The Call to Maturity in the Relationship

The call to maturity in a relationship is about moving from a focus on security and survival to a deeper, more conscious and transformative relationship. It is about recognizing and integrating the understanding of the masculine and feminine poles in both oneself and the partner and using these poles to create an increasingly dynamic and enriching dance. Without a movement towards increased maturity, the relationship risks stagnating or dissolving. Conflicts, misunderstandings, and dissatisfaction can overshadow the original love, and the sex life comes to a standstill more and more.

Signs of Maturity in a Relationship

  • Honest and Open Communication: Partners can talk freely about their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or rejection.

  • Mutual Respect and Support: Partners value each other's differences and support each other's dreams and goals.

  • Ability to Handle Conflicts Constructively: Disagreements are seen as opportunities for growth and the opportunity to find each other again.

  • A Balance Between Closeness and Independence: Partners have both a strong community and space for individual interests.

  • A Deep Sense of Connection and Intimacy: There is a strong emotional and spiritual connection between the partners, even when things are difficult and the waves are high.

The Call to Maturity Also Includes

  • Responsibility: Taking responsibility for your own feelings, needs, and actions in the relationship.

  • Self-Awareness: Becoming aware of your own patterns, "shadow sides," and taking responsibility for your own immaturity that can create conflict.

  • Communication: Expressing your needs and boundaries clearly and respectfully and actively listening to your partner's perspective.

  • Compassion and Empathy: Understanding and accommodating your partner's feelings and experiences, even when they are different from your own, without taking them into your own system.

  • Willingness to Change: Being open to growing and developing, both individually and as a couple.

  • Courage to Risk the Relationship: Being brave and daring to risk that it is not clear whether you fit together in the next phase of your development.

  • Courage to Vulnerability: Daring to show your vulnerable side and share your deepest desires and fears with your partner.

The maturity journey and the signs of immaturity can look very different depending on your primary pole. Therefore, also read about the masculine and feminine maturity journey. The call to maturity is not a destination, but an ongoing process. It requires courage, honesty, and a sincere desire to create a deep and meaningful connection in mutual love and openness. Working with the stages is about taking the maturity journey together.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Responsibility in the Relationship


The Conscious Choice of Partner