Psychedelic Experiences and Substances
As research into psychedelic substances and their potential for healing has become a bit more mainstream, we believe this section should also be included on our website. No psychedelic substances as of 2024 are legal in most countries; they are administered in closed clinical trials. Despite this, there are many who try them anyway "in the open", and therefore open information is necessary. The following are the things we have observed through energy work, and which we would like to draw your attention to and inform you about.
Frequently Occurring Experiences
On the more positive side:
Gaining deep insights into the body and talking to the "spirit of the mushroom" on psychedelic mushrooms.
That psychedelic mushrooms can have an effect on depression and anxiety . often combined with talk therapy.
That MDMA can be healing for PTSD combined with talk therapy.
Being able to see and contain your own deep traumas on MDMA.
Experiencing a deeper connection with your loved one and other people on MDMA.
Gaining momentary higher contact or awakening psychic abilities to see energy on MDMA.
Getting in touch with deep traumas that seem healing on Ayahuasca, and meeting spirits that guide you.
Feeling spiritually open on small or moderate amounts of wine.
Nicotine can, used in the right context, provide access to opening energy portals and create increased focus.
Neutral experiences:
Meeting entities such as machine elves on DMT, which you feel was something very special, but which you don't really understand or can quite remember afterwards.
Getting a changed experience of reality, which makes you feel "special" and "understand something that others don't understand" (tune in - tune out).
Feeling open and uninhibited on alcohol.
That you can't remember what happened and find it difficult to integrate the experiences into everyday life.
On the negative side:
The LSD experience runs mentally in a loop, which causes anxiety that cannot be stopped for 10 hours in a row. Sometimes this continues long after the drug wears off - a so-called LSD psychosis can last for years.
Becoming psychotic or having anxiety attacks on hashish and especially skunk. Psychosis can potentially come and go for years. Pay attention to the strength of what you are consuming - it’s not for all.
Becoming paranoid on cocaine, or experiencing that you are able to act without a heart and unemotionally towards other people. The spiritual side of coca is traditinally coca leaves.
Feeling "on top" in the social hierarchy on cocaine (a feeling that you miss and therefore seek the drug again).
That alcohol brings out your dark sides, so that you become rude, violent, transgressive, and unpleasant, or that blurs your own boundaries so that you agree to things (e.g. sexual) that you later regret.
Getting peace of mind and anxiety through the use of benzodiazepines and opioids, but which unfortunately can also create a subsequent deep addiction, because you do not solve any problems that way, and seek the drug again for the sake of the effect.
Certain substances leave deep residues in the energy system, which can subsequently be cleansed by an experienced energy worker. This applies in particular to cocaine and LSD, but also to MDMA and mushrooms. In many cases, psychedelic substances provide peak experiences that, when everyday life sets in, cannot be used for much afterwards.
You may end up seeking the drug again to get the peak experience and seek the exciting and open company where you felt “spiritual” together. Therefore, have a critical eye on "weekend shamans" (shamanism takes years of deep work to master) and closed ceremonies with people who do not possess the ability to "go in" and work directly with what comes up in you. The better alternative is gradual soul descents and taking on the inner work seriously.
Societal Considerations
Alcohol is the substance in society that does the most damage overall, and tobacco is still legal. There is therefore not necessarily any connection between what is legal and how harmful a substance is to people and society. Despite very positive trials with psychedelic substances, research has been shut down since the 1970s due to prejudice and political pressure, and has only begun to start up again in recent years.
All substances, whether legal or not, are a risky game. We do not recommend that you take any of the substances. Most are illegal and all involve varying degrees of risk to your health, although there is a big difference in how harmful they are. For reference purposes only, we point out here that phenomena and experiences can occur when you have ingested them, and that you can work further with the experiences afterwards on an energetic level, but also refer to the established psychiatric system if you have need help. This is therefore not a guide, but simply for general information. We do not provide acute help. Seek help from professionals if you are addicted to drugs, have a psychosis, or have taken something you shouldn't have, feel anxious or unwell.