The Feminine Creative Power

The feminine creative power is a recurring theme in our podcasts and Mette Miriam Sloth's latest book, where we present it as a powerful energy that is inextricably linked to women's ability to create, nurture, and transform.

The Physical Manifestation

We highlight pregnancy and childbirth as the most concrete manifestation of feminine creative power. Carrying and giving birth to a child is a process that requires surrender to the body's wisdom and a deep connection to intuition. This physical process can be deeply transformative for women, who experience a new dimension of themselves and are confronted with their vulnerability, strength, and unlimited potential.

The Connection to Emotions and Intuition

We emphasize that feminine creative power is deeply rooted in emotional depth and intuition. Women who are in touch with their feminine energy are seen as being more open to emotions and able to sense the states of others.

Creation Beyond Motherhood

Although motherhood is a central part of feminine creative power, it is not the only way it is expressed. We see that feminine creative power also manifests itself in creative expression and in women's ability to create safety and connection in relationships. Women who are in touch with their feminine energy are seen as being proactive, caring, and able to create a space for growth and transformation.

Suppression of Feminine Creative Power

We believe that feminine creative power has historically been suppressed and shamed. Society's expectations of women have often led them to suppress their emotions and adapt to a more masculine approach to life with goals, rationality, and results. This suppression may have led many women to lose touch with their feminine creative power.

Rediscovery and Integration

Today, there is a growing awareness of the importance of rediscovering and integrating feminine creative power. Women are encouraged to embrace their emotions, intuition, and vulnerability. They are also encouraged to cultivate their creative abilities and use their power to create positive changes in the world.

Challenges and Pitfalls

We also see some of the challenges that can be associated with integrating feminine creative power. For example, women may have a tendency to direct anger and aggression inward, which can lead to self-criticism and self-hatred. It is important that women learn to manage these emotions in a healthy way and use them constructively.

A Further Note

It is important to note that we primarily focus on feminine creative power in connection with women, but it is in principle not tied to gender. This does not mean that men cannot also access and express feminine qualities and have the same creative power.

Mette Miriam Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth (former Mette Carendi) holds a master's degree in psychology, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation. She has written three books on attachment and close relationships and has practiced as a therapist since 2012.


The Significance of Anger in Women's Development


A Woman's Longing