a moon temple high priest with quantum healing water that can X, y and z and. Offering the true path and the old school, but nevertheless it's been necessary. So that's where you can give your own power. Wake up your own power by putting it in the hands of a teacher or a counsellor or a mentor who has a special status. And it's classic and there's nothing. It's something about being able to get you up and standing there.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and then there's the thing that can be a bit. The trap, at least in some environments, is that it will look and sound as if. There is no hierarchy here, because we reject that, because there is no power to give. But you can't be human for power. The hierarchy built into the way we organise ourselves today. Someone who teaches. It's so deep. It hasn't been raised yet, but it's there. So it's actually much better to be in a circle where we say that we understand that there can be power struggles, and then it's about working with it and addressing it when it arises. So if you're in an environment where they refuse to say There's never the power to put your hat on and they move you. That's a challenge in human groups, also in spirituality.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, you'll find that there are some. There are rituals that must be observed. If you don't do it. You need warm, long hugs. How you lick your desire for something to do with And if you don't feel like it, then it's a problem if you've closed the door, or if you have an emotion, or if you get angry, then it's your ego and then it's phew.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That's it. Do you read low frequency.

    Sune Sloth: Then there's something about you, and that also means that you often end up trying to shield yourself from what is difficult in the relational here and in that way you seek shelter and you want refuge among others like. Tending towards more and more gentleness, which in another way also has a beauty in it. But nevertheless, and you can find that there are still slanders around and there is exclusion and all these things. There are some that have more juice than others. One of the ways you can solve it that I've found is to actually stand. Unequivocally in that you don't go below anybody, you don't go above anybody, that is, every time you meet a person, you're equal. And that means you can have that angle. That they have something to teach you, or they have something to give. But as human beings, you are of equal value no matter what. And that's one of those things called, throwing down and talking about it looks like the gate, self-importance and a good way to test if it's there, how much. How self-important is your teacher? Your meditation teacher? How exalted do they seem like you are about to express yourself to be? And there's also often the fact that they don't give you a hard time. Or at least you're not told. So there's an exaltation that needs to be honoured and that you will discover others in the group with. They are also amazing and so needy.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and spiritual bypass can happen very quickly, which is basically your whole thing for women and denying that the darkness is there. Firstly, not understanding that there is power in darkness by integrating it, and darkness is a part of life. But also, I have solved that, and the darkness is solved by the fact that I always. I always smile and think I need to be great.

    Sune Sloth: Smiles are positive. One of the big traps is that there are positive and negative emotions, and we can just say that all emotions are there.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Still, always.

    Sune Sloth: And are there. They all have a meaning. If you approach it as if there are positive and negative emotions, then you'll push something into the basement, and it will be emotions that are not welcome, and it won't be possible to show it all. And that is, it will be a stagnated group dynamic that is based on who can suppress and hold on to that they don't have or deny to themselves. They have feelings. It can be Sexual horniness can be attractive, it can be anger at something that annoys you, but it's held back. And there then becomes that structure which is 10 things, so the way it's managed is part of the package in that. One of the other things that I've seen a lot, and this is also true in an American context, is that people are other people and maybe also to themselves. Come to that I suspend dots or criticism in relation to how this all fits together. So it can be quite crappily written, for example, but she gets some things right. And she is what she is at the time she writes it. It can also be something, but it's still just a writing, just like the Bible is a writing. It's a tradition. She's bringing something. She's from somewhere. There's something you can use in it. There's something you can't use. If you look at your life as a whole, there are places where it can be used and places where it can't be used. But followers, and as we follow with these is the all oracle wisdom. And she was the first, and because she came first with this, like it's ancient Chinese, it knows so Tai Chi. It comes from Kung fu and because the Chinese had it five thousand years ago, it was amazing.

    Sune Sloth: Exalted is yes, but there are also some things it can do. There were places where it doesn't work and where it doesn't work. And so you can constantly meet these people and now there's another gong group, and this master may have something. And then they say they're tapping energies and everyone just says yes, and then you go with you and try it. And if it doesn't work because there's something wrong with you, or you've done it enough, or you don't have enough discipline and done it long enough. So it's not being met in a critical sense here. That is, being able to dare to be critical in it. But it's also a ticket to being thrown out. I know this from experience, because then they feel extremely provoked. They get annoyed with someone who wants to do that. The person has been part of a Tibetan Buddhist environment and experienced this a lot, both the good and the bad. That there is a very clear hierarchy in these lamas and Rinpoche, so it's all there. And the idea here is you just keep going and keep going provided you study it. I've also been to a monastery and studied down. Where I found that there was quite a lot of homosexuality and then this thing going on in the background and all sorts of weird stuff. Which is fine, but it wasn't exactly within the disc, and I think that's very, very funny because of the holiness. The monk thinks that fetishes sitting at something, and then sitting and snoring bubbles and talking, is a particularly deep transcendental meditation and just sits.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Drunk.

    Sune Sloth: Burn. So it's like giving up your own understanding of what is true and real. Don't be too careful with that. Too much here?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, to have your own sense and feeling, if this person is absolutely wonderful, if you just think that, you'll be in plaster. You shouldn't have a judgement on the person you know, so you should be a match for me, this.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, I've come to think of a Buddhist temple I was in, where there was a great master. He was sleeping during meditation and snoring into a microphone with his head knocked down. And those young monks afterwards, laughing a bit about it. But it's a particularly deep meditation. He meant it, and I couldn't. But the funny thing was that they had no sense of humour about it. They could do it well enough.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Well see that I was snoring, but they weren't saying it.

    Sune Sloth: No. No, we're talking about being clean when you're there, typically some kind of purity ideal in one direction or another. Things you should eat, things you shouldn't eat. The yoga environment I've been in eating vegetarian. You know you did the cleanse and then the colon cleanse and then you had to have some special vegetable food afterwards with clarified butter and if it wasn't clarified butter, it wasn't okay. Then you would go completely wrong. Yes, and I've also experienced that in the same yoga environment with a teacher who says well now we're going to try the nose jug. I had tried that, but it had to be tried and then she encouraged us to pee in the jug and then we could rinse our noses with pee. And another time, it was the whole class in the winter when people were snotty and the teacher encouraged us all to read with the same jug. And it was common sense. Everything was just. Then we do it. So this thing about experience, purity, history, and going backwards on what to do. That's what it's all about.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's the hygiene thing. I haven't actually experienced that much, but I have experienced the cleanliness thing, and I think part of it is that when you open up or start to get curious about whether things could be different. It's often also related to you've had some pain where you've been confused, or there's something else. Something has shaken you out of your daily grind, so you're looking for some alternative answers to something, and that can be to pain and suffering. So therefore, you and your environment will meet many people who experience themselves as being sensitive to certain foods. It can be 5 5 times radiation, so it's all radiation. It's food, it is. Then it's clothes they can't wear, and there's a huge amount in them. And that's not to say that it can't be true. It's just also seeing is that a lot of women's things that can arise when you start opening up. Some of that stuff can come out as allergies and as sensitivities. But you can also get stuck in that narrative by trying to shield it and become more and more and more and more and more fragile.

    Sune Sloth: Then you get more and more input, right? You can't do that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Tolerate anything at all.

    Sune Sloth: Good data additives. And if you put on synthetic clothes, it damages your aura.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You can't say the blood either. Then you can almost live on air.

    Sune Sloth: You can.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And that.

    Sune Sloth: Then you only live on air. Also some funny stories. There were some English girls who came along, who then went out into the Scottish wilderness. I don't know about the travelling story I've tried to find out, but I think it's a good one, that they died of starvation and didn't need water, so one of them went to get it. The great Adrian fuck advocate followed the BBC for a week, but she ate a bit along the way and also drank tea and had a bit of a shit because she didn't need to that week. I'm not saying it's not an option or a theoretical place, but you can choose that too. I mean, you can choose the opposite point of view and shield yourself from the world. And you talk to her and say if you take this stone and put it on, and if you don't eat it. And it's also because it's exposed to bad energy and blablabla. So when.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That.

    Sune Sloth: There's so much fear that things are put into very specific things that you have to avoid, and then you actually end up being extremely isolated.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, there are so many things you can't participate in. And of course, having said that, there are some people who experience when they eat something too bad, so it's not to deny that there are some people who are huge and experience if they are in a room where there is something. So it's more to say that when we work energetically, when I work with people energetically, and when we land some layers, it's as if they can try to see again. Can you now eat it, or can you now stand to be in that space? Or are you going to be affected by electronics anymore? It goes back. It's not like you have to wrap yourself in meat or live next to TV chairs or phones. Not in that way, but it's more to say that the story itself can anticipate your fear and therefore experience fear. Frequency is more violent than steel frequency. Example fear frequency is violent of gluten, so now you see now you sit and get scared of being scared, and that's also why it's hard to say that you shouldn't be afraid of that. Don't be afraid because you'll be afraid of so many things. Waking up in fear and then looking at the fear and having it land and then going back to the object you were afraid to see. Is there still a dissonance here? And then you might go back. She can tolerate gluten. I don't want to eat it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I can tolerate meat, but I don't want to eat it finer, so there's no must or should here. Just try to be a little curious about this, otherwise you may find that you enter an environment that you feel in harmony with. But at the same time, you'll also find that you become a huge amputee because you have to go to health food stores all the time and you can't afford to buy the products. And there are 4 billion things you can't eat and some. I've been there myself where I thought all my bloating and everything was because of regular food. And when I look back, all I can see is that it has something to do with food. I went through all sorts of transformations that I didn't understand. So my confusion in that I had to get input from other people. Then there was this thing about a kinesiologist or getting everything, and then it's gluten. So what you can't do. That's how I got to live in the countryside and look back on the care you said, but it didn't last shit, and it didn't. So it's not to say that you can't give up some foods for a period of time. If you're under a lot of stress, sure, and there are foods that are healthier than others. Definitely, absolutely. It's not like that. It's just that you might not have to live so restricted for the rest of your day.

    Sune Sloth: My objection is that in IBS, there are certain foods I can't tolerate and I've been through the system, I've done everything possible, excluded sex chat and sure enough when eating certain things that were within certain food groups, I got some bloating and stomach pain. And so we work with that. Working, working and today I have intolerance to something right. I still have a little bit of allergy to some apples, which had to go up a bit, but.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: So.

    Sune Sloth: Was that right enough. I reacted to it, but then I worked through it again and again and again, and there was a terrible and all sorts of crap. Then I can eat to my heart's content, and I didn't expect that. It wasn't because we thought we were going to heal something, and it wasn't as if I was going to be healed. But over time, I realised that I could eat more and more of what I couldn't eat otherwise. So now I eat what I want and we've talked about this on the New Year podcast with episode 30. This thing with food and that you can actually sometimes be able to eat more things, but you just have to. All those designs and what you hear in the changing room at the gym. If you could train that way, I could also take those slightly stats down New Age designs, where something is constantly coming in. And if you take spirulina and if you know you're going to the health food store, they go very quickly. If you say I've got something see and then you have to take certain oils with some butter on it. But what if it's an energetic phenomenon? It's not being addressed. What if it's something in your system that you're reacting to? Something comes out in the body, then you die just to turn it around. Then we also have some other things we can wait for in this hour. So it was really about this ascetic tendency that's in there, but it becomes one, depending on where you are and what environment you're in. And just know that you can get all kinds of crap poured in there. And then it will.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Make sense to you and stick with it. If it makes sense to you.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, then it can be very good to apologise and examine what the research says about these things and find out that it makes no sense at all that this is an interaction with it. And then we can work with it energetically to find out that you don't become more limited for the rest of your life, because the consequence is that you have to limit yourself for the rest of your life if that's actually how you react to it. But let's go a little further. One caveat we have about kundalini yoga. Can you briefly elaborate on what?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, well, I would definitely say that your yoga can. As far as that goes, enjoy it as it is excellent. That's more what I want. I'd be careful about forcing a kundalini erection.

    Sune Sloth: Because if you get a system that's not cleaned up, then you can stay in.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Walking or you can become depressive psychotic. You can end up in a psych ward, that or.

    Sune Sloth: Clean up the system and then it means that the frequency that comes in, it comes quietly down through the system in small doses and lands and gets cleaned up and the like with it. That's the way we work, and instead of forcing it the old-fashioned way. That's really where the chakras need to be opened up and a pathway needs to be made down through. But you don't clean up by doing yoga exercises. You will. I learnt that by doing it for twenty years, and as soon as I stopped after a week, they feel the same blockages. But if you keep going three times a week, three, four, five times a week, two hours, yes, you'll feel it open. But if you're energised all the way down, then you risk breaking down because you get too much high voltage on the system.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, there. It's actually a little bit for you out here, going down. And let's say you're walking, you're practising yoga, and you can feel you're getting some benefits from it. But maybe you don't actually want to do yoga? Maybe you're a bit stubborn. I can feel that it's good for me, so you talk yourself up and get going, and you feel better afterwards. But let's say you don't actually make any sense to you. It's more to say that opening up, we're a tool. That's not really how it works. Do you love doing yoga and finally doing yoga? It's more to say that it can be like, there's this. You do this. At the end, you're limber and all the joints are open. I've never met anyone who has practised yoga as such. Now I'm so open that if I don't do yoga, I'll never be met.

    Sune Sloth: You have to keep doing it, then.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You have to keep doing it, and then at some point you get stuck. What I have and what I experience is. I actually find that by working energetically, you actually unlock stiffness in the body from the inside, and that's what you combine with yoga.

    Sune Sloth: We've actually experienced this. If you do different exercises, and they don't have to be yoga, but different exercises while working with it, they can actually pop up when you do something else. Yes, check out Exercise, but it's actually not so necessary that you have a system here. It's actually that you gently go in where it closes and then let it come up. But if you then somehow get hold of how you can transform it or lift it out or find out what's in it, and that can be the challenge in that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I experienced it myself. I've struggled throughout my life at different times with some very, very severe pain in my lower back and I've also gone to osteopaths and physiotherapists and everything and had exercises that work and don't work, it's gone away again and then there are several incorrect positions. And of course there's also something about sitting, something about going for walks and then it has come. But what I can see now, if I walk now, I've had it recently when it was really difficult. There was so much energy in it that I was almost afraid I was about to get a herniated disc or I just. What the hell is going on in my lower back and this work? With an Egyptian, so many layers came through that the pain disappeared, and I haven't tried that before, so it's more to say. I'm a bit curious about the whole thing about doing something on the outside. Because there's something about letting us work from the inside out, and then of course you can supplement that with services like yoga or physiotherapy. And you have to be.

    Sune Sloth: So mental bypass of that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: We just mentioned it in relation to what it.

    Sune Sloth: If you look at the energy system, there are different frequencies that we experience in the different chakras. And it's a bit like a piano, where there are octaves. They make chakras, red has solar plexus and the centre of the system is sacred and then you go up each one. You have a new octave. We have experienced, and I have also done it myself for a long time way back, to use spiritual methods to go up in frequency, for example through meditation and other things to avoid and feel what is difficult and deep down. And we call that spiritual bypass. I don't know if it's a recognised term, but that's what we call it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: But it's in it.

    Sune Sloth: And it's a bit like taking a balloon, and then when the land is uncomfortable, you lift yourself up. Yes, I've had that habit myself way back. I found that a very good way to test for ghosting is to drop your practice for a month or a few weeks and then find out if all the darkness comes back in. Because all practitioners say you have to meditate every day at that time. That and that you have to do this, or you have to find ways to do this and that. And in that way, these relational groups that you're in can also be part of the bypass because they trigger something in you, or they're trying to avoid being coded in on negative or anger or not being sad. Or you know, we drive by and send something like that. Thank you for knowing. Yeah, right now. The whole thing about constantly avoiding the hot potato, and then you can be annoyed at other people's detours or try to slander. But you help each other to keep the frequency high. And you can also do that yourself and avoid the difficult stuff.

    Sune Sloth: And then you can talk to the people I meet today who are doing bypasses. They're very busy talking about all sorts of spiritual things. They very necessarily talk about all kinds of ideas. You can be astrologically silent and what can you do with that and see what has come now? And how is this time and then down? Instead of going in and just being present and figuring out what's happening between us and what are we doing together? How are we feeling? Are we enjoying ourselves without it having to have a carrier wave of being something spiritual yesterday? And those people can have an energy sense that has experienced a lot of very precise energy essence, but at the same time have an underlying layer of a lot of emotional stuff that they don't want to feel, and they might get very triggered if they get rejected or if something arises, but they can't figure out how to stand in it. Then they'll distance themselves or get really angry, or they don't realise that suddenly you have a big ego or something. So you want to say something about that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I would say I think it's basically that there are certain parts of the emotional spectrum that you don't know how to deal with or want to get in touch with, and then you use spiritual practice to avoid it. And in that process, you can also kind of make yourself a little bit higher than you tell yourself you are. Then possess. I don't have those states because I meditate, so I don't have that meditation for not having that to go away, because the frequency band is that all emotions have a frequency band. It's also there in all chakras in love, feeling caring for this and that with such a high, that we have to live high frequency. It's also been incredibly abused in the spiritual environment because it's better than the low frequency and the only difference here is that it's not low frequency and not bad than high, so there's no good bad in it. It's basically about an intensity that reaches. How much intensity can you hold? Well, we look at for example in love, I've felt care for someone is low-frequency in intensity. There's a difference between caring for someone and then of course unconditional love. Very few people can handle unconditional love. The system is way too loud. The client system breaks down. That's also why if unconditional love bursts through a kundalini erection, you can set yourself on fire and you can't. You see pain suffering everywhere. You see how much unconditional love there is not. It takes a lot to be able to carry your system integration.

    Sune Sloth: Coping with the world because you're struck by how much suffering there is, and then you start having this. I have to do something about it, or you can get this thing where you feel it's your responsibility and become very preoccupied with what can you do about it? And that can also lead you into Reuse and.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Eating you up because you start taking in other people's suffering that is not your responsibility Transforming yes takes.

    Sune Sloth: Distance from people who don't do anything about it yesterday, so. So there's something about actually being able to endure the suffering down here and find out what is your responsibility, what is your responsibility and what you do enough you contribute. Down here it's okay, and if you feel that you're not doing enough and have a bad feeling, a guilty conscience about it, or it's too hard to be around people's suffering, then there can be work to do here as well, so that you can endure the world being filled with that because they are part of the package. If you pay homage to the Buddha, then you know, he stops incarnating first. The sooner that everything has ceased. And it's actually a couple in Buddhism that you keep being here, and then you have to give the 10 things. Then you have to meditate on compassion, which is fine. But it's not like that. Many things you have to look at, because it's a broad spectrum of what it takes and it's a path and it can do something. But it can be the explanation for some things. It's beautiful.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes.

    Sune Sloth: Absolutely. But, but, but, but if you get caught up in the fact that it becomes your life purpose, and then you go to a monastery and sit there for the rest of your life, then you can also find yourself saying How much does it really matter? Even though it's beautiful. So there's something about being able to balance. What is really was A lot is really my responsibility. I'm one in seven billion. And how much suffering and pain should I take on for others? And this could also be reflected in the fact that maybe because you have great compassion and you feel others, you sit and listen to them a lot, and you can end up taking in a lot of their crap. So a lot of energetic, you could say. Pain that you can carry around with you, and we see that a lot, and there's a bit of that in it. Even though it makes sense, it's actually transforming for them, but they're not really getting anything, moving. In fact, it's because they're not consciously choosing to do it, so what they do is unload and feel better that way.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They get that link. It relieves temporarily and temporarily, but it's transformational.

    Sune Sloth: So if you've become one of those who have that role in your social circle, you might want to consider whether you're actually helping others by sitting and listening to their story of suffering.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, you feel heavy and full when you leave in a bad way.

    Sune Sloth: Typically, it will also be mostly you who wants to. You have the role and the other person expects, and they get angry, upset. Anger feels rejected if you don't want to listen, and it's extremely difficult to wriggle out of without them being offended because you've put yourself in that role and.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: If you are ultra impactful, it's hugely important that you break there. A couple that invites you.

    Sune Sloth: Finding out where and how it benefits you. Is there someone who is willing to take responsibility for you and move?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I share my suffering because it makes me, and I share this. And I would like help and sparring to look into it and find solutions to it. And what needs to be transformed? What needs to be let go, what needs to be acted upon? It's useful if you just sit and share your suffering to unload. Seeking out the cause is never useful. I understand that people do it, but it's not useful. You're like a dog shit, so you spread it all over others.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, are there other things that are interesting to talk about? We have just over half an hour left to talk about definition domination with tarot stone runes.

    Speaker3: That is.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: In different phases of psychology, you will typically need to lean into and find great joy in different systems. Tarot helped me for many years. I had a deck of cards that I used again and again and again and again and again and again and again for Holms and Impressions. And I loved it. It was what it was. I also leaned in. I leaned into astrology. And it's also been wonderful. So it's really important to know when you're saturated, because all systems. At some point you are so saturated with it that it becomes a limitation. That can help you. Part of it was guaranteed because everyone of all forms dies. Every form has its limitation, and that's it, so into a group where this is the truth, it can be difficult and not stick around. Then you can actually get stuck and keep preaching a system where you've met its limitation and where you've actually overheard an inner call that now it's time to leave this form and find a new one or stand outside and find a new form, your own form that comes from within. What's next? Then enjoy. That's all that's being mesmerised and explore it. Throw yourself into it, covered in it. In other words, go upstairs.

    Sune Sloth: On.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: When you're saturated. And it's the same with the mind. What is it called? Numerology and 11:11 and special signs. And there's a lot of that. And soul mate and the fantasies in us, it's a phase and.

    Sune Sloth: Thus also a phase. But I see angelic figures all over the place and that moment when you take responsibility for your actions, when you see something in your surroundings and say it speaks to you or This angel stood with my grandmother, and I'm sure there's another one, and it may be that it resonates with something that's true in you, but it's actually inside yourself that you have to find out how to distinguish. Are you reading something in, are you interpreting something you want, or is there a real message here? Because the next phase is to actually be able to get it from within and get it down through the system? Instead of leaning into systems.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: But it's a step towards you being more internally driven, if you like.

    Sune Sloth: Then there's channelling, emotions and delusions in it. Well, yes.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's the same thing. I would recommend that when you listen to channelling or receive channelling from others, that you pay close attention to the channeller to see if the person has great humility and just doesn't have. This self-importance has some warm humour just to say about this They come through my system, they interpreted me. Take what you can use and the rest not. You can just open up a little bit, and then you will also feel that you trust what you feel. And if you feel it for someone who knows it. Yes, I have the truth. God comes through me, and it's delivered to you. I know exactly who you are. I know, I can see exactly what you are, and I'm going to give you the answers. The earth does not perish.

    Sune Sloth: You could say that in relation to the fact that, in reality, the place that comes here is actually to make contact and get what you need. But that's why you can easily benefit from this. Yes, you can.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: There is a lot, a lot. There is a lot. There is a lot of beauty in channelling.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, and we know, we also know someone. We have knowledge, and our feeling is that he is standing.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Very, very pure.

    Sune Sloth: But at the same time, see it as a perspective, and that the responsibility for what comes and what you do with it is still yours. So that's inspiration.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: When I work energetically. Sometimes I get something in. I always ask, should say that should go out and he needs to be checked. Should say it shouldn't say it is always a balancing act, because I would actually rather get it in myself. But sometimes I give it as an inspiration and I get it in through my system, it could be that way and where it doesn't make sense to you. Now I say it out loud, and then you take it, or you leave it. And does it make sense later on and doesn't it make sense? That's great too. You know, I give it with that caveat, and some people have a feeling that it just gives that little something to open up or it gives a you know. Sometimes it's like you're mirroring something that shows up in you, but you don't trust yourself yet. What you're getting into now, being mirrored in that is someone else. But I have a feeling that there is something going on inside that is always said out loud. Then it can give a rather magical feeling. That's God, how can you follow? Occurred in May. That's because they're not obsolete and so when I look back, I took my own calibration training was increased channelling way back. I was very happy with my trainer at the time and I can now. Now I can see that she was very, very careful because the way I went about it was completely different to the others. I felt so different, so wrong I was.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Why does it come one day with others? I couldn't use any system that made sense to me. I was so fucking confused, and she just kept trusting yourself. I can now understand because I'm a human being. It has to come from the inside out. That's why I don't really want to seek advice from others. I have to let it come from within, but it was very difficult when I was just starting out. But how I become someone that's going on inside me, it's very lonely, very confusing. So I was in the right place, because she was. She had such high integrity right there, so she kind of gave a little bit of breadcrumbs about how much she gave a little bit, and then she checked Where are you at? Ideas? Then she pulled away again, as if to show her how you've been guided to sow like that. You can't put a system down on her, as you have to find your own way, but she also needs to have some support that it's going the right way, so it looks back for me. Very, very, very, very, very, very, very big gratitude. So I kind of hope that sometimes. I hope I can sometimes pass on the same if I have a feeling of this. This one. This bite is really nice and says out loud to you that maybe it can give the same beauty that I myself experienced that my teacher gave me. It was very beautiful, and I can really understand that best here 20 years later.

    Sune Sloth: Yes, I have experienced that parts of myself responded to things that I later show, just aspects of myself. And then I think that I have something or other. And then there's also the really difficult one. Because what guides and when? That something where you manage yourself because you have stylised yourself in ways where you have an inner dialogue where there are different voices. And then when it starts to integrate and there starts to be more and more silence and inside the system and that starts, then maybe you just start, and now you can. You can do that. Meditation can actually be really, really smart. Because if you get silence inside and start asking questions, then you're in a different place, you'll be able to feel and hear the difference in what you're taking in. The problem is that if you use it in everyday life and you don't have that clarity and that clarity. It may well also be exchanging with other exchanges energetically running your system that have left other voices behind. But what energies there are imprints and things they think of you and exchange. So it's very, very difficult to distinguish this.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and while you still need to strengthen your intuition and your clear hearing in clairvoyance and constantly let your inner self come out, you actually also need to start. So you also have to have a bit of a sense of humour about yourself, that someone, and then you will take care of yourself, so it's a defence that soon gets its direction. But as long as you wake up in it for someone, you can be so horrified that you thought you've learnt it. The way in. And then it was just rubbish. So you or you've listened to someone you thought was absolutely amazing, then you realise that person is totally messed up. And when you experience that being shaken in your own in your own navigation. So if you're not one of those people, then you have to shut down and you don't dare continue. It's more because you'll get some of these bumps because you're trying to navigate something you haven't learnt yet.

    Sune Sloth: And I think it's also important to say that it's actually if you find someone you can exchange with who is reasonably clean, and you can use each other to find out what the dirt is and what's coming in here, then you use each other. You travel together and become more and more clear and find and it requires someone who is standing some time in the same place as you and who is also able to feel and in. You can go back and forth, because then we get beyond the fact that the inner journey is individual and that it's actually something we can share, where things that arise in the field, both people can feel it. I've tried that with two people, but there are very few that I feel I have that connection with, but just doing it with one is enough to develop these things. So yeah. Well then we have something we need to turn that around as well. But they use the spiritual as a kind of disguise, and they may feel that it's a way to get in and gain sexual access. And we see this especially in the tantra community. Where you take on this identity as spiritual and you're real, and you don't really want to commit, and you want deeper love. And then you learn some techniques to open women up and at some point say that someone is commenting. It can also happen the other way round. Women who do this, but take the angle. If you look out over the landscape of men who are doing this and say, they want context and the luck of being a fishtail that has fallen over here and there, then you may well be looking out and thinking They would probably find it a bit difficult to be successful with women if there wasn't a system in place.

    Sune Sloth: And there was a manager who said how things were connected and that it was all attributed to spirituality. And then you open up and all that. And that environment can be quite an underlying pressure to participate in activities. That is, your personal boundaries aren't as respected upfront, so you're not actually allowed to navigate if you think someone is creepy and smelly or they have an unpleasant aura. So there's a lot of clarity that comes into circulation in these contexts and where we've talked about it before. But I think it's worth repeating that the lack of women here is huge and lovely, and so we do this spiritual thing and open up. And then, of course, there are probably also some who have realised that it's a glorified swinger club in some ways. And I realise that I'm insulting an entire community by saying this, because they experience all kinds of beautiful things about it. Because a beautiful yes can also be made, but I just have to say that this dark side is also there. And to stand as a man and stand without giving a tantra massage, without something erotic being awakened in him. It requires him to have come a long way. I don't believe that man.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Almost exists now on earth.

    Sune Sloth: It's hard to say yes then. And we recently had this one with a tantra masseur, whose name we won't mention. Then we can risk getting a lawsuit that has been out there. He had 7,000 followers and a huge number of women who wrote he was amazing and he. Later, it turned out that he had committed rape and the act of coming. He said he specialised in trauma, sexual trauma and he opened women up by doing different things. And he learnt how to say they were under pressure, and I'm sitting and looking at who's present and then up, and then he kind of gets over her boundaries. And finally, all of a sudden, the dill is included in the equation, and then he has to massage with it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Without saying it in advance. Which is not a no go in tantra, but it just is.

    Sune Sloth: Within the sexual environment. You typically talk about boundaries before you start, and everyone has to be able to deal with rejection and caring about whether you think people are hot and attractive. You're allowed to do that, even if some people don't think it's fun. It's a little off here, so that was special. It was a little warning on that front. Then we can say, there can also be beautiful things. And if so, and if you can take care of yourself and women also have a responsibility here themselves to realise their limits. But if the group feels like there's something implied that can't be said no to, or something that's expected of you, or you're not spiritual enough, for example going to yoga. Now you might get angry, but their dear leader, he had this thing where those who had a particularly interesting energy, preferably young women, had to see naked pictures sent, and then he had to initiate them. And in Romania. Now he's been put in prison because of it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Human trafficking and rape of a minor.

    Sune Sloth: And I know there are many people in Denmark who are proud of it and happy about it and respect it, but I just have to say that there is something here that is a little more rotten.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: They had been investigating him for several years. Don't just think about the witch hunt.

    Sune Sloth: And I know people who have been close. I've been in and sniffed it out myself, and that's not to say it's not. There may well be good things in it, but it's cool, and it could be in many contexts with sexuality included in it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: We don't have a handle on sexuality and all that, and you might think that you're going into something that says tantra. Then everyone who's there will have their sexuality under control. But that's a big misconception, because it's the hardest thing to get a handle on.

    Sune Sloth: Yes. In relation to Spiritual Bypass and psychedelics, we can say a few words about how you can be a little misguided in this. We might do a section on that, but I think we'll do it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Will do a whole episode. Psychedelic. Yes, you can do that.

    Sune Sloth: You can repair a lot of things that you feel you need to integrate. And then we meet people who have a lot of loose things hanging around.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Hanging. You can both shake with it. Depending on what frequencies you have, you can shake a lot of loose stuff, which it then hangs down for use in your energy field, which you then keep bumping into. You can choose to believe that I keep having something new. Some of it is shaken loose so I don't get it out of your field. Others basically get the highlight experience and get to sit and talk about those highlights and experiences as if it's something and have basically been in the astral realm, which is there. It's there, but they're not moving anything. That is, they can spend a long time talking about these experiences, but when they come back into their everyday life, they're right there, not its suffering, because their relationship to themselves is still there. It hasn't moved. It's done absolutely nothing about their suffering in their daily life or the challenges they have. So it's something with them that looks very similar to that. There's still some kind of jolt or something, but it doesn't necessarily do what it needs to do in terms of moving it permanently.

    Sune Sloth: The negative side of it. At the same time, we also see research that says that you can definitely use PTSD sufferers.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Absolutely crazy exciting research.

    Sune Sloth: In response to depression, and there's also experiments with ketamine and. So then this whole psychedelic research is coming up again. But if you don't have ways of transforming what's coming up, then you can become conscious of it. But you might. And you might also be able to integrate something through subsequent therapy, which there is evidence for, which is why it's going to be legal soon. The US with 3 trials. They would love to become FT. I would love to make it legal. Having said that, there are also just opportunities because if you don't know how to take something that's in your system and transform it so that it can leave your system or become an insight, it doesn't always do what it's supposed to.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: No, and it's actually also about when you look at shamanism, which is related to plant medicine. There may well be a number of Viking shamans, and there may also be a difference in who you get to help you. You may find someone who has a deep, deep, deep connection to the substance itself and can help you on your shamanic journey. And then you'll find someone who says they have it, but they don't, and it can be hard for you if you're a beginner to know the difference. So that's just to say that it can be psychedelic. Definitely. Can you get lost? Definitely crazy.

    Sune Sloth: Expensive what they charge you when you know what the price of this stuff is. And you can be guaranteed that you'll have a wild experience if you take three mushrooms in a group. Definitely because you're going to do it anyway. And then you're now thinking that it somehow clinked, or the quality of the box is okay. But there's no control with these things. The day you come out as doctor-prescribed, they can probably be obtained somewhere with it, but until then, it doesn't make the drug purer that you take it in some group where everyone has listened.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And it doesn't necessarily make a difference.

    Sune Sloth: But it can also be a way of sharing. And there are some worlds you can get stuck in, even if it's about things you think are real. And they are, because they're an ethically created part of the fabric, and they're the ones that have been where you think you've been in a transcendent state. But you haven't really. You basically have.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Seen has been a wreckage of the experiences people have had, which is undigested, which is then left in.

    Sune Sloth: Our consciousness. It can't be seen, so you can have an experience of machines coming up and healing you. And afterwards, nothing happened, and you felt that's how you felt.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It was like that. But you go back and have the same problems you have with telling your story. But there's no effect in your real life. So I would say that what should be able to, when you, when you achieve something, do something for you. In such spiritual practice, it's a piece of work in system. So can I do that? Because it actually does. You can feel what you got out of it and it can be introduced into your daily life and integrated so that it has a permanent effect there.

    Sune Sloth: Whatever method you use, instead of saying one big method that does everything, look at what works for different things. Choose your tools wisely. Choose different ones that can help you in different ways and then work out along the way what really works. So if something comes up in some kind of pain on something deeply relational in a certain way. Then go in and try to recall and see if it has the same gut afterwards or if it has changed. Are you more relaxed in the company of another person on the frequency band where it's affecting you, or is it still you in some form? But that's not to say that it can't be used and there can be wonderful things about it. And it's a beautiful movement that there is consciousness work. It's going on in that way too.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: It's beautiful that more people are opening up to it. Is there just someone out there who likes the small work, just someone who has taken a hit, a rite and then suddenly says now I can do ten others. You can't because there's no control over it, so be aware of that. Now we've been a little behind.

    Sune Sloth: But that exploits the environment. We've also looked at the feminine variant, which has a slightly different shape, which over time for his obsessive control over his. What should be eaten in it for children, then you can only eat the ones you listen to, and if it got it, then it's terrible, because then the child gets cancer and something and becomes more and more into him. And he has to get involved in the whole thing, because he can see that she gets extremely tense if it's not followed very slavishly. And then this feminine creature comes around who has all sorts of ideas about how things should be more tense. And it's a descendant of the one we talked about earlier. Then there can't be 5g and then there can't be wifi near the child. And if you get, you might be able to labyrinth a little bit on an out, and then it has to have this and that vitamin, otherwise it goes down completely wrong. And I have to say that some of that is true, but there's the obsessive about it that women can find themselves being very.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: There's a risk for the woman that she takes her, that she sort of takes her basic discomfort in it, ends up over something she has no control over. Then it becomes. And then there are some rigid systems that have to be crammed into family life, where she becomes extremely tense, while also challenging distractions and yoga in order not to be tense. And it goes round and round. And that's when you're there as a woman, you're a pain in the arse. I've been you. It's a prison.

    Sune Sloth: You get trapped in. You have to find a way to manifest. Or know something about manifestation, but that you.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Never thought negatively. And then you get pissed off about it. I'm not allowed to do that either. If he's driving around.

    Sune Sloth: In a nothingness or gets angry, so he.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Is your abuser, and then he can have close to you, you bad.

    Sune Sloth: He looks at me in a certain way and doesn't stand clean. So what can anything have to do with him? And then I shut down and... Then it's also possible to get trapped and then get into a relationship. Then you can become incredibly inflexible and very square and more and more closed in the alternative. And we see many of them who actually work part-time or don't work at all, where he goes out and works a lot. And then she also gets frustrated and upset because he's not home and he doesn't see her.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: She can't cope with work either, because she has. She feels fragile and sensitive and can't cope with the world experience.

    Sune Sloth: And then she's actually trapped because she has no income, so she wants to leave him, so she's also trapped in that. So. Yes, it was more like that actually.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: You want to get rid of things that work. You should start with, so you'll feel better with it. You want to. You want to feel better, and it should be easier and be able to be with what's difficult, without you completely cramping up and having to find out that there's some radiation that's probably caused by some gluten or it's his fault. Of course, sometimes the external is also the cause, but we are too quick to switch on from tension. Discomfort on the inside and PR on the outside, and you can keep feeding that to the rest. You'll find something, the outer ones, you're afraid of it. So just be aware if you have a pattern of taking all the discomfort inside you and putting it into something that's wrong on the outside. Whether it's the broom or the house or the husband or the dog or the grandmother or that.

    Sune Sloth: Episode 29 goes deeper into how you as a woman can work with these things, we refer to. Yes, there's more we want to say. Men's groups and girls' groups. There are also some traps, because there are quite obviously some alpha males who very much need to be the centre of this, who have positioned themselves within this, and who set themselves up at festivals and whatever they do. And as the all-knowing male who is a father figure that the others lean into. But some of the men I've met are just as insecure as any other man. A lot of men need someone to look up to and maybe need a father figure, and so they lean into these people, and they may have a lot of therapeutic experience, and it's like they realise that if they feel like they're feeling something, or you're something, then you need advice. And now you need therapy, and now you need help. And you're not masculine. And there will be some underlying ideas about what is masculine about being masculine. For example, is it being in surrender and being present without controlling. It's going to be a phew, such anxiety, you also have to react to it and stuff like that. Then there's also the whole thing. We've also seen some people become extremely vulnerable in this male group environment, and in turn, become extremely vulnerable and sit and basically share.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Collapse in vulnerability and.

    Sune Sloth: Vulnerability. Roughly speaking, you become very whiny in a way where you share the whining kingdom. On the positive side, it's really cool. Men can feel their pain and be with it, but where it doesn't lead them for years because their gender can't stand it. So they've left them or don't want to listen to it. So go to a men's group and talk about it. But where it's still that they still fall into their vulnerability and their depressive fragility.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Can become vulnerability. Such an opening where there is an unfolding of power, but they lose a fragile place where they continue to be down there and feel depressive. They get trapped in a swamp of.

    Sune Sloth: There's a self-reinforcing effect in that, and then there will be another man who doesn't go down, but who guides the others there. Like Alfader, who shows that if you go in and feel it, it's good to share it. It can be a great way to open up. I've been in therapy groups and in different ones, but if you don't work on from there, it can also be like a sticky note and it becomes your network and you share what's difficult, but it doesn't lift you up to a place where it's no longer something you fall down, if it is. And then there may well be examples out there that someone has benefited enormously from it.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: So it's not because there were no men's groups.

    Sune Sloth: It's not about the traps here. It's what can be in it. There can be enormous strength in being able to recognise your feelings and put them into words and share them.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: And it's hugely important to have access to your vulnerability, not to minimise it.

    Sune Sloth: Super happy child and then go to therapy and all that. But there's also a risk of getting stuck in it and creating environments like that. And so we've taken the time to end this episode with that.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: I think we've done a really good job of wrapping it all up.

    Sune Sloth: That's good. Yes, and you're welcome to disagree with us and be annoyed with us and say too much and criticise when we go on that you there. That's not our intention. Our hope is that the experiences we've had will be shared, rather than others having to go through them. Then it may be that they can be used. So everything has its place and we create different things with what we do. And the question of whether you want to be a co-creator of what's happening in the group or what you meet, whether you want to phase with it and create it together with what you meet, or whether you want to create something else, or whether you want to be something else or be it. So you are very much shaped by who you meet, and it can have a big impact on who is the head of woman man, wherever gender you see fit, but be extremely aware not to give away your independent critical sense or go for what we do. Therefore, it also encourages you to take a stand and sort it out for yourself. We say yes, too.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: The world and between us on the side we come with. If you're saturated, use it.

    Sune Sloth: That's absolutely fine.

    Mette Miriam Sloth: That's it.

    Sune Sloth: We also have. A stop on the journey. And we also become wiser. So thank you for listening.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Podcast E32: Manifestation and Co-Creation


Podcast E30: New Year Deep Dive