Podcast E18: Man's Unfulfilled Potential
Podcast E18, "Man's Unfulfilled Potential," focuses on the challenges men face in a world where women have taken the lead in emotional and relational development. Sune Sloth argues that men's greatest untapped potential lies in working with their attention towards women, which requires deep understanding and a willingness to confront challenges.
Podcast E17: The Superpowers of Vulnerability
Podcast E17, "The Superpowers of Vulnerability," explores the transformative power of vulnerability in parent-child relationships. Mette Miriam Sloth discusses how embracing and navigating vulnerability can heal conflicts and foster deeper connections, leading to emotional growth for both children and adults.
Podcast E16: Regulating Intense Emotions
Podcast E16, "Regulating Intense Emotions," explores how to navigate intense emotional states without being overwhelmed or shutting down. Mette Miriam Sloth discusses emotional hygiene, the window of tolerance, and provides practical techniques for managing and processing challenging emotions.