Changes in the Body During Soul Descension

In our experience, soul descension is not just a spiritual process; it also affects the body's functions on a deep physiological level. As the soul integrates into the body, you may experience changes in, for example, sexuality and eating habits. These changes can be confusing, but they are a natural part of the process where the body adapts to the new consciousness.

The integration of the soul into the body in "pieces" is a central part of soul descension. It is a process where the soul's energy gradually merges with the body's energy, while the body's frequency level adapts, increases in frequency, and is harmonized. This merging can be intense and lead to several physical and emotional changes. It is important to be patient and give the process time to unfold.

To understand these changes, it is important to remember that soul descension raises the body's frequency and consciousness and creates increased integration. The body sometimes needs help to match the soul's higher frequency and be harmonized, and this can cause parts of the body's functionality to change. What previously seemed satisfying and nourishing can suddenly feel inadequate or unimportant.

Sexuality, for example, can be experienced differently and either stronger or completely absent, as it is no longer just about physical satisfaction, but also about a deeper connection with the soul and the energies in the cosmos. Eating habits can change as the body intuitively seeks the nourishment that best supports it in the transformative process.

It is crucial to accept these changes as a natural part of soul descension. Instead of fighting them or trying to force the body back to old habits, it's about listening to the body's new needs and giving it what it needs.

It can be tempting to stick to old diet plans or exercise routines, but it is important to be open to the fact that the body's needs have changed. Be flexible and confident in the process, and let the body guide you to what feels right. This is about not getting caught up in worries about the new "cravings", or when you feel so exhausted that you don't feel like exercising, which you otherwise kept up with.

Remember that soul descension is a unique journey that unfolds differently for each person. Trust your intuition and your body's wisdom, and be patient with the process.

Fluctuating Energy

During soul descension, you may experience large fluctuations in energy levels. Some days you may feel full of energy and motivation, while other days you may feel completely drained and exhausted. This fluctuation is a natural part of the process, as the body uses large amounts of energy to integrate the soul and adapt to the higher frequencies.

It is important to acknowledge these fluctuations and not misunderstand them as a sign that something is wrong. Of course, go to the doctor if you experience worrying symptoms, but keep this in mind. It is perfectly normal to have days when you have to rest and give the body peace to rebuild its strength.

The Need for Support for Integration

During this demanding period, it can be invaluable to have support from other people. It can be family, friends, or others who understand what is going on and can provide guidance and support along the way. Talking to someone who has experience with soul descension can help you understand and navigate the challenges you face.

However, be careful not to seek advice from too many different people, as this can create confusion and uncertainty. Choose your supporters carefully and trust your intuition. Too many "cooks" often create more concern than benefit, because all sorts of interpretations come in about what is going on: For example, that you should not eat gluten because you are suddenly very bloated.

Energy work, such as healing and chakra balancing, can be a great help in the integration process. By working with the energies, you can create balance and harmony in the system and facilitate the integration of the soul.

It is important to remember that soul descension is an individual process that proceeds differently for each person. There is no single recipe or manual that you can follow. Listen to your body, trust your intuition, and seek support from the people who feel right for you.

Sources: Own observations. For a deep dive listen to podcast E40. Inspired by Tashira Tachi-ren.

Mette Miriam Sloth & Sune Sloth

Mette Miriam Sloth, specializing in relationships and emotional regulation, and Sune Sloth a trained coach with a background in social science, bring a blend of skills to their work at The Magdalene Effect.


The Body's Resistance in Soul Descension


Soul Descension and the Body's Metamorphosis