Podcast E22: Human Sexuality in Transformation
In this podcast, Mette Miriam Sloth discusses how human sexuality is undergoing transformation and how it will likely change drastically in the coming centuries. She believes that the current form of sexuality will be unrecognizable in 500-2000 years.
The Role of Sexuality in Evolution:
Mette Miriam Sloth sees sexuality as a driving force for both evolution and involution, i.e. both physical and consciousness development. She believes that sexuality helps to integrate higher frequencies and soul energies from the cosmos into the physical world.
The Challenges of Sexuality:
Mette Miriam Sloth acknowledges that sexuality can also be a source of stagnation and suffering. She believes that humans often misuse sexual energy by clinging to fantasies and desires that do not lead to action and creation. According to Sloth, these unresolved fantasies pollute the astral plane and keep us stuck in a painful pattern.
The Transformation of Sexuality:
Mette Miriam Sloth encourages bringing awareness into sexuality and using it to transform darkness into light, suffering into joy. She believes that we can choose to use sexual energy to create a child, or to create something else meaningful in the world.
Focus on the Feminine:
Mette Miriam Sloth sees a special connection between sexuality, spirituality and the feminine. She believes that women have an important role to play in rediscovering and reclaiming feminine power, which she sees as a source of ecstasy and transformation. Sloth encourages women to fully explore their sexuality and take ownership of their power.
Love and Consciousness:
Sloth emphasizes that true sexual freedom and ecstasy are achieved through openness, honesty and love. She encourages open communication about needs and boundaries in relationships and a willingness to let go of fantasies and control.
Call to Action:
Mette Miriam Sloth encourages embracing the changing nature of sexuality and using it as a driving force for conscious growth. She believes that we can choose to ride the wave of change and use sexual energy to create a more meaningful and joyful life.
Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast
Host: Mette Miriam Sloth
Yesterday I recorded my second podcast in English. And now I do speak Danish, but I want to tell you a little bit about what I say on the podcast. Because then you might find it interesting to listen to. Maybe contribute something to your life. And what I say on it is something that I've been working on for a really long time, several years actually, maybe almost almost the last 10 years, putting together different fragments of observations from psychology, anthropology, sociology, natural science, biology, but also from my feeling and my connection upwards to what you can call my right self or guides or higher frequency energy of the cosmos. And I've really tried to make this work because I've been looking for a pattern in the theme that I talked about on the podcast yesterday. It's called human sexuality is changing. So human sexuality is changing or is changing. Um and I haven't come across this combination of information providers, which for me is my own truth before, and so I've shared it. Um, for some of you I think it might be really interesting. For others of you, it might not make any sense. And that's how it is when we communicate our own individual truths. All we can do is put them out there and say, well, that's like inspiration. And so it's always free for the person who listens to, sees or takes in other truths and is inspired or that it resonates and or rejects. So it's free will to do that. You could say my reason for making it is that it has pushed itself on me. And the reason I made it in English, which is not my language, okay. For English, but it's not mine, it's not my first language, it's Danish. So in that you would also notice that sometimes I stumble a little bit in terms of finding the words, but I get more and more guided to, if you like, pushed, lovingly pushed to um and do things in English. And the reason for that I think is that not many people are necessarily interested in hearing how I come to some conclusions, some truths, and what kind of elements I build together and what kind of patterns I see in human evolution and the evolution of the earth and the evolution of the universe. But there are some people it can benefit, it can help, and probably many of them or a large portion of them are not Danish speaking. So bear with me. There may well be words in Danish from time to time and stuff like that. That, and I'm just messing around a bit, but that's why I'm doing it in Danish. And you could say I'm announcing it in Danish, because many of the people who follow Marline got it speak Danish. But I also want to send it out on the Danish channel, because most of you speak good English and take in knowledge in English, so you have the opportunity of course to listen to it, if that's for you. And what I'm talking about is sexuality. But sexuality as changing, I also relate to the evolution of the earth, the evolution of humanity. I relate to the fact that I experience that we are incarnated souls. In other words, we are a form of consciousness that incarnates. That form of consciousness is immortal, but also changeable. And also undergoing transformation. And therefore there are also differences in how we understand sexuality. So there's a big difference from which awareness or consciousness you relate to sexuality, your own sexuality and that of others. And my experience right now is that sexuality is pushing itself on us in ways that we don't always think are very nice. Um, it's like we can't help but relate to sexuality. And I describe in the podcast why I think it is and why it's very important. In fact, sexuality can be insanely transformative for us, for humanity and for every single individual, and at the same time it contains some huge traps where you can get stuck. Stuck in an extremely sticky one, if you will. And it's actually just a matter of getting your consciousness into it and becoming aware of it and being aware with your life when it's one and when it's the other. And that's the great thing about something that is so powerful, sexuality, that it's all around us and we're forced to deal with it whether we like it or not. Um, so it's a good thing. But also an overwhelming thing. And you can say if you're at a place in your life where you kind of enjoy your sexuality and or you enjoy that you don't relate to your sexuality very much because that's also a point I come in with. There's no one saying you should fuck anyone. Your sexuality is yours and how you choose to act on it is entirely up to you. There isn't a set norm of how many or how you should use your sexuality. It's very important. So it's basically about having the courage to dive into who you are and how you relate to it at any given time. So the fact that sexuality is a broad spectrum also means that how you relate to it, what questions you ask, and what you feel the power of sexuality pushes you to explore or almost calls you to explore, is very different. So again, for those of you who are fine with where you are in relation to sexuality. There's nothing really calling you to understand yourself more deeply here or others more deeply, so the podcast is probably not for you. If you're in a place where you're kind of stuck, you don't really want to deal with sexuality. It doesn't do anything for you, and you just don't want it to make you uncomfortable, and you don't want to shed light on it. If you don't want to delve deeper into human sexuality or your own, then this podcast isn't for you either. If, on the other hand, you are a person who is very curious, very open, and you are drawn again and again and again to try to understand, what the hell is this? What is this sexuality in yourself and in others? And you are so called that every time you have absorbed an understanding within a discipline or within an approach to it, you become curious about what else could there be? And it can be that I relate to it theoretically and biologically and spiritually, it can also be in terms of relating to it physically, that you actually live out, explore sexuality in the many ways it can be expressed. If you're that kind of person, you might find the podcast quite interesting. It might have some pieces to the puzzle that you haven't encountered in this form before. Um, and I can recommend it. And then you could say that you're the kind of person who is here on earth and looks out at yourself and others and is both attracted to and curious about human sexuality, including your own, while at the same time there's a humility, there's a supervised sadness that tells you that there's something more here. There is something deeper, some deeper aspects to understand here. Uh, which probably especially many women will start to feel after uh not having been in contact with it for a very very long time. And you can feel and have the feeling or maybe even already know that sexuality for you as a woman is deeply connected to your spirituality and your power, which can make you despair and it can make you ecstatic. Despairing because you may come to realise that your sexuality must be lived out in a specific way to access your power. Perhaps a way that you don't thrive in and that you therefore think you're locked into. It is not certain. You may actually feel that you have shut down your sexuality, which is connected to your power, but that's because you are here to give birth to a new understanding of what sexuality is and it can actually be born through your body. So if you're that kind of person, then the podcast is probably for you, because that's probably the target audience that the podcast was created for, and it might be able to give you some relief, some understanding, and possibly also make it easier for you to navigate this difficult and amazing and tricky and borderline dangerous and destructive thing that sexuality is. So that's my wish and that's my intention behind the workshop or behind the podcast. It's to give you a framework or give you some pieces to understand yourself better in the time we live in right now, which is so insanely wonderful and crazy at the same time. And uh you could say the focus right there is sexuality and how it's changing. Because I see that sexuality has a big role to play in exactly the phase we're in right now. And depending on where you are in your development and who you are, what you're doing here, it can be more or less difficult to surrender to. So, no matter who and where you are, you're always welcome to, always welcome to listen to the podcast in what we're creating on The Magdalene Effect. And I just want to say enjoy and have a great summer.