Challenges for Interplanetary Souls

IPs (Interplanetary Souls) play an important role in the creation of the "New Earth." With their advanced consciousness and experiences, they can help anchor new energies and create a more loving and harmonious society. However, IPs can encounter several challenges during their stay on Earth:

  • Adapting to Earth's dense energy: IPs may find it difficult to adapt to Earth's dense energy and the limited consciousness that characterizes the physical world.

  • Integrating their past experiences: They may have challenges integrating their past experiences from other planets with their earthly lives, which can lead to feelings of alienation and isolation.

  • Finding their place and purpose: They may feel confused about their place and purpose on Earth, and they may have difficulty finding like-minded people who understand them.

Living as an Interplanetary Soul

If you believe you are an IP, it is important to:

  • Connect with like-minded people: Find other IPs or spiritual seekers who can support you on your journey.

  • Integrate your experiences: Work to integrate your past experiences from other planets with your earthly life.

  • Express your unique soul frequency: Don't be afraid to express your unique energy and contribute to the world with your abilities and unique purpose.

  • Remember your mission: Remember that you are here to support Earth's development and contribute to the creation of a new world, one that has not yet been created, one that you are co-creating.

For a deep dive listen to podcast E26.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


Interplanetary Souls: A New Journey


The Gradual Process of Soul Descension