Podcast E22: Human Sexuality in Transformation
Podcast E22 discusses how human sexuality is changing and its likely drastic transformation in the coming centuries. Mette Miriam Sloth explores sexuality's role in evolution, its potential for stagnation and suffering, and its power for transformation and conscious growth.
Podcast E11: Polarity: The Feminine Journey
Explores women's experience of polarity in relationships. It focuses on navigating the dance between feminine and masculine energies, finding balance between surrendering to masculine energy and maintaining personal power and integrity.
Podcast E8: Woman's Creative Power
Podcast E8 explores feminine and masculine energies and their interplay within individuals and relationships in women. It posits that these energies are universal qualities, not tied to gender. Learn to understand and balance these energies for well-being, personal growth, and navigating relationships, stress, work, and sexuality.