Following the soul's impulse does not mean participating in a battle between opposites for or against a group or ideology. Instead, the focus is on creating the new and on what must be possible, even if it may mean that something existing must die out. The soul's perspective does not feel sorry for others because their time has come, or what they contribute is finished. It looks with gentleness on life as life, death, and rebirth. Something new comes in, something else dies out. Generations change, and something old dies out in the process. Everything is as it should be. The soul looks at what is created from the process. Human pain is a byproduct that is transient in the light of eternity.

There is a deep compassion in the soul for the journey and pain of others, which the personality can find difficult to integrate. The heartfelt love and compassion for others who do not take responsibility can cause the process to drag on and go in circles for years. It is a central part of the process to let some "fall into the darkness" and realize that their path was too difficult. The soul should not save anyone, but only take care of those it is called to – those who take on the call of maturity and the responsibility for the journey. Some will play the role of your opponents, who sharpen their swords and train you to keep your boundaries, while others will play the role of victims who need to be saved, but never take full responsibility, and you must therefore withdraw.

Letting Go of the Struggle and Making Difficult Life Choices

The struggle feels different than if you have to go out and "slaughter" someone because they are "the evil ones." It feels more sincere, and you will not need to either proselytize or spread a particular mindset or philosophy because you need to "bring others along." It is not driven by the fear of war, loneliness, or having to survive. However, this does not mean that you cannot fight with strength and passion, nor does it mean that you cannot be affected by these feelings, but you know that they do not come from the soul that lives forever and will leave here one day. Your impulse to do so is simply different than if you wanted to "eradicate" someone or something. You gravitate towards change itself.

Making life choices from the soul's perspective requires courage and trust in the process. We may have to step out of our comfort zone and take risks and trust that the choice is the right one, even if we have doubts along the way. Even if it doesn't make sense to others, and the choice contains an unknown future that scares us.

The Call of Maturity

The call of maturity is an inner impulse that guides us towards greater awareness and responsibility in life and our relationships. This calling can be experienced as a deep longing for change in your relationships towards greater depth, or the urge for something new to arise on Earth that is not yet there. A need to break out of old roles and patterns and perhaps live a more authentic life in accordance with your inner self, without you knowing exactly how it should manifest itself. You may miss seeing examples of others living the life you long for, but which you cannot quite define, but which you know must be possible.

When the soul "pushes through," you may be able to look back on important choices in your life where something almost pushed through. Without you being able to explain what, but you felt an overwhelming urge to make a very specific life choice.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


The Soul's Journey - What You May Encounter


Types of Souls: An Overview