Podcast E19: Past Lives and Energy Work

In podcast episode 19, "Energy Work, Past Lives, and the Freedom to Be," Mette Miriam Sloth discusses the path to finding freedom to be, a concept that is especially relevant for women who experience a deep longing for inner peace and stillness. They explore the challenges of letting go of the masculine focus on achievement and control, and instead embracing the feminine aspect of surrender and being.

  • Exhaustion and Longing for Peace:

    The podcast starts by describing a widespread exhaustion among women who, despite a seemingly successful outer life, experience inner turmoil and restlessness. They may have tried to change their external circumstances, but inner peace remains elusive. This deep longing for peace stems from an overemphasis on masculine energy in our culture, where achievement, control, and purposefulness are prioritized over being, intuition, and flow.

    The Challenge of Being:

    Language itself reflects this masculine dominance, as it is based on categorization and description, while being is a state of union. Achieving this state can feel like an impossible task, as our minds are trained to think, plan, and control. In addition, traumas, both personal and inherited, can block our ability to surrender to being.

    Surrender and Release:

    Mette Miriam Sloth describes her own path to achieving freedom to be as a process of surrender. She was forced to let go of control when she experienced a depression that forced her to stop and confront the unknown. Through small islands of being, where she allowed herself to be in the discomfort of not knowing, she began to experience glimpses of peace and stillness.

    The Role of Energy Work:

    Both Mette Miriam Sloth and Sune Sloth highlight the role of energy work in releasing the traumas and blockages that prevent us from achieving freedom to be. They describe different energetic patterns that can block the energy system, including splits and blockages.

    Split: A split occurs when a person has been forced to divide themselves in order to survive a traumatic experience. Energetically, it looks as if the energy system is splitting in two. Mette Miriam Sloth describes an example of a split in Sune Sloth, which stemmed from a previous life where he took on another person's grief.

    Blockages: Blockages are dark spots in the energy system that represent stagnant energy. They can come from various sources, including past lives and inherited traumas.

    Joint Release:

    Energy work can help to gather splits and release blockages. It is a co-creation process between the energy worker and the client, where the energy worker uses their energy and intuition to support the client's release. Through this process, the client can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their patterns, and thus create more freedom and ease in their lives.

    Past Lives:

    The podcast also discusses the influence of past lives on our current lives. Past life traumas can appear as blockages in the energy system and can be released through energy work. It is not necessary to have detailed knowledge of past lives to release the traumas. The most important thing is to meet them with openness and compassion.

    Men and Freedom to Be:

    Sune Sloth shares his perspective on freedom to be as a man. He describes a tendency in men to suppress emotions, which leads to limited awareness. Through meditation and energy work, men can learn to open up to their emotions and achieve a deeper understanding of themselves.

  • Translated transcript of the original Danish podcast

    Host: Mette Miriam Sloth

    So in today's podcast, we're going to talk about freedom to be.


    Do you want to talk about that?

    Mette Miriam Sloth: Yes. There's a lot to talk about.

    Yes, there's a lot to talk about.

    Um, you could say that whole phrase freedom to be is really born out of many years of work, especially with women, because I hear so many people say that there's such a deep hunger or deprivation longing to just be left alone. Because what the hell does it mean to be, right? And that's the thing about being at peace inside. So, it's one thing what we have out here in the messiness of the outside. But as soon as there's a bit of peace out here, many will find that it doesn't get in here. There are all sorts of thoughts running, or you feel something, or there's always something going on. And it's as if in recent years it's become more and more pressing, especially for women. I'll ask you later if you also see it in men. But it's almost like a huge exhaustion. Well, it's almost as if even the women I worked with, where they've cleaned up a lot and they're like, I can't believe my kids are older and you know they're in couples counselling, and there are things and the country, but I still feel pressured. I still feel like I feel like a piece of hunted game and my mind is trying to pin it on something, but I don't know, I don't really know if it holds. As if more and more people are starting to realise that this running around in almost a hamster wheel, that there is something that doesn't stop inside. There's a deep longing to just be at rest. Just give me a single minute of peace. And many people have asked me about it when they've heard the podcast I did about masculine feminine, because you can say in the five and be you are in the feminine. And we have been very much in the masculine, or we have a lot of focus on masculine values and characteristics in our culture. We focus a lot on achievement, on doing, on building, on living, on accomplishing something. And that's all good. But if it's not balanced with the feminine, masculine feminine dance, then you're running on pure adrenaline and it's like we're completely exhausted and can't actually stand to be such a circus horse that's being whipped on and almost dying of exhaustion, right?


    And that's why I think there's something about reaching that deep, deep, deep exhaustion to realise that things could be different, because no matter how I screw up my life or quit my job or moved to the countryside with my family or you know, I've screwed up all sorts of places where you thought that calm and peace would come. We are one of the richest in the world. You know, we don't want to think we're not at war, we're not, at least not physical war where we live, but it's like we still feel whipped around like this circus freak. And that's a good place to get to the point of realising that you're not just deeply identified with the fact that you have to ox around. So the thing about actually getting to the point where you're like, God, do I need that? But the next step is that it feels like it's impossible to let go, so you still feel whipped around. So the freedom to be is basically about that. Because what the hell does it take? I mean, why is it so hard to just be without driving everything? You're driven by everything, whether it's thoughts or feelings or bodily sensations. Um, so that's one thing. What does it take? And what do I do practically to get there? Because there's a deep sadness about it. A deep pain and a deep despair. So a lot of women feel they've lost only connection to the feminine, if you like. M

    um and that um it's a very painful place to actually stand and wake up and realise that you're that circus horse. But you, you're whipping yourself. I mean, you might have some pressure outside, but it's as if there are some inner voices or critics or feelings from the past or something that whips you around, and you wonder if it's even necessary anymore. And it's a beautiful place. It's a transformative place to stand, but it's also hard to stand there. And that brings us to the other aspect, which is that in the more spiritual circles or the self-development industry, if you like, there can be a focus on just letting go and you know, positive thoughts and raising your vibration and then all of a sudden you're living the life you want. And of course there are grey truths in all of this, but if we really want to be, just trying to be with language is a challenge, because language is actually masculine. So you take a language and then you categorise something and you describe something. A state of being is you. So there's no separation between the one between being and the one that is the one that is in being. So the language has already made a separation there. So we are approaching a bit of a mystery. What the hell does it mean

    To feel at one with life and not have a thought or a relationship or a wedge in relation to, what am I experiencing? What's going on right now? And that's what I feel is such a not can I just have a minute of that where I just merge my body merges with what I'm doing. Melting together with life itself. And it feels like a balm for the soul and for the body when it happens. And we can become even more of a circus horse by chasing a way to get there. Because it's not something you can fix, it's something you can surrender to. Here we come back to the fact that it's something of the feminine. So it's when we have to surrender to it, because you can't you can't make a plan for it. Because then you're already then again trying to control something or make something happen. And so that's a masculine characteristic. So we are called again and again to exercise some other muscles, which again is also a strange language because you can't exercise being. You can surrender to it. So there's an understanding that there are some completely different things you have to put into play. And some of it is difficult because it actually means that you have to dare to surrender to being with what is right now. But you're so trained and so practised at fixing and doing and making systems and thinking and controlling. So many people don't get any further than this. In fact, they don't get any further than this, that they bump into their thought structure. I want to want, I just want to surrender to being, but all sorts of things come up, and then the person can't move on. So there are a number of steps along the way in relation to surrendering to being. So there can be thought structures and thought spans, and you may have become accustomed to trying to control your life and feel safe all the time and plan with mental mental structure. And then of course there's another aspect, which is that your body may have, well, there may be PTSD, there may be trauma, there may be childhood conditioning, there may be all sorts of things lying around that also make it difficult. So I think one of the most important things I can do with women here is to show them that it's actually about You have not lost access to being. It's a part of who you are. So you can never lose access to it. But what can happen is that all sorts of things get in the way of you surrendering to it. So it's not really about reconnecting to being or reclaiming something or rediscovering something or training something. It's actually more about removing the obstacles that stand in the way of you surrendering to the world. And there will be some things that can come up and will come up if you have the courage to go after that calling and say, there's something trying to get through and communicate to me that this is killing me if I don't stop soon. So I have to somehow make myself stop playing around here, right?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So how do you actually work with it yourself?

    I've been around the block myself and have experienced myself that I was about to go to exhaustion and experienced myself and I didn't choose that myself it was basically because I almost became depressed so I was pushed over the edge not I had to really go all the way down and cry

    before I was able to surrender, so I was forced to surrender in that way. Because it's also a way, a way that you get sick to your stomach, or you get stressed out, or you get power, I'm not saying you get power because you have to surrender your being. I'm just saying that sometimes there's a crisis in our lives that stops us in our tracks, that we're simply laid down flat. And that hit me. So I had to, and I was forced to surrender to the unknown and say, you can't you can't act out of it. I used to always have a plan A, B, C, D, FG. Um, and I couldn't do that. I mean, I almost couldn't think a thought. So that was the first step. It was really just letting myself fall down without knowing if I would survive. And then I did. K, I did that. Um, and then it was actually using the masculine a bit as a, um, actually using my discipline to create little islands, little slopes, where I could just be, um, and I couldn't figure out how to be. So actually taking a limited hour or half an hour, I think I started with 10 minutes to start with, where I just had to be, and it wasn't because I was like, it wasn't like meditating. I was just supposed to sit and be with the fact that I didn't know what I was doing, and I didn't know what I wanted to do, and I didn't know who I was. So there was no practice in it, but it was crazy uncomfortable.


    Um. And that practice is basically about me starting to allow myself not to try to move or escape from feeling disconnected to just be with life, because it's deeply uncomfortable and very painful, because it's like realising that it's a huge valuable part of your self, your existence that you've forgotten you have, which is where you are closest. It's where you're revitalised, if you will, after you've been hunting around over here, right? So so and so and go through. That was the next step, that was simply saying, well, I don't know what, I don't know what the f*** that means. I don't know what it means to be. I can't figure it out. Um, and going through the anger and the frustration and the sadness of it. And then slowly little spontaneous moments started popping up, you know, where I was really just like, oh, it's so beautiful right here. Or where I walked down the street without realising that someone was looking at me, or trying to see that guy over there, or whatever, you know, all the time something like that, where there was always something disturbing. And then there started to be these little moments of like silence. And it tasted more.


    And then it started to occur more and more. So after I think like, now I've really nailed it. Great, then old traumas start to press in. So I say, then there's a new layer. So disturbed, but it wasn't, it wasn't, you could say it was something that was so disturbed, some of the sludge that was such an outer veneer.

    And then the more the next layer goes a little deeper, it was like, you know, conditioning for childhood or trauma for childhood. And then it was kind of like that, then there was a genealogical theme. Then there were, you know, deep evolutionary issues. So it's something I've been working with for 20 years now, so there have been many layers to it, many phases in it. But you could say that the way I've approached it, the mechanics of it have been the same. And it's been to keep the anchor in, well, this isn't about fixing something, because that's where I came from, I had to fix things. It's about surrendering and then letting information or realisations land in me. So it was a deep, deep, deep surrender process and really also learning to be in the painful emotional states without trying to push them away or have a judgement on them or that they shouldn't be there. Um. And I can see that I myself had ended up in a period of doing some spiritual bypass and sought out the spiritual environment in the hope that I could be up here. Happy go lucky in high high vibrating. But I realised that it's down in the darkness that the power lies. So there are all sorts of delicious things up here. But you have to have it down here too. So after I had been up here playing in very, very high vibrations, I crashed. And I thought it was almost like a punishment. But I can see, no, it was actually about the fact that now you have to be able to have the opposite pole as well. Um, so the higher you can fly, the deeper you're able to go into the darkness. So that gives you an island of huge frequency band to work with. And that's also what I can see when I work with people, because I do a lot, it's really trauma release, the way I work with energy, and that and we can't, I can't know in advance when a person has a block or has an issue where they have a tension or they have a friction or a charge. I can't know in advance, when we go in and work with it, if we're going to come up here. Sometimes we'll go all the way out into space and fly and pick up extremely high frequencies. Other times we have to go all the way down to where it is. So it's archaic primordial forces that are hiding under layer upon layer upon layer of trauma, right? That's the way it is. So it's the same, you could say, right? It's just the opposite pole, so it's the frequency band, right? So it's hugely exciting and fascinating to be allowed to witness and step in with people and open up. Because I can never know, and of course they don't know either, we'll never know what we're unpacking and what we're packing


    and what we get woven into the system of gifts that turn up. So that's probably been one of the most beautiful things about this, that I had no idea when I started, that the path towards my longing to just be more rather than always being in a place where I judged myself or myself or others or hoped or fantasised or dreamed about the world getting better. Or tomorrow it will probably be better or never being here all the time. On that journey, I went very, very deep into the darkness and I didn't find it pleasant. I didn't have that, it wasn't like no, there's worms and stuff down here, you have to get down there. It's because you can't avoid it if you want to go that way. So that's really your driving force, you can stand in it. And then find someone on the journey who can help you when you smash your head into something that hurts too much. How much of that can you do yourself? Well, you can use every opportunity during the day to be like, hey, I'm going away in my mind or I'm going to disappear, where am I going and why, hey, I'll be right back, it's uncomfortable to be here right now, I feel like running away, okay, but it's okay, I'm allowed. You can when you're in the feminine, there's no judgement on the condition you're in, you can't fix it, you just have to breathe through it, yes okay, right now I want to disappear. Well, it's gone now I'm sorry or you know, some different states emerge, so in that way we have the ability to have a very flexible and changeable system that we can practice not being so identified with. Um, so much of it you can, well it's really a practice that you can commit to doing on a daily basis. Even then, you will be able to move yourself enormously far.


    If you choose to be disciplined and comet. The reason people don't do it is because they fall out of practice. So I say I'm going to just and then it runs away for us, right? We have to keep consciousness and focus on it. But sometimes you will hit some things on the journey that you can't shake. There will be some fear tracks. There will be some, there will be some stains. There will be some triggers. There will be some external things that trick you in some way, or some external things that affect you in such a way that something comes up that is so violent, so overwhelming that you can't be with the pull of it. And if you've done some work on yourself, you'll typically know what they are. You typically, if you've been in therapy and done different things, you typically have a relatively good landscape or a map of where your main triggers are. So we all have areas where we have this theme that just pops up again and again and again almost no matter what I do. When you bump your head into them, I would recommend getting some help, some energetic help. I haven't found that talk therapy can help here. Yes, it can help uncover the patterns, but once you've uncovered the patterns, that's all it can do. That's also why you typically get so incredibly frustrated, because I've got it, I can see it. I know why, and it's because my mum said it, my dad said it, and it's because all the women in my family line have had that theme. You know, you can, you can totally see it mapped out. out, but it just doesn't change the fact that it keeps coming back. And that's because it's in your body.


    So and the mentality can't release it. Words can't release it. Like we can say, words can't bring us closer to being, because it's not possible. So sometimes when we hit some of those knots or those so down especially the inherited places, the thing that you can say has been knotted for many generations, so it's knot on knot on knot on knot on knot on knot on knot. So every time there has been a theme in the family line that is unresolved, there is a child who passes it on. So they're sort of passed on. These knots until someone is brave enough and feels it strongly enough to say, hey, this is on me to bring to redemption, so you will too, they will also come up on your journey towards being, so this whole longing to surrender to being can activate many things. And you can get scared and all kinds of things can happen because it can feel overwhelming and I would recommend getting some help and that's where I find that energy work can do something I know energy work is a broad phenomenon but getting someone to help you release who can work with you energetically in the family lineage. So it could be shamanic practice, could be the way I work. I haven't met anyone else who works the way I do. I think when you work with energy, you find your own way. There's a method to it. We very much get a lot into Barbad Brandon, who I think is insanely talented. At the same time, you also have to find your own way of doing it, because you actually work creatively with each person, right? So that's what it's really about, it's about finding someone who can work with you, where you feel that the work helps you. In the places where you're stuck.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    So that's basically the way you can move forward, right?

    Is there anything you think about this that's different for men, or do you have a male perspective on this in relation to being? Yes, it does look different. Um, because I think the man comes, I come and possibly other men come from a place where you don't really notice much. M

    and you can feel that your stomach hurts or you're in pain somewhere, but you've also practised ignoring it.


    And it has the effect that you become more and more limited in your understanding of what's happening. You also get a more and more confident perception that you think you have a handle on what's happening, for example in relation to


    you have a handle on what you have to do at work,

    but what you really experience is that your consciousness is very limited.


    Then you can have some modes where you are limited in your father role and your work role and your, you know, when you're with the bike guys or something. And when you're on your own, you also have some modes that are a narrow range. So what happens when you start working on that is, you can work on raising the frequency in a sense. And then when you land again, you can hit your own limitations. And then the experience is that you come in and calm down when you meditate, but when you come down, everyday consciousness starts to have those rigid ways of being. And then you can try different practices and see if you can break through that. But what's hiding on the other side is actually a kind of mental death process, where some things dissolve and the frameworks that you've been operating under start to let go. It can be incredibly painful, and then at some point it releases, and then it's as if your condition is lifted by going and being very kind of annoyed at things, angry or just kind of limited in your understanding of how things are. Um. And I would say that's what has helped me a lot. Um, you've helped me sometimes, but the goal is that you're not always supposed to help me.


    um, so I come it, like where you help me, it's the limitations where it's so locked that I can't feel anything but the locking.

    M. Mm.

    So I can't really get under it. I can't get under it

    or through it. Um, and then you go in and work on loosening it up or putting light in, raising the frequency. And I was actually thinking, while you were talking about that, what are the variants that we actually see energetically when we work with it. I would like to unfold that a little bit as well.


    Um. But what I experience is that when I go through it, I can work with it myself and start to go in and find the places in the body, the energy system, start to see, okay, there is something there that creates this way and that way and that way and that way. Um, and then I also want to say, when you talk about it, I think it's important to say to those of you listening that, um, it seems on the one hand to be continuous work. And this is possibly due to the fact that we are in a place right now where all frequencies are available. In other words, we're in a place where the people doing this are the forrunners. In other words, we're doing something that very few people are doing.

    Well, yes,

    there are some who do it, but out of the world's population, it's not

    Yes, it's not.

    standard. Mm.

    I think we can also see from your clients when we talk about it, but also the ones I started to help,

    that there are very few who actually take on a practice and say, okay, this is so important, so I actually want to live from a different place. A more beautiful place, a more harmonious place, my place, which is more love.


    And I'm better at setting boundaries and kind of shielding myself from things that pull me somewhere that I can't use anymore. So I'd really like to talk about all the variants that we've found

    variant. Mm.

    And start by saying we've found that an energy system can have a split.


    It's a uh that we both see it with our uh with our energy vision

    and feel it

    and feel it. Starting by saying, how does it actually feel?

    I can't remember, have you had splits? Yes, you've also had some splits in your system.

    I've had splits too, but I think it's because it's like,

    what does it feel like for a woman's body to have a split? I would say that's a best way to describe it to a woman. Any woman who's had pretty much any woman who's had children would recognise this. A split feels when you reach a split feels like when you're standing there and, and and and and and you're so tired of being lonely on maternity leave and you drop your child off at daycare and you feel like your body, your instincts, you know, it's pulling and tugging at you to be with your child and to be able to smell, to see that it's safe, while you also want to be at work. The thing about you feeling torn between two things is that it's very black and white and you can't solve it. It feels like you're being pulled in two opposite directions.

    Erm. And these things can say, well, there are pedagogues now, this is the concrete example, right? There are pedagogues to look after it and I'm at work, but it feels like it's a vortex inside. It feels like you're deeply, deeply, deeply torn.

    So if you take that and multiply it by quite a lot, it's like when you hit, when there's something on the outside that awakens a split that you have with you, it feels very violent.

    And what does it look like energetically?

    Energetically it looks like when I'm inside and working, it's almost like the energy separates. You'll see it's like this current, then it separates, and then it's as if it's doing this, it's going two ways, and then it forms these two almost wormholes, where you can see almost as if you've been forced to divide yourself into something that seems impossible to put together.


    And where I can see when we've hit some of your players, I can also see it when I hit when I hit split in others, because often when I or when I work the energy, images come in, not always, or feelings, sensations or body sensations in the person I work in. And I've seen that, because I've been quite curious about that. What actually happens? The fact that some images or feelings of a situation on the evolutionary journey typically come up, whether it's for one's own life or whether it's a family line, it's less important. For something that has been violent. So a child, you have to be quiet, or we'll be taken by the Germans or whoever. So you can't cry a baby. Because you can't. Now you have to cover your mouth, and then the baby dies, right? So, you know, it's such a violent situation that you feel forced to do something you don't want to do to try to avoid a father. It's typically such themes or the feeling of something that has been extremely dangerous, but I've also experienced that in you. It has been extremely violent.

    Can you give me some examples of what you can remember?

    I think you had a split at one point, which we actually also linked to the whole divide between man and woman. Some images came up and for you it looked like past lives. Whether it's sexual or whether it's mythological memories. It's not that important. That's how it came up.

    For me, that's what's important. It doesn't matter where it comes from.

    No, but in terms of redemption, you're right. For you it came up as past lives.

    Yeah, it did.

    And there was something about having lost a child,

    and you're standing and it's not your fault. That that was the root cause circumstance. I don't think, I can't remember, but it wasn't your fault. But there's that partner, female partner you had, was so overwhelmed with grief that you wanted to take her grief on you by letting you take the blame for it. So, it was as if in your masculinity you were saying, I have to take the blame for it, so that I make sure that I regulate you. But it caused a deep split, because it wasn't, it wasn't, it was as if the fact that we've lost is too big. We can't bear it. And then you kind of became the one who took it on. And then we could trace it to see that your system had become accustomed to taking on things that weren't yours and that could never have been your fault, right?

    So there was something there, right?

    Well, I would say that

    energetically, when you go in and work with it, you actually collect it. You actually go in and for those of you listening, so if you can watch on YouTube. But you can when I'm working with Yes.

    Then you see the energy splitting up, and then


    not forcing it, but using my power to bring it together.


    And then it depends on whether the other person is ready to gather it again.

    Well, I pick it up too. I weave it together.

    Yes, but I do, I put it back together. Mm.

    And, um...

    when you do it on me, it's as if it's two images that are blurred and out of focus, and then suddenly it becomes clear.

    Yes, that's true.

    But there's also typically a very clear realisation of how I have to live in order to live from the overall state.

    Yes, that's right.

    And there it is, and we'll typically also talk about what it is that I'm getting. For example, if it's me.


    And have a little bit, because sometimes it helps to have that reference, there's someone else there right


    And then I actually take, okay, I actually have to act differently, for example, on that one.


    Mm. And afterwards there's no charge on it. There isn't that unconscious quest to avoid taking blame at all.


    on oneself. Erm, suddenly it's quite clear. God, suddenly I can see it from the outside. I can see it without even having the feeling of being sucked into it and then realising that I have to pull myself out again.


    And I think you could say, what is the effect of working with this? Yes, it seems to me that there are more and more situations that you realise, or I realise, that have made me stand out, or that I've been involuntarily reacting to in a certain way.

    involuntarily reacted in a certain way that I suddenly experience seeing from a distance without being disconnected. I experience seeing it a little more like this: I can see, I can see where I have participated. I can see that if I don't participate anymore, it won't happen again. Then there may well be someone in your social circle who has been used to that dance.


    Erm. Who tries to replay it. And then you have to learn, you have to sort of work on not playing the role.

    Yes, exactly.

    So there's something, there's some learning afterwards in relation to how I should act one,

    because I have some places.


    But new relationships don't seem to have carried over from that dynamic at all.

    No, exactly.

    Um, so a simple thing like that can mean a lot for an experience and harmony, but also that I can feel here, there is actually a person who has this.


    Um. Where before I wouldn't even have realised I would go into it, and it would have just been completely natural.

    Yeah, exactly.

    And now I realise, well, that's what's going on.


    And then I actually experience, and then it's actually solved. So the people I meet, even though they have it, they don't resonate with it, so they don't really start to go into it very much, so if they try a little bit, I don't experience that it has bitten in a way where it does something to me or that it's allowed to develop.

    So the split that was inside me, it had a mirror or has typically had a mirror very often


    Um, in an externalisation in the relational.


    There is also the same resonance.

    Mm, yes. Or in the relationship with the physical world or whatever it may be.

    Exactly. And I think that's a more, uh, I'm quite keen on that way of approaching it rather than the kind of description is how you create your own reality. So if you end up in, you know, abusive relationships, then you're attracted to it yourself.

    I'm not crazy about it, because what it really comes down to is that we have all sorts of things we play out, and it's by definition unconscious until we bring consciousness into it.

    So and so it's much more beautiful to look at it as being but hey, that's so interesting, what's the blame what's this dance and recognise it and then actually it's not your fault that we carry everything. That's nothing, it's nothing to do with guilt either, but there are things we carry that make us fort people and our world and in a certain way. And that's what I experience. It can also be seen when I work, for example, when I work with a split and it's together so often, people get a lot of flashes of light behind their eyes as if there's a disco ball in there. That's because when you have a lock or a split, it also affects the third year in terms of how you interpret the world and yourself. So when something is unlocked and integrated, your interpretation of the world becomes different. And you can take that interpretation out and put it into play in the world and say hey. And then you can get the new habit engrained in your nervous system. Now I'm doing something different. This is what I love about it, it's not a healing where you sit there and don't understand anything, then I do something to you and you're more whole than when you came in, so it gives the healer some kind of superpower that the person doesn't have, it's a co-creation between two consciousnesses where one follows and surrenders to what's in there and feels the conditions. The other has an understanding of energy, a sense of energy and knows a craft and a skillset that goes in and helps right where it's locked, which has been locked for thousands of years perhaps that the person can't fix themselves. So it's not at all the intention that we can help each other here.

    And the person can then take that solution out into the world and put it into play, and then new things happen because they come back to the relationship and have shown a new side of themselves, which then causes a bit of havoc, because then there's some recalibration, and maybe you grow together, maybe you don't, you know, and then and then some new things can come up that you can work on, right? So it's more than

    It's actually about the release of energy so crazy beautiful. So it's not about, oh no, now I've recreated something.

    No, no, no.

    So yes, it was a split.

    It was a split. What have we got? Erm. What else do we have?

    Then there are blockages.

    Yes, there are. What do they look like?

    Blockage. A Yeah, a blockage is a uh a dark one you can kind of see that you see the energy coming in liquid, and it has such and it can take different forms depending on density, depending on which chakra it is, but it comes like liquid, so there's a dark

    like a dark black hole out in space, right? There's like a dark patch. And I can clearly see that when I work with people, for example, where they come in and they typically have some kind of theme or something that hurts, or they have something and they say, okay, because try to go into that state when we have localised the state and identified it. Try to go into that state and the moment they go into it, it appears in my energy vision and they can see, yeah, but it's there. And then they can typically be like, okay, where is it? And then it could be the stomach, or it could be here, or it could be the neck, they can feel where it is, and then they can actually, a lot of people say now you're in there, now you're like that, you've also said that, you called it the nose thing at one point. Yes, you called it the nose grip at one point.

    So in and in and zeros,

    and then the energy is actually released. So I would say that it's a blockage and you experience a blockage of typically several litres in it.


    So there's a very solid black blockage on the outside, and then there are some new layers underneath, so it slides, it hits something new. So it's typical, if there are a lot of these blocks, there are typically other layers underneath them, which is also typically related to the fact that it has been a thematic wound, where there have been many knots upon knots upon knots over generations, I would say.

    Can you remember anything where we've worked with you on that?

    S with the uterus.

    S with the uterus. Well, what? A lot of blockages in the womb.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    That I experience women have.

    It's more of an example of how it can be experienced, where I might have been there to support you through it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And you've helped a lot with those.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And they feel like they can be very painful.


    In a different way.

    Well, there is a difference in the way we approach it. And that's the question of whether it's something feminine, masculine. I don't know about that. Erm. But when I go in and work with, I'll get back to you. If you think of an example.


    Unless you have it now.

    No, but it was really more for when there's a blockage. So it can be, um...

    How does it feel for you when we've worked with

    a blockage? Well, I've been able to feel that my blockages have been felt if it's been in something, that my body becomes afraid relationally.

    Yes, that's right.

    Becomes afraid of, erm, it has periodically been extremely afraid of physical violence. And I have not been exposed to physical violence in this life.


    Well, I haven't been beaten. I have not been

    But my body is terrified. And there. And and I had that.

    Is it still?

    No, it has it has a little surveillance. It has many many many many many many many many many many many experiences or memories or whatever they're called about physical violence.

    Yes, it does have that.

    But we've been through many of them,

    and I would say that level.

    So where do they come from?

    Well, they're past lives.

    Yeah, they are. And what is it like when a past life comes up?

    A past when a past life has come up, and I've actually I've read past lives one I met you because like read everything in the spiritual and stuff like that and have reincarnation. I thought it was kind of fascinating so theoretically I thought it was fascinating, but I didn't really have any relationship to it. But when I met you, it's like my system was like, now we can go deeper, because there's actually someone who can help me there. You can be loved where it's most difficult.


    Um. And I can see that I could never go down there alone. In fact, I don't think I could go down there with a classic therapist either. It would have to be someone who knew me very well. So there has to be real love. I'm not saying you can't have that kind of love for your client. I have that with mine. And I can actually take them down that path. But it's actually more about whether you're ready to surrender so deeply with a person you know on the way, right?

    Yes, I am. Because I'm a man, you could say, and some of the things that have come up have been about men who have committed violence

    against you or against women.

    Groups of men. And yes, there have been violent

    rapes and stuff like that. It's been very violent.

    Attempts to subjugate you and in different ways.

    Yes, there have been. Yes, yes, yes.

    Yes, yes, yes. I think it's important to say that there are people who work with past lives, therapy and, uh

    well, hypnosis and regression and they should be allowed to do that. We don't do that.

    No, we don't.

    Um, the philosophy here is really to live life and get to a place where we live life from a more beautiful place, where you

    can have more joy in being.


    Um. Despite the fact that there's so much heaviness and darkness and and and dualism and division and violence and everything.


    And then come and live from there.


    Um. So that means that it's something that comes up.


    When it's needed. And there it also means that if you lie there and wonder, what is it?


    Um, you actually have to be able to be without a thought in your head almost, if you want to be sure that what comes up is right. And then it's not quite right anyway, because it comes up as such a bubble that opens up with such a very

    clear experience that it could have happened yesterday.

    Mm. And you have to ask, how is that how I experience it?

    Yes, that's how I experience it.

    When you and I and mine have been because I've never really been curious about doing regressions and stuff like that because I've kind of been like it's actually about being here. And you know, if we all disappeared in previous lives, then we weren't present here, so we flee once again. But what I could see was that when I met you because I've worked a lot with closure because it had been and I and I had actually thought it was for my you know this childhood where I was after birth in you know the hospital without hospitalisation without any adult contact in 178. And of course there's also some of that and that but that you know I had this breathwork and I know I really worked hard at it but it's like there was a much much deeper level of it when I met you


    um and it actually happens when something happens between you and me that isn't a conflict there isn't a tone of voice or someone you care about and somehow or there's something that makes my body think it tastes a bit like today or now there's a possibility that something can come up and then it was almost as if my body just collapsed. It was almost like I just froze. I couldn't move.


    Um. And it was, I don't even know, you must have been scared shitless the first couple of times, because I was just gone. I mean I was conscious, but gone. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. I could just lie there like a pillar of stone.

    It's also what you think they call a catatonic state. And I've been there myself, so it didn't scare me.

    Yeah, it didn't scare me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, exactly. Because you already knew it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Um. And I remembered it from when I had worked with it as a child, but this was much, much deeper. I hadn't experienced that immobility before, that I'm completely overwhelmed. And I haven't experienced that I've had anyone to help me when I was there myself, because I've been in therapy, but I haven't been in therapy where it has overwhelmed me, you know. So it's like, I've experienced it, then I go to therapy the following week and talk about it, right?

    Because you're not with your therapist 247. So the times when I was affected by lockdown, I've always handled it myself in getting out and stuff like that, right? And then I've talked to others about it afterwards.


    but it kind of unfolds when you're lying there, it kind of unfolds, right?

    Yes, it does. Because what you're doing is, you're really just being with me.

    Yes, that's right. That's not quite right. I actually go in, I actually go in and work.

    And then I go in and then say, I allow myself to get If I can see what's there, then I actually start looking into it

    and try to open my heart and then actually include it in my field of consciousness, so that I don't withdraw from the darkness, the pain that's in you.


    And then what happens is that I start to feel the pain in my own system. I start to feel the horror.


    But I'm not so affected that it takes over me, but I can feel how you feel.

    I can feel how you feel.

    And then I realised that I can also go in and ask to be allowed to feel what it's like inside your body.


    Erm. You can feel that. If I do, it feels a bit like I came to visit.

    Yes, it does.

    Um, and then I can go out again, and then I can actually sometimes find out where it is?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Um, then I go in and focus on it and keep focusing and actually start to fill in some light. And then it's often that it kind of unfolds like a bubble.

    Yes, exactly.

    That unfolds. And then you're there. Plus you're somewhere else where something violent is happening.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. That it's actually as if the compression and the blocking that has kept these memories inside, when it

    it's like a time capsule

    a time capsule and and I see exactly the same thing when I zero it open in some other way how I'm now approaching to get for it there are such easy air bubbles with light and then they are a little more less black and then I actually keep cleaning out until it's cleared up and when it cleans up then the person will typically get all sorts of god now I see my mother and all the situations I've had with her so there was like cleaned out of things. And that's where in the situations we're talking about right now, where we were completely in the dark, there are some

    and it's not flashbacks, but it's an image It's more of an understanding that there was a kick there and there were so many and three men or, you know, there were so many and three men or, you know, there were so many

    and that and keeping the consciousness on it and getting through it, I think that's what it's been, that's been the hardest part. I had helped people in a very dark place. It's as if it would have been much easier for you to go through many of the darknesses you've also tested, I must say. Of course it was never nice for you, but it's as if

    it always hurts like crazy. Well, it requires

    Yes, it does.

    What has helped me when I've come up is actually to feel the love in my heart for you.


    And feeling that connection. That's what has kept me able to stand in it.


    Mm. But it's this, it's the difference between walking around thinking there's nothing, and then there's something that bothers you so much that it takes up everything.

    And it does.

    And when you're alone in the fact that it takes up everything, then you're really f*****. And I think the system guards itself against going into it.

    Yes, exactly. It's healthy and good when you stand when you're alone.

    And the thing where you exactly need another person to go along with you without disappearing into it, but is there


    and can put something in start working on putting light in allow it to come in start raising the vibration maybe also make sense of it so you can start making sense of what is happening so you can start saying okay could I behave like that people can also behave like that uh where I can ask I have also read up a bit on how to do these regression therapies.


    So I work with the questions I've read up on, so it can be when you try to rewind a bit or know why they're angry with you, or try to allow something to come up that has led up to this, or m

    so that there starts to be an understanding of what has led up to you ending up in this situation? And it's not something like, you did something wrong,

    but it becomes a deeper understanding of how people can

    function in relation to each other.

    Mm. And what I was wondering about, but which I think I got clarification on, is that it's a kind of we simply take them with us between lives and then they come down and lie in our body.


    So they're not transferred from body to body, but more like up and then they're taken along and then down as time capsules. What Brennon calls time capsules.


    And she describes that when she's working with it, she sees, and I often do too, I see the scene. Yeah.

    You've done that as well.

    Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    We had one that was witch burned.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Where I saw the scene before, and it often happens.

    Well, we saw it there, so we actually got it spontaneously. Got, but we've also had clients, actually... Yes, I've had one and you've had one as well.

    But there have been many situations where these senses aren't bulletproof 100%, but I find that I often have at least a basic sense of fear or what's happening.

    Yes yes yes yes yes exactly

    but there is a limited not everything I have to I get a bit like that on a need to know basis exactly

    Um and I'm sure also over time that I will hopefully get even better at it.


    Do you also sometimes get some information where you see the scene or see the piece?

    Yeah, yeah. It's like

    so you're actually sometimes involved in bringing it to life. Erm,

    it's as if the way I work, I'm so much into energy that I see the mechanics of the engine room. I see where the knots are and where. So that I don't get too much into it, interpret it too much.

    Yes, that's right.

    Erm. Sometimes I get some images, and sometimes I get some sensations. that I feel I need to pass on and sometimes it's as if it just disturbs more than it should because sometimes you may have picked up a lot of memories and something that you've actually released that just sits like some slack that just needs to be cleaned out

    So sometimes it's just like if you go to get an engine cleaned or something like that, sometimes there's just something that you don't need to use mental or you know capacity to go through, so it's a bit different and for some I can also see that sometimes an image comes up that seems to go deeper than this life but the person fort people it into, well, but that was my mum's story in this life, and I don't interfere in that. So it's not like there's anything really wrong. And

    And it's not because I think you should do it because you're a recent past life at all. Because I would actually say that what's interesting is going through that horror, because you can say that the stronger the blockage, the more certain you can be that there's something down there that your system has protected you from.

    Yeah, that's true.

    But getting it unpacked can just give you such a

    And it releases something that there is some charge, there is some tension, there are some subtle anxieties, some subtle phobias, some things you're afraid of without you understanding why that simply just go away.

    Yes, there can be one of those and I think there has often been an experience of God has actually gone into this half-state and I can recognise it Yes

    but I just haven't noticed it a bit like a kind of noise that you have in the background that suddenly stops


    and then God yes


    there has actually been noise all the time


    I think it's important for me to say that a blockage doesn't have to be past life, it can be many things.

    Um, it can also just be

    different degrees of blockages.

    Yes, it can. But it was really just to take up the example of

    what past lives can be. And you have to say that my approach has been just 100% pragmatic that


    to say that the most important thing here is that I understand what the message is in it.


    Um more than you can say there comes a point where I start using some of the techniques that I've learnt to ask I use a lot to ask for permission, may I be allowed to see.


    And sometimes nothing comes in, but if it comes in clearly, then sometimes it's useful.


    So for example umm from a very calm state or or from in the actual when it comes up.


    Then I've tried to ask, for example, can I see before I come down here in this life.


    Can I meet what's going on?


    And something very interesting has come up, which has given me a very clear sense of what it is. is why I have come here.


    Um. And one of the things I've also found out, because these between lives, one thing you can ask about, is that you get to see

    you experience you die. Typically deaths or very dramatic things that come up, like what happened

    or losing a child or it's typically something like that

    abuse of some kind of violent nature or being impaled or something else. It's typically some very extreme things that have set in.

    That's why there has been extreme intensity in the nervous system as unresolved. It's as if it's what goes on as a kind of karmic memory.

    I would say it's stuff that imprints in the soul. So it's something soulful that has been taken along.

    Yes, that's right. Yes, that's right.

    Which cannot be processed, but which has an insight into what it means to be human. But instead of unpacking it, it gets wrapped up in some places that are closed.

    That's right.

    For consciousness, but which is present in everyday life as a background noise that you don't really notice until you start to take off again.

    M. Mm. Exactly.

    Um. But in relation to what can be gained by asking to see. Well, first of all, I've found out, well, by asking the um um um the panel that I consult um um

    the invisible friends.

    Yes, it's when you've come here that you just have to realise that you have to move on.


    But, um...


    Erm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They have a name and it's not just the name I get in. And it's not that important. Firstly, it's important when you consult that it's possible to get something like


    is camouflaged as uh

    as light. But m

    so it's quite important to feel in your heart whether it's closing or opening. And then there is a basic thing here. It's that personal freedom, i.e. a guide never pushes his way in or something like that.

    So if you hear voices and something pushes its way in, it's not it's not it's not a guide.

    It could be an astral being. It could also be something from your own system. It could be

    split, where you lie and shift. It can be many things. It can be a uh

    So we have experienced many things in the low frequencies that we have come through today, where it was super disturbing when it was in that period.

    M. M: Yeah, yeah.

    Um, and you can work through that.

    And that includes ghosts, people who have died violently and

    beings from the outside

    are less charming characters that also roam around.

    Yeah, yeah.

    So there's a kind of astral world there. It's a lower frequency layer, when you uh

    understood on it. It's the lower frequency is not that bad, but it but it's a place where there is split.


    Uh that is, things are dualistic, they're in opposition to each other. Typically there will be uh you're for something and you're against something else. Something is bad and something is good.


    hen you come up and start to put it together and start at the heart chakra level, you start to see the spectrum of these things being part of the same thing. And that's where the difference lies basically, when you start to see, well, there's a spectrum all the way across from one to the other.


    Um. And and it's all included in uh in existence.



    When you start to see that spectrum


    and get the freedom to move from one pole to the other or stand in the middle, so it's not something where you always have to be this holy sh** in the middle of everything and be this holy paladin, like in the new Dungeon Dragons film, which is fucking annoying, it's more that you get the freedom to move on this on this spectrum.

    M. Mm.

    Erm. For example, from being hard, boundary-setting and very firm to being extremely soft, receptive and completely surrendering.

    But you can also, if it's necessary to set the boundary, then it can be set, right?

    Then you can also go with a tool you use depending on what the context calls for with consciousness.

    So, if you were to say in the news environment, it's like, phew, you have an ego, and now you have to shame hug each other, and it's absolutely disgusting because there's a compulsion, because there's an assessment of each other, whether you're more developed than others.

    Um, and you end up in these strange situations where there's an implicit judgement that there's one or more people in the group who are more advanced. If I would just say, if you encounter that in such a group, run the f*** away.

    Because you can see that a dog can have the most loving charisma. A baby can m


    what do you call it? And they can be seen as equal individuals.


    Um. So there is no wooden can be. So it doesn't make sense to talk about having higher or lower frequencies.

    so when we talk about frequencies and higher lower and stuff like that, then there is a trap in seeing it as if, for example, we have come further than um and there is someone we should look up to.


    And there's an important message I talked a lot about that is extremely difficult to communicate. It's that what we're talking about is something we believe you can work on and find out for yourself


    yourself and also with others. And when we do that, I think we've also talked about how you probably find your own way in it, which is not exactly like what we've found.

    M exactly.

    And even our two paths are different.


    Um. So finding it from within and working with it and finding guidance both in, shall we say 3D reality, but also in spirit guides and things like that,


    I would recommend. Um. So now we've talked about blockages.

    Mm. And splits.

    Jam. There are splits. We have

    I have one there Yes. Which is kind of I think it's exciting, and it's kind of beginning to be seen. So it's still at a hypothetical stage, right?

    Yeah, it is.

    But it's as if sometimes when I'm working, for example if I'm working with someone who suddenly locks their neck, you know. And it's not like you say I've got tension right now, my neck is really tense and I say, well fine, let's go in and work on it.

    And kept going and often if it's one of those, it's like that, well, it's so violent and often it's been online, they haven't at all if they're not in the same city or something. So I'm not at all not at all not at all not close to the person, but they lock completely they have like I can't move my head. So we go in and lock the door if things come up. It's not a case of no, how clever. It's just about if things come up and you have someone skilled enough to help with it. But believe me, the body wants to work through this, right?


    Um, and sometimes I get this impulse to ask, has there been a neck problem, has there been a neck problem? And I get the feeling that there's something deeper here that's a physical injury, but that doesn't hang on if it's not the person here who doesn't have neck problems, but it has been left as a joint. And that's why, when I ask, in these situations, I've had a kind of shudder go through the person, where they say, oh my god, my mum has or you know, my grandmother had, or you don't know. And then I sometimes get, sometimes I've experienced three times that I've seen a picture of someone being hanged.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    You know, back in the day.

    Um. And then it's as if, and I have this and that, the person can't know that. That's what we stopped doing a long time ago. And it's also the thing about it being a mythological image, or what the hell is it? But when I've dug into it a bit, and we've had a dialogue with the person, it's been like my mother had neck problems, and my grandmother also had or So it's as if I've got the idea that if someone has a very violent death from something that affects a place on the body very violently, there's actually an energetic charge in it that tries to come up and be redeemed through the next generations by trying to like psychologically also go through trauma. So if you're afraid of being let down, you start to shout at people and expect it. So you try to pick on them, you know, if you have an untreated trauma of being let down, then you'll experience being let down a lot because you'll relive this trauma. I wonder if it works the same way for the body. I wonder if that's what some of these people go through if you have some ailments, that you keep hurting somewhere without the doctor really being able to find anything. And that's why you always break that foot. So when you work on it, you can know if it could be because there is something that the body is also trying to heal by realising that it's that foot that breaks all the time, because I can see that when I've worked in these places, we've come back a number of generations and I just found that interesting because we have this in our psyche, we know unconsciously that we experience trauma all the time. So we want to project and we're going to live out what we're afraid of all the time, right? And it's not anyone's fault. It's just to bring consciousness into it, right?

    But I have to ask here, because there's a logic fallacy that you probably have an answer to, because

    if one of I could well imagine that there's something epigenetic.

    Yes, there is. And there is.

    And epigenetic just because it sounds fancy, but it's really that there are parts of our genetics that are not activated or are activated,

    that have something to do with the environment.


    Um. That is, we can actually inherit psychological trauma and things like that.


    Um, and there's evidence for that, so it's not so new we're talking about here. So there's some interesting research on this,

    but it's just not well understood.

    No, no, no. We know it's there and we don't understand a damn thing. It's so new, and we know it's going to change our whole view, how we look at people, and we just know that the more we look at it, the more we look at the universe, the less we understand. So that's epigenetics.

    But we actually have, but what I want to ask is, what if I'm dead?


    but then it can be passed on genetically, but it has to be because it's activated by the environment that I experience death.

    Yeah. And I haven't cracked the code.

    And I haven't cracked the code on that other than that I only have Yes. How does it get transferred? I haven't. That's also why I say it's a hypothesis. It's just interesting that it goes somewhere. We also know that with grandchildren. We can see, but of course it's the current life. If the birth has been difficult, for example if they've been sitting with a cup or something, then when you start touching a spot on the head, we know that there will be inconsolable crying, because the body is actually trying, even though it no longer hurts, it's as if there are phantoms.

    Then there's a transferable phantom pain via epigenetics. I don't know.

    It could be, so in principle it could be.

    Yes, in principle. So to say we have this, it's not scientific in this particular case. I've just noticed it more than once.

    I mean. And that, um...

    and we also went in and healed you on some of your where uh can you remember at one point we on your neck. You've had a lot of neck pain and arm pain

    and when we were working on yours, something came up.

    There was a hanging there.

    Yes, there wasn't a hanging there either and it will. That's what it is.

    And then we also have one where in the good old days I tried to fly and jump off a cliff and see if you could fly with wings on, I think it was.

    And then you couldn't.

    There are men who have done that. So...

    so maybe that's why

    maybe that's why you've been so fascinated to watch.

    Maybe it wasn't the most well thought-out decision.

    No, it wasn't. So that's just to say I don't have an explanation. I've just observed that some things happen that are so physically violent to people. And when we work with it, it releases, and then some images come in.


    So that's all I can say.

    But we've also actually been down in the DNA, yes.

    Mm. And that was one of the things that surprised me, you can But it has actually come up in some cases.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Um, I would say that back to this thing about someone being more evolved than others. I'd like to Hose Stevens, who you're interested in me, he has Soul Age or whatever it's called?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    And there's something about him talking about different ages. That's the Transform Your Dragons one for example, right?

    Yeah, yeah.

    Baby Souls. And then there are different until age souls. Erm, so there are degrees of wisdom. It's not that you can be conscious of all of them, but there's an equality in it.

    At the same time, and this is where it gets a little interesting. The more consciousness you gain, the more responsibility you also gain to ensure that

    that you don't cross the boundaries of other people's free will.

    Yes, that's right.

    And autonomy.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Um, but you also get increased responsibility to resist if someone tries to cross your boundaries or someone you hold, that is, your of your uh those who you've kind of chosen to look after for the door st

    umm that powerfulness can also at the same time make my experience is that it takes almost nothing to push people back just gently and I really don't need to turn it up

    m no

    so there it it it it it it basically not at all so this thing about needing to turn up the volume anymore because people are just like well okay

    mm you're much clearer

    Yes, the more the less disturbed you are by all kinds of crap, and I think that was a common human trait, the more clear you are in your interactions, because it's much easier for you to say on and off. But...

    I have the experience that my bubble is intact and not perforated, and that I can actually gently fill it in. Or not gently, but I can keep it filled.

    So I can actually feel when it's pressing in and there's something there.

    But the funny thing is that because there's so little resonance, because every time there's been something, when I've gone in and worked with it, I've been able to see that if I raise the frequency, I can see, god, yes, I have a, I have a frame of skin there, so I start working with it. Sometimes you help, but otherwise I work with it,


    and then it's, then I understand the energy exchange, and then I have this, then I can say, maybe I'm not interested in that anymore. Then I know it, it's like I've learnt it.

    M. Mm.

    And then I know, ah okay. And then I can live vid when that's what's going on. So it's as if these things, they learn in some resonance,

    so you hit some tangents, and then there's something that gives you the same notes. Yes, I often do that, and that's what we're talking about, we do it slightly differently, because what I have to watch out for in my consciousness is to try to understand.

    Yes, that's right. At the same time, you also have the masculine pole, so there's also something about being able to take in understanding.

    So I aim to have the degree of understanding that is necessary to be able to find peace in my mind to

    to have a sense of what's happening.

    But sometimes you have to surrender. Sometimes it's just like that, it's not, but I surrender. No, it's typically in the surrender that there's a leap,

    where I have no idea what's happening.


    So, but on the other hand, there's also a need, right? It's not something like that, I don't go around wondering too much about how thinking is connected anymore. I'm actually there, I just see it


    and look directly, and then I see the connection. But where it comes from, it's a huge amount of speculation to understand the connection with such different methods and outline and

    what the scientific approach to this, how would you look at it sociologically from, I don't know, network theory or


    you know what with relationship theory here and everything like that. So you'll have a lot of theories about how people are together, or you know, if you're working with organisation, you'll see, well you can see the learning organisation, then you can see something else, then you can see something, I don't know, uh, something like, uh, so it's narratives or something like that. But in my experience, it's also more to say to the listeners, the viewers, where you can go, it's that it's accessible to go into it if you think it's interesting to use that approach for a moment. M

    But it's kind of like, you don't have to go into it, because you're really just watching these things play out.


    So instead of you going to school and then you learn, now I'm going to do a design sprint, or now I'm going to learn how to do a traditional project, or I'm going to do waterfall versus agile. Um, now I'm using some fancy words, m

    because I work in the IT department.

    It's not at all necessary for me to pull up the tools that others have moulded into a mould that I can go in and replicate with very little awareness. But my understanding of why I'm doing those steps is not necessarily very much present when I use such a model.


    So by getting more and more consciousness into all these dark spots, getting divisive, getting trauma out of the system, then you're, you'll get to a place where you're much more like that it will be much more obvious to you what's a good solution.

    From that perspective, for the energy you are, for the consciousness, the frequencies you carry with you.

    Mm. And it just makes things so much easier.


    And you become more efficient in terms of finding a solution quickly rather than muddling through a lot of hypotheses.


    Although what comes in is like a hypothesis. And now we're kind of back to this thing of what have I experienced in between and what is the conclusion of that you would like to share.


    When we come in there is such a set of variables. And some of that can be influenced. So you're actually presented with here's a family that's such and such. There are these options. And then you actually come in, and then it's not set in advance. It's not like everything is given in advance. So it's not like if your father molests you and sexually exploits you, that it's necessarily in the cards. M


    Um. And some of the things that you have the opportunity to do in a given context or family don't play out because things don't go that way.

    So what you're getting into is a potential of possibilities.


    Uh, where that you and you're in a in a field where you're You're a consciousness among in-laws plus the energy field of the earth and plus what else is happening and plants and

    it's a mess.

    It's a f****** mess. So this thing with Kin who has written such spiritual books. He was like yeah, but everything you experience is what you have, so if you visualise, it's just like okay, but if you eat some strychnine or a kilo of salt and then let me see you see you being alive at the same time. He wouldn't do that. So that's what's wrong with the way we interact with our surroundings. We exchange. I can just, I can also get hit by a car or cut my finger or

    uh be faced with some gang member who's in a pissed off mood, and then I hit someone wrong or


    because there are groups that go around stealing your mobile phone or threatening you, and I happen to be there. So it's not like everything is a foregone conclusion and it's my fault if it happens.

    It's not.

    So it's also just to say that we are an extremely complex reality and it's all a transformation. Other things will not be included.


    So therefore, the challenge is to stand in freedom to be at peace within, which is the masculine variant for me. It's being at peace within. It's just being. But it's in a different way.

    It's in a different way. Mm.

    With a mental clarity that's not trying to figure things out.


    Where I actually feel love, but also fluidity. So I'm not dependent on all these thoughts or systems I could invent where it's really obvious what the next step is.


    It's a dissolution of the idea of free will, which is mindblowing when it starts to happen because I thought, well my free will is, now I have some choices and then I do something. An enormous amount of it is split or or or layers of thoughts that are layered on top of each other, or trauma that gets translated into something I should be afraid of. That's why I do all sorts of mitigating, evasive actions or try to make sure that something doesn't go wrong, because it was done in another life or earlier in this life. M

    and I can't even remember when, but I just know that I have to watch out for that guy. And the car dealer he does this, then it can go wrong. Or crowns do this and that, right? Women are like that and everything, you know, all that. So what can come out of it, where I think there's a difference between travelling in a man's and a woman's body depending on how you're oriented.


    Because going down into a feeling of being there, it's something like that, I really had no idea. I had trained myself in non-violent communication and used forms to find out what the feeling is, and then write it down, and then try to say to another person, now I feel sad, I feel cut off, or now I feel, now I have contempt. And then I realised that there are no people who can stand to hear what I feel. It got very tired of that. Erm, but I did get that out of it. I found out to start to nuance, god, but I feel that

    feel a lot of things.

    Um, so Rosenberg has that non-violent communication. There's a great list of emotions, so you can also start there as it can Is it I don't know if it's women who

    I think it's good for men.

    It's such a man thing. Then you have a system and then you start ticking things off. I know that feeling well.

Mette Miriam Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth (former Mette Carendi) holds a master's degree in psychology, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation. She has written three books on attachment and close relationships and has practiced as a therapist since 2012.


Podcast E20: Male Sexuality


Podcast E18: Man's Unfulfilled Potential