Being a Feminine-Oriented Being

The feminine is not limited to gender, but exists as an energy form or quality that is accessible to all people, whether you are a man or a woman. We see the feminine as a force connected with emotions, intuition, and a cyclical way of being in the world, but it is not limited to this. The feminine is changeable and fluid like water and can be chaos as well as calm. For the sake of simplicity, in the following we have chosen to write "woman" as a synonym for being primarily feminine-oriented, because most women identify with the feminine.

Characteristics of the feminine:

  • Emotional ocean: The feminine is an emotional ocean characterized by changeability and intensity. It can be overwhelming for some, but it is also a source of deep connection and creativity.

  • The spiral: The spiral is a symbol of the feminine, illustrating the constant movement and change associated with this energy. The feminine does not move in a straight line, but rather in a cycle of growth, death, and rebirth.

  • Surrender: The feminine longs to surrender to love and pleasure. It seeks to be witnessed and embraced in its entirety.

  • Sexuality: The feminine expresses itself sexually through surrender and the desire to be witnessed and embraced. It longs for a partner who can accommodate its wildness and vulnerability.

  • Adoration: The feminine has a need to be adored, not in a superficial sense, but in a way that recognizes and appreciates her power, beauty, and inner wisdom.

  • Motherhood: Motherhood, with its cycle of life, death, and rebirth, often awakens the feminine in women.

  • Creative power: The feminine is connected with a creative power that stems from an inner connection and deep intuition.

Challenges for the feminine:

  • Cultural oppression: The feminine has historically been suppressed by a culture that prioritizes masculine values. This can lead women to feel compelled to suppress their emotions and adapt to a more masculine way of being.

  • Self-criticism and victim role: When the feminine is hurt, it can react with inward aggression in the form of self-criticism, victim role, and guilt.

  • Difficulty setting boundaries: The feminine can have difficulty setting boundaries, as it is more focused on creating harmony and connection in relationships than on creating separation between people.

  • Exhaustion: The feminine can be drained by having to perform and live up to a masculine performance culture and may therefore need a break to recharge.

Balance between the feminine and masculine:

For feminine-oriented beings, it can be a challenge to navigate in a world that often prioritizes masculine values. It is important to find ways to nurture and strengthen the feminine, while at the same time developing a healthy masculine pole, for example, in the form of the ability to set and achieve goals.

Integrating the masculine is not about suppressing the feminine, but about finding a balance between the two energies so they can be balanced. The masculine can contribute with structure, action, and the ability to set boundaries, which can strengthen the place of the feminine in your life.

Sources: Conversations with My Imaginary Daughter, Mette Miriam Sloth.

Mette Miriam Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth (former Mette Carendi) holds a master's degree in psychology, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation. She has written three books on attachment and close relationships and has practiced as a therapist since 2012.


Earth's Evolutionary Journey


Difficult Emotions and Women