Understanding Soul Descension

A Universal Process with Individual Experiences

Soul descension is a universal process for humanity, where we are called to become more conscious of our "cosmic heritage." Although the process is universal, it is experienced and expressed individually. Some will experience it as an intense process with violent symptoms, while others only sense it in glimpses or as a subtle presence. Few are currently experiencing soul descension, and it will especially be those who are at the forefront of opening up to a new way of being on Earth.

The Soul's Unique Contribution

Each soul brings something unique to the world with its own frequency and "flavor." What the soul brings does not have to change the world or make you a healer or spiritual teacher. The contribution may as well be to bring a different humor, a unique way of being in relationships, or a special kind of beauty. It is essential to remember that we are not all meant to "save the whole world," and no mission is greater than another. Each contribution is unique and beautiful and contributes to the evolution of the whole - whether you take the process alone or stand up in public. Your soul's essence will shape how the soul descension itself is experienced and formed, and what changes it creates in your unique life.

The Relationship Between Body and Soul

The process involves a complex interplay between body and soul. The higher frequencies of the soul can be experienced as an "invasion" of the body, which can trigger resistance and discomfort. The body must gradually adapt and integrate the new frequencies, which can lead to both physical and psychological symptoms.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

It is crucial to be critical of spiritual authorities and to choose guides and groups with care. The ability to distinguish between genuine spiritual insights and pseudo-spirituality is essential. The difference will be clear in relation to whether a given spiritual group seems to have all the right answers about the soul's journey on Earth, e.g. about which dimension you are in. There is a lot of crap out there, and many illusions, and many people who believe they have taken the path.

By joining spiritual groups and spiritual directions that have a ready-made recipe and method, you risk that your unique frequency will not get the right place because it has to adapt to the group's beliefs about what it means to be "enlightened", have "contact" or be in the "5th dimension".

The truth is that soul descension is a complex and diverse process. This description gives you further insight into key themes and challenges, but the individual experience varies from person to person.

By being aware of these aspects, you can better understand your own process and navigate it with greater awareness and gain greater confidence if it happens to you. Be critical and skeptical - even towards us.

For a deep dive listen to podcast E40. Sources: Own observations. Inspired by Barbara Brennan, Alice Bailey and Tashira Tachi-ren.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


The Gradual Process of Soul Descension


The Body's Resistance in Soul Descension