Soul Descension: New Abilities and Mystical Phenomena
Not everyone has "trippy" experiences like the ones we describe below. It doesn't make you wrong if you don't have any of these experiences, nor does it make you a better person if you do. For some, it's a disruption that they spend the rest of their lives trying to make sense of and integrate.
Some may long to experience exciting phenomena or, for example, contact with their guides, while others may be frightened by the mere thought of something "supernatural," or dismiss it as fantasy and unscientific nonsense. In some cases, it is fantasy, and in many cases, science has not understood the phenomena either.
Others experience them without wanting to, and for them, it can be frightening and difficult to integrate into their lives afterwards. For those who experience such phenomena, one thing is certain: For them, it is real, and they cannot simply dismiss the experience, even if others may want to downplay the significance or are skeptical when they talk about them and look askance at them.
If you suspect mental illness, seek help from a psychiatrist. We have included this list below as a reference list for those who need it, and so they can find peace of mind that they are not "losing their minds" if that is not what is at stake. Many people have had the experiences below.
If mental illness is ruled out, we can help you further, to understand and integrate your experiences. It is possible to gain full control over the boundaries of your energy field and integrate these experiences and live undisturbed, and without fear afterwards, but the process can take time.
Always remember that you are responsible for your own life and your choices, also in choosing advisors both on earth and in other states, never take others into counsel that you are not comfortable and safe with. Guides never impose themselves and are insistent.
Only read on if you have experienced something strange, mysterious, or inexplicable that you want to delve deeper into. Otherwise, we recommend that you click on to the article overview.
You May Experience
Soul contact and soul frequency descension can mean that you gain access to special abilities such as:
Precognition: Seeing certain things before they happen – sometimes in dreams.
Seeing Energy or Light: Around other people, between your fingers, or as light around plants and other living beings.
White Dots in a Clear Sky: These fly around, appear and disappear again.
Hidden Insights About Other People: You begin to be able to see through manipulation and discover things that others are trying to hide, without being able to fully explain how you got the information.
Remote Viewing: The ability to see from a distance. Can include sight, hearing, and sensations of what is happening elsewhere.
Unwanted Connections
Other people can unwanted live on inside you, even if you have cut off contact or keep it to a minimum. This may be due to unfinished energy connections, karmic agreements, or things that need to be acted upon that are unfinished.
You can sense if a person has strong feelings or thoughts about you, even at a long distance. It can feel like they unexpectedly "pop up" in your consciousness, "invade you" and you can't "get them out of your system".
Dreams and Out-of-Body Experiences
Lucid Dreaming: Where you can control the action or, for example, fly.
Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE): These can be spontaneous or intentional.
Near-Death Experiences
Can awaken the soul frequency and create contact with "the other side" and the deceased who have "passed over".
Often provides a deeper understanding of your life's purpose and significantly reduces the fear of death.
Typically changes the person's outlook on life dramatically, causing them to change careers and close relationships to disappear.
Contact with Higher Realms of Consciousness
Angels and Ascended Masters: These can be guiding and guide you, but remember to retain responsibility for your own life. Only you can best see what is going on in the lower frequency areas.
Guides: You can gain more contact with NHI - non-human intelligence guides, your higher self (first seen as a guide - later integrated via a soul descension) or spiritual councils.
Astral Phenomena
Astral Realms: These contain low-frequency beings based on duality and can be frightening, can "hook" onto your field and make you believe that they are your own thoughts and feelings. You only discover this when they let go.
Ghosts: Souls that are "stuck" and are annoying and can be handled and helped into the light with the right support. It rarely needs to linger.
Black Magic and Energy Crystals: Others may have influenced your energy field with curses or energy limitations.
Energy Crystals in your system: Some need to be there for a reason, others (black) require an experienced energy worker to dissolve.
Mystical Experiences
Aliens or Entities: Experiences with these can be enlightening and/or deeply frightening, especially if they involve the experience of being "taken against one's will" (so-called abductions). A better word for this is NHI (non-human intelligence) which in reality can be many types of phenomena.
Seeing Flying Objects (UFOs) or Orbs: UAPs can take many forms: Triangular, boomerang-shaped, round, oval, or shaped like a Tic-Tac. Other forms also observed.
UAPs: Have special flight characteristics that distinguish them from weather balloons, drones, weather phenomena, etc.
Orbs: Are typically round balls of either luminous plasma or have a metallic appearance and are the size of a soccer ball.
Other Experiences
Clairaudience: You can hear tones, melodies, sounds, or voices. Seek professional help if the sounds or voices are haunting you.
Contact with the Deceased: Not as ghosts, but souls in higher frequency realms. This can be a beautiful experience.
Cosmic Union: That you experience a non-dual state where you are one with the universe/god.
Dissolution of Boundaries: That you feel one with nature, other people, animals, etc.
Energy and Vibrations:
You can see light behind your eyes, even in the dark, and feel physical things vibrate.
Energy phenomena around people's heads can become visible.
You can connect with the consciousness of nature, trees, and devas.
Past Lives and Cosmic Background:
Reliving past lives, especially deaths and between lives. Often involving current relationships you have had in other lives.
You can discover your soul's cosmic origin and life on other planets.
For a deep dive listen to podcast E40.
Astral phenomena, past lives, energy bodies and "seeing energy" as well as how energy is transformed through the energy system: Barbara Brennan.
Out-of-body experiences (OBE): Robert Monroe.
Near-death experiences: Bruce Grayson and Raymond Moody.
Aliens and UAPs (UFOs and orbs): Read Luis Elizondo latest book and listen to Professor Garry Nolan from Stanford. Watch James Fox's film Moment of Contact and watch Encounters.
Research into paranormal phenomena: Dean Radin's Real Magic.
Cosmic origin of souls: See, for example, Linda Backman.
Alien abductions and their significance: Professor John Mack from Harvard.
Ascension: Tashira Tachi-ren's What is Lightbody?
Remote viewing: See documentation for the CIA's program led by Hal Puthoff with Stanford University in collaboration with the Monroe Institute.
For a discussion of possible scientific explanations for PSI phenomena, see Hal Puthoff's discussion with Eric Weinstein here.
Professor Jeffrey Kripal "archives of the impossible".