Podcast E32: Manifestation and Co-Creation
E32 explores the topics of manifestation and co-creation and their significance in conscious creation. The hosts, Mette Miriam Sloth and Sune Sloth, use the podcast to illuminate the difference between unconscious and conscious creation, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's role in co-creating with other beings.
Manifestation - A Superficial Interpretation:
The podcast critiques the superficial interpretation of manifestation that often prevails in spiritual circles. This interpretation often focuses on an ego-centric perspective, where one believes they can manifest their own reality independently of others. E32 argues that this approach can lead to frustration and disappointment because it does not take into account the complexity of co-creation.
Co-Creation - A More Nuanced Perspective:
Instead of viewing manifestation as a unilateral process, E32 highlights the importance of understanding co-creation. We all participate in creating our reality in interaction with other beings. This means that we do not have complete control over everything that happens in our lives, but that we have a responsibility to be aware of our own contribution to co-creation.
Consciousness in the Creation Process:
E32 emphasizes the importance of bringing consciousness into the creation process. This involves:
Understanding one's role in co-creation with others.
Recognizing one's responsibility for the choices one makes.
Identifying and working with unconscious patterns that can block positive manifestation.
The podcast encourages listeners to "take power back" by becoming more aware of their own creative powers and intentions. This can lead to a more authentic and meaningful existence.
Connection to Soul and Cosmic Consciousness:
E32 also highlights the importance of connecting to one's soul and the greater cosmic consciousness to enhance one's creative power. By opening up to this connection, one can gain access to a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the universe.
Critique of Misuse of the Concept of Manifestation:
E32 criticizes the misuse of the concept of manifestation in commercial contexts, where it is used to sell products and services. The podcast warns against "pyramid schemes" and other forms of manipulation that exploit people's desire to improve their lives.
Concluding Message:
E32 presents a more nuanced and realistic approach to manifestation than the one often encountered in spiritual circles. The podcast emphasizes the importance of understanding co-creation and bringing consciousness into the creation process. By doing so, we can take greater responsibility for our own lives and create a more positive and meaningful existence for ourselves and others.
Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast
Hosts: Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth
Sune Sloth: Welcome to the Magdalene Effect podcast episode 32. And what is the theme today Mette?
Mette Miriam Sloth: Let's just think about? We're talking about conscious creation and how energy, work or energy creation, co-creation, how it's connected and why it's important, I would also like to elaborate. It may sound a bit abstract to me.
Sune Sloth: Thrown into it. I guess it's also a bit in relation to manifestation and the old-fashioned way of understanding it and relating to it in some way and saying what is what? What's new here? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't get hung up on it. I'm not. But let's try to dive into it. Yes, let's do that.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Basically, it's about people figuring out the difference between unconscious creation and conscious creation, because the fact is that you create a lot of what you create all the time, you just don't realise or you think you're hit by something where you don't see your own co-creation in it or don't understand your own co-creation in it? And that's where sometimes they kind of. Superficial interpretations of manifestation in spiritual circles. Well, they can be a bit superficial. There are.
Sune Sloth: Examples of.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It can be the place where you create your own world, as long as you have a high frequency. Then you manifest your own world and you can manifest your life however you want. Then you can say, is there anything that is frequencies in this that smacks of truths? Yes, is there anything in this that is extremely superficially interpreted and can make you end up with your hair in the mailbox? And yes, because it can be interpreted as being extremely egocentric. That is, if I create my own reality. It's all the people I meet. Have I created it that way myself? No, you haven't, because they are their own creations. So it's actually more about understanding that you are co-creating with someone. You have an opportunity to co-create with other beings, but everything you create is not always necessarily very positive for you or for the other person. So it's really about when you manifest, when you create. How much consciousness do you have in what you can do? For example, let's say you've been in a relationship and it's gone completely off the rails and you're sick and tired of them. Some of what went wrong in that relationship was contributed to by the other person. The partner you were with contributed to the mess with their own unconsciousness. But some of it is your unconsciousness, which you, as a lock and key, have contributed to and caused. It's hard to say this. That's why you can feel guilty, you can feel guilty that I should have manifested.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I should just keep my frequency high, so you feel much better. But you can't avoid the path of becoming aware and having increased awareness or increased awareness of what's going on in you and in someone else. And understand everything that they're going through. That you're chasing your thing. We can't avoid it. So it's basically about how do I recognise what's mine here and what's not mine. And that's not easy. And that's where energy work comes in. As I see it myself. There's broad back, there's talk therapy, there's shadow work. There are all kinds of different fashion tips you can try to use to learn more about what's happening in your relationship to yourself, to others, to the universe, to the earth, etc. Where you fall short. That is, when you have this okay, right here this person, there is a lot of conflict with this with the relationship. You can feel hate, you can feel sadness, you can feel that there are boundaries, boundaries that have been violated, you can feel betrayed, and that can be a goal in relation to this. And you can sometimes be in doubt, what is my own. What if I feel let down? Has the person actually let me down? Or have I read something into it? Expectations into that person that that person has never promised, and that I've basically come to feel let down has lived it out.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And it's enormously delicate work to figure this out. But gaining a heightened awareness of energy work is actually the fact that you go into the state where you lay, which may be you hated against your partner or against yourself. Whatever the hell it may be. Then you go into it, and then I or whoever is doing the work with you helps to support you and hold you until you hit rock bottom when you land. You take one for one frequency, one state at a time, whether it's hatred towards your partner or the feeling of betrayal of something, the feeling of betrayal is against your morals. And what the hell can it be and sometimes leaving the country some of this and it gets landed in you, then it becomes what we call integrated, and then you actually have the opportunity to let go of that state, it's possible for you to let go of a state, so it's possible for you to let go of an attachment to a relationship with the person you no longer have to create with, and clean it up and let go. Take those experiences with you. Say Okay, it went in the fucking fish, you know, there was both something. Yes, there was someone in some ways. You'll actually be able to look at the bad relationships and say okay. When I went into that relationship, I had these longings and aspirations, these impossibilities, so I can see how did I gain trust and were boundaries violated? I didn't set boundaries there.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I myself was immature there with loving gentleness on yourself. Not a criticism of yourself. That's just how it was. And when you then take care of the beautiful, it won't happen again, or I will do something else in a relationship. And then you will also be able to see that the other person had their immaturity and here had their sadness here and the person, you will have a sense of the person willing to be able to look at their responsibility in that. So you can actually only co-create in consciousness with another person who also wants to co-create in consciousness. It's not possible for you to co-create in consciousness. If a human says my I don't want to look at my share. And while every single human being has free will. So a human being has a free will to say always shift his. And it's not mine. That's not what you saw. It wasn't what it was. So you actually kind of down you want to you the divide you have to get worked up. If you're going to manifest any of the things you long for with other people, you have to be able to see through in an interaction. When was I lying? When was the other person lying? Can we unlock together and look at things as if there was a new place to create further or do locks create a distance in us.
Mette Miriam Sloth: That we start manipulating each other. That we start not saying things. That we start finding others to push with without saying it. So basically, we start to move in the dark, which doesn't benefit co-operation. So it's more to say that if you're wondering why it's so difficult to have so many collaborations, relationships, business relationships and co-operation with colleagues in the workplace, volunteer work, make something happen in some ecological village, or why it's so difficult, it's really difficult. Just two people working together in consciousness. Honesty. Respect, love. It sounds easy. It's actually hard. Really hard. So start with a pattern, start with a person, and then we can unpack it. And of course you still have to work, the association and everything else, but expect it to be hard. Expect it to be hard to come back when you disagree. Enormously difficult. So this conscious creation. Someone who is in time and goes from creating unconsciously, becoming aware of their own responsibility and thus also taking some power home in relation to actually being able to manifest or create. So I have a very sharp intention and Holten and actually go for the closet, where it's actually hugely important you find out and I think that's why I talk so much about what we can call social or who you are as a cosmic being.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So the aspects of you that go beyond your human understanding. Your psychological understanding, your familial understanding of who you are, which dies at some point. That which goes beyond that which is connected to everything, that is what doesn't die because there is something in you that wants to come through. And if you don't get hold of it, so you don't get curiosity to find out what it is. Then you can get lost. You feel extremely lost because that piece of wanting is pressing in and wants to be passed through and colour everything you do, and for those who feel the left and that's probably them. There will be someone who doesn't feel that longing and there it goes. This podcast makes absolutely no sense. That you sit with it. It's bloody boring. Yes, you just switch it off. For those of you who feel it, longing is like that one piece of night scratch. There are some aspects of you. There are some you know there's something in you that can be opened up. You know there's something in you that can be interpreted in a new way, that can be seen in a new way, that is more powerful or more exuberant and more unique, but that you can't really reach. And when you talk to it, a psychologist or a psychiatrist or you talk to someone about it as about them. Whatever word you try to describe this in you, you don't feel like the other person understands you, so you feel like there's a wall between you and the other person.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I describe this because it's beyond the language we have for mixed psychology As an example, I can say I've had several people when they come in and they can very accurately describe and they always kind of look down. Typically, they've listened to my podcast and have a feel for her, they might understand it, and then they come. Well, I have this challenging thing, and it's been challenging for me for as long as I can remember. And it may be that I have a feeling that when I'm with others, this happens. There's a wall between us, or this happens or the different ways of explaining something that they've actually scrutinised very carefully in themselves. They've experienced some phenomena within themselves that they can describe in enormous detail, but they've tried to describe it maybe to a psychiatrist, maybe to a therapist, maybe to parents, and they've typically been interpreted as something pathological. Or it must be something, because your mum has given it to you, and none of it has fit. They've investigated it themselves, but it hasn't. It hasn't done anything. It hasn't. They haven't solved anything. And when I then, when they describe it to me, I say Well, you, you say you know exactly how that condition is experienced, Describes it so well.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So let's go into it. So instead of talking about what I should try to give it a frame it can fit into, try. Close your eyes and learn that state. Step into you. And then I can see it. Then I get hold of it energetically, and then they can feel that I have a hold of it, and then we co-create around it. So if we can be, this one. This locking, this closure and this limitation. So what is this? An aspect that will emerge, and then we work with it. And that's why I don't. I do very little psychological work anymore. I actually have to give up a lot of psychological understandings because they are huge and they don't fit anymore. My whole understanding is still there, but what I've had to say to take the next aspect and understand that we are a cosmic being. Then many psychological understandings become too limiting. So every time there are energies, phenomena that someone comes in and they have that, there's something here, I'm afraid. You're looking at me as if I said or strange or psychotic or know it pathological or something wrong with me? No, there isn't. So you articulate so precisely what this is? I had a young woman who said I feel like I have a hole in my stomach.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, she had an eating disorder, and I was interpreted as if I had classic eating disorder control. I just knew that no, I have a hole in my stomach, I couldn't find the physiological there is there is there is something here. I could go in quietly and say you've got it. You have an energetic hole in your stomach. There is simply a vortex. So when you have an energy, send your energy senses open and you have that vortex, so as a young girl you could feel it. But doctors, psychologists and therapists could only interpret it as if they can. If you have a hole in your stomach, there's something wrong physiologically and they couldn't see the device that could see it. So being misunderstood will cause you to be thrown through an insane amount of therapy and be labelled with a classic eating disorder and understanding that didn't fit this young woman at all. You could care for others, but not for her who just needs to shut it down and then we can work on it. And then to the next step. And there is one. The people, I would say, the listeners. These podcasts have typically listened to a lot of them. So if I listened to that podcast where we talk about different souls. You can say if there is a soul that belongs to the entire evolution of the earth, where some souls come from the jericho realm, i.e. angels ride, and some souls come from other systems, other planets, and have lived in other civilisations through there.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I would say that the people who come here have a very specific description of an energetic phenomenon in themselves that they would like help with, but which they hardly dare say because they have tried to get help in many different places and have been misunderstood. Rejected that it hurts to be misunderstood and rejected. It's almost always souls that come from the outside because they have some phenomena with them that don't belong to earth. So therefore, but they can describe it and they can feel it. So if they describe it fine, go into it and we'll find out. And it's not because I know exactly what to do, but the energy knows. Then the energy starts to work and that's where co-creation happens. So we live in an era where the whole expert choice is that somebody comes in a white coat and says you've got it wrong. And it does it like this You have to be or be an apprentice. You can become a carpenter this way, and then I'll teach you. A lot has fallen away, and for some it's extremely scary, for others they've longed for it. They haven't been able to fit in because something new is coming through. So we create together and create something completely new. So it's an incredibly exciting time to be in beautiful time. Scary as hell and everything.
Sune Sloth: Yes. In relation to manifestation, as it applies in New Age and alternative environments. It doesn't take into account that there are many consciousnesses down here. A good and good and good samsurium of over seven billion people, the consciousness of the earth, etc. So this whole idea that, well, it actually creates a fear of thinking negative thoughts, because if what I'm thinking about becomes true. If that were the case, then many people who have difficult thoughts and feelings would. So it's not that powerful. So there's something about how we can actually isolate ourselves in our own bubble in the belief that what we think and feel will be true. And that can create a fear of actually daring to notice and feel what is. And that's a big trap. I know someone from that environment who Way Back said about everything. I mean, if I just imagine it, it happens. And then I asked him, ‘If you eat a kilo of salt, it'll kill you. And he would. If he imagined it, nothing would happen to him and that. It just shows that the fallacy that is possible in that approach. At the same time, there is some truth in it. In the sense that if you can keep yourself completely clear and have a vision of what you're going to do and what's going to happen, then the probability increases. But if you then connect with others who say they know, but who work against you, or who unconsciously create something else, then that's what they create.
Sune Sloth: And that's one place I'd like to draw attention to is if you follow some master or teacher or something. Don't look at what they say it creates. Look at what kind of life they themselves are getting out of it. So how is their own relationship? What is their own love life like, and how do they feel about themselves? Are they hiding a side of themselves that's difficult, that you can feel? So that's where we go from. Actually, it's one that we create as gods in one place, and in the other way, it's something we do together. And so, if you look at people who create in unconsciousness. For example, what he thinks he's creating and what comes out of it is not quite the same. But he still creates something and creates a lot of things in. It also created a lot of things, what he thought he created was one thing and what came out of it was something else. And that's the difference between consciousness in creation. It's that there's a greater awareness of what comes out of it, and that's the difference. And now it's getting very black and white, but it's not meant that way. But the moment you get more awareness, you're creating. I'm alone or with others, so there's a greater responsibility that comes into it, which is harder to bear.
Sune Sloth: And then I also want to look at working with energy work. I know that we'll get into how you can work with it yourself and see how far you can get with it. Because there's no doubt that we need each other to create that opening and to be met, as you and I also try to do, and meet people where they are, and let it unfold and work together rather than saying you should go that way or it will be good for you. Sometimes we need advice. Sometimes we need a signpost that says I have this experience and it might be a good idea to try it out. But a lot of the time, it actually helps to unfold them. And if the way we might say it is to go into the resistance. What was there, so that it feels closed, stay in it. And then let it kind of melt and let the light of consciousness penetrate it. There will be a pain there. Then it enters a softer layer where it is allowed to penetrate and you invite it in. And you can actually try to experiment with that yourself and see. How far can you go with feeling the pain in that hard shell, inviting it in, inviting the light or consciousness behind it and see.
Sune Sloth: Is there anything in this shell that I'm ready to let go of? The way of seeing the world, the way of being in the world, the way of experiencing myself, who I am and why I'm here. Should it be allowed to stay, or should it be allowed to let go or transform? And behind it lies something soft that lies in consciousness. There is something that is illuminated in consciousness that has been hidden. And the further along you get in opening it up, the easier it becomes to be able to do that exercise. The more you can do it yourself, is my own experience without help. And that's basically the essence of it. But it's not just about being met in what opens up. Just as you also describe here. Like no one else has been able to meet you. Even if the other person doesn't know what it's like to have a vortex in their stomach or have an eating disorder and yet be met in it and unfolded in the way that person now unfolds. Of course, it's a completely magical thing, and I think it's also an important component until you start being able to stand on your own more in being able to unfold. Because there is so much pain in not being met. Not to be. Not allowing yourself to unfold in so many interactions.
Sune Sloth: So many exchanges you are met in one. It goes on and on. You're kind of experienced as being done wrong. You're misunderstood, that's what's behind it. And that's also what I experience with many of the people I work with. That the pain in the good in the loving intention behind it. But a lot of people experience who want to. Who have a deep heart, that its pain in being met. That you come from a place where you actually know what's best. But it's constantly misunderstood. It makes you feel the pain, but another person can't meet you behind it. And so it's important to meet and be met by a person who can see you for your deep love and especially. Have experienced, but have had this need and have this need. I've worn it myself. So yes. So there is an opportunity to work with it yourself. Actually, there is. But I have no doubt that I wouldn't have been able to get here without being met without it. And that's also what I hear from many people. But what I really need is to be loved for what I bring to the table. Rather than being seen for the defences I have, or where I'm stuck. But without it being just umbrellas, without us going around it. Do you want to fill in here, or what do you think when you. Yes, but it is. How do you work with it yourself? Can you give some tips on how to work with it yourself?
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, well, I've worked daily since I was in my early twenties, so I imagine I'm being guided. I can see now that I was. But it was really I become very aware of and become very aware of my mental locks and my thought structure. Where does my thought run amok? Where do I hold on to that person not knowing me or knowing where I keep having some worry thoughts. Could I deal with that? Underneath them, there was a lot of emotional baggage, and it's taken a huge amount of discipline. So I would say. For me to open up to my energy sense and when you have energy sense you find that it can be a little bit easier to avoid going energy sense and then still be locked in a thought form and in your emotions. So you will typically have a place that is fucking bitches work with. You'll typically have a place that's hard. For me, it was surrendering to feeling that I was doing all sorts of tricks to avoid and feel. And thus also had a history of feeling extremely distanced. Because it was as if I had very, very solid thought structures to constantly keep the worry away. It could be all sorts of thoughts about and trying to dissect and then constantly trying to move away from feeling something so I could be. It could be something like if I became anxious instead of going down and finding out why I'm actually going down with grief.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And then it would be something like if I thought about whether it's also because I need to sort it out. It's also because I have to. It must be something along the lines of it's also because I'm a Capricorn or something. Then I could have all sorts of systems that I could keep moving away from my emotions. So for me to surrender to and feel the depth. That my emotional body was insanely difficult. For others, it could be you. You feel it tremendously. What you don't experience feeling deeply out loud, but you can't. You can't. You can't set a goal. You can't take a thought now. Now I have to get out of the mark. Now I feel this. This is actually what I have to act on. It's just a feeling. Now I'm going to get a little less and have a wood. Going from A to B and using my thought structure and because even if I don't feel this tomorrow, I'm still going that way. But I'll feel something else tomorrow, choose something else and then they don't get anywhere. And for some, it's the body that has a lot on them, but they surrender. They keep using their body to move away. So you want to. And for some it's worth it to open up the energy sense, and some have a very, very open energetic sense but refuse to have anything to do with their emotions or refuse to have anything to do with their nectar and look at their thought structure.
Sune Sloth: Some are good at navigating their emotions.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, some really good ones navigate emotions.
Sune Sloth: So what is it that allows you to transform? If you were to take some examples of how you can go in and work when you're involved? For example, we do workshops with. What is it like? How can we? Can we give some tips on how you can move and relocate yourself?
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's basically about when you hit. You have the combination of your will, discipline and stay focused and dissect. In combination with surrender and dedication. So you actually have to practice when. You actually need to be able to be a little curious about when you are lying as it is. Your thoughts revolve around your emotional life, you keep feeling sadness, you keep sobbing and whatever, but it doesn't release. You just get caught in some grass and it's not, because it falls into hiding. But sometimes we want to take some grief that we have inside of us and throw it out. Out into a physical thing in the world. The problem is we live. So many hundreds of years pass. There is still potential for us to live on an earth where there is no war. That doesn't mean that there isn't war. It's just kind of where we are right now. So, so finally, he knows a lot of compassion and donates money and goes all kinds of things. But if you're constantly dragging yourself into a deep unhappiness that everything is horrible and something is happening in the world, then you can do that from now until you die and there will continue to be horrible things without contributing.
Sune Sloth: And actually.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Not. It really just contributes to maintaining the frequency that it's all hopeless and terrible. So if you believe you have a calling to go down and say I must, I must physically do something in gauze, or I must physically do something for poor children or whatever it is they're calling you to, you're here to contribute to it on a time and mental level. That's great. Or you really just want to spend your time sitting and writing on Facebook and sharing and authoring and spreading that frequency and saying to others Everything is hopeless. We're not going to get anywhere by going into hopelessness, but when hopelessness hits you, you have to surrender to it and land it in a way where you eventually find out what's there. It's there, I mean this. Is there something I need to integrate? What's there in the fact that right now it's being hit by deep hopelessness? So instead of projecting it out into things in the world that are terrible. Where you give yourself into a hopeless loop or a very, very sad loop or a terrible loop or an anger loop or different loop emotions with it. So letting yourself fall into that state and surrendering to it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Then you bring it home and close the hole. You find out what's hanging on it? Is there life on it? Is there anything for my family? Is there something in it that I need to witness, experience, take in, relate to and rather here in frequency and frequency? How the hell do I do that? And you typically won't. You might have experienced it. But you don't have an awareness of it, because that's it. It's not a good thing. It's not a language that you have in psychology, and in the alternative, they will talk about frequencies, but they will typically be. You just need to have that high frequency. You have to be happy and smiling. Then you have to walk away from all the things that are bringing your sadness and hate down. So it's about being able to dare to be in all the frequencies, so you dare to fall into the hole. And then here you can work on raising it. And that's actually what we do in our workshops, and that's also what we do when we work individually. It's actually helping people with our fields and our light so that you get a feeling that you're falling into a state of some deep darkness. You have places where you have holes deep. We all have darkness, so that's actually what I'm saying, instead of avoiding it like you would typically do in your day-to-day consciousness because you can't get out of that hole again.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Let yourself fall. I promise you won't end up there. You'll be out of it before you leave here. Let yourself fall into it, examine everything you meet, everything you meet on the way down to the bottom of the well. I support you with my field, and then I give it to you. That I help you with my light. I energetically see what's in that hole, so if there's some energy scraped up, there's a limitation. It can be anything that as the person I'm helping or the group I'm helping doesn't have to take care of it, I take care of me. I see it energetically, and when it's kind of straightened out, then light comes on. And having light on will be experienced by the person as someone I was, because I was in a deep black hole and deep and overwhelmed by death, desire to die or abandonment or hopelessness or hatred or despair, or whatever it was. And yes, I can feel it was you, but now you haven't, and that's having your heart in frequency. That's how it feels.
Sune Sloth: So there was actually this thing about a consciousness coming down. There is a higher consciousness. It becomes connected to a greater consciousness, which ends in a kind of calm. And that's when there's a realisation of what it actually was. It's not a pure analytical process. It's a surrender, that permission, and it's invited in because if the other. If the person you're working with doesn't invite it in, allow it in, or let it in, then it can't happen, can it? No, it can't.
Mette Miriam Sloth: It's a co-creation. I never go in and penetrate or fill something in without one.
Sune Sloth: An offer or a licence. A surrender. If you want to recycle what you're in, you're not going to enjoy it, right? So if you want to hold on to that in life, that's how I am. That's what I identify with. If you hold on, you can't, can you? It requires a licence to transform yourself into something else.
Mette Miriam Sloth: If you come in and you want to hold on. I've been deeply violated in my relationship, and that person was a pig, and I'm a victim, and I want to hold on to that, because that's how it is. That's the truth and the only truth. Then I can't do anything about it.
Sune Sloth: So there's something about it being okay that this is the experience you have. But the transformation in it can also be part of another form of understanding, another form of consciousness where you can move on from it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Well, it's actually about the fact that it tastes very different, and you have some people who come in and are suddenly convinced of this victim role, because we sometimes choose to have played ball with someone where we have unconsciously allowed ourselves to be exposed to something, and especially because as children we will be exposed to something that has been offensive to us that we did not have the strength or resistance to do anything about. So that part is true. It's not true. There's more to it. What do you do with it? And it's not something with a rich framework for that. No, now. It was probably to be affectionate to me, that's all.
Sune Sloth: There may be something in the level. An alternative that can actually be an extra offence. And there may well be this one too. There was a point to it, and it was something I had to learn from. And it may well turn out later that there will be an epidemic of that kind. But it may also be that the realisation that people can be like that towards each other. So it may well be that the realisation is that sometimes there is a deeper meaning. But not necessarily in such a banal, simple way, as is often portrayed, that the meaning of this offence. I was the one who had to learn something because so-and-so in another life was my executioner. It may well come up, but it may also be that life sucks sometimes and that people have it in them to be transgressive. And then I take it with me to understand that it's also part of the human spectrum that I have to deal with going forward. But there can be meaning, for example, that you can understand another place where you are able to pass on a different approach and awareness of what lies in people so that your children take it with them or an awareness that others take with them. That there are places that we can transform in the long run, so it's more and more that you can end up in two ditches here. You can actually end up in a kind of sacrifice, which can be true, but you can also end up in.
Sune Sloth: That was my whole experience, because I live in my own universe that I've created, because it's all about me as a soul having to learn something. And the whole spectrum, in principle, his truth can depend on. But it's not a foregone conclusion, and I just have to remember that it's a big messy experiment we're participating in, where some of it makes sense and some of it is a mess. And some of it is. So there is. It's finding that hairband tangled out. If you choose any of these positions that are quite stubborn and rock solid, and you're at the crossroads. So if you create, and if I sit and meditate on it, come and write some notes or do dead sex sex sex magic, where I get and there's also, you know with cancer, where I get an orgasm while I'm visualising it. Yes, you can also create something with it, or you can also. You can also create by visualising it and start seeing the path. But maybe it's really important to clear the way first, because then you can stand in much easier. And look, where are you going to interact? Who should you interact with? Who from the heart can you feel, who is creating with and who is breaking down regardless of what they say? But you can feel if it builds up or if it breaks down. And that's actually what I could feel in the back.
Sune Sloth: What does the other person want, and what is it that we create together? We may be in agreement when we meet. We find each other really exciting and we know a new way of parenting together. We move to some country and try to create a community, but the experience is that we constantly go against each other. We can always be in conflict, or I feel dominated by her, and she takes up a lot of space. It becomes very much Tan's narrative example, and that's not what we're creating, because there's a lot of stuff about things we shouldn't do and things we should do and the freedom in that to unfold. And what it creates for the children is a seclusion where they find it difficult to deal with the outside world. You could say that what we create together here. It doesn't correspond to what we had talked about. Or it doesn't have those nuances in it, and there's something about being able to see and the clarity to be able to see it. It actually requires you to get out of your own internal morass and the conflicts and confusion that lie within it. And that's where the work has to be done separately for the person with whom the conflict conflict duel is confusing. What is it that actually comes out of it? And it can be a really good idea to be seen and met by people who can recognise where you stand.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, and yes, I definitely know, because I think that very hard-standing me is a victim of life, and it affects me. Or I completely create my own life and my life then loses everything that comes into my life. That's what I've created. And that's how two opposites are very much.
Sune Sloth: Very unfashionable.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And that's a lot.
Sune Sloth: Very simple. A lot of everything I've created myself. That means that the free will is seven billion people and whatever else there is.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So they haven't.
Sune Sloth: I know. I can see it in my head. Then everyone will in principle behave in that direction. It's what we roughly call magical thinking identical process.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I understand why that phase 1 phase is the one.
Sune Sloth: That it needs to be integrated with. There is of course a deeper truth in that. Being able to see the path and But if you can't at the same time. See that there is free will that offers and co-creates with you and some employees and break it down. And it can be a hugely painful thing to experience that you keep reaching out to another person who says they know, but they keep resisting. It keeps breaking it down. The other person is pushing us down here. They just have a different intention and they create. They're creating something else. But being able to discern that. Who are you going to connect with? Who are you going to? Who are you going to build it with? And are you building it together? It requires, as you say, that both parties are able to enter into it, which solves what is difficult. What's dark. The thing that makes them cringe. The fear of is not sick. And then put the co-creation that invites more consciousness in, that allows things to actually take new form and reincarnate new form. And then something new happens that is in exchange with its surroundings, that takes into account what's happening in the environment and doesn't become sectarian and closed and doesn't become square and dogmatic. It actually requires you to be with someone who allows themselves to open up. And yes.
Mette Miriam Sloth: I guess I've also said. It can be extremely confusing. It's this thing about there always being a meaning to things. You know what your meaning of suffering is. I am incarnated in a family that happened there. I created that myself. Is it behind my ideas? What does my soul need to learn and know? It can be hugely confusing to start to open up that there might be more than one personal story. Then you will bump into these challenges. What should I believe here or what? What makes sense and what? What is my own? I have created this. It can be a very confusing place. What it means is that there is the potential for there to be something meaningful. In every exchange and in everything in your life. But having said that, because it can make you completely cringe, because is it meaningful that I was incarnated in a family where you know, my father abused me with a singing slap than if it was meaningful? I've seen it abused in the grossest way, interpreted that way. Terrible that it's a double offence, especially in spiritual environments. I would say it more in the way that you should see it as if the answer to the question lies within you, and what we can help you with is to guide you into all the difficult things, all the painful things, where the difficult things can arise until they let go and the answer arises. You may well realise that I've become part of that family because I have to stand there and say fuck you, no, I can turn around and leave. I'm not going to forgive you things and live for myself. I'm not going to forgive that behaviour. It could be you too, but you always have to forgive. It may not be necessary.
Sune Sloth: Be the goal or what you're going with is Spira Art.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes, I can do that too. Spira Art and say with blood is no thicker than a what do I know, but the answer lies in you. So when it comes to external things, you just have to forgive. It's your soul that has to learn that someone comes with a dogma pressed down on it. It's an offence, because the answer lies in There are so many variables we haven't uncovered yet, because there's no one to help you get in there to do it. And that's the new way I help people. It's that the answers are inside you and you know it when you hit it. So are you in doubt about this? That's the answer. Then we go into the doubt. When you get scared and locked, we go into it until you understand. Right now, I feel like this is the answer to the problem I came up with. It feels like it's my answer. And you have to trust me.
Sune Sloth: I would say that there is a clear vision for what you need and what needs to happen. If it hits some ambiguity and some mess and some things, then it's not the way forward to mash your way through and keep meditating or clearing up ambiguities until it falls into place again. Because that's clearly the clearest view. And that's okay. I get confused because that's actually where we get the advice that needs to be cleared up so that clarity can come. And that's where things can change. And I would say that the biggest realisation I've made in this journey is that I was trying to find out what the meaning of life was, to find a place where the answer I was looking for was. But what was the meaningfulness of it? I mean, where can it be meaningful? Where can it enrich or enrich its diet by getting rid of it? It's relational, which doesn't build up to it. But it's actually living a form of meaningfulness, which we'll come back to. Why are you here and what are you doing with your life? You are here because you are here. Given or chosen or whatever it is to be able to live from that place in a world where very few people actually feel a sense of meaningfulness if they dare to feel and therefore rush from one thing to another to stimulate themselves or.
Sune Sloth: Because there is so much they can't bear to feel. And I know this because I've been there myself. And it's actually getting to a place where there's so much. Clarity, that they come into phase, so they kind of blend together. The feeling of meaningfulness from the heart of a feeling that. I know what I have to do and I know what I don't have to do. Isn't that a purely mental thing? It's a feeling, a deep feeling of following. Following the heart in a very confusing world that can't be put into a formula, and that is to say that, how much. Now there are many truths, but they are served in a way where they stay. You put the cart before the horse. So if I follow the heart with that, the heart is following to clean up so much, so you can feel where to put your boundaries and what to steer against. That's how much it reaches. That confusion starts to ease. Then you're always carried on what's emotionally, physically and mentally functioning, and then it can start to merge.
Sune Sloth: So that integration of all the layers actually. Like. So you beep. Don't say reason for example. So if. If it's rational for you to do the maths with your emotions. It feels right that I shouldn't because I've set a price of 767 kroner, and you haven't spent a second sitting down and making a business plan around what you're doing and it has no momentum. Then you haven't taken it off mentally. You haven't brought your common sense. If you feel something emotionally, you feel sadness in anger and you start beeping, it's because various causes or something in your body is hurting, or at the same time you feel in your body that sometimes something is strained and you don't want to do that. But you actually have to work through it sometimes. That part of the experience. That there is a spectrum on all the parameters that you have to go out and master and dare to stand in. So this thing about starting your own business and not having your accounts in order and not paying your VAT, and suddenly you find yourself with your hair in the letterbox. Isn't that something that's necessarily the point? Maybe you just need to get better at picking up some skills.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Any skills you're missing?
Sune Sloth: And that's okay. But it's clear that being able to take it home and then start. And then learnt so little. What you need is a foundation to be able to create. So there was something very concrete there. Sometimes you need signs. Sometimes it takes witnesses to how the world works. Sometimes it takes competences.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Sometimes it's surrender to magic.
Sune Sloth: And sometimes it's surrender and helping to find out how it's integration between these things that determines whether you. Taking the whole spectrum. So it's not enough to be able to see, it wasn't enough to feel the heart that it also needs to get the other things in place.
Mette Miriam Sloth: You and you actually also need to get a grip on the things in your life that interfere and make it difficult to have financial surplus, physical surplus and emotional surplus. So depending on what you need to do.
Sune Sloth: Something about tidying up? We've mentioned this before, but it's really important to get, look at and look at all the places that are energy guzzlers. And if you imagine a bathtub that has holes, you have to pour water into the bathtub all the time. There's a hole in the bottom. And it's actually a matter of looking through all the plugs and closing the holes. And because there's a bathtub, so it can hold water. And it might be something as annoying as making sure you're in control of your VAT. Or it could be something like if it's leaking toilet energy guzzlers, that someone in your family will be calling you and you need to speak up or deal with it in a different way. It could be anything, so try to see if you can close all these gaps as well as possible.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And here you will actually be able to use your, your, your experience, your energy, sense and energy. I mean this thing where you go in. You have something that disturbs you. Let's say you have somebody calling you all the time and expecting you to be available. And you've been doing that for years, and you start to notice you start to feel irritation and changes. You start to feel sick to your stomach, there's talking to the person. There's all kinds of things that are not nice. But they keep overhearing you, picking up the phone, but talking to the person becomes more and more exhausting, and you become more and more despondent and talk to friends. What should I do? On the one hand, on the other hand pure, I'm going to relieve myself and you and you can see you're starting to use more and more energy. The more energy you spend on something that's a bit uncomfortable, or you wake up with a stomach ache about your accounts or whatever it might be, if you don't take it off, it gets amplified. So it's actually about having the courage to go in and sit with it, whether it's family, friends saying okay, come on, what's in this one? There might be some images that come up. Some situations come up, and it may actually be that there's a clear voice that says it. That relationship needs to be broken. It's not healthy for you. There's no development opportunity for you, or it may be that you need to speak up and articulate some things, and then I'll see what happens. Then it's actually about having the courage to act on what you receive. So now, because you can't just say it, you can't just take it in, you also have to act on it. If you get a stomach ache every time up to VAT because you don't feel in control of it, then take a course here. Money for a book you have to trade in the physical.
Sune Sloth: The world, take the realisation that lies within it and act on it. I will also do that. Another important lesson is that there are some people who think that they can just do their homework standing still in all situations. It is. An exchange with the world, so you can do something at home and then you can go out. So if you say, for example, that now I want to get a handle on my relationships so that I don't meet so-and-so again. But you have to put your toes back in the water and learn to swim again and find out that Okay, so there's something about walking on the skateboard track that you hurt yourself when you're healed and then find out how. How do I get going again? Even if there's something I'm afraid will happen again. And find out how to slowly but surely gain confidence. And you've actually learnt something. So now you may be able to navigate in a different way, but it's something about the whole homework going well. I have the idea that all the homework can be done in advance, and some of it can. And some of it is actually the courage to step out. And you've got something in that you know is true. And you're probably thinking If I do it, it will happen. If I do it, it will happen. Yes, but then you also have the courage to step out and let the house of cards fall. And then dare to take the consequences of it. Yes, if I do it with my ex-wife. She wants to move back in with me, and I have to move.
Sune Sloth: And I can see the whole range of actual desire for it. But I'm also afraid of being lonely. So I'll take it. Then I don't actually solve it and then move in with her again and repeat the whole menagerie. The solution is to start working on the feeling of loneliness and what to do with it and then make a decision afterwards about it and maybe move in together again? To take an example of someone I know. But instead of running away from the fear of being lonely. It's actually working deeply with that feeling of loneliness and finding out what's behind it and getting clarity about the situation. And then go out and take responsibility for what was actually your initial review. Was it the right thing to do? And on an equal footing. You can do this with your work and your relationships, so it's something about going in and going in and working with it, daring to go into it. Inviting consciousness inviting light in to higher consciousness than. And asking to transform. Maybe you can help with your hands. Maybe you can connect to it yourself, and if that doesn't work, feel free to contact us or anyone else you know can help you. But a clear indicator that it's not moving. If you repeat the same things over the years. That's one thing we've noticed with unconscious creation. When we observe unconscious creation, the person is repeating the same mess over and over again, whether they move relationships or workplace.
Sune Sloth: And that's where you can look.
Sune Sloth: On your own. Are you repeating the same thing? Or are you in a place where you've moved so you can do something else? And that's actually the key. That's actually the thing. Is it something about having a very. So you recommend people with depression, if they're lying in bed all day. Just go out and have a cup of coffee and get them out of bed and do something else. That's actually progress, so that progress, you have to be aware of it actually. It might be subtle and small, but for you it's a big step to do something different. And then it's something about actually him. Love, love and gentleness towards your own steps. There's no point in comparing yourself to other people's steps in terms of what's a big step for you. It's not necessarily for someone else you know. You have a friend who has no problem getting out there and doing what you do in the world, but it has nothing to do with you, it has to do with your own, your own capacity here. So if it's hard for you to say no to your mother-in-law. Really hard, and you managed to take that step. Well, then it's a great victory as a great thing and taken with the heart that you can grow from. And then what you contribute is that it is actually possible. And you're helping the next generation or others to do that, because it puts you out in the field, and it puts you out there. The way you stand in it and do it in a way where you stand without being strongly affected by it. Despite the fact that there are reactions all around you, you'll find that at some point, the others often seem to let go.
Sune Sloth: At some point, you realise that you're stuck, and then you're let go. So the storm that arises, unless it's someone who has decidedly psychopathic traits, you seek out, seek out and seek out by threat. Unless it is, then of course you need to have a specific strategy. But for most people, when they realise that you're holding your ground and you can stand your ground without stepping on them, but you can also be strong and maybe even get angry, but without you. Go to arms in the sense that you tell them to change. But you can set your boundaries and they will eventually back down and keep trying. And you can feel guilty about Can I allow myself to do that to others, and you know. And here we have another realisation here that some people's paths are not to become more aware that they are doing things that are problematic. But in the long run, it can still be the right thing for their growth that they experience a clear square wall that they hit so hard that it hurts them. Not because the pain wakes them up, but because it's not wrong to set a limit, even if it hurts someone else. If it does. If the starting point has been that there has been a boundary crossing between you before. But it can feel like you're going to do something wrong. Are you used to giving in and showing up? And that's actually something you may need to work on in the process.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Then you go in and deal with the different emotional strings that come up. Guilty conscience, shame.
Sune Sloth: Guilt should also.
Mette Miriam Sloth: That I have a responsibility for the person and there are all variations of that.
Sune Sloth: So it's also something we can work with ourselves. But it's also to put it out there. It may be possible to find a way through where you're okay with yourself and at some point let it go. And then you realise that the new relationships you're in. It's not a problem at all, because you're not sending it out at all. And there will be something like, now we're going to finish. But a classic New AIDS alternative is that what you send out promises action. It's the same thing.
Speaker4: It's both.
Sune Sloth: True and not true. Firstly, if you are against emotions that arise. If you, if you scold someone and do them wrong and they feel shame. Empty emotions, contempt and feelings. Small. Maybe also shame and feeling wrong in two counter emotions. Those two things also attract each other, so if you're driving a lot of guilt and shame on someone and then you're going to be someone who's attracted to feeling small and having their system as opposites also attracts each other. And it's actually a matter of integrating your own system so that you're not sending these frequencies out as a counter-pole. But you understand the spectrum has to accommodate it. Then you can avoid both falling into the trap and being offended or offended. There was actually a radical attitude towards equality in relation to other people.
Mette Miriam Sloth: And it's mainly about the fact that it's your own fault. You send it out or that makes you weak or bad. You should see it more as if we all have some keys, some locks that fit together under others, and it's raised in frequency where you become aware of it. It's interesting that with these people I feel very small. I can see they feel braided. Do you get a handle on that? When you meet a person who needs someone to feel small, too sensitive, too flippant, then you don't play along anymore. But people do.
Sune Sloth: When they talk about this, they don't talk about the emotional aspect of it at all. And there is something right in the fact that we all vibrate on certain frequencies. But you have to get up there. You have to go up into some other frequency layers, where we play together and kind of amplify each other in what we create. So in that way, there's something real in it. But when you get down into the depths of the emotional, if you don't get a grip on it, you get into those dynamics at the same time without realising it.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Because it's just that unconscious, non-conscious creation, there is a way out of it. We become aware of it and do something else. And then you close those holes in your own field, and then you can just switch it off for a long time. I've had quite a few people in my life who have had narcissistic traits, and I can smell it a mile away. It's not something I do when I judge the person. I can just see that Ah okay, the person who knows shifts and distorts and lies where the responsibility lies, therefore disclaiming care of their own fragility. I'm just going to go round and round.
Speaker4: That.
Sune Sloth: So. Shall we round off? Sune Sloth: Yes.
Mette Miriam Sloth: That was.
Sune Sloth: So yes, it was a bit of tips and tricks, leather manifestation and what it how? How the dark layer, so to speak. There was also Spiritual bypass, and we've talked about that in the last episode 31 how spiritual bypass is. I increase the frequency to get away from the uncomfortable and then it actually just runs unconsciously, but then you get nothing out of it. I just want to drive around with you.
Mette Miriam Sloth: So will. I'm actually not very keen on the concept of manifestation if it's misused. I prefer to say unconscious and conscious creation, not the frequency band in between, because then you're actually looking at what we create all the time, what we manifest all the time. Are you aware of what you are manifesting? Do you understand it?
Sune Sloth: There are also many people who make fun of this, and then it runs like an armoured ship or pyramid scheme. And you'll see that again and again. If you pay 30,000 and come and you stay, then do it and then you can manifest the way that person is. Look at the way that person creates their wealth. It's through other people buying into the same idea, which is to say where does the wealth come from? It comes from buying an idea of a way to create. So there's no real value added to either participating in or contributing to it because you buy into your concept. And we see a lot of that in that world, that you can. You can buy into that idea, but then you have to have someone underneath you that you can sell the same concept to, if that's the case. And so we come back with a look at the person behind it. How do they live their life, how do they get their money and how do they create it? Is it through creating value in the world, or is it selling an idea that you can just create it yourself by thinking it or envisioning it or being a poor princess or whatever? I was just watching Bullshit that accidentally said that anyway. It's actually integrating all these things into your own system and then getting clarity and then starting to navigate. Who do you need to create with and get really, really clear about what the intention is? And when you're brewing at the same time, it gets amplified and then the law of attraction is actually attractive. It's the law that you reinforce each other. But it's also the deep respect that you're not afraid. So you can feel that you're not afraid of rejection if the person doesn't want to push you. You can feel that you're not afraid of rejection. You can cope with us creating together for a while. Then we let go of each other as it happens.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Kind of.
Sune Sloth: Then you meet each other, you create together, and there are no hard feelings that we find someone else to do something with. But it's human nature to work with that, so it's not bound by the emotional fear of rejection and.
Mette Miriam Sloth: Fear of.
Sune Sloth: Rejecting others because you're afraid of how they'll react. And they get upset about it. And push, who slanders and gets upset and blah blah blah all that? So let's end here and say thank you for today.